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Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
@Mapplethorpe and/or @Naira only please <3
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

Anstice's eyes had fluttered open earlier that morning with her entire body sore and she noticed something about her surroundings. Her back ached slightly as did her limbs but she was completely alone. Surely it hadn't been a dream. Perhaps it had just been the way that she slept. Regardless she would seek out a pack, but not any pack, a pack to torture him with. His pack. She could claim that she was raped though give no indication it was him. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she started to think of the possibilities. She did love to torture and it seemed like the most perfect opportunity. Especially if she happened to carry a child with her. It would be a few more days before she was sure. She had started down the mountain earlier that morning and had made it to the borders of a pack. She recognized the scent. She had to get rid of it in pine needles before she started her venture down. Oh how lucky she was to find his pack right away. It was time for phase two, get into the pack.

She let her body rack in fake sobs as she let out a weak howl. She had cried too many times to not know how to fake it. It almost looked realistic except for one small detail, no sorrow in her eyes. Dead pup. Dead pup. She told herself and there it was, the sorrow that she needed to pass of as truly upset and almost broken. Hopefully the leaders were as easy to trick as Chuylin was. The howled was forced to be weak but to the surroundings it would sound like a weak howl. She had tried this kind of approach before and it had been deemed successful in most packs. Though this time she would even have to stutter her words to make it seem almost realistic. She was suppose to be traumatized and so she would be. The auburn and white colored man who had done this to me... She thought up her back story. He had a golden piercing of his eyes.... and sadly he had been stronger. That should do it. He waited for the alphas to possibly respond to her call. She took a deep breathe and anxiously looked at the borders. If only this pack could help little old me. She vividly remembered the black male with golden eyes. She just hoped that if she did carry, it did not look like him. For his sake and for hers. She did care... only a little though. What a capriccio this was.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2014, 07:41 PM by Anstice.)
[Image: hashtags-gbachdontcha.png]
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Somewhere along the edges of the pack territory, Mapplethorpe had laid down to rest. He had been soundly napping when a howl sounded out to him, and it sounded close. One goldenrod eye opened in ingratitude. So much for resting... Opening his other eye and after much struggle to simply stand up, he was able to finally stagger forward through the now ankle- and wrist-deep snow. He dragged his feet, nearly stumbling here and there from covered tree roots and stones embedded in the ground beneath the frost.

What he came upon at the scene of the call was pitiful, to say the least. There before him was a cream-pelted woman, boo-hooing and blubbering as though the world were ending as she knew it. As best as he could, he straightened himself to his usual dominant stance, parading about (despite his developing limp) with his tail in the air. He stared daggers at her, absolutely unimpressed with such a sight. He bared his teeth, growling loudly to catch her full attention. In addition, once he had drawn close enough, he analyzed her scent, but found nothing suspicious about it. She was still viable and, while it made his feet itch and his head spin, he was not fully gripped by the instinct to breed... not when he had already made sure that Naira would bear him an heir.

"Get up," he ordered, his tone nothing short of demanding. "Why are you here and what do you want? My pack and I do not take kindly to damsels in distress." He snapped his jaws in a menacing manner, as if it would be enough to make her come to her senses, "Speak! Or I will gladly show you the way out."

Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

The man who arrived was opposite of who the other wolf had been. She could work with it though, her eyes soften slightly when the man asked his questions and threatened to show her the way out. She had just been on the borders and it appears he hadn't woken up on the right side of the den that day. "I-I'll do anyhting. I-I ju-just need protection. H-He m-mig-might come b-ba-back." She blurted out as soon as he demanded an answer. It would make no sense to him, or maybe it would. She tried to take a deep breathe to calm herself down but she had a habit of convincing herself things were real for the act, the art. Her eyes filled with half real and half fake fear. The man, depending on his reactions, would probably turn her away if they were a pack of strength. If they had a little mercy they might let her leave without injuries. If they had pity than they would let her in after hearing her story. She was almost sure of it.

It might be one of her greater challenges as she formulated more plans in the back of her mind. She managed to stop her sobs and calm herself down. He did not take time for blubbering and so she would not. The only thing that mattered was that she made it all appear as if it were real. Given the context, she could probably do it. She had met a wolf before she had entered the lore who had been broken from such things so she knew what could be done to a wolf who endured such things. It was her goal to make them all believe it. The more you think you see, the less you actually do. Let us watch me play my act and you decide. Myth or reality? She had hidden her true intentions in the back of her mind. They were all rather simple really.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2014, 07:41 PM by Anstice.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

Anyone who isn't us
is an enemy

She had been enjoying a quiet meal of freshly caught hare when the call went up. A low growl worked its way from her chest in frustration as she nosed the remaining half to @Nova. It was rare for her to find herself overly far from Mapplethorpe these days so she wasn’t surprised that he beat her to the border. Perhaps she could have finished her snack after all?

There was no pity in her gaze as she looked on the blubbering wreck, fighting back a sigh of annoyance. He was right. They had no room for weaklings in this pack and although the prey was beginning to return, their caches weren’t yet full enough to afford them the opportunity to take on charity cases..

Her stuttering only frustrated the newly pregnant woman more. She had been prickly when she had been in heat but now she was positively cantankerous. “And why on earth would we stick our necks out for you? You stink of pine so how are we to know this he actually exists?” She growled low, lips pulling back to reveal her pale fangs. It was easy enough to put two and two together and assume to what she was alluding. She was the queen here and only she would be carrying young within these borders. She looked to her mate with a minute shake of her head, barely a twitch. It wasn’t a risk she was willing to take.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased

"I-I'll do anyhting. I-I ju-just need protection," she stammered. "H-He m-mig-might come b-ba-back.". Another growl issued forth from his chest and he was not surprised when Naira came to join him, pitching an equally demanding question. She looked to him then and he picked up on something that she had noticed. He had missed something and instantaneously he took a step forward, inhaling deep as to fully decipher and account for the scents carried on the rogue's pelt. It was predominantly made up of pine needles and he couldn't help but crumple his nose, making deep folds reappear along the bridge of his muzzle.

Naira was right to question whether the man in question did exist; and, perhaps the woman was indeed hiding something. "What do you expect us to do?" he countered, continuing further to mock and tease her while his tail lilted above his back. "Fend him off? Share our scent? Hide you in our den? Who do you think you are?!"

He took a step back to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his pregnant mate. "You want protection," he snapped. "Fend for yourself. What kind of wolf are you if can't do that?" He snorted as he eyed the ivory woman in scorn. "Come, my dear, let's go." When he moved away from her at last, he glanced over his shoulder at her, then to the white-pelted stranger, half-expecting to hear her cry out to them in hopes of being able to change their minds as he began to unevenly walk away.

Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

Anstice almost was driven to give away her little secret about the wolf who she had mated with. She decided against it though, no need to cause more trouble than she already intended to. She gulped, the alpha made it clear that she was the only one who would carry pups that season and every season until she either died or left. She knew this would most likely fail but she tried to think of something else. There might have been the slightest scent of Chuylin that she couldn't get off of her, but whether it would be caught or not was yet to be determined. It could even be a matter of he had found her in the borders and he had aided her down the mountains then left her. It could have very well happened after Anstice became pregnant. She thought about mentioning her friend but decided against it. He would no doubt say something stupid to ruin her plans. She'd find another pack probably. Or she would raise the child isolated as a loner. Either could work. From the start the woman had no real plan that her sire would be involved in raising the child. He had a pack to hide in. From the looks of it, if he were discovered to have mated, things would end badly for him.

She didn't know how to answer the question. Months of planning ahead of time and she never thought about that particular question. She thought about it, a concentration appearance to her as she tried to find some reason to back up her claim. "I couldn't stand his scent. I had to get rid of it." She said almost defensively. She hated being called a liar even when she was lying. If they wanted to kill you Anstice, they would have attacked already. She said in confidence to herself. Her breathing was steady but a forced steady. She was still trying to hold the appearance of forcibly remaining calm after a traumatic experience. Whether she could succeed in this was dependent on the wolf. some would have seen through her beguiling tricks the moment they saw her. These wolves were not like those wolves though. She waited for the male leader, the one who had 'forced her to calm down', to speak. Saying anything to contribute at all would help for sure. Especially if she got mixed signals from the two leaders. If one of them even thought that she might be worth something than they would hopefully show it. They were leaving. She was unaffected by the harsh words and she simply said something. She did not cry out. "Please, wait... at least heed my warning. He has this light brown fur and golden eyes. If you won't help me than protect yourselves from him." She spat the word 'him'. "But if I can just tell you what I can do.... perhaps you'll change your mind."

Someday, I, ███████ ███████, under the alias of Anstice Alexa, shall dominate. She told herself the comforting words. Her eyes watched but did not meet with either of their eyes. Even she knew better than to disrespect a leader at the borders.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
/throws a spanner in the works in case Chul wants to try and change her mind. Keeping it short because Naira is a butt (and Charlotte doesn't wanna nap).

Anyone who isn't us
is an enemy

While her mate may have been content to allow the pale wolf to show herself away from the borders, Naira was neither so trusting nor forgiving of the interruption she found herself forced to endure. There was a stiffness in her stance and a fire in her eyes that dared the stupid girl to push her further... and then she opened her mouth yet again, as though they would need a warning to protect themselves from a stranger. Her short, sharp bark was enough to summon any who were near, @Chulyin or @Sagacity would no doubt be somewhere in the vicinity, but she wouldn’t wait to see.

Chin tucked low and tail flagging high she charged towards the stranger without a sound, lips pulling back to reveal her ready fangs. If she didn’t turn tail and run the tawny leader had every intention of pushing her over to better sink her teeth into the delicate flesh of the pale wolfs belly. She was still hungry, and if this girl wasn’t fast enough she just might find herself on the menu.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
>_> Don't wanna let this sit too much longer than it has to, but @Chulyin or @Sagacity - if you're willing/wanting to vouch for Anstice, now's your chance. Mapplethorpe is at the end of his rope. :x

"I couldn't stand his scent," she hastily explained. "I had to get rid of it. Please, wait... at least heed my warning. He has this light brown fur and golden eyes. If you won't help me than protect yourselves from him. But if I can just tell you what I can do.... perhaps you'll change your mind." The plea should have fallen on deaf ears, but for some reason or another, the Leader was willing to stop in his tracks and turn around. Naira had not followed him, but instead charged the rogue and Mapplethorpe, by instinct, leapt forward a few paces, if only to stop once more. He knew Naira was capable of fending for herself; hell, she had more bulk and muscle than he did. She even looked as though she could overtake the ashen woman by force alone. Even still, though, he worried for her safety and he acted how one would expect him to act.

Naira was already in the air though when he darted forward, his lips lifting in warning. The Queen had made her message clear and it was apparent that she would not need his help unless the lone woman decided to fight back. In that case, Mapplethorpe drew as close as he could without feeling as though he were within striking range of any of the women. His winter pelt had become bristled all over his shoulders, neck and spine, and his tail now waved about in the air like a war banner. As though it would have helped the situation at all, he roared over the commotion that unfolded before him, "Naira enough! LET HER SPEAK."

Somewhere at the back of his head possibilities were brewing, mental images the wolves he knew to have characteristic light brown fur and golden eyes. At first he wanted to sneer at the woman, thinking that she could have been implying that he, himself, had taken advantage of her, but it occurred to him now that the waif could have just told them of what had become of the lost prince @Datura Aquila or, goodness forbid, Tenzin Laylani. "He is no threat to us," he tried again, his attention narrowing on the ivory-pelted woman again. "Try and change our minds then," he challenged. I dare you...

Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
((Has super secrets that must be kept secrets... she's running away and exits from @Mapplethorpe and @Naira will get this to 10? I don't think Chuylin would vouch for her because when Abadeer is born, there is a small risk that Abadeer will have a small scent from Chuylin? Basing this off of what Hollow had said to Ashanti when she delivered Bane how there was a faint scent on Bane of Sly? Ahh, IDK anymore but I gotta get her south ;) Also maybe it could fade with Sagacity's post? IDK, whichever ya want.))

i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

As soon as the risk of the alpha female, also pregnant, hurting her and her unborn child(s) came into appearance she jumped back in defense but did not dare attack. She was trying to gain acceptance into the pack and she doubted attacking the alpha would make her odds better of such things. The alpha male who had first arrived at the borders ordered his mate back and gave her the right to speak again. He was willing to hear her out and so she would attempt to lay it on thick but at that point she had began to see it as really a lost cause. "A man, from the mountains... he was vicious when it happened but at first he pretended to be respectful, so much so that it was sickening. When I had turned to leave he attacked. He had said his name was Blaise but I'm doubtful that was his true name with his intents. He had a scar over his right eye."

She deserved a Ph.D (piled higher and deeper). She was trying her best to make it through but she backed up more. "I can hunt, teach, scout. I can do anything you need." She said in a desperate plea although the only real reason she wanted into their pack was to torture him with the idea that he was so close to a child he took possession of as a father but could not claim. She looked at them with desperate eyes before turning away sadly in defeat. "I'm sorry to have wasted your time and to take away time from working." She said with the realization, in her mind, that no matter what happened she probably would not be relieved as a member. She turned and ran, holding back fake tears in the act in case they did decide to follow her and hunt her down.


(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2014, 02:06 AM by Anstice.)
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
A one-post from Sage, who don't vouch for yo couch.

As soon as the call was issued, it wasn't answered with another voice, but with the speed of an arrow racing through the woodlands. As per usual, Sagacity answered the beck and call of her leaders without question and it only took her a moment or two, once she saw the situation in the distance, to see that she wasn't being summoned to speak or give her opinion; Naira had advanced toward the woman and Mapplethorpe looked bristled, though as always he held his usual, strict sort of composure. The female in question was a pretty thing, but Sagacity wasn't really looking at her to see how attractive she was; instead, she'd honed in on the woman as her target and accelerated.

The stranger would turn tail and run away before Sagacity could even have a hope of catching up, but still the silver woman whisked past the alphas, issuing a consecutive herald of gruff barks to ward the woman off and discourage her from ever returning to the woodlands. Naira and Mapplethorpe had had enough of her, and Sagacity would make sure, by a mere show of aggression, that she would think twice before she came back to the borders again. She continued to tail the female for some time, every now and again calling out with a gruff, angry bark, before she eventually slowed and ceased her hunt. It had been more of a bluff charge than anything, but if nothing else her charge had been a show of the pack's power; the alphas had summoned her and she had come. Task complete, she stalked back toward the packlands and off in another direction, pausing once to utter a satisfied yowl so Naira and Mapplethorpe knew the unwelcome guest had been chased far away.