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Hunt Opportunity - West RL — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
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The silence across the land is deafening — the familiar thud of soft paws falling to the earth is no more, for there is nothing to give chase to. The birds have migrated to the southern regions, and spare for the sparse cry of a raven every so often, there is nothing to be heard.

Dark grey clouds roll above, signifying that mother nature has yet another storm to set loose upon Relic Lore. The sky could erupt at any moment, and if the beasts walking upon her land were intelligent, they would seek shelter as the sharp wind whistles past.

Yet something moves across the quiet lands. The gentle crunch of snow can be heard as hooves sink through the icy terrain, and a grunt emits from the creature. A bull elk has drifted back in to the Lore, separated from its herd and confused. The wind whips past once more, stirring a deep grunt from the beast as it tosses its head. Its scent trails across the lands now.. perhaps in the very direction of a near starving group of wolves.
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2014, 01:37 AM by Spirit of Wildwood.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
a lady might be afraid but I am not...

OOC here!

Further and further she had travelled in silence, her pack spreading out in search behind her searching for something, anything to help them get through the last few weeks of winter. The trees stood bare overhead, the frozen creek forming a highway across the land that she followed, paws spread for traction across the glassy surface. It had been so long that even now, the imagined scent of elk danced across her nose, no doubt just another illusion. She could hear the grunt, see the puff of steam leave the animals parted lips...

Her head lifted then, ears pricking forwards and eyes lit with a feral gleam. Her own nose tipped back as a long howl left her chest, summoning her pack to the hunt. She needed them all. @Mapplethorpe, @Chulyin, @Sagacity and @Faol. @Veronika, @Crowe, @Evann, @Eek, @Quick and @Gent. Even the pups would be needed to pull this prey down, a bull was not an easy target. @Mercy, @Karpos, @Nova and @Aponi would have their work cut out for them, and she could not be sure they were the only ones her call would reach.

Heartleaf Creek could easily become a battleground, and she would not give up this feast without a fight.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Riley who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nose to the grindstone (or frozen ground rather) Quick trailed among the others, hoping with each desperate inhalation that there might be food left on this earth. So far they had been pressing their luck. With the mule deer and the goat their bellies hadn't been empty, but fullness was a feeling she hadn't known since her travels began. Life as a lone wolf was no cakewalk and this winter was showing even less mercy. Sometimes she was surprised she hadn't died yet. Mostly she was certain that the edible things were all gone: run away from the winter a long time ago, or decomposing beneath mounds of ice and snow.

Naira's howl pierced the air with an urgency that stole her attention and set her heart ablaze. Immediately she changed her course, loping forward at an increasing rate until she could see the shapes in the horizon. One was her Leader, and the other was a mirage. Or so she thought until she caught the scent in the wind. A lone bull was trailing against the storm-riddled horizon, begging to be taken. The white-coated female stopped a length away from the other. She swallowed the salivation that had started in her gums, imagining their pack feasting on its warm body.

Quick shook her head. She was getting ahead of herself, but the opportunity was just so prime that it was hard to help. Running her tongue over her dark lips she pulled her ears back, stepping closer to Naira with a strained huff. She was here, she was impatient, but she was ready.
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2014, 04:30 AM by Datura.)
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Summary: Nova stands beside Naira

Nova wearily trailed behind in her mother's tracks, not entirely hopeful that today would be the day that they found something richer than frozen skin and bone to eat. The clouds hung ominously overhead, lending a negative energy to it all that reminded her of the same dark sky and swirling storm that drove them from their mountain home. Nova began to hang behind, occasionally glancing back in the direction of the Keep, wondering if they would get driven away from their new life by a storm yet again. At a gust of wind straight to her face, she turned away and stopped in her tracks, no longer searching for prey. Nova clenched her jaw tightly in apprehensive thought, lost to worries about what could go wrong.

Naira's howl jolted Nova back into the present moment, her mother's voice singing a song she hadn't heard for much too long. With the fire rekindled in Nova's heart she loped as quickly as she could on long, thin limbs. The wind that had once stopped her now carried the scent of life right towards her and spurred her onward. She paced up to her mother's side and gave a quiet nudge of her head to Naira's shoulder, and a silent look at the white wolf whom she hadn't met before.

Looking ahead Nova could see the brown daub of fur through the trees, a flash of motion as the beast shook its antlered head. Nova hunched down in an effort to hide the sore-thumb of her dark coloring as she waited for the rest of the pack. She didn't know much about hunting yet, but she knew it would take more than the three of them to take down the formidable creature.

(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2014, 02:46 AM by Nova.)
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout

It was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. She'd recently bumped into her son, who'd told her about a mysterious, pretty loner he'd met while out on his own and Sagacity had begun musing to herself about what it would be like, one day, for her son to take a mate. Inevitably, it would happen- he was growing into a handsome young wolf and his hunting skills had improved quite a bit before the herds had moved on and away. Even then, when he'd managed to find a scrap of food here or there, he'd brought back a bit for her- out of respect and love. Though the winter had tested their spirits, it had healed their broken bond beyond a doubt. She saw her son grow into bigger, stronger and more mature every day.

He'd just invited her to a mock spar, which she'd been somewhat reluctant to accept, given the fact that they needed to conserve energy and she was tired already from having been scouting, but she felt her heart leap when she caught Naira's call. She didn't even bother looking at her son, and chuffed lightly when she saw him bound away from her without a word. Rather than calling him back, though, she said nothing, picked herself up and leapt after him. If there was a significant hunting opportunity, and the hope and urgency of Naira's call seemed to dictate just that, they'd need all the wolves they could rally.

Though her son's renewed spirit was evident in every step he took, the further they went from the pack's borders, the more Sagacity dreaded a possible encounter with another pack. She'd informed Naira of Cut Rock River and the altercation which had happened between herself, Gent and two wolves from that pack- and she felt bile rise in her throat at the thought of getting into another fight with them. All she could do was hope that they didn't show up, and that enough wolves from Hollowheart Keep showed up to fend off any outsiders.

She and Mercy weren't the first to find Naira- one of the newcomers did had beat them to the chase, as had Nova. Sagacity cast a quick smile to her son before she moved forward. She'd caught the female's scent before, but hadn't heard much of her- though already her opinion had been formed. If she was quick enough to show up at the alpha's call before any of the other pack members, she had to be obedient, and that was a good thing. Sagacity nosed her son aside and moved to Naira's flank. She touched her nose to Naira's cheek, and her muzzle lingered by the alpha's ear. She spoke in tones too hushed for anyone else to hear. "If the wolves from Cut Rock River come..." The only thing audible to her son and the stranger would've been the low growl that followed those words. If they came, they'd have to fight.

(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2014, 03:12 AM by Sagacity.)
Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
He'd just lowered his chest to the ground and had prepared himself for whatever his mother could throw at him when the call went up. Though his mother looked tired, he couldn't help wanting to play. Though he was getting older and more mature, he found himself starving for a playmate- someone with whom he could scuffle and joust, honing both his hunting and fighting skills. His mother had been available and as they'd never taken much time to playfight, he was overjoyed to see that she was willing to do so. Finally she'd given in, and he'd felt as though whatever strength he'd lost due to hunger had returned. And it doubled when he heard Naira's voice calling out for them.

He skittered off through the snow before he'd even had the chance to think, and only flicked an ear back when he heard his mother follow suit. There was no question- they'd been summoned, and they were needed to help hunt. The hunt they'd had on the day they'd moved to Ghastly Woods had been the last real, full meal he'd eaten- it'd been extremely slim picking since then, but the thought of having a real meal- and especially the knowledge that a herd had returned- had served to rejuvenate him even more.

His tail waved happily from side to side as he moved forward first to greet Naira, licking the underside of her muzzle before moving away as his mother touched his flank. He cast a glance to the stranger- but his nose confirmed that she was a part of the pack. He recognized her scent, and remembered coming across her tracks not long ago- alongside Chulyin's. But before he could make some sort of assumption, he strode happily toward Nova, and touched his nose affectionately to her cheek. He was glad to see that she'd come to the hunt- and hoped that he wouldn't let her down.

Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lalani had gotten desperate. There wasn't any substancial food within the territory, so she had gone looking farther. Chances were there wouldn't be anything but she had to try. She owed it to her pack. They had took her in, despite having so many mouths to feed already. Lani trotted through the snow, nose to the air. She was well beyond her normal travelling range but she continued. She refused to go back empty handed. She quickly covered ground, searching for anything that would help. There were pups to feed back at the den. Picturing their faces gave her the determination to keep looking.

It was right then that a scent was carried on the wind. It was musky, something she hadn't smelled all winter. It was an elk. More importantly, it was ALIVE. Forcing her legs to churn through the snow, she ran with a ground eating lope. She might have been worried of frightening off the prey, except that it wasn't the only scent on the breeze. There were other wolves, not enough to do anything yet, but there was no telling how many more were coming.

Tilting back her muzzle, Lani let loose a howl, long and drawn out, to carry over the hills. She was calling the pack to the hunt. They desperately needed this kill. and would need damn near the whole pack to take it down. She didn't care about the fact that by howling, she gave away her presence. She didn't know if the other wolves would try to get rid of her or not, but she called anyway. Asking @Maksim, @Anneliese, @Hati, @Quil, @Mace, @Bastet, @Nagga, @Destin, @Naia, @Aeolus @Athena, @Kisla, @Lachesis, @Astra, the entire pack was being called.

SUMMARY: Lani scents the elk, follows it, sees the other wolves and calls the CRR wolves for the hunt.
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2014, 02:46 AM by Lalani.)
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
everything that kills me makes me feel alive
Karpos heard the call and ran towards it. The need for food burning deep into his stomach as he thought about eating. He arrived to see all the wolves he knew; those wolves from his pack. But then he saw a wolf not welcomed and he hissed. His hackles raised, his shoulders squared and he lowered his head like Sir Mapplethorpe had taught him. She was not welcomed at the hunt and the pack could surely drive the wolf away and any wolves she might bring with her. He growled and snarled, his eyes narrowed and then he looked to Mrs. Naira briefly. They didn't want to scare away the deer but they couldn't let the others have it either.

Over his dead body.

The bull would be a challenge but he was almost, if not fully grown and therefore he could handle it. It had been a rough nine months for the pup and he was ready to get back into a normal groove, whatever normal was in his current day and age. They could eat and fill their stomachs. Karpos had many thoughts in mind. Many of them for when he was in the adult ranks. She had called for nine other wolves and it wasn't enough to face the pack of fifteen wolves that would be proud. At least, Karpos was doing the math and hoped he hadn't messed any of it up. He expected there to be a brawl with the shortage of food.... well everywhere.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

Naira was not the only one to note the scent of a bull elk; Sagacity would run into Cut Rock River once more.

Maksim Baranski, king of the River, walked with the burning desire to find a meal. Nought but a few hours earlier, he stood at his border, calling to his pack with a curt howl that held a clear and important message: all should follow—we scout for food. He had set off immediately after, loping swiftly through the cedars he had come to know so well. They shuddered violently in the wind, as if they cheered for the king of the forest, whispering of good tidings through their quivering needles. The River leader was deaf to their words, though; he spoke a different tongue.

When the scent of elk hit him, strong and unmistakable, he knew that today the River wolves would fight to fill their bellies. The storm clouds above would have deterred Maksim at any other time, but desperate time called for desperate measures and he was willing to shed another wolf's blood to feed his family, to keep Cut Rock River healthy and strong—to ensure his followers would survive. He lifted his crown, ready to howl out and signal to those that had followed there was food, but another voice sang out before his. A snarl bubbled between the agouti beast's clenched teeth, lip curled in anger. Someone else wanted to slay the prey, to reap the benefits. This simply would not be allowed.

He pushed onwards, spurred on by the hunger in his gut and the desire to prove himself and his pack, though new, strong and more than capable. Closer and closer he strode, yet he stopped when a familiar, disgusting scent struck him. “Fuck.” The word was filled with venom, meant for the wolves of Hollowheart Keep. He remembered the two wolves at his border well, how he and @Naia had fought them off. The two River wolves had watched the Hollow scavengers retreat with their tails tucked between their legs in shame and Maksim knew that they would fight once more. @Lalani called out, much to the Baranski's surprise, but he would not waste any more time. Picking up the pace, Maksim thundered onwards to the hunting ground that had all the potential of becoming a blood soaked war zone.

It wasn't long before the gathering group of carrion-pickers was spied by the River leader and a feral snarl erupted once more from his throat, his tail lifting swiftly as he stared with his head raised. Maksim drew up next to Lalani before he halted, stood steady and tall. A statue of pure muscle and earthen tones. He cared not, right now, as to whether or not any more followers stood behind him for his words boldly rang out. “Leave, you damned vultures, for your own safety.” He squared his shoulders, a stoic yet fiery gaze focused on them. “I give you this one chance to retreat.” He did not want to kill his own kind today, but he would if he needed to. The powerful leader glanced to Lalani. “Let us show them what the River wolves can do.”

(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2014, 03:48 AM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Namara who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeolus Argyris
Aeolus had been tracking the lowest of the pack out of curiosity as to where she was going to. Was she not suppose to be productive and close to home in the winter months where there was a lack of food? But him following her paid off for the most part when he caught the bull's scent. It was food. Aeo headed into site of Lalani to see a ton of wolves already there. He set a defensive position before a site caught him off guard. His eyes filled with fear, regret, envy. "K-Karp-Karpos?" He asked in disbelief. He knew this would lead to a fight and judging by Karp's stance, Aeo might have to fight the very pup he had broken his promise to. He, like so many others, had sworn to protect Karp and after learning all that he had gone through, he was not comfortable trying to hurt him.

As far as he was concerned, Aeo's oath still stood. Even if it meant turning on his own pack mates, he had to protect Karp. The awkwardness was in the air as he looked at the pup's new family. There were so many there already and him and Lalani alone stood no chance. He gulped and looked at the lowest. She had no understanding of the relationship with these wolves that he held. He only knew one but that was all he needed to know. He hoped the other members of the pack didn't show up to simply save him and the other former Pitch Pine Trail wolves from the strife it might cause them.
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