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not as brave as you were at the start — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Tyrant who has 3 posts.
Raven Roux
RE: For a silent moment.. the snow seems to have stopped.

The snow had stopped not long ago. The last few snowflakes fell about her feet as she stood still outside the borders of the forest. The tall trees were daunting to her. The snow settled upon the tree tops, blocking out what little light from the sky there was. Though the snow had stopped, the sky was still grey and miserable and the forest before her looked a little scary. Though she was used to tall trees, Canada was full of them, she didn't know this place and now that she could see through the snow flurry, she was finally able to take it all in. The snow having stopped gave her time to pause. She had not stopped to think since she had woken up alone. Now that the silence around her screamed in her ears, she gave a brief thought to everything she had lost. A small whine escaped her.

Lowering her warm eyes to the floor, she lowered her rear to the ground with a soft thud. The cold didn't reach her skin, her thick winter coat prevented the cold burn to her rear. Her tail curled around her paws whilst her head remained lowered. She sat feet away from the forest edge, out in the open where the marsh met the forest and for the first time she felt completely alone in the world. She was never a negative girl, she was upbeat and positive, she was the balance in her family, the peacekeeper, the one to put a smile on your face when it held a frown or to ground you when your head got to big. Now though, now she was alone and the very thought terrified her more then the nagging rumble of her very empty stomach. Another sad whine escaped her and defeated, lost within her troubled thoughts, she lowered herself to the ground and curled up tightly in a ball.

With nothing left, she would let the winter take her. It seemed the only way out to her. She'd never been in this situation before, she didn't know which way to turn. She had know clue what to do with herself and the thought of joining another pack to survive hadn't even crossed her mind. All she wanted to do was find her family, but she had yet to find any trace of them and with the snow falling so heavy for most of the day and night, whatever traces there might have been of them was well and truly gone. She would never see her family again; her father was dead, she saw him fall before her very eyes, but her mother, sisters and brother, her pack mates and even the neighbouring packs- they were all faces she'd never see again, scents she'd never taste once more. No, she had no reason to enter the daunting forest, no reason to go on. The usually happy girl closed her eyes and thought of all of their faces and waited for the snow to fall once more.
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lani padded across the frozen ground, her paws leaving impressions in the snow. She scanned the forest around her, a small smile on her face. The snow had stopped falling. Though the sky was still clouded and the land still a wasteland, she didn't mind. The air was clear of the dreaded white flakes. The "nice" whether had drawn her away from the territory. Lani had decided that she would wander a bit and take advantage of the clear skies. She strayed farther from the territory hoping to shed some of the restraints she felt weighing her down.

As she approached the edge of the forest, a smell carried towards her on the breeze. Lifting her head, she inhaled. It was a wolf, not far from here, and not pack. Considering that they weren't near the border, Lani wasn't obligated to chace the lone wolf away, and she didn't have a whole lot of right to either. But she followed the scent curiously. She broke from the trees to find another young woman sitting in the snow, her head hung low. A sound emitted from her. It wasn't a happy sound. It actually seemed despairing. The stranger layed down in the snow and it didn't seem to feel the need to move. Hell she didn't seem to have the will to move. Lani wondered if the female had any intentions of ever moving again.

Lani stepped completely from the trees, revealing her presence. She approached slowly, not sure what the girls reaction would be. By the looks of it, it didn't seem that she would care all that much, but Lani didn't feel like being attacked if she turned out to be wrong. "Why exactly have you nested yourself in the snow?" She had to know that the nice whether wouldn't last forever. She might be able to lay there now, but if the snow started again, and she didn't move, she would be buried underneath it. The way the winter was going, it wouldn't take more than a couple hours for her to be buried alive. "What's your name stranger? What brings you to this area?"