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A Walk Down the Block — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

BORED! Winter is SO DULL! Everything around here is... Though it had started to warm, the weather generally clear, there was still no pray to be spotted anywhere, and Oak Tree Bend was quiet as the grave! Of course that wasn't the resident wolves' fault, at least not entirely; It's this wretched winter! Drestig was trekking the periphery of the pack, paws moving lazily over the cold ground, head held low. He was tired - tired of the cold and the white, tired of pointless journeys out of The Bend's bounds to hunt for food that was simply not there! Ears flopping miserably, a bleak look in his, usually so bright, orange eyes, he moved through the landscape without really looking at it, absently registering the cold water droplets landing in his fur; without doing anything to avoid them.

He had been a member of the pack for about a month now, and yet that time had been spend not much differently than his days as a loner; wandering alone, hunting - without luck - and simply trying to pass the time. Joining a pack, though it had offered some stability , had proven to be no more exciting than struggling by on his own; Though, maybe a little less deadly...

It was true that he probably wouldn't have made it as a loner, at least not staying as well as had, but at least as a loner he had a goal, something to work towards during the days. Now, as a pack wolf, his only purpose was to try and find food, which he couldn't, and protect the pack border; From WHO?! There was no one around to threaten Oak Tree Bend, making his daily patrols along the borders completely pointless. And yet he continued, day in and day out, just to have something to do, after over a year of traveling, wandering was so deeply ingrained in the dark boy that he found it hard to sit still. So he wandered, hoping for something, anything to happen that could bring some kind of distraction from the monotony of life - but not really believing it would happen; I HATE winter!

Word count: 361

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
RE:Arlette, a coyote steals your food.
Say Something I'm Giving Up On You

A sharp bark broke from her raised lips. The white lady made a lunge for the golden pelted coyote, her teeth coming together in an unsatisfying click. The smaller canine was more swift, floating atop the snow, mocking her. A growl bubbled from the back of her throat, tumbling through her open mouth. The yellow eyed female planned her next move, but the coyote didn't seem phased. More tightly she clutches her rabbit, eyes coldly giving Lettie a final glance before shooting across the crusted snow in a sudden run. Of course she couldn't begin to hope to catch the bandit. It did not stop the anger that swelled in her chest. She had worked so hard to get that rabbit! It was just gone!

"Argghh." With her heart only half in it paws struggle, breaking through the hard layer of cold, one after another leaving prominently holes until she with a sigh of misery she stood, staring off into the distance until she could no longer see the thief. The devastation she felt, made her ears pull back in disappointment, while another part of her wanted to laugh at herself. It was only a rabbit, and it seemed pretty silly to let it bother her this much. Maybe, it was the fact she couldn't even keep the small kill from a lousy coyote she was feeling the part of the miserable failure. Hell, it didn't take much. It never had.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2014, 09:46 PM by Arlette.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

It was the noise that first reached him, ripping him out of his daze; What was that? It had sounded an awful lot like the warning bark of a wolf. Ears perked, the ebony lad froze in place, listening intently for any other sounds. And sure enough, a growl soon sounded - the voice was unfamiliar, but that didn't matter - and Drestig bounded off in direction of the other wolf.

As he closed in, more sounds reached his rigid ears, rustling in the snow and a frustrated outcry, but even more alarming was the smell that filled his nostrils; COYOTE! Teeth showing in a soundless snarl, the boy fought to increase his speed, whatever that filthy creature was doing within Oak Tree Bend, he was going to make it regret ever crossing the borders! Sadly the stench was weakening, the intruder had taken flight, pursued by the unknown wolf as well as Drestig, but it was much faster than them both.

He had only run in the other's tracks for a short while when she came into view, standing still; Has she given up? At the same time as he thought it, he felt the burning in his lunges; gazing past the stopped wolfess, he couldn't even see the pest. So he stopped as well, gasping lightly, slowly trotting the last few steps up to the stranger, to stand, just a little closer then common courtesy would prescribe. He had already noted the familar pack-scent on her fur, and watching her closely as he did now, he faintly recognized her form; he had seen her in passing a few times, but never caught her name.

With a harsh laughter, anger still mixed with more benevolent feelings in his eyes, he remarked: "That vermin gets more and more insolent every day!" He sought her eyes, anger slowly dwindling from his own, blazing, orbs making way for curiosity, and a faint glimmer of delight; Maybe something IS actually gonna happen today!

Word Count: 330

Dawnthieves.de & Burtn @ DA
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
Say Something I'm Giving Up On You

Pink tongue was rolled past her ivory canines, air flooding in and out of her open mouth. She tried to listen to her fast breathing, erase the frustration pulling through her veins. There was crunches of snow coming from behind her, and she felt a rush of embarrassment she had been on play. So it took her a moment to turn her head, let her pale, yellow eyes see the witness. The Oak Tree Bend leader was her first thought, but this wolf lacked a white patch upon his chest. Arlette couldn't bring a name to mind, because she had never introduced herself properly.

That was going to change, he didn't hesitate, but continued on his way until he was beside her. It was only because he was of the Bend she kept her nerves in check, and didn't abruptly shift away. Wasn't a crime to be friendly, and he probably had heard the outburst, checking on what was going on pack mate or not.

While he spoke, she noted the irritation and the lady's white ears remained back. Her lips would twitch, not to smile, but trying to reply to his statement. It was true the coyotes were more desperate now then ever. What starving creature wasn't? "I'll say. I would have run faster home would I have know I was being watched so close."Lettie sighed, giving a slow shake of her head. What was done was done. His orange eyes caught her attention, and she briefly met them before quickly looking back to the white landscape. She hadn't seen anything scary in them, but they were an intense color.

(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2014, 09:04 PM by Arlette.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

She seemed timid, almost skittish, gazing at him with her ears turned back and a cryptic look in her pale eyes. Though, it might just be embarrassment after having lost her prey to a measly coyote; though the black lad didn't fault her, he had lost plenty a kill to the pesky scavengers. Her words confirmed as much, spoken in a resigned voice and followed by a low sigh. Drestig's ears flicked and he turned his full attention to the light-pelted lass, studying her closer now that he had finally gotten the chance.

It surprised him that she hadn't caught his attention earlier; her body was slight, yet not petite, and it showed clear signs of strength, though masked in lush, snowy white fur. His brows lifted slightly and he offered her a kind smile, taking half a step back and sitting himself down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot." He said in a kind voice, shrugging apologetically. Then he sought her gaze, a small, mischievous glint in his flame-colored eyes, and added: "But, surely you must be used to being watched..."

She was indeed a pretty thing; yet her demeanor seemed to undermine her beauty a little bit, hiding under the radar, going about her business without calling much attention to herself. It seemed a pity, to let such loveliness disappear in the masses; Though, it might just be the winter... He reminded himself, he hadn't been here that long, and the horror of this freezing season had managed to quell even his roguish manner. He didn't know this young women or her mannerisms; Not yet... Hopefully he was about to; "I don't believe we've been properly introduced, I'm Drestig Avalon." The ebony wolf bowed his head in formal greeting, and then sat back, waiting for her to reply with her own name.

Word Count: 309

Dawnthieves.de & Burtn @ DA
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is an elk carcass nearby. It looks like it froze to death. +12 Health
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
Say Something I'm Giving Up On You

Drestig was right in his assumptions. Arlette was a flight risk. It was particularly hard not to give an excuse of her own to flee, when it appeared he wasn't about to go. She had managed to talk to Miro unscathed, she reminded herself. This one had same sort of friendly smile, seating himself a paw length away. The pale wolf managed to breath more evenly, release the clamp of her inner cheek from her teeth. "That's all right. If it was something bigger than a coyote I surely would have hoped someone would have come checked out the commotion." That was the truth, but what he said next had her wondering if he really felt bad about putting her on the spot. An embarrassed smile shot across her muzzle, ears seeming to disappear further on her crown. She wished she had a clever reply, but hopelessly stood tongue tied. If she'd been ready, she might have asked back why that was. Could someone explain it to her? She often thought it was her pale yellow eyes, she didn't see what anyone else did.

Thankfully, before the hopeless silence would continue to drag over her tensed nerves he informed her of who he was. "I'm Arlette Dieudonné Lyall," she offered, a little quicker than she meant to. A collected smile, ears titling forward with more grace she added, "Usually, I just go by Lettie. Though I think I'm outgrowing the nickname." She was not entirely a far cry from the white pup from the Cedar forest, but she did not look the part. So was she really Lettie any more? The question was one she didn't want to answer. Whatever glint his gaze held she didn't want to encourage it, afraid it would get the best of her. It would probably be better not to leave him to his own questions. Yet, she really didn't mind talking to him. It was rather a lonely winter, and she liked the talkative sort. Especially, someone upbeat who could distract her. She was not a good conversation holder. "So, how long have you been here? You an unofficial guardian or soon to be?" There was meant to be a tease to her last question, but she wasn't sure how well it came off in her rushed words.

(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2014, 09:51 PM by Arlette.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

The dear lass seemed rather flustered by Drestig's shameless banter, seemingly retracting into her lush pelt with embarrassment clear in her citrine eyes. The dark man's smile softened, eyes darkening as he sensitively pulled back a little to give the girl more space; So... Maybe she's not so used to attention. This fact was quite surprising to Drestig, who would have thought that a beauty such as hers had drawn many a young male's interest; yet she seemed completely unaccustomed to flirtation. Then again, Oak Tree Bend was a small pack, mostly consisting of family members; Of course if the only males around her are her brothers and uncles, then...

Consumed in this line of thought, her next words surprised the ebony lad; Dieudonné Lyall..? Those were neither of the names he had come to know as The Bend family labels; Though she might still be related... He knew so little of these wolves that were supposed to be his family now. While he noticed her rush, the black wolf made an effort of not reacting, not wanting to cause her even more shame, and he was glad to see her loosen up a bit, even offering a small smile before continuing. He flicked an ear at the nickname, chuckling quietly at the comment she attached to it; he thought it quite pretty, though, not as striking as her full title; Arlette... It had rolled so sweetly on her tongue.

The glimmer in the white lady's eye did not go unnoticed, despite her quickened speech; Ah, so she's not completely estranged to a little repartee! Drestig thought, brows cocking in delighted surprise. He laughed graciously, meeting Arlette's soft-honey eyes, and couldn't help a cheeky wink before answering; "Ah no, though I was more than happy to come to your rescue, I am not exactly guardian material!" He said jovially, a slight node of teasing sneaking back into his grin. He then shook his head lightly, and turned his gaze to the trees around them voice more neutral as he continued: "I came a few months ago," Has it been that long already? Fiery eyes returned to the young wolfess, an almost melancholic soberness in his small smile; "I joined to get shelter from the winter. Tough, I've come to quite like it here..." The last was added musingly, voice smaller and more reserved.

Silence stretched then, as the dark pelted man looked at Arlette, almost, questioning. Then his eyes once more drifted to the horizon; "But I still enjoy wandering... Maybe scout would suit me better than guardian?" He smiled at her then, finally stopping his stream of speech to let her have word; he'd always been an easy talker, but this was starting to become babbling.

Word Count: 457

Dawnthieves.de & Burtn @ DA
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
meep.:X I'm sorry Arlette muse has been the hardest.
Say Something I'm Giving Up On You

It wasn't Arlette was clueless, or never been flirted with. The pale beauty didn't know how to react. In the spot light, curious eyes, and teasing tones. If anything she liked to avoid those. Especially, after Merlin. That simple blue eyed boy had drastically shoved her back into her shell when she had taken a leap of faith, thought she had listened to her heart. Now she was convinced she was better off to remain in shadow. While she had tried that here in the Bend, without trying she had drawn attention to herself. It wasn't necessarily his fault. He could have easily been simply polite and her reaction could have likely been the same. In fact she felt he probably did this with every lady he met. It was just part of his personality, just like her shyness.

The pale lady tried to see beyond his smirk, thinking he must be a rather easy going fellow and how much better life that must be. Could she have done or said anything to ruffle him? She doubted it, unless all of a sudden she was bestowed with the magical powers to shamelessly flirt back.

"So you're just a part time rescuer?" White brows brushed together, but there was a smile of amusement to her dark lips. It didn't take much effort to keep her ears drawn forward, because she was far greater listener than speaker. Since Oak Tree Bend seemed so family oriented she was curious what made him part of that now. The lady's face would grow thoughtful, wondering if that was the truth about a few others. His words did seem sincere, about liking it here, because his voice had such a quiet note. "It is a beautiful place, and everyone is quite nice," she agreed. She had worried how "accepted" she would be. It didn't exactly feel like home, it was nice being part of a family again."Maybe, you should. I don't know if anyone is. I hear wandering hearts shouldn't be still." She didn't know why she shared that with him, but too was looking out across the white. She didn't think she had a wandering heart, but she did feel she still searched for something.

(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2014, 02:54 AM by Arlette.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Ooc: I understand, since you had her leave c: I figured we could fade after your next post?

The young woman was reserved, listening in polite interest, seemingly happy enough to let him go on without much pause. When finally she did speak, it was with a bewildered amusement, like she was trying to make sense of his words; Fitting them into her own picture of things... He glanced over her with his own brow wrinkled in quiet speculation, was her shyness caused by some bad experience within the Bend? The black lad would like to think Triell would not allow someone to feel excluded in his pack - despite their strong family bonds - but then again, he hadn't been here for that long, who knew...

He shook his head lightly; Now don't let your thoughts run wild! Wolves were different, this pale girl might just be the quiet sort; and nothing wrong with that. Focusing on her words, the boy chuckled warmly, considering a flirtatious answer along the lines of: "Of lovely maidens, always." But he abandoned the idea, leaving his low laughter and a little nod as answer enough.

When she spoke again, the lad's smile grew curious; her agreement was subtle, seemed everything about her was, but she did sound genuine in her mild praise. Her final comment took him by surprise, its poetic nature as if pulled out of the clear air, but the way she said it, eyes trailing off the way his own had done, seemed so fitting to her character, to the situation... For a long moment the black man simply followed her gaze silently, smile small and thoughtful; No, they probably shouldn't.

Drestig was not a philosophic nature, but he was not completely abandoned of romanticism and her words did strike a chord in his wanderer's heart. Glancing back at the white girl, he wondered if she too had a thirst for traveling; it seemed an odd pairing with her silent presence, but not completely unthinkable. Clearing his throat, he spoke in a low voice, the playful flirting now gone from his tone, though it was still warm; "I think I will then." Scouting seemed a fitting duty, allowing him to serve his new home without tying himself down. As the words left his maw, a scent was carried to them on the cool breeze, filling the soot colored man's nostrils as he took his next breath; Ah, FOOD! Smiling broadly, he lifted himself up, ready to follow the alluring smell; "Seems we've been blessed with a more than suitable replacement for your lost rabbit." He grinned, mouth already watering at the prospect of biting into the elk meat.

Word Count: 430

Dawnthieves.de & Burtn @ DA