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Never Let You Down — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
January 28th, Late Evening, Freak Storm Outside

Minka stood at the entrance of the caves, staring out into the abyss of the storm that clutched the territory. Wind whipped about the caverns, whistling and howling into almost the deepest of caves it blew so strongly. A shudder racked the tawny body as another gust blew against her muzzle, snow temporarily blinding her until the golden eyes could blink the flakes away. Shaking her head forcefully a frustrated growl crept from the she wolf's throat, this winter was still threatening to smother them out. Fighting hard could only do so much, there was only so much food to go around and the caches stood eerily low some even barren. Still the alpha couldn't help but think of spring, hope for the warmer temperatures and when prey would once more be abundant. This was not the only reason the changing of times was on her mind and the fae shifted her claws against the stone slightly anxiously.

Raising her muzzle the woman called out for her advisor, the first time she had called for his advice since appointing Tokino to the position. The sound of her howl echoed and crashed about her in the caverns, and slipped into the outside world as well, though the sound was choked out by the wind. The call warbled off and blended with the sound of the air rushing through the caverns and Minka retreated a few feet away from the entrance. Snow blustered around the air before settling upon the ground, in pockets that would surely melt and then freeze once more into ice slicks. The alpha had no idea just how bad this winter was effecting the other wolves of the lore, she could only focus upon keeping her own pack healthy and safe. She had no idea just how many wolves were freezing to death, packs tossed from their homes just to survive, pups without parents or family. All she had here was an alpha who led beside her who had claimed another mate, a former alpha who had returned home who would soon want her position back, and pups who were suffering through the abandonment of their father. Quite the winter indeed.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Tokino had not been far away. In fact he had been weathering the storm farther into the deep tunnels where no light reached. He had learned a few of the maze-like area's himself and made one area his personal sleeping place. It kept him sheltered from the bitter wind which could do harm to an older wolf. The male had sensed the freak storm coming and dashed for the safety of his soft dirt nest.

His ears twitched groggily as the sound of his name woke the male from an already fitful sleep. His growl echoed low from the far north eastern end of the cavern's side tunnel. He would go see what Minka needed even though right now it was best for the pack to sit and wait the storm out.

Grumbling softly to himself the older wolf slid to a sitting position then pushed himself up slowly to a stand. Quickly he shook his ruff then stretched each leg in turn. Ignoring the hunger that sat unhappily in the pit of his stomach Tokino groomed a stray clump of fur on his chest to look a little more presentable. Then he padded forward following the very slight draft which betrayed the storms strength battering the opening of the cave. It took him a few minutes of wondering through darkness before he found the path to the main entrance of the den. The wind picked up as he reached the place where Minka's scent mixed with that of fresh snow. Turning his ice filled gaze across the dimly lit entrance Kino spotted Minka's shape pressed tightly against the floor to keep from being battered by the storms ferocious wind.

You know it's quieter and warmer in the tunnels... He suggested quickly while coming forward to sit between her and the wind. His gaze averted itself appropriately in the presence of the dominant female, but Tokino kept himself puffed up to keep the cold from getting past him to the wolfcicle female close by.

So what is the matter? A part from you trying to become crow food yourself in this cold breeze. He answered still looking away into the wind that tossed bits of snow into the cave.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Slight pp, let me know if you want it changed, Minka takes 7 of the 15 health points

The woman was pleased that the familiar sound of Tokino's paws against the stone reached her ears fairly quickly, assuring her that he had in fact been inside the tunnels. Chuckling quietly at his words Minka nodded, "True, but I was unsure whether you were in the tunnels or took shelter elsewhere in the territory during the storm. Though I would hope the pack would be smart enough to stick close to the den in this weather." Worry flitted across the tawny features and golden eyes turned briefly as if searching the storm of a figure trapped outside. The pack truly had become her family and even more so now that she led she found herself worrying about their wellbeing. All of her actions reflected what she genuinely thought would be the best for everyone, which is why she now needed the advice of Kino, who's opinion she valued dearly.

The golden eyes stared hard out into the storm, her features torn as she rolled the options through her mind once more before speaking them out loud. Sighing she turned away, looking towards the silver male now, "I know your opinion on me keeping my position, but I feel as if a shadow is lurking over my every move now that Narimé has returned." Minka's face was an open book, she knew she could trust the older male and had no reason to hide anything from him, after all he was her advisor. "She founded this pack and all of the original loyalty belonged to her, her children are here, but I do not wish to return to being led rather than leading." When the position had first become the alpha's she was unsure, unsure of whether she would be able to lead efficiently and fairly but to her surprise it had been natural. Quickly she had grown comfortable with making important decisions and she enjoyed her responsibilities. Minka knew that her heart would always be loyal to Narimé and her family, she just wasn't sure whether the pack fulfilled her wishes anymore. "I wish to found to my own pack come the spring, that way Narimé can once more lead her family, but my own heart will be happy as well, I believe it is what is best for everyone......" Now the woman trailed off her real purpose of this meeting coming to the surface, clearing her throat gently she continued, "I called you here to ask if you will come with me, I know you were planning on leaving Whisper Caverns in the spring but do you have an interest in perhaps leading by my side? Or if not, helping my found this pack? Minka was silent now, awaiting an answer, one that could possibly change both of their futures.

Suddenly the wind changed and with it came a scent that caused the alpha to remember the deep ache in her gut. The scent of prey and blood, not entirely fresh but enough so to catch her attention, at this point almost everything seemed edible to the female. Quickly her tawny form appeared just outside the entrance of the cavern, the wind and snow slapping across her muzzle trying to force her back into the depths. Golden eyes squinted against the onslaught as they searched for the source, a growl releasing slightly at the sight of coyote paw prints amongst those of her packs. The vermin had taken to raiding the caches and Minka now found herself chasing them away much more frequently than she would have liked. Fighting against the weather took some time but soon the woman stared down upon the carcass of a moose which had been scavenged by the coyotes. Knowing she couldn't drag it back into the cavern alone the woman called for Tokino to help, grabbing one of the legs the alpha used her own weight to heave against the body, moving it slightly. It took many minutes but soon the pair were back safely within the caverns, the food in tow. Sides heaving the alpha tore her portion from the moose, taking enough to put the ache at bay, but leaving enough so others could eat as well. The conversation was forgotten for the time being as the woman filled her belly.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Tokino takes 8 of the 15 health points
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
The older male settled as comfortable as he could be next to Minka and sighed. She was worried a bout a number of things it seemed. Or perhaps it was simply the harsh winter taking its toll on their nerves. I think, but I'm not 100% sure, that most of the pack hang around the den nowadays. Spare for the pups. They seem to venture out whenever the weather clears up. He let his muzzle wrinkle a bit thinking of the children out in the snow. True, they were getting larger and a certain amount of trust could be put in them now. However Kino still worried about them as any family member would. Though perhaps because of all the trouble Titan had put them through, Tokino began to like the boys stubbornness to explore. The child reminded him of Raiguk Eui Lagina from his old pack. Raiguk too had been extremely stubborn and adventurous.

Tokino let a rare soft smile grace his features at the memory. Then he turned his soft gaze to Minka as she spoke to him. There is no shadow too great that could swallow up the light... A song played itself within his mind. It had been one of a few songs that the Lagina wolves sang to their children or even to themselves.

"She founded this pack and all of the original loyalty belonged to her, her children are here, but I do not wish to return to being led rather than leading." Minka spoke baring all her worries to him. He nodded quietly listening, Kino knew that he would help her carry all her woes. It was only right to do so.

"I wish to found to my own pack come the spring, that way Narimé can once more lead her family, but my own heart will be happy as well, I believe it is what is best for everyone......" Tokino listened to her words his muzzle slipping from the previous smile to a stoic look. I think she would gladly let you leave if you tell her your plans, but Nari might get angry if you leave without telling her. He offered the short comment before quieting himself again and listening.

"I called you here to ask if you will come with me, I know you were planning on leaving Whisper Caverns in the spring but do you have an interest in perhaps leading by my side? Or if not, helping my found this pack?"

That question had him floored.

She barely knows me and yet the woman trusts me enough to lead a pack beside her? Tokino closed his icy eyes deep in thought. It would be an honor to have the chance to continue his family's name, but could he do that to Minka? Would she allow him that honor?

As for leading in itself Tokino did not mind it. He neither looked forward to it nor dreaded that possibility knowing that to lead was a hard job. His father had taught him long ago that some wolves were meant to be leaders while others were not. If a wolf became a leader when they truly shouldn't have been the pressure of responsibility could very well kill them. Yakova..papa...Would I make a good leader like you were? He thought quietly then turned his thoughts to Minka. She was young but not near as naive as his niece Nari. She was truly a wolf made to lead, but what of love? If she were to find real love...I would not mind stepping down for that male to lead beside her. He answered his own question fast enough. However when he opened his gaze Kino spotted Minka looking outside the den while standing.

Her perfect form began padding outside the den obviously after something. Quieting his own serious thoughts Tokino stood up and scented the air. The smell blasted him like an oven roasted turkey. A carcass was nearby. What luck. He went after her rusted form following the smell of the meal. When they came upon the moose carcass Kino wrinkled his muzzle at the scent of coyote. The creatures were desperate this winter if they were taking food from this close to the packs den. The gray male helped Minka move the carcass back into the cavern. Then he joined her in eating what little was left off the moose carcass.

At first he ate quickly filling his empty stomach as best as he could. Then the gray man slowed and savored what was left while he thought on how to answer Minka. I finished teaching Narimé of her family, and I've helped her with the pack for some time. If she can come out of the shock of loosing her mate while holding her head high then my job is fully done here. I could leave... He knew Narimé would let him go. He had been harping about leaving since he'd gotten there, and after viewing how Nari led compared to Minka, Tokino was sure he would rather go with Minka to help her found her own pack. At least then he would have a definite chance at getting into a pack whereas if he simply left for another pack someplace the Lagina male might be refused. At his age Kino knew that it wasn't always good to accept wolves 5+ years old into a pack.

He finished eating then sat back down and watched Minka gnaw on the carcass. Wondering whether the female was listening or not Tokino decided to answer her.

I would be honored to lead beside you, to... trust you with my life, but only if you would allow me that honor. His head leaned to the right while he watched the she wolf for any change in expression. It would also honor my family to continue the Lagina name here in this new land, however... If you do ever find love I would have no problem stepping down for that special male. He continued speaking his honest thoughts instead of holding back the "continuing family line bit" which might make the man sound a bit piggish. It was better to be honest than to lie.

1055 count post done...

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

At Tokino's words the woman couldn't help but to smile and shake her head out of exasperation, the pups certainly were touched with wanderlust. Time and time again they had gotten themselves into trouble and it never seemed to diminish their desire to leave the territory again. Especially Titan who seemed to be if anything more stubborn and set on going to explore the world rather than being safe at home. The look upon the male's face brought Minka from her thoughts, never before had she seen such a soft expression upon her advisor's features. The fae couldn't help but to smile in return, the once familiar warmth returning to her eyes making them look like honey. After stating her part, how she worried so about the pack and what was the best decision for them she was content to listen quietly to Tokino. After all this was why she had made him her advisor, for moments like this when she needed someone more experienced to calm her mind.

Nodding seriously Minka explained, "I plan on telling her, I just wanted to make sure I would in fact be able to follow through with my plans before hand, no need to tell her if there would be nothing to tell." It was true, the woman had been thinking hard about this for many nights, if this was truly what was best for everyone, if it was even possible, who would found with her, when she should tell the pack. Needless to say it hadn't been very restful recently for the she wolf, she stayed up most nights replaying the same questions through her mind over and over again.

The meal was welcome within her stomach, quieting the ache for a while at least and almost immediately the woman felt stronger. It was amazing how much food could change a wolf in these times, they had all thinned and tension was quick to arise over something that would have been nothing mere months ago. Minka relished the feeling of meat in her belly, sweet sustenance for another day, the distraction was unexpected but completely welcome. Licking her chops the alpha retreated from the carcass sitting to observe Tokino as he ate his share of the find, the conversation rushing back to her bringing with it an anxiety of suspense. Relief flooded the woman at his response, he would lead by her side, no longer a trusted advisor but a partner, a equal.

At the mention of pups Minka's heart swelled, oh so long she had longed for children of her own and now it would finally be possible. Sure this wasn't exactly what she had imagined, but she trusted Tokino and knew he would be a good partner and albeit a strict but good father. Unable to contain herself she closed the gap between them and gently nudged her muzzle against his, sincerely grateful that he had accepted her offer murmuring, "The honor would be all mine to have my children carry the proud Lagina name." Standing now before him the woman stared at the man straight ahead, not asking for submission but accepting him as her future equal. She shook her head slightly with a sigh, "I thought once I had love, but he abandoned me just as Sloane has abandoned Narimé, I'm not sure whether my heart will ever be able to welcome in another after seeing the devastation I have seen caused by love." It was the truth, Asterion's betrayal followed by Sloane's had just cemented what she had come to realize; love was not wonderful but a snake hidden with the grass of a meadow that once seemed so green. It laid in wait until you were most vulnerable and then it struck you down.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
"I thought once I had love, but he abandoned me just as Sloane has abandoned Narimé, I'm not sure whether my heart will ever be able to welcome in another after seeing the devastation I have seen caused by love." Tokino held her gaze watching the cloud of sadness pass over those beautiful eyes. He had come to respect the male alpha Sloane and honestly had thought the male had really succumbed to winters might via an injury or perhaps even being frozen to death in a blizzard. Perhaps there is still a slim chance he may reappear once the snow disappears. Since he could have been kept someplace during winter unable to get back home. He tried to think hopefully for his nieces sake. For as much as the child annoyed him Tokino couldn't help but feel sorrow for Nari. She been through quite a bit during her first year as a mother and leader.

Then again it is more likely that he's dead or indeed has simply left the pack. He closed his eyes deep in thought. Suspicious was all he could say for Sloane who had left without a word to his mate, children, and subordinates. At least Nari had left telling others of her mission before going missing. He had to give it to her for doing the right thing for once.

Opening his icy gaze again and looking into Minka's hurt eyes, Tokino thought of the male Asterion whom she had mentioned. He knew that name, knew the male who owned that name, but had met the man only once before even being accepted into Whisper Caverns. Never had Kino seen the male or known before this time that Asterion had joined their pack. That arouses suspicion for Asterion as well. Obviously since I had not met him whilst being in the pack he hadn't made himself too apparent with the shared duties or patrols. Did he even care about being a part of this pack in the first place? The question came to mind but the male did not speak it for in Minka's eyes Kino knew she had cared for the lazy bastard who ate their food and then left the pack.

He had to try and make her feel better somehow. As much as her words rang true. Most males were bastards who should pay for their crimes. No one could tell at first whether they were good or true until the canines mettle was tested. That's when most males showed their true colors. Even Tokino didn't know what kind of male he was, good or bad. He wouldn't know until the time was right where he would be tested.

There are few..very few males who are good in this world...Even I.. I don't know whether I'm good or bad. I feel like I'm good, but won't know this until something happens that shows my true colors. He could only be honest with her. As mother said honesty is the best trait in a male

I can only ask that you have faith in me until we figure out if I'm good or bad. He held her gaze almost with a hidden question crossing his blue eyes. A question that he wanted to ask but couldn't.

Do you think I'm a good male or not?

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

In Asteroin's time here he had been like a ghost, speaking to practically no one unless he had to, a dark figure that moved within pack lands. Minka knew little as to what duties he performed if it had been any at all, she knew that at night he would sleep not in the caverns with everyone else but out and alone. So hard she had tried to break down these walls, to get the male to let her in, let her see his heart and his values, and once, just once she thought she was succeeding. That early summer night when they had finally had a conversation about their pasts and what they wanted in life, ending up sleeping pressed together beneath a tree. It had not been long after that Minka had gotten injured and had come home to find him missing, leaving without a word to anyone, destroying her.

Tokino's expression was hard to decipher, a mix of suspicion and was that empathy perhaps? The golden eyes looked over the silver face intently, trying hard to read his mind with no avail. At his next words a bewildered smile appeared upon Minka's muzzle, how could he not know if he was good or bad? She knew without a second of thought what kind of male he was, and he had proved it every day since their first meeting. Shaking her head softly the fae chuckled, "Oh Tokino, I know you are a good man without a moment of doubt, you threw yourself at a bull elk to save my life. You didn't even know who I was and yet you were willing to put yourself in danger to save me." The humour in her eyes was gone now as the female approached the male slowly.

With a serious expression Minka moved her nose so it pressed gently upon Tokino's, locking eyes with him before she continued. "Tokino Lagina, you are a good man. Perhaps the best I have ever met, and this is why I am so confident you will make a good father to our pups. This is why I am now asking, will you allow me the honor of taking Lagina as my name? She stepped back now, allowing him space as he made the decision, it was not a romantic one, but one of trust and honour and respect. One to show that they were willing to become partners and equals.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Tokino held his neck rigidly as the rusted she wolf placed her nose upon his and looked deep into his icy gaze. Minka stared at him and for once the stare of another wolf didn't feel uncomfortable. It was just a simple stare,but it meant a whole lot more. It meant someone to finally put his full trust into. Someone who didn't care what he looked like, how weak, or how nerdy his photographic memory was. t was an alien feeling to the silver male as he listened intently on Minka's words; hanging on them as if his life depended on it.

"Tokino Lagina, you are a good man. Perhaps the best I have ever met, and this is why I am so confident you will make a good father to our pups. This is why I am now asking, will you allow me the honor of taking Lagina as my name? Minka's words calmed him and the male replied with a sloppy yet warm lick to her snout. A great smiled etched itself into his face as Kino chuckled.

Whatever makes you happy my darling He nodded his head slowly twice then hesitantly moved forward to lick Minka's cheek a few times before stepping back and sighing. He had a gut feeling that something exciting was going to happen in the near future. Whether it was good or bad he didn't know. Well I'm not breaking any rules since Minka is leading. Kino said to himself deep within the confines of his mind. So it can't be a bad thing that's coming can it? The gray wolf opened his eyes suddenly feeling awkward standing there all still in contemplation.

Would you like to go rest now? In the tunnels? Tokino hadn't forgotten about the chill night they were experiencing, though the bit of food had helped to warm him.

(exit Tokino When Minka fades?)

(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2014, 11:50 PM by Tokino.)