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Between the Hunter and the Guardian — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
The Guardian was pleased when he looked over to find that the woman beside him was indeed doing what he had asked of her. An unusual feeling spread through him at the sight of someone understanding him that wasn't his sister or Elettra. Tempest had always been the one who had communicated on his behalf, but now she was gone and the loyal man didn't know what to think of this development. He decided to ignore it in the end, and simply continued to listen to the music around him. The wind whispered to him and the stream sang to him and he could do nothing but sigh in content. He had never thought that he would find what he was right now, but he knew that he could truly be happy, even if his happiness didn't matter in the pack that he was in. He belonged to Elettra, just as everyone else did in her pack. He certainly didn't mind, it was his job and he would never imagine doing anything differently.

Blinking his eyes, he turned his head back to Senka, his golden amber gaze softening slightly. She looked so innocent, the exact opposite of what he was sure that he looked like. The years had worn on him and he feared that sooner or later he wouldn't be able to perform his duty to the standards that El expected of him. He was getting old and the years were going to catch up with him soon. Standing up sharply from where he was laying, he shook his head and spoke softly, "We should head back....and put the fish in the caches." He hated to break the silence that they had created, but he knew that it was time to get back to work was now, before he wouldn't be able to work anymore.
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka Flint
allow me this moment of bliss so I may begin to miss the torment
Upon hearing his voice breaking the comfortable silence around them, Senka flashed him a warm smile before smoothly rising and stretching her long legs. Surprising both herself and possibly Guiness with a quick yawn, Senka laughed lightly afterwards.

”I apologize. I guess the fishing and food made me much more tired then I realised.” She admitted to the Guardian with a sparkle in her golden amber eyes. ”Perhaps after this, I’ll indulge a little and allow myself take a short nap back at the den before going out to scour for more food to fill the caches.” Ruffling her reddish fur slightly, making it look even more disheveled than it did before, Senka gathered half of the fish that still lay between them. Yet just before her jaws gently picked up the dead animals, the dame paused and twisted her head back towards Guiness. ”Oh! I should thank you for your company! I hadn’t expected to meet anyone while here, though it was very welcome. It’s been nice to actually spend time with another pack mate.” A warm feeling had settled in Senka’s chest and spread throughout her body as the two spent the time together and she rather liked it. ”Perhaps we can do this again sometime? I’d rather like to, if we can.”

Wagging her tail slightly as she waited for a reply, Senka hoped he would say yes. Though she would understand in the same breath if he didn’t want to. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#fefefe;">

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