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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Private for @Naia! Post prompt thread! Current weather: -18F/-28C

Bastet had grown since the winter. Her body appeared larger than it once was, an overgrown coat plush with dark brown hairs covered her completely, though gray guard hairs littered her head and the underside of her chin. Though she appeared larger, she was no where near the weight she once was, and feared that it would be close to summer before she would be the beauty she once was. It was a pity, being so small, but she knew that less bulk during this time made her more agile which would come handy when she tried out for the scout duty. She assumed Naia wouldn't mind sharing the duty, Cut Rock River was a large growing pack, they would need the extra eyes.

Silence followed as she walked her home, her stance relaxed as she felt snow collect on the under hairs of her tail. It was bitterly cold but she could not feel it, even as the wind whipped across her face whistling violently in her ears, she ignored this an began to follow the trail of the border. Though she was a smaller weight class than the typical guardian, she knew that protecting her pack took guts and she was willing to defend her home regardless of how small she had become. She knew that so many others were doing the same by sacrificing their last strength to keep what was their's safe, if they for a moment stopped fighting for their home a neighboring pack could seize an opportunity and take over. She would not see to that, and knew that Maksim would agree that she took careful trek of their home and safeguard what little food they had left from scavengers.
(This post was last modified: Feb 24, 2014, 02:42 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Naia’s nose twitched as she drifted through the Cedarwood trees, taking in the comforting smells of her home and the scents of her various packmates. The Timber lady spent so much time out here scouting that she had only a vague idea of the pack politics back at the den. She counted on the smells emanating from this border to give her updates about her family. As she walked, it delivered to her news of a new packmate, but she also noticed the absence of several other prominent members’ scents. Naia dearly hoped that these family members had simply chosen to move on, and had not gone missing or deceased in the wake of such a harsh winter. She noted too that Maksim’s female friend—his former Second—had indeed assumed the leadership role as indicated by the border markers. Naia wondered with a smile if there might be large, fluffy agouti pups this spring.

Still daydreaming about springtime and bouncy fluffball puppies, Naia didn’t realize she was in the presence of a packmate until the dark-pelted lady was directly before her. ”Oh!” she emitted, startled by the “sudden” appearance. ”Ubasti. Forgive me, my mind wandered for a moment there.” She smiled sheepishly. They both knew that a scout’s eyes and ears were to be sharp at all times, especially on a border run. Just between subordinates though, Naia didn’t mind admitting to the mistake. ”Would you like to join me? Perhaps the company will keep my mind focused on the present,” she joked, her honey eyes gleaming as she laughed at herself.

Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Sorry for the wait!

Her senses trained to the ground, she lifted her head to glance toward the direction on an oncoming scent only when she caught whiff of her pack mate. The smell was familiar and she instantly identified the musk as Naia; it had been a while since she'd conversed with the woman. She recalled vividly that Naia had been her ticket of acceptance into Cut Rock River, and she owed the smaller woman a thank you for calling their leader and asking him to see her.

Before her lips could move to produce a greeting, the ever-friendly woman had given one of her own, having seemed to been caught off guard by Bastet's sudden appearance, she spoke shortly after a smile passed her lips. "Naia, it's a pleasure running into you." it was funny having surprised the scout during her outing but she understood how this season could cloud her friend's mind as there was so much to worry about, even Bastet found herself confused during this harsh season. "It would be an honor to walk the border with you, I've been meaning to ask you this sooner..." she paused, contemplating her next words.

She could not be sure if the woman would feel threatened by her question, or honored, but it was worth a shot asking the woman her advice while she had her company. There was no better way to learn than by someone already perfect in the role, and what better than by the very woman she felt comfortable around. There was no doubt in her mind that Naia would make a grand partner if she partook in the duty. "Would you mind if I considered taking the duty of scout as well?" she hadn't yet discussed her inquiry with Maksim but she figured he wouldn't mind. He seemed like the type to fancy those who choose to better themselves, she only hoped that sharing the duty would go well to the smaller tawny woman.
(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2014, 11:38 PM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Naias features broke into an easy grin when her packmate accepted her invitation. Before she could even lift a paw to continue the border run, her companion began a question, and her hesitancy stopped Naia in her tracks. Head cocked, she waited patiently for the rest of the question to tumble out, wondering what on earth could be troubling her friend. Could it be about breeding season perhaps? A highly sensitive creature, Naia had noticed a general increase in agitation within the female ranks as well as a few sharp, suspicious looks tossed around here and there. There were quite a few bachelorettes vying for their leader’s attention, and could Ubasti be one of them?

The actual question took Naia by surprise. Her honey eyes widened, and it took her a moment to collect her thoughts before she could respond. She was quite taken aback—not because she felt threatened, but because she felt honored. It had never been a question to Naia whether she would be working with other scouts; logic dictated that a pack needed at least two. One to run messages, and one to scout the border. However, she had never expected another to ask her permission before trying for the position as well. It was a sign of great respect and consideration from Ubasti, and Naia knew then that the woman opposite her would make a true friend, should Naia keep her close.

”Would I mind? Ubasti, I would be thrilled. I could really use the help, especially if Maksim gives us little mouths to feed this spring.” She smiled a crooked grin at her companion. Whelping season would mean more work for everyone, but it was work she was happy to do. With a nod indicating that they should walk, Naia began putting one paw in front of the other, still a little stunned by the previous question. She was processing as they walked, and in time Naia spoke again. ”I know that you didn’t have much choice in the place you would call home. You were sick, and it was chance alone that brought you to our border. Now that you are here though... you should start making choices for yourself. Fight for your place. Follow your heart.” If it was scouting that was going to make Ubasti happy, Naia would be the last wolf to stand in her way.

Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
This post may suck, sorry RL is bogging me down.
Breeding season was far from the ebony woman's mind. Though she'd been through the madness of coming into heat, she'd never allowed the temptation to lead her into the arms of a male, the thought of sex made her cringe. She was a virgin, would probably remain one forever if she could; the though of someone mounting her made her shudder, the possibility of pups made her nervous. She was never really good around youngsters, the meeting was always awkward seeing as they could hardly talk or rationalize the way that a adult could, therefore she remained to herself although she'd felt the emotional attachment of love before. Only once and he had been very special, she wasn't sure if another could fill his shoes.

When the woman finally responded to her question she felt the breath she was holding release from her clenched jaws, which soon relaxed when her counterpart seemed relieved to have her as a second scout; it would only make her duty easier. Though she knew Maksim had the last word in the ordeal, she smiled knowing that the woman she'd be sharing the job with would accept her as her partner, it would only mean that in due time the two would be seeing more of each other. "Excellent! I'm glad that you wouldn't mind. I would hate to feel as though I'm stepping on your toes..." she hoped the woman understood her, as her accent had suddenly grown thicker, probably from nervousness, after swallowing hard she found that her heartbeat had returned to normal. When the woman made a remark about fighting for what she wanted, she paused in her stride, ears perking to her skull with a shake of her head, she had never fought before and wasn't sure if she had the muscle to. Though she could reason her way out of any situation, if things turned physical she was sure that the other wolf would have the advantage above her, "I can hold my own...as far as fighting...miss Naia, I've never been in a fight, never had to." it was strange, seeing as fighting was a wolf's way of communicating dominance, but her previous pack was family founded and run and there was no way she would fight her family member.
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Naia smiled reassuringly at Ubasti’s relieved response. Her ears flicked to attention in order to catch the end of her companion’s sentence, which was cloaked heavily by her accent. ”Not at all,” the agouti lady reassured her after a brief pause to process the words. ”An extra set of eyes can only mean good things for Cut Rock River.” The two walked in silence for a bit, and Naia wondered if this patrol was the first of many the pair might complete together. Having a partner would certainly relieve some of the loneliness inherent in the job of a scout, and Naia couldn’t think of anyone in Cut Rock River she would rather have as a confidant and friend than Ubasti.

When Naia spoke again, the dark-pelted lady answered that she could hold her own—a reply that mystified Naia. The aspiring scout found it interesting that her companion could be so confident, especially in a pack of strong, talented wolves. Maksim expected his followers to prove their loyalty and prowess before awarding an official pack role, and his approval was not easy to win. For this reason no subordinate of Cut Rock River had yet assumed a pack role, but Naia intended to be the first. Ubasti then revealed that she had never been in a fight before, and the confession was enough to stop Naia in her tracks.

She paused to collect her thoughts before she replied, understanding that it could be a delicate subject for her companion. She knew so little about this wolf she considered her friend. ”I understand the desire for a pacifistic life,” she began, ”I prefer to lead one myself, truth be told.” Naia shared a small smile with her companion. It felt almost conspiratory to say those words aloud to a packmate, especially when they belonged to a family with the motto, ”If you do not fight, you cannot win.” Naia knew she could trust the wolf at her side-- It would be the first secret they would share.

”I had never been in a fight before either... not before patrolling the border here.” Naia winced at the memory. Every time she thought back to that day she tasted the blood of the Pass yearling in her jaws. It was almost enough to make her gag. ”When you’re a scout, sometimes diplomacy isn’t enough. Sometimes fights find you, even when you don’t go looking for them.” Naia fully intended on going her entire stay here in Cut Rock River without ever picking a fight or challenging for a rank, but she could not delude herself into believing that she could dodge every situation that might call for combat. She would never start a fight, but she had resigned herself to the inevitability that she would certainly have to finish one.

She sighed, meeting Ubasti’s gaze with a resolute expression. ”We could practice together, if you like. I know it would make me feel better sparring with a partner who hates it as much as I do.” She flashed her companion a crooked grin, as if it had been a joke, though in truth it really would ease Naia’s mind knowing that her sparring partner didn’t secretly enjoy drawing blood from her. The delicate lady’s eyes flicked over to check the sun, which was steadily sinking its way toward the horizon. If they were quick about it, they might be able to fit a spar in now before finishing the day’s patrol.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the snow. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
It would make her proud to hold the scout duty, it would signify her loyalty to the pack and the responsibility she promised to uphold while being a respected member of the Creek; it made her heart swell thinking of it. Becoming a scout would give her a purpose that she had never had before, being in a family pack meant everyone did the same duties and no one wolf performed it alone, this meant no one was special except of course the leaders who also happened to be her parents. She shook her head, thinking back to Ypsi Creek made her emotional and more resentful the longer the thoughts lingered, therefore when her attention came back to Naia a smile spread the length of her lips to mask her negative thoughts of home. "I can only imagine how stressful it is to do the duty alone. I'm sure we'll be a wonderful team." and she grinned, her ears pulling back to her skull as she walked in unison to her tawny companion. The woman knew that sharing a duty with Naia would bring them closer, perhaps she'd had a confident in the woman as their relationship grew.

With her words fresh from her lips she mused a while longer when Naia paused to contemplate the words Bastet had shared with her, it was true, the woman had a confident soul, it was a personality she was born with, though fighting had never been her concern. Her brothers protected her, and her sisters were her best confidant's, even her parents shared the duty of keeping them all together and peaceful, reminding them of their purpose and duty to their lineage; Bastet had never felt a need to fight back. When she grew into a yearling she noticed the difference between her pack and the others surrounding them and wondered how life would be without her close knit family. From that moment on the woman resented her family life, and took in the different culture of the packs she joined to distort what she was taught since a pup and fit in with those around her; she assumed it had been working for her and gotten her this far.

"You miss Naia as a sparring partner? That would be awesome. I'll cherish our practice, it will make me feel so appreciative that another wants to help me out." she paused a moment, her eyes searching those of her partner, "When can we start?" she spoke with a wag of her thick tail, before she could listen to the response of the tawny woman she smelled the wafting scent of rabbit in the wind. It was tempting, considering the lack of food on the Lore since winter, there was no doubt in Bastet's mind that using her energy in a hunt would be well worth the effort, "Do you smell that? Its....rabbit, lots of them." her tail continued to wag as she paced to pinpoint the direction in which the scent came. Surely it wasn't that far away.
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Even as Naia insisted that she would delight in Ubasti as a partner, the Timber woman thought she saw a flicker of emotion pass behind her companion’s mismatched eyes. Intuitive by nature, Naia got the feeling that it wasn’t scouting that was getting Ubasti all worked up. She turned her own honey gaze forward to allow her new partner some privacy, and in a few moments the sable lady spoke once more, her voice holding no indication of the emotion that Naia had moments before detected. The scout matched her friend’s grin.

”When can we start? her dark companion questioned, and Naia almost answered, ”immediately!” Thinking about it though, it made more sense to practice in the company of a professional guardian, perhaps even Maksim if he was available. Under his tutelage they would have proper instruction that would hone their skills much more so than with the guesswork or trial and error methods they would have to employ alone. ”Perhaps when Maksim or one of the guardians is available to assist?” Unfortunately, most of the pack was busy preparing for the pups to come. ”After the pups arrive, I suppose. When there is food and energy to spare.” She turned to Ubasti to see what she thought of the idea, but her partner seemed distracted by a scent she had caught on the wind.

”It’s definitely rabbit,” Naia agreed, her nose twitching as she confirmed the scent. ”There is a clearing with some grass downwind a little further... I’m betting that’s where they are.” Naia knew this border like the back of her paw. ”Good find,” she complimented Ubasti with a little half smile before she took off, leading the way to the clearing. She dropped into a crouch as she neared the target location, looking over her shoulder to make sure the swarthy woman was doing the same. ”The clearing opens up beyond this underbrush,” she imparted at a whisper, nodding toward some thick bushes a few wolflengths ahead. She waited for her companion to take the lead—it was her find after all—and her heart began beating faster as she anticipated the hunt.

Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Thinking of home killed the dark birds enthusiasm, but she masked her features after giving her head a quick shake; she would not bring this baggage here with her, not now. Releasing a sigh, her attention focused on the tawny woman who spoke of their training sessions, tossing a suggestion in the air of having their leader or the designated guardian referee to give pointers. It was an idea in itself but Bastet found her lips purse in slight disagreement, she assumed that their sparing was to be kept secret, adding another wolf in the mix made it harder to quell any rumors that may surround their constant training, "Do you think that would be a great idea? Would Maksim be happy knowing...we can't fight?" She paused mid-sentence, choosing her words carefully and hoping that Naia would know the answer, the tawny woman would know their leader better than herself, especially considering how closely her position required her to be to Maksim; but what of Kisla, would be she as understanding that her current scout and scout in training were not as fight worthy as the pack required? Worrying made her mouth dry, and licking her jaws once she moved back onto the topic at hand, she would worry about it when it came closer to her gaining her duty.

When Naia spoke of puppies the woman felt her stomach lurch, the topic of mating made her nervous, it was such a commitment that produced life long responsibilities and the dark woman was not sure if having cubs during such a harsh winter would be smart. There was hardly food, and water had become nearly as scarce, but nature was a funny thing and she knew that eventually there would be puppies. It was of no real surprise, the alpha pair would most likely be the ones reproducing, which would bring less mouths into the pack, but mouths still the same; thinking of it all made her head swirl. There was so much responsibility, so many lives at stake, she only hoped that eventually Spring would be kinder to them.

The scent of rabbit captivated her once more as her stomach gurgled, and without missing a beat the woman took the lead. Taking Naia's advice, she moved toward the underbrush where the scent was surprisingly stronger, it wasn't until she heard the brush rustle despite her movements that she darted off in the general direction of which running feet came. A glint of tawny caught her eye and she moved after one of the fatter rabbits expertly, watching as it strained to move faster and darted beneath thick foliage but Bastet could not be shook--hunger was desperate in her eyes. It did not take long, a few moments of so, before she threw her weight against the frail body of her prey and felt it collapse beneath her biting force, within moments blood pooled into her jaws and she looked, with satisfaction toward Naia to see if she had been as successful.