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Winterspell — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
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Ace Caravello
April - Spring - Early Afternoon - Clear — Current Temperature: 36° F/2° C

Padding slowly along the twisting, clear-watered creek, the Silver Male let out a deep breath and rolled his shoulders. He had been tense and stressed out all during winter, and now that spring was almost upon them, he took it to himself to go for calm walks and work out all the kinks in his body to loosen himself out. He needed a break from the stress build-up, and the only way he knew how to relax was to go for a stroll and not work himself up.

Pausing by the waters’ edge, Ace dipped his muzzle into the clear liquid and drank deeply, feeling it soothe the dryness of his tongue, mouth and throat. When he was finished, he lifted his muzzle up and shook his head to dry the wet fur around his mouth. Running his salmon pick tongue over his black nose, he backed away from the creek and continued on his way, not going anywhere in particular, just enjoying the cool breeze and light sun on his back.

But there was one thing he couldn’t - wouldn’t – forget: Silver. She had disappeared along with the rest of Pitch Pine Trail, and as for why, he had no idea. He thought she had loved him, but to just vanish like that? He might have thought wrong. His heart was still broken even, and he mourned deeply for her. Just to see her again would bring the light back into his life. To see her golden eyes, smell her sweet scent, feel her side against his. The faded memories he had of her threatened to engulf him in grief and sadness, but he held himself together mentally. He had to be strong for himself, and Adsila. She was the only wolf that reminded him of Silver, and even though she wasn’t his daughter, she felt like she was. He would do anything for her, no matter the consequences, as she was all he had to hold dear to him, and was the only remainder of family he had left.

341 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Neoma was glad that the winter was slowly fading away and that spring was taking hold instead. That meant the arrival of the herds again, hopefully and fuller stomachs for everyone in the pack. Her own stomach rumbled lightly at the mere thought of food, making her grumbled slightly and making her way towards a creek she knew was nearby. The water, while it would not fill her up, would soothe her troubled hunger and take her mind off things.

As she approached the creek, she lowered her head to take a drink but a noise drew her attention away from the liquid. A light coloured wolf, male by scent and one part of her pack was slowly making his way up the creek towards her. However, he hadn’t spotted her yet as she was partially hidden behind a large boulder that lay near the creek and Neoma was grateful for it. Watching him closely for a few moments as he came closer, Neoma thought she noted great sadness in his eyes. But why would he be sad? Spring was coming! She thought other wolves would be joyful at the prospect of more food and no longer having to worry about the cold.

Apparently, she was wrong in that assumption as this male looked quite pitiful, anguish clear in his eyes and his paws dragging a little. Deciding she couldn’t stand to see what could be a proud figure so down in the slums, she called a cheerful greeting while stepping out from behind the boulder.

”Hello! Fine day isn’t it?”

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

The Silver Male was so deep in his thoughts that when he heard a female voice cheerfully greeting him, he jumped up in the air and zeroed in on the figure, lips curling slightly and hackles starting to raise. But in the next moment, he realized it was just another wolf and let himself relax, feeling sheepish and ashamed. He never acted like that towards another wolf who didn’t deserve it, and even if it was accidental, he still felt horrible. But his thoughts had been so consumed by silver, her cheery voice had startled him, and he reacted like he was going to be attacked. Splaying his creamy ears apologetically, Ace lowered his neck a few inches so he was looking at the darker coloured female on the same level, a repentant expression on his handsome face. “I’m so sorry for my reaction miss, it was uncalled for, and I sincerely apologize. You just scared me, as I was lost in thought.”

As his silvery eyes scanned over the female, he took in her features. The first thing he noticed was her size, she was larger than most females he saw, but not by much, and as always, he stood quite a few inches taller than her. She sported a rich, dark brown coat, almost black with a spot of white on her chest, with pale yellow eyes set into a beautiful face. Wagging his tail behind him, the Silver Male still held an apologetic look on his face, but it was now accompanied by a smile. Nodding his head at her previous words which had surprised him out of his thoughts, he spoke again. “Yes, it is, especially with spring coming up.”

It was only then that Ace realized he hadn’t introduced himself, and he splayed his ears again, feeling his cheeks heat up. Why was he so jumpy and forgetful all of a sudden? Maybe it was from the female before him, she was quite beautiful after all, but his heart still ached for Silver, so it couldn’t be that. Mentally shaking his head, the Silver Male forget about that problem, he would resolve it later, but for now he would concentrate on the female before him. “My name is Ace Caravello, may I ask what yours is?”

381 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Neoma was surprised when the wolf jumped at the sound of her voice, having thought he would have at least smelt her. Her eyes widened slightly in mock surprise when his hackles begun to rise as teeth flashed slightly behind curled lips. Of course she wasn’t afraid. But any other wolf would be somewhat surprised by the reaction given by the male, so Neoma had to place an act merely for the sake of it. Yet the male relaxed quickly when he properly laid eyes on her, apologising profusely and calling her ‘Miss’ in the process.

Well. No one had really called her miss before. This could be interesting.

Ignoring the flutter in her stomach at being addressed as such, Neoma gave the male, Ace Caravello as he introduced himself as, a forgiving smile. ”It’s fine, I quite understand. I did appear a little too suddenly. I should be apologising to you for scaring you.” Curious to know what he had been thinking about, Neoma asked him politely what is was he had been thinking about, after introducing herself of course. The man was being quite the gentleman and for whatever reason that made her stomach flutter, those she attempted to squash the feeling as she spoke.

”Well, either way, it’s a pleasure to meet you Ace. I am Neoma Flint. If you don’t mind me asking, what had enraptured your thoughts so much? Thinking, perhaps, of a pretty lady who has caught your eye this spring?” The question was innocent enough, Neoma not knowing Ace’s past at all.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2014, 09:19 AM by Neoma.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

His spirits soared as the dark coloured female gave him a forgiving smile, and attempted to apologize to him from scaring him. Giving a slight shake of his head, but also chuckling softly, he let it pass. At least she didn’t seem offended by it, as that was the main concern he had, also including scaring them whether it be by his actions or size. But he was only cruel and unforgiving to those that deserved it, which the female before him certainly didn’t. In fact, she was the nicest fae he had met in a long time, apart from Silver. A sudden wave of sadness coursed through him at the reminder of his lost love, Ace had to steel his nerves to calm himself down, and focus on the task at hand.

Ace Smiled as the dark coloured fae said her name was Neoma Flint. Neoma. It was an unusual name, but it also held an inner beauty to it. One could be enamored by it, if they chose to. “No, it is mine, Neoma,” he said softly, gazing at her with curious silver eyes. But her next question caught him off guard, and he looked down at his paws for a moment to gather his thoughts into files where he could easily extract information without confusing or embarrassing himself in the process.

At any other time, the Silver Male would have told the female about his pretty lady, Silver, but after the recent events it was too painful to talk about, never mind thinking. Deciding to be as vague as possible, and trying to keep the hurt out of his voice, he hesitantly spoke about her for the first time in months. “There was a lady before, but she is now gone, most likely forever.” He left it at that, and would say no more on the matter. Neoma could think that she had left him, died, or been taken by another male, he wouldn’t worry about it. But he did fear that one of those three options were true. What would he find the next time he saw her? If he even did…

Searching for something to distract his mind from the ongoing, painful thoughts that never stopped, he said the first thing that came into his mind. “What brought you to Magnolia Glen, Neoma?”

388 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Truly, he was a gentleman.[/i] Neoma thought when Ace pressed that it was it was him who should be sorry. ”How about we agree to disagree?” She joked lightly with a gentle smile. ”Or we will be here all day arguing over who should or who would not be apologising.

When he answered her question, her first reaction was to press further, for more information but she put herself in check. This female wolf who had captured Ace’s heart was long gone, whoever she had been, was not of any importance. Whether she was dead or simply having left him, Neoma found she didn’t really care and besides, it seemed Ace didn’t wish to speak of her as he inquired why she was at Magnolia Glen.

”Well, partly for survival and partly to find a family. What about you?” She answered half honestly, though Ace wouldn’t be able to tell as she lied so smoothly. Yes, she joined the pack for survival but as for family? Ha, she had even forsaken her own blood, so what would she have to owe wolves who weren’t even tied to her by the red liquid? Shaking her head, a glint o9n the water caught her attention. Fish were swimming beneath still frozen on top water, in a small pool just deep enough for several fish to survive in. Her stomach rumbled loudly at the sight of the food and Neoma fought the urge to glance over at Ace in an almost begging sort of way. Like it was some instinct to ask him if she could hunt the fish in front of her, when he wouldn’t know her position in the pack. Yet her mind reminded her that she only need not feed from the caches, nothing had been said about hunting after all. What a fool was she, to forget that small detail.

”Are you hungry Ace?” Her yellow eyes watched the fish thoughtfully, thinking of a way to get to them under the ice.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

He felt his heart warm as Neoma joked lightly, saying that they could agree to disagree, and he couldn’t stop the laugh from issuing forth from his muzzle. It had been a long time since he had been so relaxed around another’s’ company, and he enjoyed it, strangely enough. But there was a small part in the back of his mind that continued to tell him Silver was out there somewhere, and that she still loved him, and that he shouldn’t be conversing so lightly with the woman before him. Even so, he pushed away that nagging thought, it wasn’t anything serious, and they were just having a friendly chat, that’s all.

Nodding at her words of why she joined the pack when she did, Ace smiled, before replying to her query. “I too, for survival, and because otherwise Adsila, a pup who was with me when our pack disbanded in the beginning of winter, would have died from starvation and exposure.” It was a grim thought, knowing that if he had waited just a week longer the young princess - not that she was a princess anymore, but he still thought of her like that – would have died, and it would have been all his fault for not looking after her.

Eyebrows raising slightly as Neoma asked if he was hungry, the Silver Male smiled. “Not particularly, but I’ll help you catch some fish if you want.” He had eaten previously before going on his walk, just a small morsel, but he may as well catch some fish for the rest of the pack if he didn’t eat them. But from the way the female was staring at the fish under the ice, he could tell that she was hungry, possibly even starving.

A sudden thought popped into Ace’s mind of how to catch the fish, and he padded to the edge of the creek where the fish were. Looking back at the female, he smiled encouragingly. “I think I can use my heavy weight to break the ice, and since it is too shallow for the fish to escape, it will be easy pickings,” the Silver Male explained, “that’s only if you don’t mind getting wet,” he quickly added with a grin, waiting for her approval of his plan.

381 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
What was her heart doing right? Cursed Neoma when Ace happily agreed to help her get some food. He’s just another means to an end. Nothing more. She pondered as he went to the water where the fish were..

”Your pack disbanded?”” Neoma question curiously, frowning slightly. ”How terrible. I hope it didn’t make too much of an impact on the pup, Adsila did you say her name was?” Joining him near the creek with the fish, she nodded as he suggested that he used his weight to break the ice. ”That seems like a good enough idea. And no, I don’t mind getting wet.” Flashing a smile at him, she waited for him to break the ice. ”I am fond of water, especially in summer.”

This was something of another smooth lie. Unless there was a reason for her to enter any body of water, like now to get food or a drink, Neoma wouldn’t even go near the liquid. She knew the dangers it presented if one stayed too close to it, for it brought other predators to its source. Like bears, who liked to fish as well and everyone knew how dangerous those were to be around, especially if it was a mother bear with cubs.

Others might just have scoffed at her, if she ever told them her worries but Neoma liked to be able to breathe and live, thank you very much and bears were formidable creatures. And it also certainly wasn't because Neoma wasn't a very strong swimmer. Nope.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

The Silver Male nodded silently at the darkly furred female’s question. He didn’t need words to affirm it, as it was self-explanatory. But he wasn’t a wolf to give a cold shoulder, say nothing or not gesture anything to a question, unless if it was by a wolf who didn’t deserve an answer or it wasn’t needed. Creamy ears twitching at her comment and slight question, he smiled grimly in response, pushing back the memories of the events that had happened during that time period as they weren’t very happy.

His grim smile turning into a happy one at Neoma’s acceptance of his idea on how to catch the fish using his weight to break the ice, Ace felt a slight flutter in his heart, which he had only felt once before. But he still yearned for Silver, so he dismissed it, hoping that the feeling would pass soon. He was a man of his word, and he would never break a promise to the one he loved, or if he loved her no longer, he would tell her with a heavy heart and leave her, never to return. But that wasn’t the case, at least not yet.

Chuckling softly at her comment about the water, the Silver Male gently and slowly placed his front paws on the ice, roughly 10 inches from the edge of the creek. Steadying himself, he counted to three under his breath before leaning back on his hind legs, raising his front end into the air, before crashing his front paws onto the ice, which broke easily under his weight. Water and bits of ice splashed into his face, neck and chest, and he gasped softly at the coldness of it, quickly backing up to take his paws out of the water.

Carefully shaking his head and shoulders to get rid of most of the water in his pelt, Ace turned to the darkly furred female. He motioned with his creamy muzzle towards where the hole in the ice was where the fins of the fish could be seen now and then. “There you go, miss, all yours,” he said, a smile on his face.

360 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever