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what the hell am i doing here
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Hold onto faith as I dig another grave

The young man's persistent drive had brought him to the realm of the familiar cedar wood. The russet wolf had no idea what to expect when he reached it, but he had not thought his birthplace would be empty. It was if it had never been, draped in white, and silent like a grave. Little emotion played on his mask. There had been an assumption Kade and Ava would have stayed, apparently not. There were no clues as to why they didn't exit or where they had gone. He could only guess they had long left before it had snowed, but that did little to help him begin to stitch clues together. Though, he was kidding himself to believe Taima would have returned to them or was he? Had his sister changed? Wisdom been placed upon her, had she found another pack or was she much the same? Unchanged like himself.

A low huff he quickly turned away, preferring to let old memories remain, and to continue on his way. Though now he was in a predicament. He needed a place to stay, and he wasn't sure where to begin. Soon he had his answer. The further he meandered along the creek, it was evident maybe Kade and Ava did not live here any more, but someone did. He had every intention of finding out who. It was with his dark nostrils twitching he began to follow an old trail, searching for the borders of this new kingdom. He tried to keep in mind he was in someone elses forest, the thought made his muzzle crinkle. How the hell was he going to join a whole new pack? How the hell was he going to find any of his siblings without anything to go on?

Aromas of this pack began to strengthen, the Lyall forced himself to halt, and take in a reluctant breath. Young, he wasn't stupid, so he kept his hairs in place, his tail low in alignment with his crown, and he waited. Sure, he needed a pack, but he had no idea what this one was like and if he could get along with these wolves.

(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2014, 02:04 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Delicate paws carried the small agouti lady through the cedar forest she called home, each step beating out her familiar path along the Cut Rock River border. Daily patrols were a monotonous task, but Naia found a certain comfort in the routine of it, not to mention the fact that every step got her closer to her desired role as a scout. The Timber lady inhaled as she trotted, drawing a variety of familiar scents-- those of her family members-- in along with the cold rush of air. It had become habit for Naia to sort through the everyday smells of the forest with each breath, and the presence of a strange male's scent in the mix was conspicuous to Naia. The smell she caught in the air was not the faded residue of a wolf long since passed by; this male was still present and near. A red flag shot up in Naia's mind; her recent encounter with the thieving Pass wolves was still fresh on her mind. It was customary for a loner seeking acceptance to howl at a border, so to Naia a silent stranger was cause for concern.

Following her nose, Naia increased her pace to a lope as she traveled along the border. Soon she came upon a creamy-pelted yearling who was busy sniffing at her border, a confused look plastered across his face. The faithful subordinate sighed inwardly, another young one. She now understood why he hadn't announced his approach as was customary; youngsters such as he often did not often understand common practices when dealing with packs. He was certainly not the first yearling she had found silently blundering around the border. ”Hello there, young stranger," she called out as she approached, slowing her pace to a trot so as not to overwhelm him. ”Is there something I can help you with?” She halted several wolfslengths from the male, wagging her tail in a friendly way. Many pack wolves utilized a more intimidating, gruff approach with loners at the border, but that had never really been Naia's style.

(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2014, 01:53 PM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Hold onto faith as I dig another grave

Renier was reluctant to howl. The idea severely conflicted with his pride. He wasn't desperate enough to cry, to beg for acceptance. A howl just seemed like a call of desperate attention. When that wasn't the case. If no one came by, he was going to find another place, some where that actually took care of their home. He was here after all curious about this pack, close to his birth place. Maybe a little bitter they existed at all. Right now he wished he had come with Ryvet, or even Calla. They would have understood how he felt. With them he could have gauged by their reactions if this was a foolish mistake, or the most brilliant idea for the time being.

Setting his jaw tightly, he was alone, and he could do this solo. Waiting in the cold silence, he tried not to hate this pack simply because they were in the Cedar realm. Who could blame them for picking here? What would you know it didn't take long for one of their patrols to find him. The Lyall remained where he was, only collecting her scent, and the sight of her agouti pelt. The word she used place a deadly, thin grin to the side of his muzzle. A gesture a stranger wouldn't know for anything but a mere grin, while a relative would have seen the warning. Watching himself closely, it smoothed itself in a quiet disappearance. It would be very rude, and stupid not to bite back saying he was only a year younger than she. Besides she was being rather nice finding the young, rogue on the perimeter of her door step.

"Maybe," he began, trying to offer a more sincere smile. "I use to live here, but my old pack is gone and I wondered if someone could tell me where they are." Yes, this is where he would start, because if Kade and Ava were still around here, he rather speak with them before remaining here.
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2014, 02:04 AM by Renier.)
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Though he offered a small smile, Naia couldn't help but feel that something troubled the male. Serving as Lowest in her birthpack when she was about this stranger's age, she learned to be perceptive-- especially of ill feelings, which she was expected to dissipate before they turned into outright fights. She could already tell that this was not the ordinary yearling blundering around the border. His answer confirmed her impression. If he had been like the other wandering youth, he might have inquired about joining her pack, or perhaps he would have asked to speak with her leader. Instead though, he described a previous pack of his; one that must have existed before Cut Rock River took over the territory. Unfortunately, Naia knew very little about the circumstances surrounding the establishment of Cut Rock River and even less about the history of the land.

”You're not the first to ask about our presence here, or about the previous inhabitants.” She sighed, wishing she knew how to answer these strangers that she kept running into. ”Cut Rock River was established here last autumn as a new pack, and the founding members were what remained of Kade and Ava Attaya's Darkwater Rapids, after the two of them disappeared.” She paused, wondering what the stranger would make of the regrettably vague information she had pieced together about Cut Rock River's origins. ”If you wish to know more about the Attayas, you might seek out Angier Lyall-- he leads Willow Ridge, the pack east of the Cedars." She wanted to be helpful, but she also felt a strange urge to send the troubled male away from her territory. He reminded her slightly of Angier himself, giving her that same uneasy feeling she had experienced during her last meeting with the Willow Ridge leader. After a brief hesitation, she also offered, ”Or you could speak to my leader, Maksim Baranski. He would surely know more than me.”

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is an elk carcass nearby. It looks like it froze to death. +12 Health
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
food sweet xD

Hold onto faith as I dig another grave

Faintly cream colored brows twitched upward in a surprise he could not suppress. Could Taima have tried to come home? Or Ryvet or Calla? Getting a hold of himself, snuffing out the idea of hope, he still couldn't mask his interest. Russet ears were drawn upon the lady, hungrily taking in this new information. This new pack could sort of be said to be remnants of his birth one through a long twisted chain. There was a deep line that obscured his golden gaze. Kade and Ava had vanished? He had always pretend he didn't give much care of the pair, the boy had always admired Kade beneath his muttering cursings. Ava...well she had been an interesting wolf not like the other adults who may have rolled their eyes at his own antics.

He wasn't here to figure out what happened to the ink coated couple. However, he placed it a side for the time being, unsure what he should do with this new turn of events. Then it seemed, this subordinate offered him even more than he had expected; the whereabouts of his Uncle Angier. Just think he had come that way and could have easily run into him. A stiff lip, quietly the brute surveyed the ground in a concentrated action, his thoughts divided. Too many places to begin, and this season against him doing anything quickly. Since a moment of pause had fallen he was about to thank her, likely take his leave. Soft voice captured his attention, sharply he raised his head.

A new option, and probably the swiftest with a probability he needed.Taking in a long forceful breath, he flashed a somewhat sheepish grin for being so quiet. With abruptly turned ears, meeting her honey colored eyes he replied, "If you think he would see me, sounds like I'll have to be finding a new pack and I'm not sure the options in this dire winter." Silver face sobered because of the harsh sooth. He shifted his weight between his limbs, he could swear he could smell something edible. Nose pointed he sniffed for a second. "Erm I understand if you don't want to answer, but do you have a cache near by or is that something else?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2014, 04:28 AM by Renier.)
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
OOC|| I'll be absent for about a week, so feel free to PP Naia digging up the carcass with Renier. Mimi will join soon, and you two can skip Naia's turn to move the thread along. ||


Naia cocked her head as she waited for him to answer. He certainly took his time, but then that’s not a bad quality in a young man. A thinker, the agouti lady mused. He smiled then, and Naia wondered if perhaps something she said had put him in a better mood. After a long breath he spoke, choosing the second option—the one where she called @Maksim to them. She nodded understandingly at his reasoning. In light of the disappeared herds, the last few lone wolves were trickling in toward the borders of the nearest packs. Nothing inspired loyalty like and empty belly.

Lifting her muzzle to the overcast sky, Naia howled for her leader, announcing a loner at the border who requested an audience. By now the motion felt routine to Naia… surely Maksim had noticed her diligence at the border. She thought to request a pack role soon, so that she could formerly hold the title that she already claimed in her own mind: Scout.

In the silence that followed her howl, the stranger commented on a scent he found. Naia took a long sniff. ”Hmm.. this isn’t any cache of ours. Smells like it’s outside our border.” Even so, she wasn’t about to give up a chance at adding to her pack’s caches. He may have smelled it first, and it might be technically off of Cut Rock River territory, but as far as Naia was concerned it still belonged to her pack. ”Why don’t you help me dig it up? It would certainly impress Maksim.” She phrased it like a suggestion, but there was a firmness in her tone that implied that it was really the only viable course of action. Maksim would be here soon anyway, and even if the loner thought he could overpower her, he wouldn’t dare cross a wolf like her leader.

Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Hold onto faith as I dig another grave

If there was no hope for a home here he thought at least he could be enlightened where to look. He had mixed feelings about seeing his Uncle Angier. He wanted too, and then again he didn't. It wasn't that he had any qualms with him. It had been awhile, and he didn't want to be convinced to give up his search. He wasn't sure why, but the idea of joining his Uncle's pack didn't strike him. He imagined if Angier didn't have his own children he soon would. Renier had no idea how long he would be sticking around, everything was sort of temporary in his thoughts.

Abruptly, the rogue dropped his head, russet ears falling back to his skull as her call rang out. He knew she may have felt right enough for her leader to see him, but he had a feeling the ruler of the realm would be harder to convince. Yet, would his connection to Kade and Ava help? Would Taima be here after all this time? Uncertainty may plague his thoughts, he remained reserved, feeling things would be sorted soon enough.

With thee tempting smell lingering he did his best to convince his stomach it wasn't hungry. He knew even outside the pack borders he had no claim to it, and it would be in his favor if it went to feed the pack. The scout seemed to think the same thing, and Renier felt his shoulders go rigid if literally what she said rubbed him the wrong way. Mastering his temper he was all about complying, and he really wanted to speak to this Maksim. Easing a breath through his mouth, a wry smile arouse. "Of course...the information I need is worth more than a meager bite of food." He doubted he would get even that if he tried under the circumstances. Once they found the remains he easily reminded himself food could come later, and began helping the subordinate dig away the snow to reveal the winter kill.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Her mind still reeled from what her actions had stirred – Astra’s rank had been stripped of her and taken by the Tainn woman, primarily urged by her desire for food.. and perhaps a certain greyscale leader. Yet it entirely made no sense – she was returning to Oak Tree Bend come spring, was she not? To her family? What had been the point of challenging the female lead then, and taken from her what had rightfully been hers?

Even more important, what did the Baranski think of her rash behavior?

She had slipped away from the gathering shortly after, taking a portion of meat to herself and slipping away to interpret her actions. Perhaps not the wisest choice, in retrospect. What pack wanted to be lead by the she-wolf that stole a crown and then skipped away to eat alone?

The damage had been done, and while her nerves were frayed drastically.. she also felt a surge of pride reverberate within her chest. It was with this that the tawny female stalked toward the calling voice – this was her duty now, just as much as Maksim’s, and only when her green eyes befell the two wolves did she slow her pace. Her tail curled upward, her eyes regarding the she-wolf who was unknown to her, but not unfamiliar. Of course, she seemed a gentle sort, but with the upcoming season for breeding, the stir of uncomfort settled once more in the pit of her stomach. Was this a female Maksim would choose at the end to mate to?

Instead of allowing her haunting thoughts to sweep over her, the regal gave a dip of her muzzle, her green eyes swiftly moving to study the yearling. “Who is this, then?” She might as well cut to the chase.

sparking up my heart

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
OOC|| I'm so sorry for the confusion here-- I thought I had explained to Switch ages ago about my work schedule. My shifts call me away from technology for weeks at a time, so please skip Naia's turn if you two find yourself waiting for a response while I'm on absence. I don't want to hold up a Join thread. ||


With the stranger digging by her side it took only minutes to reveal the frozen elk carcass below the snowy surface. Naia was astounded that such a treasure had remained untouched through winter, especially this close to her family’s border. This had to be a sign that the ice was thawing, exposing the tiny caches like this that had been buried all winter. ”This is fantasic,” Naia breathed, her excited honey eyes meeting her companion’s. She would see to it that he would receive a portion to reward him for his efforts, should Maksim accept him into their ranks.

Just as she thought it, her leader made his appearance.. or her appearance much to Naia’s surprise. Out of all the border calls she had made, it was always Maksim to answer-- never the female lead. The change brought a small smile to the tawny female’s lips. She’d had little contact with the golden woman that this agouti beauty had ousted, but perhaps things would be different with this new lead.

The leader made her request as she approached, and Naia bowed deeply as the green-eyed woman dipped her muzzle in greeting. She answered quickly, giving her own name first as the two of them had yet to formerly introduce themselves. ”Naia Aegina presents a stranger. He arrived at our border with questions about the pack that formerly lived here, and he also inquires about our pack. I thought it best to direct these questions to a leader.” Her body remained submissively low even after the bow was finished—probably lower than was strictly necessary for a Second-- but breeding season was a tense time in the female hierarchy and Naia wanted to communicate without a shadow of a doubt that she knew her place.

Her tail wagged appeasably from its tucked position as she waited for a response. Naia knew she was not only presenting the young stranger; she was also presenting herself. She hoped every day for news that this powerful agouti beauty was going to bless Maksim and Cut Rock River with royal heirs, and Naia intended to be a strong, guiding presence to the new generation. Of course she needed this woman’s trust if she desired to help raise the pups, and for that Naia was willing to try her absolute hardest.

(This post was last modified: Mar 18, 2014, 02:11 PM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]