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Dag on Rodents — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young pronghorn has fallen behind its herd and starved in the snow. +5 Health
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(I'm taking care of that, :) )

One howl, her father's, met her uninterested ears. Then another, that of her new friend Frost. Quickly she was on her paws dashing towards the sound. She moved like a bullet from a gun till a high mound of snow came. *It's important, might need to save energy.* So she slowed and plowed her way through. Her eager paws took her through the dark thickets.

The pup took her time to make it there but did none the less. As she entered her left front paw managed to step on and brake a stick. Frost momentarily looked to her with an encouraging expression before returning to the harmony. Danica lifted her own muzzle and belted out the glorious call of a hunt. Her voice was still very much pup like and different compared to their own.

*My first pack hunt!* She thought in excitement as her body trembled anxiously. *Wait, can't the sound make them run?* She wasn't sure but didn't falter in song. A small puppy tail swooshed behind her in rapid joyful movement. *I hope Ashton comes! We can show the adults what we are made of! Strength and speed, a perfect team!* She took the time to imagine the siblings doing the impossible, taking down a huge buck by themselves. *Oh man that'd be fantastic!*

The response of wolves dashing in from all directions seemed to be slow. She desperately wished that they would hurry up and get their big butts here already. Impatience filled her ear tip to claw as she waited in the harsh elements, raising her voice. *Come on, come on, come on already!*
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
I was waiting for anyone else to reply, so I guess we'll keep it rolling until someone else of the pack joins..

Koda's head turned in the direction of Danica's appearance, watching in silence as his daughter answered the call for the pack to assemble for a hunt of food--at the sight of his young daughter his heart sunk, though his emotions were hidden despite his disappointment. Being that Danica was only 8 months of age, she was much too young to help much with bringing down prey, there was still so much for her to learn, though he knew this hunting excursion would give her an experience she would need for future hunts. He would let her accompany them in bringing down a deer only if more wolves were present, as there was no way two wolves and a pup could over power a deer, even an injured one. Silent, though ever observant, he watched Danica until she became still and felt a pang of emotion overcome him when she joined in on their howl, he was proud of how quickly she learned to mimic the actions of the adults, there was no doubt in his mind that she would grow to be a fine adult.

Casting his gaze from that of his daughter and back to the horizon he lifted his head a second time to send a deafening howl, a plea for the remainder of the pack to come, and quickly, to the scene. There was doubt in his mind that the family of deer were suspicious of their howling, for nothing good could ever come from it, but they were too busy in their grazing to run from them being that they were so far away. If he had it his way, he'd organize the hunt for the heck of it and hope to bring down something with success--if not, at least they could say they tried. When no response came he grew worried that this hunt would be a waste, though he would not doubt the capabilities of his pack members, he knew risking their energy with the odds so high was deadly during this time of year, he could only hope someone showed before the herd fled from the area. "Nina, Hollow, everyone! There is food!" his howl said, a urgent message that no wolf in desperate need of food could resist.
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
and... enter the ice queen, io's a bit nasty, sorry Koda
whoops, completely overlooked frost, a revised version
She knew he was back.

Within hours of Koda's return she had picked up his scent. The thickets were not so vast that Iopah couldn't figure it out on her own. No joyful announcement was made and the male was not paraded around like last time. Koda may have been accepted back, but he was not in the same capacity as when he had left. That simple fact, Koda's demotion, did little to mollify her. He had abandoned them, his own blood as well. Iopah didn't know, nor care to know, the reason why.

Thankfully her leg had healed. Under the thick winter coat it was only an inconspicuous scar. Limbs sound once more, Iopah had the means to avoid him. In spite of her dislike she had no desire to confront him. Words would not change what he had done. It didn't matter if the reason was virtuous or nonexistent. Her vehemence on this matter was strong enough that Iopah didn't completely trust herself to be civil. So, Iopah had opted to simply avoid him... which worked fine up to a point.

Koda's first howl elicited little more than a snort from her. It was followed by a new voice. And she had to pause, curious. Now who was this? She was not a social-butterfly, quietly accepting the presence of newcomers without seeking them out. She was currently skirting along the edge of their territory. Her gust of warm air blossomed white, and she turned dejectedly to look into the forest beyond them. No prey. No food. Iopah couldn't help the fear that had begun to lick along her spine.

Several minutes passed.

Danica's distinct cry joined them and Iopah half-spun about in surprise. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion and she began to make her way towards them. Coming into sight of her pack mates, Iopah paused to shake the snow from herself. She looked over at Koda. Reproachful in her silence. Her charcoal-edged ears and tail were high. There was no mistaking her message. I am not bowing to you any longer. Her gold eyes held a steady challenge, 'Dare to tell me I am wrong. Mind your rank.'

Nothing could pull her from this confrontation. Nothing from but that scent. She exhaled loudly and oriented herself compass-like in it's direction. It was enough of a shock to over-ride her irritation with Koda. She turned back to look at Koda, but her anger had dissolved. Her gaze was appraising, calculating. Danica was too young to count, although it was high-time she started coming on hunts. It was then she finally noticed Frost. She should say something, she knew. Introduce herself after her little display just now. But she simply held her gaze for a minute, cocking her head as if trying to puzzle something out. She looked in the direction of the deer pointedly, and then turned back to the two other adults, brows lifted in a silent question. Shall we?

She parted her lips to issue her own song. Long and low, but resonating with it's strength. One single howl, then she fell silent. She waited a moment, then two, and started to move. After a few steps, she paused and craned her towards her companions. Her ears flicked nervously as she waited for them to join her.
(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2014, 12:34 AM by Iopah.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
This is not the greatest, but I didn't want to forget this thread!

While waiting for his packmates, he caught whiff of prey in the wind and spotted the frozen carcass a few feet from where they gathered and approached it with intention of gaining more energy. It was scarce to find left over food during this time in the winter and he was ever alert on getting as much as he could. Glancing at his daughter and frost, he waited to see if they would attend while they waited.

His shoulders slumped when a single wolf, Iopah, approached the area after having called for the pack with Frost, and his daughter at his side. He was disgusted, and disappointed in the same instance after having called his family for the opportunity of food in their belly; he didn't understand the logic of turning down a hunt opportunity. It made matters worse when Iopah, apparently exercising her higher rank over him, took the time to display her high tail and erect ears at him, it was a display of dominance and acknowledgement of where he stood in the pack, but she could even attest that he had once been the king. It was strange, these harboring feelings his pack mates felt toward him, but he accepted them with understanding that they were angry at his absence and disappointed at his excuse--perhaps they still held respect for his potential. Averting his gaze, as was proper wolf etiquette, he waited for the woman to take her position before coming feeling a smile grace the lines of his lips at her acceptance of the hunt. For a moment, they put aside their pack differences.

Coming closer, he dipped his head with a wag of his dusty tail and woofed a response of his excitement in this hunt. It would prove promising to have something in their bellies, if they were successful, and a chance to prove to his pack mates that he would always remain an asset, regardless of his past. Feeling his muscles twitch, he glanced at Frost, and his daughter respectively, before situating himself at the left flank of the certified hunter, anxiously awaiting his chance to prove his worthiness.
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2014, 12:01 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
Frost's leg was healing up well enough she could join them, to her great pleasure. Hunting may of not of been her best skill in the world, but she couldn't help but love the rush of adrenalin. As things progressed the carcass was well noticed by the pale cream wolf. Danica approached it hungrily so she kept her distance and allowed the young girl to eat alone.

Iopah came onto the scene in an unpleasant manner causing Frost to lowerher head out of respect. She quite simply didn't want a fight to break out. A small tail wag was offered to her in a gesture of kindness. Introductions were saved, however, and the silent women fallowed after her eagerly when she moved out. The wolf wanted to rip some flesh for her new pack. Even if she didn't plan on staying long, it didn't mean she had no desire to feed their bellies. Heck, who else would of accepted some on in her current condition? Only some pack as nice as this one, the way she figured it.

Not far from them the males of the group of deer looked around uneasy, ready to run. The wolf howls had them on edge, yet they didn't glee just yet. An old buck stood to the side of the family, a younger one closer to the three others. Two does and an older fawn pawed the snow in search of grass. The prey wasn't plump and was more scrawny then what one would hope for. As Frost locked eyes on them in her hidden spot, she awaited instructions on their plans. This would be thrilling.

(Sucky, but a post. :) )
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica, unlike them, set out for the half frozen meal. Once she reached it, she pulled and tugged, rip and tore, and basically inhaled whatever she could get to. The pup continued on with her meal even after they left her be. It was a quite chuff from Frost that got her to fallow. She was still hungry, but felt the new energy coursing through her.

She snuck up to flank Iopah and wait for some orders. Fresh blood clung to her muzzle, face, chest, and paws. She sure wouldn't be a friendly sight to the deer in front of them. She eyed the old buck, he was huge and his antlers ginormous! She felt a sudden curiosity about hunting strike her. Maybe one day she could learn to be an expert! She could bring plenty of food to her family.

Then another thought crossed her, one about being an alpha. There was things she needed to question her mother about. She wasn't quite there yet, but eventually she could be a mother herself. The need to learn swallowed her right then and their and her Emerald green eyes locked on Iopah. Starting with the art of hunting was a good sounding idea to her, "Iopah," she whispered, "After this, can you teach me more about hunting?" It was out of character for her to seem this brave. That didn't matter at the moment though, simply because she desired full heartily to learn and be capable. To earn herself a backbone.
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
They all fell into step behind her without a word. Iopah lead them easily through the thicket, weaving between thickly crusted trees and scaling snow bluffs. They kept close to her, seemingly as eager about the hunt as her. But there was something in the silence.


This was her fault.

He was just to her left, and Iopah stealthily glanced back. Gold eyes studied him, then resolutely fixed themselves on the path in from of her. Despite her current guilt, she couldn't say that she regretted her actions. She felt well within her rights; she had even shown restraint. He had let them down. Iopah needed him to understood how much his presence had been needed, and then missed when he left.

She didn't know how to fix this. She couldn't apologize. And even if she could muster enough guilt, her words would fail her, she knew. So, she said nothing. Made sure to follow the easiest route she knew, kept her pace slow enough for all to keep pace with and said nothing. Soon enough their quarry came into sight and Iopah set aside those thoughts.

She studied the deer with the rest of them, letting her gaze linger on the two bucks and then briefly on the fawn. A breeze tugged at the fur on her neck and Iopah stretched to feel it on her muzzle. It swept northeast and her muzzle tipped down to look in that direction. Her left ear flicked back, held for a second and then swung forward again. She turned to her companions and opened her muzzle to speak. Her words were low, but crisp with excitement. "We'll need to split up. Chase the family northeast towards one of us. This time of year bucks are weakest, but watch them all."

She fell silent, awaiting any questions, watching the deer dig through the deep snow. The question, and the asker, was not what she had expected. Still looking at the deer she smirked, then drew back to look down at the girl. "Of course. If you're not too tired after this, that is.

Quickly, before that statement, could be questioned she turned to Koda. Despite how she felt towards him he had been respectful. Iopah had no reason to doubt his ability. "Koda. We'll drive the deer towards you. As we get close, we'll call out which one for you to aim for."

"Frost, Danica, and I will chase the deer towards Koda. It is our job to learn the weakest, best one for us to take. It is everyone's job to be careful." Her ears laid back flat against her head in warning as she continued. "I do not want to find that anyone has been careless."

With a quiet snort she nodded to Koda. He would have to set-off first to be in position in time.
Note to self: Before the ladies actually start chasing Iopah is going to want to repeat a warning to Danica.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Licking away the after taste of blood, he felt his ears swivel atop his head in wait for directions and when the group was ready for the task, he moved expertly behind Iopah, making sure to remain at her left side. It didn't take long for him to slow down, remaining in Iopah's left line of vision as he situated himself in the rear of the group--he would remain their eyes and ears. He kept a steady gait as the hunting excursion brought them deeper into the thicket as they weaved between trees and bushes of the like, it was only when the deer family was directly in front of them that they paused to develop their plan.

Iopah was quick to give them direction and silently Koda obliged, nodding his head every so often in acknowledgement. He would be the strength they needed to help wrestle the target down and would lie in wait until their target was within reach, it was a simple task but could easily go wrong if he was no careful in his timing. He needed to be sure that the didn't give the deer any opportunity to flee while chasing it down until it grew tired, and once it did, the remainder of the hunting group would work together to bring it down swiftly to its knees.

Once the instructions were clear, he moved without word toward a bush to lie in wait, anxious of the opportunity to prove himself and also of the possibility to feeding his pack. It would mean the most to him if he could show them how important he was to the pack, and he appreciated Iopah for giving him the chance to do so. When the timing was right, he hoped to meet with her in order to properly thank her and finally get the elephant out of the room. He could tell she was upset, he only hoped it wasn't too late to correct his wrong doing.