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Miss Atomic Bomb — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

If I could hold the stars in my paw, they would lead me to you...

Karpos sat atop one of the highest peaks on the mountain of dire. He was carefully watching, waiting, and generally thinking about his sister @Adsila. He loved her with all his heart and it pained him almost every second he was away from her. What did she think had happened to him? Did she think that he had abandoned her? He had looked for her, but he hadn't been able to find her. By the time he had settled down to go check the pass had become blocked up and filled with Snow which had prevented him from doing such. Oh Adsila, where could you be? Where are you? Please, please don't be mad with me! His mind yowled out. He rose and let out a deep and mournful howl. When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east will you return to me my dear sister? The words were simple enough, but he wasn't sure his father would answer his prayers. His father had caused this. It had all been because the strong and powerful Shade Slayer had an infected booboo. It was all his fault and for that the almost copy Shade named Karpos would never forgive his deceased father.

Sadness flooded through him, his eyes were calming and his brown fur settled on a rock. It was one of Aponi's favorite spots that overlooked the rouge outcrop. He could see the Lost Lake almost below it. It was a long drop but it was the lake too. He loved the sight and it was truly beautiful. Why have the stars defied me this fate? Why have they denied me peace and hope? Why can I not have Adsila and Aponi. Why can I not have one while I am with the other? I was nothing more than for them to meet! He thought to himself as he rested there. His head rested on his front paws as the almost yearling looked off into the distance. He felt the chasm that would never be filled. He wanted his family back together... mama Ana, uncle Lachesis, Adsi, his father. He wanted all of them to be with him and he wanted to keep Pitch Pine Trail's legacy alive. With all of them together they would be unstopable. However their family have become frail and rigid. Lachesis, Capella, Aeolus, Naia.... they were all in an enemy pack. Adsila and Ace were lost and unknown to him, but oh how much he must have grown. Anastasia, his mother, his real mother in his opinion, was missing and she might even be dead.

His mother had gone looking for him. She had reached the mountain but she had never returned. He deserpately hoped that she would return to the lore to keep him sane enough to move on. Lachesis hadn't taken it well either according to Capella's accounts and his own eyes. He remembered that fateful day where he and his uncle had laid there in stunned silence just outside the borders. The sadness that had torn through him had been undeniably full of terror. It all happens at night. Mama Ana going missing, my da dying. He connected it all inside his head. The night is dark and full of terrors. The questions ripped through him as he laid there. He thought about sobbing even but he couldn't let the pain get to him like that. No, not ever. He had to be strong and so he just waited there in vigilance for his sister and adoptive mother to return to him. Perhaps if they had died he could sit there until his death. Forever the constant vigilante, Karpos Slayer.

...with moonbeams in your pelt & stardust in your eyes.
(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2014, 02:57 AM by Karpos.)
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
Sorry about not matching the length @Karpos, but I just had to get this up ASAP <333

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

Silvery green eyes gazed solemnly at the rocks and dirt around her. Her paws beating a steady rhythm against the hard-packed ground, and was slowly ascending the steep incline that was the Mountain of Dire. She had longed to be by herself fully for a while, but the winter had prevented that, and so as soon as the way up the mountain had cleared enough for it to be safe and she had risen to almost full health again, the Young Slayer had left the pack under the guise of hunting and went straight towards the mountain. She had heard that if one stood atop the highest peaks, everything could be seen. Wanting to know if it was true, and to get some time by herself, she had set off at a brisk pace.

It didn’t take long for her muscles to tire, and for her breathing to turn to light panting, but she kept going, as she could rest when she reached the top. Pausing to look around, she saw the base far below her, and felt a shudder run through her, before turning around and continuing the climb. She was very nearly there, and could see the grass on top of one of the highest peaks. Ears and nose twitching, Adsila let out a relaxed sigh, and closed her eyes briefly.

Nothing happened until she was close to the peak when a desolate cry rang out from the top of the peak and she froze, eyes searching around and nose twitching. There was the strong scent of wolf, and she mentally kicked herself for not noticing it before. Strange wolves could be trouble, but, somehow she knew that scent, and it only took her a second to familiarize herself with it. Eyes widening, Adsila instinctively started running towards the wolf and yelled out “KARPOS!”

It was only when she actually saw her brother that the Young Slayer realized what she was doing, and instantaneously braked, almost tripping over her own paws in her haste to stop. His back was turned to her, and he was staring down at the lake below, but her eyes were glued to his body. Puffing slightly, she remembered the last time she saw him, and how he and the rest of Pitch Pine Trail had disappeared. Emotions barely kept under her control, Adsila stared at her brother, unsure of how she felt about him. “Karp?” Her voice cracked on the single word, as she stared at his turned back, unable to move, or do anything but watch.

424 Words

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
<3 totally fine, sorry for not matching your length though </3

If I could hold the stars in my paw, they would lead me to you...

Was he just hearing it? He had to be! His sister had disappeared with Ace and the voice was lost in the wind. It couldn't have been her. He continued to stare down at the lake but his ears were perked up and listening for more noises. He hadn't even noticed another body around until he heard that soft and close voice that was his sister. He was terrified that if he looked at her she wouldn't be there. "A-Adsi... are you really here?" He asked but he continued to look down at the lake. He drew a deep breathe and blinked. "If I turn around w-wi-will you still be here?" He asked in an almost scared voice. He couldn't afford to get his hopes up. He didn't want to turn to find his practically twin sister not there,

Karp took a chance and faced his fear of being alone. He slowly turned his head and was shocked. She was there! She was really there! "ADSI!!" She shrieked as he ran up to her and practically tackled his sister. "Where did you go? I returned to Pitch Pine Trail and you were all gone! Capella ended up taking me to the mountains where I joined a pack there who is now on the other side of the mountain cause of the nasty winter." He explained really fast. His tail wagged and he had a happy look in his eye. Everything was right. He knew his sister was safe and that was all it took. "Oh Adsi I've missed you soooo much! Did you bring Ace with you?" He asked with a small and eager look around to see if his beloved uncle was there.

...with moonbeams in your pelt & stardust in your eyes.
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
I loved it anyways @Karpos <333

When her brother asked if she was really there, Adsila could speak, for her throat had clenched up, making it unable to speak or make any noise. She nodded, even while knowing he couldn’t see her. But for the life of her, she couldn’t move, think, do anything, her brain was concentrating fully on Karp’s back, hoping to see his face once more. The Young Slayer had decided she didn’t care what had happened in the past, he was here now, and together they could forget the horrible things and put it behind them both.

She could only watch as Karp asked if she would still be there if he turned around, and when he slowly turned his head, her ears perked up and it was only a second before she was tackled to the ground by him. Her mind could barely keep up with Karpos as he explained where he had been and why, but she didn’t care. As long as they were together, she could forget everything else. Adsila wept into his fur, but it was of happiness, not sadness.

She hiccupped when he queried if she had brought Ace. All thought about anyone but her brother had been driven out of her mind. “No, but he is somewhere around here. We both joined Magnolia Glen for the winter, because the mountain pass was blocked, and it was the closest one.” Nuzzling her brother, she sniffed and cleared her throat, wrapping her neck around his to breathe in his familiar scent. “I’m so sorry that I thought you abandoned us…” she whispered softly.

265 Words
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

If I could hold the stars in my paw, they would lead me to you...

Karpos had been so happy to see his sister that he forgot about everything and everyone else. Karpos backed up from his sister when he learned her last words. She had thought that he had abandoned her. The shock and hurt look in his eyes was clear and detectable before he looked at his paws. "Y-you thought I would leave you? You thought I was like mum?" He asked in disbelief to his sister. His heart ached from it and he turned towards the lake. How could she think that he would just abandon her? Promise me that you will keep Pitch Pine Trail strong and that you will not let it fall. Those words had haunted him and they were starting to come back to him now. The last words of his father to him.

Pain still held as he turned to his sister, angered almost. "How could you think that Adsila? HOW? HOW??????" He asked, becoming angry that he would be grouped as a wolf who abandons family like his mother or all the others who had left. "Do you remember da's last words? "Promise me that you will keep Pitch Pine Trail strong and that you will not let it fall." How could you think I would leave the empire our father built without saying goodbye. I had promised to stay safe in Pitch Pine Trail but when I arrived you were all gone. Every. Last. One. Of. You. Ace and you were gone. Silver, Aeolus and Capella had disappeared too. HOW could you THINK or even CONSIDER me ABANDONING YOU LIKE MUM DID?" He challenged as tears started to leak from his eyes.

...with moonbeams in your pelt & stardust in your eyes.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
They can notice the deer afterwards?
And omg all the feels @Karpos ;~;

Surprised when Karp backed up, staring at her with shocked and hurt brown eyes. A shameful feeling coursed through her body at his words. That may have been part of the cause for her thinking that, but when she and Ace had arrived, everyone was gone, so it was the most likely reason. “Karp, I’m sor-” she began, but was interrupted as her own brother turned on her, yelling out that he couldn’t believe such a thing. Ears flattening against her head, tears began to slip down her cheeks once more, but it was from the anger Karp was projecting at her.

The Young Slayer waited until her brother’s speech ended, all the while silently crying, wishing that anyone but Karp was doing that to her. She understood his reasoning, but she hadn’t left him, nor apparently him her. They must have missed each other by days. But when he said that she could’ve considered abandoning him like their mother, Rosalie did, although to Adsila, she was no longer their mother, but an unknown wolf who was never there for them, it was the last straw.

“I NEVER thought you abandoned me like mum did! When Ace and I got back, everyone was gone, the scents had all faded, and I just assumed…” her voice trailed off as her emotions threatened to explode, and she stared at Karp ferociously, angry at him for saying those hurtful things. “Of course I remember what father said,” Adsila continued quietly, more calmly than her previous outburst. “There is also the possibility that we missed each other by a few days.” Her silvery green eyes held her brother’s brown eyes, pleading him to heed her words, and not turn his back on her, and leave her to fend for herself again, with no one who understood her pain to talk things through. “Please Karp,” she said softly, her voice quavering, “don’t do this to me.”

321 Words
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

If I could hold the stars in my paw, they would lead me to you...

He had pushed what had gotten into him to the back of his mind as he caused his heart to break once more. What had he just done? He he just yelled at his sister? Had he just broken his promise to keep his sister safe and protected again? "I..." He said weakly, a helpless look in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Adsila... I-I don't know what got into me." He whimpered out, crouching down low and covering his eyes as shame swirled around in his stomach. ""I'm sorry... I'm just so confused." He lot out a small sob as he uncovered his eyes. His voice was a slow rasp as he gave her that helpless look. She had a pack, a new family as he had now. He was a Keep guardian-in-training. He had to learn to control his emotions better than he was already doing.

His chocolate brown coat was all mangy and messy. He hadn't really bothered to keep himself decent as he had been trying to do all he could to learn. ""Adsi... I... I'm sorry." He continued to apologize as he went up and nuzzled her neck slightly in a comforting manner. What kind of arse was he to do that to his sister? How could he have dared to do such things? It had been his moment of weakness and he had lost control. He had hurt her it seemed and he could never let it happen again. He wanted to ask her how she had been faring, if her new pack was treating her right but he decided not to. Instead he stood there, looking helplessly at her. The fallen prince had to keep his mind straight and he would be alright. Deep breathes Slayer. He told himself. He had gotten into a habit of being called Slayer rather than Karpos or Karp. The maslin of emotions in his stomach added to his guilt.

...with moonbeams in your pelt & stardust in your eyes.
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer

At her pleading, she saw Karp calm down, but also a helpless look in his brown eyes, and she heard him weakly speaking out his excuse for yelling at her, blaming her for what happened, but so had she. They were both to apologize to each other for their outbursts, maybe then they could get over the past, and focus on the future. But she couldn’t say anything, could only helplessly stare at her brother, crouched down, paws over his eyes. At least until he rose to his feet once more, apologizing again, and nuzzled her neck. Taking in a deep breath of her brother’s scent, along with some others she didn’t know, the Young Slayer returned the comforting nuzzle. “It is not just you who should be sorry… I too, am to blame for believing that you had… left me, and Ace.”

Her voice was soft and cracked from the emotions battering at her body and mind. There was so much she wanted to tell her brother, but her mouth just couldn’t form the words, and so she settled for silence as she relaxed her body, her head resting on his shoulders, as he was slightly smaller than her in size. It had been too long between the time she had seen Karp, and he had grown, just like her, but at his own pace, and was not quite her size. But she didn’t care, he was her brother, and that was all that mattered. “Where have you… been, these past few months?” She suddenly asked, curious as to what he had done during the time that they had been apart from each other.

275 Words
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

If I could hold the stars in my paw, they would lead me to you...

The seemingly hormonal Karpos had listened as his sister said that she too was to blame. He didn't feel like arguing with her and so he sat down on his rump and looked at her with a tilted head. "On my adventure that I went on before the pack disbanded I had met another pup in Spectral Woods. She had offered me a home in her pack should I ever need it and when I returned to Pitch Pine Trail to find no one left, Auntie Pella took me to the mountains. With the harsh winter the pack relocated to a forest just down there." He said nudging with his head to the western side the the mountain. He had explained it enough and gave her a smile.

Should he ask her the same question? He was curious but he wanted to hear what she had to say about his response first. How will she react with me staying with a girl? He wondered as he looked at her to try and read what her reaction would be. "What about you Adsi, where have you been all this time?" He asked her deciding that maybe he didn't want to know her reaction. He looked down at the east side of the mountain and part of him was drawn to the gravesite of his father, the Pitch Pine Trail pack den. No, that had been his death site. He had buried his father and Spectre had even helped. His father's bones rested under Karpos' favorite log, it was one he would never forget.

...with moonbeams in your pelt & stardust in your eyes.