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With the Wind at my Back — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
All welcome; @Ash @Narimé or @Titan interested?

The wind pushed Finn along as she stepped closer to the lagoon. Her mind began to spark, and she halted in her tracks. Narrowing her eyes, she racked her brain of memories. She had been here before. The summertime had come around, and she had been attempting to catch a bass here. A small smile tickles her lips, and she cannot help but to grin even in this horrible cold. A swish of her tail propelled her onward. With ginger steps, she places her paws on the edge of the ice to test the weight hold. Small ears respond to the sound of ice cracking, and, with gazelle-like grace, the woman leaps off of the ice. The pressure of her push creates a moderately sized crack, allowing fresh and unfrozen water from beneath to seep to the surface.

The small woman turns her head to look at what she has done. Cautiously, she cranes her head downward and approaches the crack in the ice. Her pale pink tongue laps at the water that washes over the ice. Her stomach then reminded her that she was hungry, but there were no fish that would be retrieved from the water today. With a stifled sigh, she turns away from the break in the ice. Boredom begins to torture her mind again.

The thinned woman lopes through the snow now, her pale umber eyes scanning the snow as she does so. There was no prey around at all. Disappointment begins to make her irritated. Her lips return to a neutral position; her face does not express amusement anymore. She comes to a slow as she rounded the lagoon. Old cattails are barely visible from the receding snow, but she approaches a small bushel of them anyway. Her small white paws work at the snow around them until she creates a place to lay. With a few twirls to find a comfortable spot, she settles. The dead and brittle cattails provide some shelter from the wind that was at her back.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2014, 05:57 PM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He needed to get away from his pack for one day, feeling as if he were suffocating under the betrayals that he would soon be feeling. He still couldn't fully grasp the concept that some of the wolves that he had grown to like were actually leaving. It just went to constantly remind him that anywhere he went there would be betrayals and that in the end he wouldn't be able to trust anyone, no matter what he thought. Ash was moving throughout some unfamiliar grounds to him and happily walked through the cold, his large paws crunching on the ice. He moved easily through the area, though slowly, considering that he was still getting use to the area, and found himself happening upon a rather large lagoon.

What he discovered with it, was not something he had ever expected to see in front of him again. There, standing in all her glory was Finn, a woman he had long since been gone from the lore. Finding that the words he were going to call got caught in his throat, he slowly approached the other woman, his body language tense and unsure of himself. As he got closer, there was no denying what he knew was true: this woman was definitely Finn. The lady he had long ago been falling for before they had to part their separate ways. Then it had been Treena, Athena, and now Namara was with him. One woman that he hoped would never leave his side if he could help it. None the less, he silently wondered if he looked the same as he did when he had first met her...that was, after all, two years ago. Clearing his throat, he spoke in the low baritone voice that, thankfully, hadn't changed, "Lady Millinae?" His question came out uncertain but there was still the underlying tones of confidence within him. He almost couldn't believe what was right in front of him.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
As Finn settled, it was not long before another wolf had appeared. The scent of the creature filled her nostrils; it seemed so familiar to her. With brows raising, she turns her head only to focus upon a male. With a tilt of her head, her ears perk to the voice Lady Millinae? Her heart thumped hard within her chest. Her lungs felt as if they were unable to take in any more breaths. Her pale eyes widen and her jaw nearly drops. Quickly scrambling to her small white paws, the woman anxiously leaps out from the spot that she was laying in only moments ago.

The excitement that coursed through her veins was almost electric. With her heart still drumming in her chest, she takes a few bounds in the snow toward him. As she stops, she can feel her muscles tensing, but she forces herself to remain calm. As she gets closer, she observes the wolf and becomes positive as to whom it is. Those slanted green eyes... he was a Hervok. "Ash!" She cries out, her ears pressing against her head as she does so. She almost begins to tremble. What luck! Arriving back in these lands only to find someone whom she had known before.

As a cold wind blows, the woman shivers. "It's... it's been so long..." She speaks quietly, but her Western tongue pierces through her words. Carefully, she awaits the reaction of the brown pelted wolf that stands before her. "I've missed these lands..." her voice trails off before she clears her throat "..I've certainly missed you, as well." She feels her face grow warm, but her eyes remain focused on the large man's.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Sorry for the wait! <3

The large man was quite sure that this was just another way the stars were trying to curse him for finding love again. Once Treena had plagued his mind constantly and now Finn was coming back to haunt him, only this time the voice wasn't in his head, but in front of his very eyes. He forced himself to stay rooted where he was as he stared at this gray woman before turning his gaze away from her, knowing that it was quite rude to stare, and quite certainly rude to gawk at someone when they already had a mate. His assumption was only confirmed when the Western woman came bounding towards him. In shock, Ash almost took a step back before remembering that this was all just an illusion. That was until, he felt the slightest of touches. The Hervok easily controlled himself from flinching away at his former sweetheart. Swallowing thickly, he listened to her words carefully, his dark brown ears twitching. Now how was he to respond to that without hurting someone's feelings?

Eventually, without thinking much about his words but knowing full well they were true, he responded, "I've missed you too...have you...been in the lore this entire time?" He asked the question hesitantly, because he almost didn't want to know the answer. He had once gone looking for her, only to find that she had disappeared. Memories of her body draining of blood because of what her brother had done to her plagued his mind. Had she found out what he had done to his own sister? Surely she had not, otherwise she wouldn't have greeted him so cheerily. Clamping his jaws firmly shut, he watched the gray woman in front of him, shifting uneasily from side to side as he awaited her response.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
(Sorry for lateness! I've had no internet :( <3)

Finn begins to feel her heart beat heavily within her chest. Her eyes lock onto him as he turns his head for a brief moment. With a sense of longing coursing through her veins, she is anxious to speak with him. "I haven't. I traveled outside of the Lore for my own safety. After what had occurred with Jedd...well..." She stops speaking for a moment, biting her tongue. Thinking of her brother almost made her feel sick. With a quiver of her small frame, the silver-gray woman looks back up to the Hervok man. "...I just wanted to leave for a bit until I felt better again. I'm fine now, thankfully. I just want to start and continue life again." Her words wavered for a moment, Western tongue not rolling smoothly for once. With a small shake of her head, she lightly sighs. "I'm sorry, Ash. I just haven't spoken about that in awhile." The honesty in her voice was pure; her umber eyes caught the light of day as she looks to Ash's green gaze.

Releasing her negative thoughts, Finn begins to cheer up as she takes a small step toward Ash. "Are you well?" She asks this simply, for he could begin to speak about whatever he would like to. The small woman's tail flicks as she waits. As she neared him, she could recognize his scent again. It felt like yesterday to her. He had a deep earthen scent, and she wanted to wrap herself in it. Not coming a step closer, though, she had decided to respect his space. The woman hadn't an idea as to what his status was now, anyway.
(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2014, 11:35 PM by Finn.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He knew he couldn't keep his eyes on the woman in front of him, because if he would, he knew he would stare. Finn was, after all, the first female he had felt drawn too in a long time when he had entered the lore. It wasn't long before she also spoke up, and Ash had to turn his head towards her, no emotion playing on his face. He had once been a poisoned wolf and he had let his former masks seep out of him. Love and other small things had made him weak in the perspective of others, and it was time that he returned to his former glory. Listening to what she had to say, he stopped himself from wincing and pulling his lips back into a snarl. He remembered what Jedd had done to her, luckily Nina had been there to tend to her...and then later on that month Ash had done something similar to his dearest sister. If only she knew what he had become, she would hate him with all of her being. Even if Ash and Nina had long since made up and were now on much better terms, it would ruin all that Ash and Finn had shared....not that it mattered much now that he had Namara, but they still had that friendship and the Hervok would value it while he could.

Doing what he could to comfort the other woman, he stepped closer, only slightly, and reached out to give her a reassuring nudge on the cheek before backing up to the former space they had been at. Pursing his lips thinly together, he considered how to answer her question and eventually opened his jaws to speak, "My journey has...been interesting. I was alpha of a pack in the mountains for quite awhile....I had to end up disbanding it....traveled to another pack where a good friend of mine lived....also ended up disbanding because of a flood, and currently I am alpha of another pack who was in need of an alpha male....who better to lead than a man who has had prior experience and was highly successful?" His tone remained even, not letting it wavier when it came to his former packs. He did not wish to appear weak in front of the lady, but he didn't know how else to put it. Converting back to his gentlemanly manner, he spoke kindly, "Pardon my bluntness, Lady Millinae." He easily converted back to his old teasing nickname he had called her and waited to see what she had to say.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2014, 04:11 PM by Ash.)
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Her face warms when the man steps forward and nudges her cheek. Her mouth felt dry. She listened to him speak, worrying now to throw her own bit in. Finn felt like she was going to squeak, but she spoke up in her usual tone. "Well, Ash.. I'll tell ya somethin'. You've been through a lot. It only gets better from here." It was something quite optimistic of her to say- she always had the best hopes for those she cared about. A bit of jealousy flashed through her mind; it seemed she had such a boring life in comparison. After she had left the Lore for awhile, nothing exciting had occurred with her. A possible scrap with a coyote was considered most eventful.

Finn's silvery tail wagged before she looked down at her paws. She was currently looking for a home, but something made her feel embarrassed to ask about the pack he was currently in. Her gaze flickers back upward before she smiled gently "It's nice to be back. I'm glad I've run into you first" A small chuckle escapes her muzzle before she speaks again "Can't wait for the water to thaw. I've had a hankerin' to go fishin'." The smile on her face was playful. This weather was pretty depressing- nothing good had come of it so far. She had gotten sick of eating snow. Hunger was a constant ache in her stomach. Only a positive attitude could fight this cold. Finn's eyes scan Ash's frame as she goes into thought. After a few moments, she realizes her gaze it set on him and she looks back down to her small paws in a bashful manner.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He was trying not to watch the other woman too closely, knowing that he would once again be drawn in by her. It had been hard enough having to leave her alone before, he knew now he wouldn't be able to do it again with her in the flesh. He moved his head to look at her when she spoke though, knowing it would be sign of disrespect if he did not. She had always been the optimistic one out of the two of them, even if back in the day, Ash had been a much more positive man. Now, his heart broken many times by the people around him, he was cursed. Anyone he loved would vanish and he wanted to try an cherish the wolves that would be here for him when he grew old.

When she spoke again, Ash's mossy green orbs flashed with something....something that hadn't been sparked since Treena had disappeared. The thought of her brought familiar aches and pains to him, though not as severe as before. He couldn't help the easy smile that made its way onto his face when she mentioned fishing. Of course she liked the water, there was no way he could forget that. When they had first met he had pushed away his senseless antipathy for water and they had swarm together, when it had been warm. Listening to her talk of such things reminded him of their own little streams within his territory and he couldn't help the words that slipped past his mouth without giving much thought to them, even if he knew he wanted it, "Now...do you need a home Miss Finn? Because I would be very willing to offer you mine." He said the words softly and coaxingly, hoping that she would accept his rare offer.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn's heart flutters at the question that Ash asks her. Does she want to return with him? Of course! The warmth that spreads across her face makes her blink and hold her breath. She needed to calm herself. A polite smile is stuck on her face as she nods her head gratefully "I would love to, Ash." The warmth spreads over her back as she leans in to nuzzle him gently on the side of his neck. She does this carefully; if she pulls away she would as well. "I really appreciate it, Mr. Hervok"

Her voice teases him gently as she turns herself to stand by his side. The lady's tail remains lowered and her ears press against her small head as she lowers her body in a submissive way. The brown gaze she has flutters upward to him. The excitement that wavers through her almost made her want to spring around like a kangaroo. The muscles in her limbs felt as if they had been replaced by springs. Nothing had been exciting in her life for the past few months.

After her comment of appreciation, Finn briefly looks to the thawing ground and thanks the heavens that she has found a good friend of hers. It was a great streak of luck, perhaps blessing her after this harsh winter. The soft smile on her slender gray-white muzzle points up toward the green-eyed Ash she awaits his movements. You haven't aged a bit" her smile exposes a few fangs in amusement "At least in my eyes ya haven't."

(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2014, 02:32 AM by Finn.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is an elk carcass nearby. It looks like it froze to death. +12 Health