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Hunt Opportunity - East RL — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
Just a reminder that the SoW account will no longer be posting. My post will begin the fifth round. New rounds will start every 2 days, so the next will start on March 16th, 10pm EST.

There was no time to say so, but Serach was thankful for Ruiko's act of kindness. The older male had fallen back, keeping close to the youth. There was no telling what might happen, but judging by the rumbles in his stomach and the free flowing saliva in his mouth, the youth had no doubt that things could get ugly very fast. They were all hungry, and the freshly spilled blood on the snow called to them all. @Drestig might have made landed the killing blow, but it was clear to Serach's green eyes as he drew closer that these other wolves hardly cared. His pale fur bristled along his spine, and when he looked at the strangers threatening Drestig, there was no warmth in his gaze.

He looked braver than he felt, though. The thud, thud of his heart was loud in his ears, and his legs were beginning to shake with the force of adrenaline. He stepped closer to @Ruiko, evermore thankful that his uncle had wordlessly declared that he would be Serach's protector should a fight break out. With no fighting skills and very little speed, Serach couldn't help but see the dead caribou on the ground and picture himself. Would wolf blood be spilled today as well?

Perhaps not. Abruptly, the boy turned his head to look at his uncle @Triell. The pack leader had stepped up alongside Drestig, his mere presence a challenge to the strangers who had the audacity to claim what was not theirs. But as the black beast spoke, the whole situation changed. Serach followed Triell's gaze, and looked upon @Borlla. Sister. No, stupid. Aunt. Your aunt. It took him a moment to work it out, and when he had, he realized that Triell was talking about him. Putting on a brave face, Serach flicked his tail, trying to step around Ruiko so they could see him. "Please," he said, his voice wavering as he mustered the courage to speak up. "Drestig killed it, but there's more than enough to share." He looked around the group, his youthful gaze begging them to see reason. He stopped on Triell's face, his look clearly asking, We can do that, right?

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

The situation grew ever more tense as more wolves arrived, every single on challenging the black lads claim on the kill. A large part of him wanted to take them all on, this was his kill, his! He was old enough to know better though, suppressing his impulses. As the yearlings challenged him, he answered by staring them down coldly, first the female, the Caniri; A pity we should meet again like this... He mused, teeth bared, but without making a sound.

When Triell came to stand by his side, Drestig felt himself relax a little; They were still outnumbered, but the black man felt stronger with the sizeable, dominant, weight of his leader beside him. When Triell spoke, his words about quelling the tension and sharing the meal, Drestig's lips slipped closed, his face falling into a less threatening grimace, eyes cold. A large part of him still wanted to keep this kill for himself, but he saw the reason in his young leaders proposal; there were more of the Magnolia Glen wolves than those of The Bend...

His ebony ear perked when Triell mention the relation; Sister..? He hadn't known, and looking at the white wolfess, it wasn't easy to find the resemblance. Still, it kindled the hope that this conflict could resolve without bloodshed; Other than that of the prey... Yet another, ghostly wolf came on the scene, but this one seemed to be older and of more sense than the snarling yearlings - she gave them a superior reprimand, to hold their tongues and leave the decision to the leaders - and took a stand with the Glen wolves.

Then a young voice added his vote to the situation. Drestig glanced over at Serach, feeling a strange surge of warmth at his words; A smart kid, he thinks better than many adults! The black boy turned his eyes back to the opposers, looking to the white queen; Borlla. The decision lay on her shoulders now.

Word Count: 329

Dawnthieves.de & Burtn @ DA
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri stood rigid, guarding the kill as more wolves arrived. His eyes stayed glued to the dark male in front of him. He could feel the savage beast inside, beating against the bars of his will. This wolf was a challenger. He was trying to take the kill. He needed to be put in his place. Gritting his teeth, Caniri fought against his feral self, trying to force it into submission. He had control for the time being but it nashed its teeth just behind his eyes, waiting for its chance to come free. He knew, that even if he looked in control, that anyone that studied his eyes close enough could see the feral tinge. He hated this. He shouldn't be fighting himself all the time. It wore him down. What happened if one of these days he couldn't control himself anymore? The beast lunged against the bars. The black male needed to step away from the kill! Enough. Drestig hasn't done anything wrong. Get a grip. Finally he remembered the dark wolf. They had actually had a good time, and he wasn't a bad wolf. This thought calmed him some. Caniri had no intention of hurting anyone. He was only doing what he was told.

It didn't seem like anyone else understood this though. As several wolves stepped up proposing to share, Caniri almost see the olive branch being raised. The tension didn't lessen tough, it shifted. To him. He could feel the hostility and the disapproval coming from both packs. It didn't seem quite right. He was only doing as he was told. He hadn't actually hurt anyone. He hadn't even moved for god sake. He didn't like how they were acting like he was the bad guy. One of the Glen wolves even made a move to growl at him, telling him to stand down. He didn't move. He couldn't. He had better say something though, that way they didn't think that he could end up killing Drestig at any second. "I'm all for sharing the kill. After all, Drestig did do most of the work. It wouldn't be fair to rob him." Speaking to Zia he said, "I mean no disrespect miss but I've been given orders that outrank yours." The truth of the matter was, even if Drestig had made the kill, unless Phineas told Caniri to stand down, he wasn't going to. "I'll follow my alpha, whatever decision he makes." Caniri's gaze turns to Phineas', not challenging, but questioning. What did he want him to do?
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The success of the hunt could have been something to be celebrated, and yet the air was thick with tension, and in turn, Phineas felt himself lift even higher. He reached the others at this point, his hackles bristling as he came just behind Zia, who snarled warningly at the pack yearlings. His teeth flashed at the silver she-wolf – the alabaster male having only been following Phineas' barked orders, and whatever Zia's personal relationship with these wolves held nothing in this situation.

Magnolia Glen had lost too many this winter.. he would be damned if such an opportunity would be missed to simply maintain a standing relationship with a pack he had yet to interact with until now.

Yet this stance would take a drastic turn the moment the large black wolf spoke. He seemed to be the Leader of the pack, and he was, in turn, larger than Phineas himself.. as well as the tawny wolf who flanked him and a youth carefully. His assumption at that point was the stranger referred to Zia – she in turn held familiar pelt to him, and had seemed to be on friendly terms with him before. His sharp orange eyes made to study her at this point – would she choose her blood family, or the family she had bonded with since her arrival?

And yet it was not her he referred to. Blinking, realization dawned upon the Argyris at this point, noting the obsidian male was watching Borlla with careful precision, rather than his Second. Uttering a snort of disbelief, his eyes drifted to his mate, knowing she had family in the area.. but he had never heard much of them. "Borlla?" It was a questioning tone, and in that moment, his own defenses began to crumble.

For her, they always did.
(This post was last modified: Mar 22, 2014, 02:42 AM by Phineas.)

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
(i'm really sorry guys. i hadn't actually realized everyone was waiting specifically for borlla...)

The darker Bend male had come upon the catch before she had, and it seemed that by the time she'd made it, the beast had already fallen. Discordance had settled over the mass of wolves. She came up alongside Phineas, hackles raised, jowls twitching in irritation. Certainly the Bend wolf had taken it down, but if the Glen wolves had not been there, perhaps he might not have. A line had been drawn in the snow, separating blood from bond, and now, the woman realized, they were waiting for her. Still on edge from her unfulfilled wish, she did not like the power that had suddenly been handed to her. Her golden eyes settled upon Triell, brother, before finding Ruiko, then the child, Corinna's, who had spoken up from behind him.

But what had they done for her since she'd departed Swift River? They were blood, of course they were, and she loved them, she knew she did...But the many that looked upon her now for some guidance were truly her family. Those that would flock at her call, had been beside her when she and Phineas had buried their son...

Her mind did not linger upon the fairness of it all, for there was no such thing.

Pulling her eyes abruptly from the child, she met the eyes of her littermate. "You will take nothing, Triell." She said, her voice immensely sad, but unshaken. Magnolia Glen had lost too many to the winter for her to abandon any of this meal to unallied stomachs.

(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2014, 03:20 AM by Borlla.)
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I will always belong in the service of a Queen

Nothing. Harsh reality was to settle in. The decision came, even by the tone it was spoken he could not hold back the hardness that clamped his muscles, the fire burned along his spine, in his blood. He had always been negotiator, peace maker, the nice guy, the one to settle the conflict. How often had he wanted everyone to get along? She wouldn't let them take anything? Wouldn't say anything more? Who was upon the caribou now? The two yearlings he had no problem snapping into. The tall white male behind, and Borlla were the real threat. Zia could go either way. Borlla had, hadn't she?

Serach made the most sense, reminding Triell of himself. The Tainn couldn't look the boy in the eye. He was afraid one look at the pale pup, and he would lose the last thread he was holding onto. Was she bitter they hadn't spoken more? Or had something worse than he could imagine happened? Had she not known Zia and him had already split a kill between their families? He was on the plain of pleading with her. Nothing? Then he was tempted to simply reach across the way with an act of violence to solidify they were not allies and would never be. Show her, he wasn't about to be who she thought he was. She wouldn't expect that of him, would she? Triell Tainn believing and living survival of the fittest.

"Who will stop me? You or him? They are my responsibility now, and like hell I'll see them starve with meat beneath me that's more than enough to share." He would love for Ruiko to weigh in, but he figured the seconds were splitting down, and talking didn't mean shit. The Bend wolves needed to see he was ready for a fight, and they should be too. Nayeli and Drestig he was sure could handle the yearlings. In fact, he didn't think it would take much to beat the one into submission. Ruiko would look after the Aesir, rather telling him to run while he fought he wasn't sure. At least one of his siblings had his back. Serach was the only reason he didn't set his teeth into someone now, and yet the boy was why Triell was ready to spill blood. As the only leader, it was his own family to think about, and if she saw them as nothing so be it. He wasn't going to get the short end of the stick, dictated by her pack just because he was trying to make life fair for everyone. Life wasn't. Stiffened limbs he only waited for her to prove her words or eat them.

(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2014, 12:50 PM by Triell.)
Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright
The tension in the air was tangible. The dark lady stood her ground, crouched alongside the kill, alongside Drestig - the air felt almost electrified, tasted like copper and blood. Nayeli willed her nerves to remain calm, her gaze unwavering. Her ears flicked toward each sibling as they spoke to catch their words, and though her features did not change, the implications hit her internally like a sack of bricks. Would the pack let their youngest go hungry, or would they fight? Or would something else yet transpire? It felt as if they were hurtling toward something.

The Stormwright's ears flickered back towards Triell, lone leader of the Bend wolves now that winter had snatched Corinna from their midst. What would his next move be, she wondered, and what would be the implications? Until he gave the word, she would not step back, nor forward. The thought of a fight was not something she took lightly, and yet she felt herself ready to follow the dark man's orders. He had given her a home; the Bend was beginning to give her something she had not had in a long time - something worth fighting for. If not a family, then kinship, stability....

She had to wonder at the connections between the wolves present she might be blind to. She was so new here, really. How many of these wolves who faced off had bonds or rivalries that crossed the line drawn between the packs now? If it came to a clash, who would follow orders and who would let other allegiances weigh in their actions? She had no way to know, or even guess, and so she could only stand ready, thoughts racing.

Then Triell spoke, and she let her dark plume raise higher behind her, silver eyes narrowing toward the Glen wolves closest at hand. So, that was it then. Her thoughts were tempted to wander toward the safety of youngest members of her own pack, but knew that the Bend would not let harm come to the young princes. She and Drestig were the front line, they must defend the kill. A quiet growl rising in her chest, she crouched lower, waiting to see if anyone would dare to step forward and try to take it from them.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2014, 05:12 AM by Nayeli.)
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
Psst, @Triell - you've got an open tag in your table somewhere.

Serach waited with baited breath, anxious to see how the adults would react. His tail was held out stiff behind him, and his ears were flat against his head. His body language clearly showed his anxiety, but he held firm. They all looked at him as he spoke, but there was no immediate answer. All eyes were on the white female, and even as she was opening her mouth, the young wolf was bristling. He took a step forward again, emboldened by his outrage. It isn't your choice. You didn't even kill it. Her lips were not red with blood, not like Drestig's. But he didn't speak, because his uncle Triell spoke for them all. There was no mercy in his tone, and Serach could not help but feel pride. They would not back down. Not just because the prissy white woman thought she was in charge.

He was riding on pure adrenaline now, the only thing keeping his courage alive. But his stomach was growling louder than a wolverine and he was visibly salivating now. The smell of blood and meat was intoxicating, and the adrenaline-filled beast creeped forward. Half crouched, the hair along his back rising, he stared down the group of wolves, slowly circling behind Triell and Drestig. There were now two additional wolves in between him and the Glen wolves; and he had no doubt that they would keep him safe. Instinct was calling to him though, so with no hesitation, he closed the distance between himself and the kill. Where Drestig had torn out the caribou's throat, blood covered the carcass, and it was there that Serach's teeth sank in. One quick bite and a sharp pull of his head, and he was free. It wasn't a significant amount of meat, more flesh than the delectable fat and muscle, but the taste of blood set his senses on a frenzy. He hurriedly stepped backwards, ready to leap away in retreat if his actions were challenged.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The tension hung thick through the air, and as the rustic brute glanced at the ivory male who swung his muzzle to his sister, Ruiko felt his own body stiffen as the words that fell past her lips were far from what was expected.

Blinking, a sneer traced upon his tainted lips at that moment, and casting his amber eyes to Triell, he could see his ebony brother stiffening. Both Tainn’s lifted themselves to full height, which was an impressive sight, and with a calculating gaze, the older wolf could see that the packs might have been evenly matched in terms of numbers, but he truly believed the Bend had the upper paw.

His eyes would befall upon Borlla then, and he emitted a soft growl, issuing a snort as it abruptly ended. “Wrong decision, smallteeth,” he murmured, feeling his heart weigh heavily at what would happen next. Yet Borlla had made her choice again and again – abandoning the pack multiple times, and now, it revealed she felt blood meant nothing.

In turn, he would give her the same. He could feel his nephew move away before he seen him, and as Serach made to the neck where the largest injury had been inflicted, the large male prowled forward to block the Glen wolves from him. Snarls let loose as two others began to fight, and without another word, the hefty Tainn began to scissor at the meat with his fangs, hoping to make quick work of it. Oak Tree Bend would do taking some with them, and if the other pack was going to back their words up, they would have to remove him by force.
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

For a moment, the tension seemed to wane, as everyone looked to the white wolfess; even the ivory male who seemed to have lead the yearlings in their challenge, his eyes softening when he looked at his mate. Then this Borlla made her decision, her cold command sending Drestig's ears flat back against his skull, making his hackles rise. Who did she think she was; The kill is OURS! I've slain this beast for Oak Tree Bend, she has NO power over it! His righteous fury set his eyes aglow, and he was about to remind the insolent woman of all of this when Triell spoke again. The smaller male snapped his bloody teeth, ears now rising to point straight at the opposing pack in a display of threatening dominance; Damn right! He was not gonna leave the meal for these scavenging cretins; if they were so stupid as to challenge The Bend's claim on the kill, instead of accepting the - Rather gracious - offer to share, he would make sure they didn't even taste the meat!

Out of the corner of his eye, the black man had noticed Serach starting to move, and as the youngling crept between his legs to snatch a bite from the carcass, Drestig couldn't help but smile. Eyes swiftly returning to the opposing wolves, the smile grew cold, his fiery gaze challenging them all; if even one of them took just one step towards the youth, the ebony wolf would stop them. Forcefully!

And one of them indeed did jump, though his target was not Serach. Drestig snarled ferociously as the tawny male made for the Bend wolves, going for Nayeli; The smallest target, HOW BRAVE! The boy's eyes darted between all the gathered, looking for any other reactions. Ruiko went for the kill, swiftly tearing at the meat in an open challenge of Magnolia Glen's bogus claim, everyone else was still.

Haggles stiff, teeth barred, the dark lad took a few steps away from the caribou, trusting the larger Ruiko to protect it, and he stared down the enemy, ready to take on the next attacker. Should none come, he would help Nayeli teach the one a lesson.

Word Count: 366

Dawnthieves.de & Burtn @ DA
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