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Hunt Opportunity - East RL — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
This is the beginning of the fourth round. At this point NO MORE WOLVES MAY JOIN. The next round will begin on 3/11/2014 @ 12:30 AM EST

The thundering growls of his tormentors closed in on him before he could even open his eyes.

The first to reach him wore a pelt of all black. This startled Tuqloq, who had to some degree always doubted the songs about the wolves, the one that promised the omen, the Reaper wolf, the harbinger of death as skinny and dark as a shadow. But it was true, it was all true. Tuqloq was staring in awe and terror into the hell-fire eyes of his killer and wondering pointlessly about the sweetness of meadow grass in the moments before they lunged toward him, their jaws parted. The wolf's aim was true and it found his throat. Helplessly, Tuqloq thrashed against the wolf, but struggling only magnified his suffering. Searing pain blossomed from the fangs that sunk deeper and deeper into his neck and his blood flowed freely over the face of his killer.

He faded away slowly.

Absently, he felt someone tugging at his hinquarters. But that pain didn't seemed to be so bad. It was if it were happening to someone else far away. Someone he had known before but didn't need to care about any longer. Absently, but with much difficulty, Tuqloq craned his head upwards to the darkening sky. Actually, everything about the world seemed to be darkening at a rapid pace. He sighed, welcoming the night into his heart.

With his last breath he charged up into the sky, ready to graze among the stars.

Tuqloq the Caribou is now dead. The Spirit of Wildwood will no longer be making posts on his behalf and rounds will begin regularly without any further posting. Everyone else may now reach/attack the bull.
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
He ran -- his paws were swift upon the ground, but not as swift as the pack's yearling. Caniri maintained pace with the ebony wolf from the other pack, and while Phineas felt the raw edge of worry, he also felt a surge of pride as the ivory yearling took on the beast as well.

He wouldn't reach them as the creature slumped further down, it's blood fresh upon the snow, and with the knowledge of his death, the regal male slowed slightly, his eyes riveted to the crimson that stained the snow now, longing to scoop some in his mouth and satiate the ravenous hunger that consumed him. With this knowledge, the male quickened his pace, seeking to reach the others with a new bout of energy.

His own tail arced higher with each pace he took, and his eyes would swing to the direction of Caniri, ushering a barking order to guard the meal as best he could -- it would be foolish to waste energy and fight an entire pack for the carcass, and yet the Argyris was certain the Magnolia Glen pack would not be leaving without food to sustain their bellies further -- and perhaps enough to carry home to the pack mates who had not been able to answer the call.

Worry stirred him forward now, the scent of blood infiltrating him and causing saliva to pool at his jowls. The snow kicked up around him with his pace, and soon enough he would be rounding closer, almost inviting the tension he would meet once the other pack Leader had also reached them.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko, while charging to the bull with a pace that cried desperation, if only to feed the pack and keep another death from their midst, was loathe to run too fast, his eyes drifting back every so often to see Serach trailing after them, his younger limbs slowed by the snow significantly. Given the vicinity of the enemy pack, the tawny beast was not going to leave the pale boy behind, and in turn, adjusted his own speed to match Corinna's son -- he did not trust these unknown wolves to fight dirty when it came to such a prized meal.

The scent of blood hit him like a brick wall, causing a low growl to seep past him. Ahead, he could see Nayeli -- a she-wolf he did not know, and yet the simple presence of her soothed him. Perhaps it was simply the fact that she was pack, and was favored by his younger brother. She kept in time with the pace of the other pack, and as he came closer, he could see the creature upon the snow, and see another wolf of the Bend standing victoriously near its head.

The sight alone ushered a bark of victory from the older male's jaws, and yet his ears would cup forward as the ivory wolf ahead of him gave a command to his own subordinate, causing a frown to drift across Ruiko's features. With another glance to Serach, the large wolf would swerve slightly, taking the side closest to the rival pack so as to block their reach of the boy, and in turn, lifted himself higher in challenge to their claim. Only if Triell deemed it would he allow them to walk away with some of the meal Drestig had clearly won for the pack.
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

He was in ecstasy when his teeth met flesh, tearing skin and muscle while the warm sweetness of blood filled his mouth. The triumph was short lived though, as the beast fought wildly for its life, the violent thrashing threatening to break Dretig's jaw. Growling into his teeth, the dark wolf bit down harder, refusing to let go of his prey. He felt the life ebb out of the bull, keeping his grip until the very last convulsion, not even noticing the other wolf gripping into his prey; He stood with paws planted firmly in the snow, the blood burning against his fur, eyes closed for a moment, savoring the kill.

Then his head jerked up, flaming gaze finally landing on the other hunter, tearing at the caribous flank. He recognized the white boy from, what he recalled to have been a quite pleasant meeting some days earlier, but things were different now as they met over a kill; MY KILL! Soon another white male joined them, Drestigs hackles rising, teeth baring as the man seemed to take possession of the slain beast, the black lad was not readily giving up his prey to these ghosts; but his loneliness, standing opposite them over the carcass was nagging painfully in the back of his minds.

So he was happy to glance more of the Oak Tree Bend wolves closing in behind the white strangers, the familiar, tawny shape of Ruiko taking stand with him. Drestig placed a possessive paw on the caribous neck, staring fiercely at the ivory males, and waited. Unless they made a direct move to take the meat, he would stay put, the decision of whether to allow these others some of the kill was Triell's to make, until he came upon them, the black man would protect the carcass.

Word Count: 302

Dawnthieves.de & Burtn @ DA
Played by Namara who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Halgen Dominique
[[Sorry guys, I had Robotics meetings and a competition that I had to do this presentation for and so I couldn't get a post up here in time for the rounds </3]]

Halgen had gotten a late start, a really late start. He had no idea what had happened but he had started to run so much later than the other wolves from the Glen. He narrowed his eyes and pushed to run as fast as he could to catch up with them to only find that the prey had been taken down. The other wolves were hissing at Phineas and Halgen narrowed his eyes. To his own count, they were outnumbered and still looking to keep the prey. Five to seven? He was pretty sure. The synergy of the entire encounter made Halgen uncomfortable. He was going to wait for the command that Borlla or Phineas would give. Surely he would not allow them to leave empty handed.

Phineas had his daughter to think about still. Halgen was pretty confident that any parents who knew their pack had a fighting chance would take the risk. But what did Hal know? He knew practically nothing because Sinister Falls did not give him what he needed to truly make it out there. He gave a soft glance to Phineas. Another to Borlla [who I think is near Phineas if I am reading everything correctly?] and then to the wolves who were demanding to keep the prey. He gave a small snarl to the wolf who happened to have gotten there first. Breathe. Just Breathe. He told himself with a fierce new feeling stirring in his heart. He wanted to take that home. Magnolia Glen wasn't just a place for the winter anymore. It was his home and he would do anything to protect it and anyone who resided there.

Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
She ran. She ran like it was all she could do to save herself. Like something was going to come up and kill her or burn her alive. No, she ran like a mother trucker about to get their butt whooped. The simple fact that she had fallen behind some displeased her greatly. She wasn't going to allow that to last very long.

Jaden heard the crashing come from ahead as the large beast was taken down. She let out a loud joyful whoop of victory, but was disappointed she did not help to take the male caribou down. Brushing this off her shoulders, figuratively speaking, she darted out of the surrounding trees straight towards them. Them, the closest to the prey, was not her pack. Her lips crinkled as she fought against her instinctive submissive nature. A viscous snarl left her mouth. She powered herself forward on speedy legs. Her head lowered to help her out. Her ears whipped back to listen for followers.

As she was met with a road block of a stranger trying to stop her alpha she swerved way over then came back around. *I can do this,* she thought as her limbs grew heavy from being nervous. Eventually she made it there coming up on the wolves surrounding the prey. She stopped dead in her tracks as she examined the strangers. A gurglish growl forced itself from her jaws. A shaky tail rose as her eyes met Destrig's own in a challenging manner. *This is stupid, I should of staid back and helped my alpha out. Now I have no orders and could ruin this for my pack! Dang my idiocy!* She thought shifting awkwardly. She snarled and smoothed her ears back. It soothed her as she finally took the moment to realize Caniri was here too, and that she had subconsciously taken his side. How could she have missed that huge detail? *Your focused on one wolf, that's how.*
(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2014, 10:12 PM by Jaden.)
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri's teeth sunk into warm flesh as the dark male's teeth met their mark also. He pulled, forcing the large bull further onto his side. The strange part was that it didn't seem to be fighting. It knew its time had come. Caniri sent out a prayer to the animals spirit as it left its body. Thank you for giving your life for me and the survival of my pack. You died nobly my friend. Rest among the stars. As the animal passed and it took its last breath, Caniri released its flank, blood dripping from his snout. The blood stained his white fur, no doubt giving him a rather vicious appearance.

Caniri lifted his gaze as Phineas neared. He had a combination of emotions flowing through his flaming eyes. Though he looked worried, the one that struck Caniri the most was the look of pride. He felt a surge of strength seeing that in his alpha. He would prove himself worthy to Phineas. One day, he hoped to stand as the white male's second. His leader paced forward, lifting his tail, showing the dark male that he was more dominant, and that he had best step away from the kill. Another wolf from the other pack arrived. He placed himself between the arriving wolves and the kill, cutting Caniri off from any form of help. A sharp bark carried from the alpha to the yearling, and Caniri automatically positioned his massive body between the new wolf and the kill without a second thought. Phineas was his general and his alpha. He trusted him entirely and would follow his orders. Insubordination would not be tolerated. The next thing he knew, there was another wolf by his side. Jaden. What the hell do you think you're doing? He wanted to scream at her. This was the worst place she could be, standing between ravenous wolves and the kill. But he didn't react other than to flick one of his ears in annoyance. If this came to a fight, he was going to have his attention split between protecting her and guarding the kill. He wasn't sure whether she would like what she was about to see.

Caniri's gaze met that of the dark male in front of him and a feint recognition tickled at his brain, but his savage side was drowning out any other thought. This male was near his kill. He should not be near his kill. He needed to MOVE. Curling back his lips, he released a low rumble that was soon followed by a snarl. Blood dripped from his fangs and he narrowed his eyes at the dark figure. His hackles rose and his ears tucked close to his skull. "You best move before we have to make you move." While the older male had done the killing, he was near the animals head. Caniri was near the bulk of its body and was able to guard it better from invasion. Nobody else would touch it until Phineas had given his permission.
(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2014, 10:29 PM by Caniri.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I will always belong in the service of a Queen
Snow meeting his chest, he kept his hurried pace, feeling it was the only thing he could do now. Aware how much things needed to go well, the lack of control over the situation pressed on his thin nerves. If he squinted, he was pretty sure Drestig,Borlla, and her mate were closing in. With the others not far behind there was little chance for this find to get away.

If to seal his fate quickly, the great bull suddenly crashed into the shards of white snow, and Drestig was immediate on grabbing for his windpipe. Relief had yet to reach the remaining leader of Oak Tree Bend. Heavy limbs, harsh, quick breaths, the caribou may soon be dead, but could they come to an agreement? Or was something so easy about to become a real blood bath? Though he pushed to get there faster, a second white male had caught onto the animal's flank and Triell could only hope nothing should happen to Drestig till they caught up.

It looked like Nayeli would soon be there, and with Ruiko, and Serach doing the best to remain as a group at least they now only had to reach the fallen herbivore. No, getting to the caribou was just the beginning, he grimly thought. Despite believing Borlla would not want to fight, the great white male zoning made him wonder. Ruiko was protecting Serach, Triell wasn't going to be a bystander now.

Trying best to ignore the smell of blood, the one yearling seemed to take it upon himself to challenge, and guard at his leader's request. Then a female, though her attempt seemed hesitate, joined in with a snarl. He could see a fight breaking out easily, and like hell he was going to let that happen. Black banner raising high, fur from skull to tail bristling, he stiffly came forward to stand by Drestig. There was coldness to his orange-yellow stare, looking upon the yearlings, while he revealed his large fangs in a minor threat. He was not there leader, but he wasn't fond of the stances of these young wolves nor the way they seemed to want to hurt Drestig. "I don't think so," he murmured. "Spilling blood between families isn't the way to start dinner. Right sister?"

Triangle ears shot forward, and he hid his top teeth, letting his eyes make their way to Borlla. Looking upon her now, there was hope she would be their saving grace. The faith, the pride he had in his litter mate glowed in his topaz gaze for a brief moment at until it was replaced with somberness. "I don't know what tragedy has fallen you, Borlla...I understand if you need more for your family. I need some...least for the boys." He indicated to Serach. He greatly wanted to tell her Corinna was gone, but the words wouldn't even form on his tongue. So he remained looking upon her, and yet carefully watching for a wrong move from the others. While he would like to have more he knew she had to take the needs of her own pack into place and he couldn't ask her to choose him over her pack just because of their blood. In reality the Oak Tree Bend wolves were out numbered, and they would be lucky to leave with anything.

(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2014, 09:56 PM by Triell.)
Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright

Nayeli's worries were not laid to rest as she arrived at the scene of the dead caribou. At least the beast seemed to have gone down without much struggle – for the time being, its was the only blood she could smell. However, the tension between the wolves was palpable in the air as she slowed her sprint. The whole gathering felt to her like a tinderbox, ready to go up in flames at the slightest spark. Loping quickly to Drestig's side, she found a position closer to the prey's bulk than he, so that now two of them faced the snarling white wolf with blood drenched jaws. He was not alone, though. Her own black flag rose over her back as she glared back at he and his companions with a steely gaze. Nayeli did not snarl or flash her teeth yet, but her eyes were unwavering, and her ruff stood up thickly upon her shoulders – she didn't wish to increase the tension, but she'd be damned if that kid was going to try and carry out his threats toward her pack mate.

Although the ivory male had taken part in the killing, if the blood on his throat was any evidence, and was now uttering threats, Nayeli wasn't sure he was the one to be paying attention to. Others of the strangers had hung back or fanned out; the wolves of the Bend still seemed to be outnumbered, and although the odds were nowhere near conclusive, they could ill-afford any skirmish in this season. She scanned the strangers, noting who they turned their gazes to, trying to puzzle out who might give the order that made them attack or back down. Not the nervous black lass before her... perhaps one of the other pale shapes?

Then Triell was there, his presences alone a reassurance among so many possibly hostile entities. His words took Nayeli by surprise... sister? The Stormwright had not known of any connection between the packs. The tension between the groups was cast in a new light, but she did not pause to wonder upon the implications. Instead she kept her stance ready, her attention focused toward the strangers, waiting to see what their response would be.

(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2014, 03:04 AM by Nayeli.)
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
Everything was happening too fast. It all seemed to be just a blur. No matter how much energy she put out, nor how hard she forced her legs to move faster, Zia just couldn't seem to catch up with the wolves ahead of her. She huffed to herself in irritation. Her lack of performance was probably due to her physical condition. With a constantly gnawing stomach and feeding on the occasional scraps, she was certainly not in tip top shape. Somewhere up ahead, she heard the commotion of the kill. One of the Bend wolves had reached the Caribou first. As the scent of freshly spilled blood seeped into the air, a surge of newfound determination flooded through her veins.

She closed the distance between herself and the animal steadily. Coming in from the far right, she knew she would not be the first to the kill site. In fact, given that she had been a ways away, she may likely be one of the last. That did not mean though, that she wouldn't get her share of the meat. After several more yards, she was greeted with a sight that both excited and worried her. A black wolf of the Bend was positioned at a prime spot over the carcass, with Caniri right there with him. Phineas and another male from the neighboring pack were also there, and Halgen too, was at the scene. Much to her displeasure, it was Caniri and Jaden who had initiated the beginnings of a challenge when it was not their place to do so. Only Phineas, Borlla and Triell, the pack leaders, held the authority to decide if their prize was to be shared.

Moving in with a stiff legged gait, shoulders squared, her lips peeled back to let a warning growl slip past her lips. However, it was not directed towards the strangers. It was to Caniri and Jaden to whom she stared down, charcoal ears swiveled back. As hungry as she was...as any of them were, she wasn't about to let two lower ranking subordinates instigate a fight. Zia knew Triell from one previous occasion, and would like to keep on friendly terms with the male. He too, seemed to be keeping a level head as he looked to Borlla, his blood relative, for a decision upon what was to be done with the spoils. Flicking her tongue smoothly over her lips, Zia stood at the ready, prepared to fight off any offenders who may act impulsively.
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