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The Kings' Brother, the Woundeds' Savior
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Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
@Phineas, bonding time for the brothers <3
Thanos Argyris

His body had been set in motion. All work and no play. Thanos had been wanting to show his brother he was a hard worker and worthy of a title of his own. Though his mind had shifted from being a guardian, as there was already two and in his mind that should be enough. Then it had occurred to him that he had some survival skills and was good at helping. This put the idea of teaching the young in his mind too. Yet after his brothers' little girl seeming to be scared of him it put a wobbly setting on that plan.

For as long as he had been here he had seen very little of the man he came to see, Phineas. Lifting his head to the sky he let out a bellowing call for his brother. Going to be in front of the pack den the Argyris man slowly sunk down to the ground. Waiting for his brother, Than couldn't help but wag his tail and smile. He had found his brother, he was living with his brother, how could it get better? Being to anxious to lay any longer he chose to stand and then started to pace. Him and Phineas had so much to get caught up on. His larger brother now had his own pack, a mate, pups and a real place to call home. Hopefully his other brothers, Aeolus and Eerbos, could see that their oldest brother was finally happy.

(This post was last modified: Oct 26, 2013, 06:21 PM by Thanos.)
[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
His presence was beckoned for once more – the cry to the sky echoed across the tree tops of the Glen, now almost fully bare as the final autumn leaves fell to the forest floors. He recognized the howl instantly, and without hesitation, his own muzzle slipped toward the sky, his song lilting upward and in return to his brother – he was coming and would be there shortly.

Abandoning the pack borders, as nothing seemed out of place yet this day, the Argyris’ paws were moving at a quick lope, not wishing to keep his brother waiting for long. It was a relief to have Thanos with him – the tawny male did not seem to hold the same grudges his other brothers did, and for that he was grateful. Even more so, he was content to have his littermate by his side once more, and Thanos was proving to be an essential pack member as the weeks spread on. The more family Kyros and Hypatia had in their lives, the better.. especially with Borlla needing to rest so often and barely being able to come out of the den.

He rounded the corner of the path to the den, his fiery eyes falling upon his pacing brother and a small smile pressed to his lips. Ushering a low woof to announce his presence, the pale wolf lifted himself to a stance of natural dominance as he strode forward, his jaws opening to aim an attempted playful nip to his siblings ear. “Thanos,” he greeted, his tail giving a quick sweep through the air.

Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
@Phineas its Edited <3
Thanos Argyris

The sound of his brother brought warmth to his heart. Letting out a happy and joyful bark Thanos treated his brother as if he was just that, his brother, not a leader which in reality he was. Allowing little room for play the younger brother cut straight to the chase. "I've been keeping something from you. I talked to Erebos and we had a very emotional conversation. With that being said, I believe it's time for me to take my pride and set out. As much as I love you and your pack it doesn't feel right." Nodding his head swiftly he gave Phineas the floor to speak. By no means did he wish to displease his older brother.

His tail kept low and tucked, not wanting to challenge his brother. Though there wasn't much he could do besides swallow the lump in his throat and wait for Phineas' reaction. How would his brother take to his yearn to leave The Glen? Surely he would understand. For his oldest brother had always been understanding of others. Beside that, Thanos was feeling useless here. Especially when he knew that there was a pup he could be serving somewhere on the mountain top. Certainly she would be happy that he returned to her too, as he took note of her last words to him. Soon they wouldn't be her last words, and Thanos would welcome the Little Queen. Most certainly she would welcome her Servent back too.

(This post was last modified: Nov 12, 2013, 02:04 AM by Thanos.)
[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The conversation was quick to take a turn – leave it to an Argyris to cut quickly to the chase, the ivory male mused darkly. There was something missing within the story, of that he was certain. Thanos had found Erebos, and now wanted to leave the pack as well.. If anything, at least the tawny male was more honorable than himself and Erebos, who had left without a word before beginning their own lives.

“And what did Erebos have to say that made you decide you want to leave?” He had a right to know, or so he felt. His silver brother had left before Phineas could truly talk with him, and given the nature of everything, he doubted the other Argyris males had anything positive to discuss. There was a small pause, and a small sigh escaped him as he bit his tongue on other thoughts that drifted through his mind. Of course he wouldn’t hold Thanos back from what he felt not right, but disappointment was clear upon his features. “And how is our brother faring? He left without a word – no doubt a stab at me to show me what it felt like.” There was an idle flick of his tail as the large wolf shifted his weight. He had fled Asphodel Meadows and while he had thought his brothers would remain to the end of their days, instead they had followed him here – something that had relieved him greatly. The opportunity to rebuild their legacy within new lands was quick to end however, as it seemed none of them could forget the bitterness they felt for their eldest brother abandoning their birth pack.. despite the fact they had all done it in turn.

Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
@Phineas sorry for the huge delay, I'll promise to be better <3
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"Speech."

He skipped Phineas first question and jumped to the next. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"Brother is fairing fine. Looking for a new home I'm guessing. Not much was said about where he was heading to." He felt guilty. The emotions churning in the pit of his stomach. Thanos couldn't even manage to look Phineas in the eyes. He was afraid of being the backstabber that supposedly Erebos was.

Thanos' face was emotionless. Though carefully he moved to give Phineas a lick on the chin as if they were young again. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"I love you Phineas, I really do. I don't want to hurt you. The reason I told you that I wished to leave was so that I wouldn't be the one that was known as a backstabber." His voice weak and soft like a child. He was fighting the mix of guilt and sadness. Trying to fight back possible tears. He knew better then to cry in front of his eldest brother. Thanos was suppose to be strong. Though it seemed he was failing.

A lump in his throat sat waiting for his brother words. Thanos could feel a whine trying to escape but he pushed it down to that lump. He would hold his peace and walk out of here as strong as he could. Besides, who was to judge what being strong really was? In his brain it was just a way to describe someone with no emotions. If you were to ask him what strong should be he would say it was the wolves brave enough to show emotion.

[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Thanos quickly glazed over his first question – confirming the ivory wolf’s suspicion that meeting with Erebos had indeed spurned this decision. He made no effort to ask once more – he doubted he wanted to know the answer. The fateful night he had walked in on his ex-mate and Thorne, he had felt a part of his soul give way. He had left, hoping to gain some perception. His brothers had each followed, one by one, all with the same intent: to place the blame on him for the downfall of a pack they could have easily maintained without him. His entire life in Asphodel Meadows had been a lie, and as he faced each of his brothers wrath, whether aggressive like Aeolus’ or Thanos’ passive approach, he soon came to realize that his relationship with each of them had been one as well.

The tawny wolf moved to lick beneath his chin – an action the ivory male swiveled his muzzle away from, and as Thanos mentioned the word ‘backstabber,’ he could only assume the male was referring to him.

Pulling back now, his tail giving an idle flick as his fiery eyes turned cold, he gave a nod in the direction to the horizons above Magnolia Glen. “Then take your leave. You are not bound here.” There was nothing left to say. Thanos had made his decision, and while Phineas would not play the hypocritical villian, he also would not crowd the male with understanding. Thanos had sought him out and claimed he held no grudge. Truly that was not the case.

Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
Thanos couldn't be hurt by his brother. For he had thrown this upon his own self. "Then take your leave. You are not bound here.” Giving his brother one last good look he nodded. Leave he would. Turning Thanos jogged off of Magnolia Glen's lands. He was no longer one of them. Even though he felt like he owed his brother for taking him in Thanos was rude for staying no longer then a month only to leave. It gave him a bad reputation.

Once his paws crossed over the borders Thanos stopped. Tipping his head upwards he howled out a goodbye to Phineas and Magnolia Glen. Never could he return here. Once his call was called of he trudged away from the land. Where to go now? If he wanted to go find that Princess on the mountain he would have to make the trip fast. With the thought of approaching winter and the princess in mind the tawny Argyris male set off through the trees.

-Thanos Exit-
[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The tawny male offered nothing else but resolute quiet in his decision. Phineas gave pause, waiting to see if he spoke of anything else – yet there was nothing. Thanos cast him a look – one that Phineas did not realize would be his last, and without another word, turned as per ordered, escorting himself outside of the home he had once claimed himself to.

The regal Argyris watched him leave – frustration churned in his chest, knowing Erebos had something to do with this. He had left them once upon a time, and so with a heavy heart, the male turned away from the altercation, his strides moving at a quicker pace now as he sought @Borlla. He could confess his heart to her – discuss his upset at his brother’s lack of forgiveness and constant blame, but he would not. Instead he would simply seek the comfort of her embrace and presence.

His ears flickered back at Thanos’ goodbye howl. His lips would purse tighter – not resending the farewell in turn. A decision he would later regret come the thaw of spring, and yet the pride and hurt that surged through him would allow nothing else. Only stopping when he reached his den, the male would lean his muzzle against the enclosure, inhaling sharply as he closed his eyes. His blood family considered him of no worth now – that much had become apparent through Erebos and Thanos’ departure, and Aeolus’ fury. But he had Borlla, and despite his siblings insistence that he would leave his family as he had left before, he knew nothing in this world could keep him from her side as long as he drew breath.

Calming himself, the male slunk in to the den, hoping to see the eyes of his mate and seek comfort from her on the dreary day.