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Can't See the Sun — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Zyn who has 101 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
K'arnae Desrix

A full field of green had given way to treacherous thicket, ensnaring gnarled fur as it defiantly progressed. In the air, a whine was cut soft by the stifle of stubborn jaws refusing to let the fauna hear of its win over the living. It had been her own fault, to fall prey to the encompassing sect of the wood. Wandering at an aimless pace too far from her known grounds, staring at the sun until there was naught but the darkness that surrounded her. The transition had been sudden, of perhaps it was gradual; it was difficult to say. Once more, her mind had been consumed with thoughts of food and shelter rendering her otherwise unaware of where she had wandered to. When once her security was found in the dreadful woods, torment took its place in this horrid trap of overgrown floral and heavy air.

She gasped as again a greedy branched freed a tuff of fur from her dwindling bulk. Yet in turn she stamped defiantly on a plantlet just in bloom. This savage deal-and-take dance continued the further the large thing pushed ahead through the growth, until a final pull at her nape jerked her to stand still and for the first time truly look within this hell she had stumbled into.

She was growing tired of this, the constant migration from one sect of land to the other. Not a year had passed since her departure from her family, and though she did not miss returning to their ranks, she desired that security that came from their community. It was knowing that regardless of the journey there was a designated place to return to and rest. Not this endless hell of wandering simply seeking a dark corner to settle and curl until reached by the morning light. Her small den in the Woods was but a place to rest her head. No attachment, no cache to return and feed from. Just a hole in the base of a hollowed tree, perhaps by now taken by some other wandering fool. Was she supposed to struggle for that?

Exhaling bitterly, the female turned her muzzle from her prior direction and for the first time since her capture within nature, turned her sights to gaze through thick branches for the sun. It was nigh impossible to see, but she knew it was there. As one knew the sun rested beyond a clouded sky, she knew the shining star still remained high on its perch… perhaps drifting with the gradual minutes as night inevitably crept. But it was there. That singular constant was there. Even if her hopeless eyes could not yet see it.

(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2014, 09:40 PM by K'arnae.)
~* Looking for Magnolia Glen plots/threads *~
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Ooc: Hello there, welcome to RoW :D

Aideen Smoke

How long had it been now? More than a week for sure, possibly even two, or longer still?! In any case it had been too long! The rust pelted girl moved swiftly through the thicket, ears perked and twitching at any sound, eyes pointed straight ahead; by now she was so used to her forest home that she needed not look where she planted her paws. Which was good, because her brain was otherwise occupied; Where are you?! @Coal had left many days ago, intent on searching for herds in the desolate land, but he had yet to return, and Aideen was growing anxious!

Today, she had set out to search for her man, scared of what she might find, but too worried by now to wait any longer for his return; You better have a good excuse for staying away so long! There was anger in her copper colored eyes, but below the pale flame, her heart was full of fear; And... Please be ok! The slender wolfess hurried on, soon crossing the pack border and beginning to leave the land of Secret Woodlands behind her, now and then, her eyes caught sight of fresh sprouts, and by habit rested there for a second, but then she tore them away, she had no time for gathering herbs today.

Time passed beyond her notice, and it was hard to say how far she'd gone from the pack when her ears caught the sound of something big moving through the thicket; Found you! Her heart skipped a beat as the young lass turned to run for the noise, white paws continuing to fly effortlessly over the forest floor. She was within sight of the other wolf before her nose told her that it was not Coal who had returned to her, it was a stranger; a woman.

Aideen slowed to a brisk walk, approaching the foreigner with careful steps. The lady was big, huge even, probably the largest female the Woodlander had ever seen, and her fur was a mixture of light umber and sand hues; Aideen's heart sank in her chest, no, this wasn't her Coal, but she looked an awful lot like him. Cautiously eyeing the large woman, the much smaller fae came to a standstill some leaps away, positioning herself between the unknown wolf, and her borders. Posture carefully neutral, Aideen looked at the dame for a moment before addressing her; "Excuse me, but you are approaching the borders of Secret Woodlands pack! Unless you have business with us, I suggest you turn back." Her voice was firm, but in no way unkind, she had no quarrel with this woman, but she needed to protect her pack.

Word Count: 449

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA
Played by Zyn who has 101 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
K'arnae Desrix

OOC:Ello there. And thanks!

Forgoing her moment of pause in favor of progress, she turned her eyes away from the shrouded canopy to the like covered stretch knotted and mangled before her. Apprehensive steps kept her pace painfully slow as did the continued stabs and prods of gnarled bark and branches. What she would have given for an open view, or sparse trees for that matter. Simply the room to breathe as opposed to the suffocating woods. Each breath was short, either by painful gasp or heavy air weighing upon her lungs. How any could wander, let alone get themselves so caught within the thick was beyond her. Or perhaps it was her size that caused her such dread in this place.

Incoherent grumbled followed the female’s steps til silence became her as a stout ear flicked back to attention. Her muzzle shot around only to have it poked by a taunting limb that immediately met its end to a swift snap of irritable jaws. She could not free herself soon enough.

More carefully this time she turned toward the first show of life she had seen in some time. Small in stature, akin to a fox in both color and shape. A possible mistake had her eyes been any less keen. But indeed it was a wolf, and as territorial as any, volunteering that the borders of some pack was near. How was anyone supposed to smell a border within this overbearing wood, unless they were a part of the pack themselves? But it mattered little, considering her intention had not been to skirt along another’s land this day, but escape the torment of the thicket itself before night left her both blind and stranded.

Without contest, she guided her bulk away from the female, stomping down with more force than needed to force the wild flora to bend away and to her will. She would not let herself be defeated by mere plants.

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

Aideen Smoke

The stranger looked at her with dark amber eyes, displeasure lining her features. Then she turned and continued crashing through the forest, moving away now, from the land claimed by Nina and The Woodlands pack. Aideen turned her head to look after the large dame, wincing slightly every time a branch snapped under her bulk; the young healer felt bad seeing plants treated so crudely, but she doubted the silent giant would take kindly to being advised by a tiny stranger who had just blocked her way. Suddenly the orange girl's ears fell in sadness; Was I too harsh?! Her mind had been so set on her search for Coal, maybe the disappointment had made her snappy? She certainly hadn't wanted to be rude to the woman, just to inform her that the lands beyond belonged to Secret Woodlands.

Turning after the large wolfess, she barked out: "Wait!" Taking a few leaps in direction of the other, before halting, a slightly pleading look now in her brown orbs; "I didn't mean to be so curt!" She scraped at the light snow on the ground, ears still hanging; "I just had a lot on my mind and I..." Stopping the rushed word stream, the lass shook her head to clear it; It doesn't matter why! Clearing her throat a bit, she began again: "I'm sorry." She looked to the pale lady, trying to meet her eyes for a second, to show her sincerity; "My name is Aideen Smoke, and I live here... Did you come for something specific? Or were you just wandering by?" That was what she should have said from the beginning. But there was no use in thinking more about that now; I just hope she didn't take it too badly.

Studying the sand colored wolf, it wasn't hard to see that she was less than happy with the situation, lashing out against the forest in her dismay. Aideen tilted her head and asked: "Perhaps, if nothing else, I can lead you out of the thicket..?" These lands could be quite difficult to navigate, especially for one so sizable; she knew that well enough from Coal. With a bit of training, even the largest of wolves could learn to get about in the thicket, but schooling didn't seem to be what the grumbling dame was in need of now; rather a quick route to freer terrain, and Aideen knew one.

Word Count: 402

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA
Played by Zyn who has 101 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
K'arnae Desrix

The destruction of innocent plant-life was halted just long enough for the female to hear the swift bark and explanation to follow. Her ears fanned back then sharply jutted forward, hearing yet another residual snap of a twig due to her tactless progress. She cared little for the cause for the female’s short tone, nor had she minded the information shared at all. It was none of her concern what brought on her disposition, just as it was none of her business regarding the pack that called this hell their home. However she was not yet out of reach of the female to be spared her introduction, or the offer, for that matter to guide her out of the thicket. Of all, that was the most intriguing that bent her ear and kept it fixed. The sooner she was out of the dreadful place, the better.

But even then, where was she to go from there? Back to the dank woodlands? Her little hole in the hollow?

Through scraped and weathered nostrils, the tan beast huffed soundly as she turned, shoving her shoulder against low-hanging branches to make room for her bulk. She was not so prideful to turn down aid when needed, yet she was also not foolish enough to accept another’s assistance without first knowing what they expected in return. There was no good need in this world without its cost.

“…and in return?” she croaked softly, her raspy voice barely rising to a whisper in the still air. “For guiding me out…” she raised her muzzle as clarified. Her bi-colored eyes narrowed slightly with scrutiny. “…what do you want in return?”

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Aideen Smoke

She turned around. I deep breath of relief fell from the orange girl's maw, her ears perking back up; So I didn't completely oust her... A cautious smile spread on her tri-colored face and she looked encouragingly at the big woman.

Her first words were so hoarse, Aideen could hardly make them out, ears twitching at the gravely sound; How long has it been since she last talked..? The voice was clearer with the next words, a little louder too. The fox like girl tilted her head, eyes narrowing in confusion; she didn't understand the question. She looked at the sand pelted woman questioningly, friendly smile still on her lips. The other looked back expectantly. "What do I want..? I... Don't understand." She said, voice slower now. Her shoulders sagged apologetically and she stared at the stranger with an almost blank look in her copper eyes.

The concept of give and take was of course not completely unfamiliar to the kind fae, but the expectation that she would want something in return for offering her help left her rather dumbfounded. After a stretched silence she offered, a little hesitantly; "I'm on my way out anyway... We could... Go together..?" The strange lady's blunt, short approach made the, otherwise so sociable, girl nervous. She very much wanted to help the disgruntled wolf out, but the attitude made her unsure of how to handle the situation.

After another awkward pause, she gestured with her paw; "It's uhm... This way." She said, eyes fixed on the pale woman, waiting for her reaction.

Word Count: 259

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA
Played by Zyn who has 101 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
K'arnae Desrix

OOC: She's just going to follow :3

Silence took the place of an otherwise civil tongue as the behemoth waited patiently for the other's reply. She found it difficult to believe that no price would be had, yet to the contrary she received none, only confusion for the notion which warranted a heavy cant from the umber crowned head. What was not to understand? Aid was never offered without some kind of a cost, or so she had been led to believe in her short seasons. However, rather than question the strangeness of this small creature, she accepted the circumstances as thus, though remained on the wary end until otherwise proven to relax. In due time the truth would reveal itself in one form or another.

With surprising care, the female turned and took careful steps toward her petite guide. She knew of her size and how uncomfortable one might have been in her presence. It would not have been the first time her powerful movements led one to assume her intentions were aggressive. However she was far from such a state, and reasoned it best to proceed without the wild heavy steps only just used moments before to part the defiant trees.

And with the same amount of care and mind to her physique, she gestured with a slight jerking of her muzzle with granted permission to be escorted. "Is it far?" she inquired, once more in a voice weathered and raspy due to past illness and lack of use. She managed to keep her chords playing as softly as she was able, rather than assault the delicate ears with their strain and crackle.

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2014, 11:20 PM by K'arnae.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Ooc: Slight PP here, since you said she would follow, I assumed it was ok :)

Aideen Smoke

The pale giant answered Aideen's gesture by coming towards her, movements starkly contrasting the former bulldozing. The orange lass smiled, glad to see her thicket suffering less under the strangers large paws, and as the woman motioned with her head, she turned to start through the forest, consciously keeping at a not-to-high pace, to accommodate the other wolf.

At the question, Aideen turned her head to politely look at the lady, giving a friendly, though slightly nervous, smile; "Not too far no, it shouldn't take long." They continued in silence, the only noise their paws against the underbrush, the bigger dame's heavier, even as she seemed to take more care, Aideen's almost soundless. There was a soothing familiarity to this, walking site by site with a large body through the Thicket; when she looked away, she could almost fool herself into believing it was Coal walking with her. But other than the size, this quiet female was nothing like her Coal; Where are you..?

Finally getting tired of the silence - all it did was bring more worry to her mind - the light lassie turned to her companion again, friendly curiosity almost covering her uneasiness at the strange quietness of this wolf; "So... What's your name?" She tried, hoping the sand colored woman would start to talk; the thought of walking the whole way in silence made her more than uncomfortable. Though, if she doesn't want to talk, I guess that's her decision... But it was one the slender wolfess did not understand.

Word Count: 254

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA
Played by Zyn who has 101 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
K'arnae Desrix

Silence had been more a more faithful companion than the any the wolf had ever known. More comforting than a parent, more reliable than a sibling. It wanted for nothing like a pup and asked for nothing in return other than the continued solace expressed by its wordless presence. While others found it uncomfortable or even awkward to walk beside it without purpose, she cherished it wholly each time it was made her own. She was drawn to it as the winter buds would reach for the warmth of the spring sun, and she coveted it as the celestial body would hold its place within the heavens for long. It was her peace… her ease, when she had known nothing other in her life. And she basked in it then marching through the heavy thicket til a voice soft and meek pulled her from it.

Slipping from this reprieve, her bi-colored eyes glimpsed toward the female walking along side. Quiet and daintily as was afforded by her size, but too with an air of sureness for her steps. Surely she found ease when the behemoth did not. An ear flicked to attention then habitually returned to it back laid fashion. Rather than continue her silence, conversation come to play. Not completely dreaded but unnecessary in her mind. However it was often those in her company that sought to speak. It was an inevitability she had come to expect. Heaving softly the beige beast returned her muzzle toward the front, letting it rise only slightly as she inhaled the thickness of the dense wood. "K'arnae," she grumbled then let her head resume its rest between thick shoulders, then once again delve into the silence she adored.

Were it not for the Thicket, she would have maintained it still, yet the periodic snag of matted fur only furthered her rage for the hellish keep. Twigs snapped underfoot as limb reached for unkempt mane and gnarled pelt, until she could stand the abuse no more and released her rage. Violently, she snapped at a branch before its prod was felt then bellowed her fury to those obstacles yet endured. "How are any supposed to live in this hell?!" She snarled as she came to a sudden halt with a stomp of her paws. "You claim a pack dwells here... Where is the sense in this? Or do they all carry your fortunate size?"

(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2014, 03:13 AM by K'arnae.)
~* Looking for Magnolia Glen plots/threads *~
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
His job still consisted of the same things, it didn't matter that he was alpha. He still woke up at the crack of dawn, heading straight for the borders of Secret Woodlands. The one difderence, was that he was now partly in charge of overseeing everything. He had to make sure his pack mates were well, and the borders were regularly being kept well marked and that nothing passed his borders without his knowledge. Thats why, when he heard voices edging closer onto his territory, he moved to investigate. Whether it was a threat or a future ally, he would handle it accordingly. After all, he was the alpha and he had to make sure no harm came to hus family. Weaving easily through the dense undergrowth, his large bulk no longer caused a problem. He had learned how to manuever himself through the thickets so he could get anywhere at any time in the fastest way possible.

The thorns were no longer a problem either and when he got pricked, he made no sound. His paws had grown rough and could handle the strain he put on them everyday. Thorns here and there didn't bother him. But for a newcomer to his lands, it would take a while for their paws to get used to the many thorns in the thickets. An unfamiliar scent reached his muzzle seconds before his ears heard the unfamiliar voice. Miccah curled his lip, a growl rumbling through his chest. Who was speaking, and to whom?

Making sure he made no sound, his body moved closer to the source of the noise. It was a woman, large and bulky, but didn't match his own immense stature. And she was speaking rudely to one of his subordinates - Aideen to be exact. Lifting himself to his full height, Miccah stepped away from the shadows. "If you wish to dwell in my home, I advise that you not speak to my subordinate in that manner." His baritone rumbled deep in his chest as he turned to Aideen while lifting his black banner simultaneously. Is there a problem, Aideen?," he questioned while he looked at the female stranger. She had not made a good first impression, and would have to work to redeem herself.