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Celebrate the way the night hides scars. — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Maeby who has 5 posts.

@Ace Atelis had never been anywhere quite like this before, it was so...quiet. His previous home was always lively, so full of noise. Because of this, the silence here almost hurt.. But the fog was nice. "It's actually pretty beautiful here once you stop thinking about how mute everything is..." He smirked to himself. "How did I even end up in a place like this?" He'd been walking for days on end, but it wasn't like he had a designated place to be or anything anyways. He was just sort of exploring.. Although he never thought he'd come to a place like this, it was just so bizarre in comparison to everywhere else he's been, The way the fog tangled around his paws, How absolutely stunning the tree's looked as their leaves began growing back for the spring. he couldn't get over it.

After a few long moments of being in awe of the woodlands surrounding him, he snapped back to reality. "Maybe I should find some water and call it a day..It might not be at my preferred noise level right now.. But I bet it's easy to sleep here.." He raised his nose to the air and took in a few sniffs, water wouldn't be hard to find here. It seemed to be very close in range no matter which direction he pointed his snout. "Perfect!!" He chuckled. Things where just so much better for him now, Even if he was alone, he was a lot happier. He began to trot towards the water with a grin on his face.

(This post was last modified: Apr 21, 2014, 05:03 AM by Atelis.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
@Atelis sorry for the wait!

The Silver Male had been exploring the territories around Magnolia Glen in the late afternoon when it was warmer, to see what was close by and could be a danger to his new family. So far he hadn’t scented a whiff of pack borders, which was a good thing. Competing for food and territory was not something he would have liked to be doing in a pack, especially when the packs were hungry and emotionally drained from the harsh winter.

As he padded through the woods that his previous leader had originally wanted to create his pack, Ace paused for a moment, remembering the time he had spent with his friend, as well as others, and the young prince and princess. Though now they were almost yearlings, and he saw sure Adsila would bite his ears off if he called her that. Smiling to himself, he padded forward again, towards where the pack in the woods should be, the ghostly blue fog swirling around his legs, some tendrils reaching up to stroke against his underside.

He was not sure how long he had been walking for, but at the sound of a voice his ears pricked, muzzle shifting so he could look at where the voice came from. But as per the usual, no figure was seen in the semi-darkness. Even so, the Silver Male padded forwards, and he soon came upon a wolf, a male at that. The male sported a black coat with hints of light brown throughout. His proportions were lanky and lean, like a yearling, but he didn’t hold his opinion to that.

Waving his tail amicably, Ace stood neutrally and a fair distance away, so he wouldn’t surprise the male and possibly be attacked. “Hello there! I am Ace Caravello, part of Magnolia Glen up further north. May I ask who you are?” Maybe the wolf was looking to join a pack, and if he was, he wouldn’t mind inviting to join his own. Having a good number of members in a pack was a good, for most things. But either way, it was always nice to meet a new face who didn’t want to bite his face off or chase him away.

369 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Maeby who has 5 posts.

@Ace You're okay!X3

Atelis was startled, but made sure to stop himself from showing it. He hadn't been expecting another wolf in the area for whatever reason.. And he sure didn't think that if there was a wolf, he wouldn't hear it. 'Was I daydreaming again?' he thought to himself. 'Daydreaming will probably be the death of me.' holding in a snicker, he turned to face the stranger. They sounded nice enough, but he'd play his submissive role just in case."Oh... H-hello... I'm Atelis. Lone wolf as of recent.. Just wandered into this strange place, looking for some water. Nice to meet you Ace!" He bowed his head, showing that he meant no trouble. Though he did wonder what Magnolia Glen was. A pack perhaps? The name of another land? The wolf sure smelt of another land. Not that it was a bad thing, the smell was actually quite nice. Peaceful even. He decided not to question Ace in attempt to not sound completely stupid. "Magnolia Glen huh?" he smiled softly at the large wolf.

Hopefully the wolf was as nice as his voice led him to be. Atelis would just love to make it through his first packless week without a fight. Though, he had only ever been in maybe one or two fights to begin with. He wasn't very aggressive, in fact, he was just the opposite. 'This guys huuggeee. I bet he could kill me in seconds if he wanted to! Come on big guy, play nice..' he joked with himself. "So, what brings you out this way?"

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

The shadowy ochre male turned to face him, introducing his own name and why he was in the Spectral Woods. The yearling bowed his head, as if telling the Silver Male he was not going to cause trouble, and that he knew where he stood. Ears twitching, his thoughts about Atelis raised into positive, at least he knew his place in the world, and so they would have no problems with each other. It was aggravating when wolves thought they were above him, when they clearly weren’t, but he didn’t think he was above everyone, no, it was just the way the world worked, and the way he was taught at a young age.

Ace smiled and nodded his head at the yearling’s statement, which was also partly a question. “I recently joined them during winter, they were gracious enough even though food supplies were low.” He would have extended an invitation, but the shadowy ochre male was still unknown to him, and he would never bring a stranger to the pale leaders, but maybe once he knew him more and if he had a talent for a role. He was a fair wolf, and never turned anyone down without a strong reason for it, but so far Atelis seemed nice enough.

Creamy ears twitching at his question of why he was also in the Spectral Woods, the Silver Male glanced around for a few moments, as if looking to see if there was anyone else nearby, before looking back at the male before him. “I was searching the area for any packs nearby, but I have only found one, though it is not close enough to worry about.”

279 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Maeby who has 5 posts.

"Well that was very kind of them." He smiled at Ace, Feeling a little jealous that the wolf had a place he could happily call home..But almost in awe at the same time. Atelis was not happy with his last pack. Even though his blood family resided with them, he just always felt like he didn't belong. Oh to have a place where you could feel like you belonged. That was certainly one of the few dreams this wolf held strong with him.

He fixed his posture to a more relaxed state in order to not appear so uptight around his new friend. Ace then spoke of other packs. "Well if it makes ya feel any better, you're the first wolf I've seen since coming here, don't think you have to much to worry about at all!" he let out a chuckle. This guy was really quite strange to him, he'd never met someone who appeared to be so gallant before. It wasn't a bad thing, more so just quite a new personality type to him. 'Wish I could be more like this guy hah. Probably get a lot of ladies with that kinda attitude. Gain a lot of respect while I'm at it.' He shrugged. "I don't really know where I am to well, Still pretty new to the area. I'm glad you're not like rude or anything. You know you could probably kill me pretty quick right? I'd hate for my first meeting with another wolf to end in my death, that just wouldn't be okay." he then shut himself up, what a stupid thing to say to a wolf you didn't know.

(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2014, 01:43 AM by Atelis.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Nodding his head at the shadowy ochre male’s reply, he returned the smile, wanting to make himself look less imposing and more sociable, as some wolves he had met had been daunted by his large bulk, but really, he was a friendly wolf when one deserved it, though one would not want to get onto his bad side, as he would fight until he could fight no longer. That was the way he had been brought up, physically and mentally. Evil could not be allowed to flourish greater than good in the world, otherwise everything would turn into turmoil and destruction, and that wasn’t something he wanted to live in, nor have his family and friends be a part of.

He noticed as the yearling seemed to relax more as time passed, and he swished his tail to and fro just above his hocks. It made him feel better to know one was not intimidated by his size or looks, and he let out a soft chuckle as Atelis spoke again. Maybe as he was new to the area, the Silver Male could possibly convince him to join Magnolia Glen, or at least point him in the direction of packs that were in his eyes held members who valued the right morals, which certainly wasn’t the pack nearby. One member had imposed negatively and forcefully on the pups when they were too young to defend themselves, and he as well as others had to drive him away and leave the area immediately.

Eyebrows raising at the yearling’s next flood of words, he shook his head a few times, a soft laugh bubbling from his muzzle. The wolf just surprised him more and more as he continued talking, but that wasn’t a bad thing. “I’m sure I could if I wanted to, but as you’ve given me no reason to do that, there’s no chance of that happening at the moment.” He couldn’t stop the grin from appearing on his face at the strange things being said to him, but they made the mood lighter, friendlier, more enjoyable. He liked that in a wolf. “Seeing as I am the first wolf you have met, I’d daresay you would rather explore a bit, but if you ever feel the need to join a pack, I would gladly extend an invitation for Magnolia Glen.”

391 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Maeby who has 5 posts.

With these words he knew the wolf had no intention to harm him after all. 'Thank. Fucking. Goodness.' He grinned back at the wolf, though not 100% sure why they were grinning in the first place. "At the moment?" he let out a laugh. "I can definitely assure you that I will be doing my best not to piss you off. You seem like such a great guy, I'd like to think it would be pretty hard for someone of my nature to anger you anyways." he nodded lightly, admiring how easy he thought it was to get along with himself. There's one good thing he had going.

"Hmm join your pack......huh..." Didn't he just leave a pack? Would it really be okay to join another so quickly? Though it would be better for him in the long run to not remain alone wolf. It was hard out here for a loner, even he knew that. "Would others of this pack welcome me as much as you seem to I wonder?" Was he really considering it? 'I never really noticed until now but my mind sure is easily persuaded...I hated being in a pack...But there's no harm in checking this one out right..? Sucks to be alone... Ace is pretty cool...They might all be just as cool. A huge pack full of Ace-bro's. That'd be alright...' What was he even mumbling on about at this point? He shook his head in order to rid these silly thoughts, putting all attention back on his company.

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
I'm SO sorry @Atelis! New term started and I've just been so busy :c
But here, have a nice long post to make up for it <3

The silence around the two wolves was thick, like a cloak or blanket snuggling completely around them, blocking out any noise that came from outside the woods, and making it seem like voices or other sounds were far away; there also seemed to be a slight echo, but it could just be in the mind. The dense wood around them looked as if it was bathed in an ethereal blue luminosity, making shadows appear in the peripheral vision, when there was really nothing. A shadowy vapor curled around their legs and tickled at the undersides of their middles, but it was not a solid substance, only able to be seen. All of these factors made it seem like the Spectral Woods were haunted by phantom beings, and so some would not enter, but a few were drawn by the mystery and otherworldly beauty of it. Perhaps the wolf before him had been unconsciously drawn to the woods…

At the yearlings words of not wanting to encroach on the Silver Male’s aggressive side, he smiled, his tail tapping his hocks as it wagged. It was easy to let himself relax in the other male’s presence, but he could not, as the place they were in was near another pack, and other wolves could also intrude on them, and they may not be friendly. His mind wandered to a time almost a week ago, when a male a few ranks above him had suddenly appeared, snarling at him, screaming at him to reveal where a certain someone was. That male had not been very kind, but the other second, a female, had made him back off, while punishing him lightly for his actions. She had been very nice to him, and he felt the need to get to know her better, just as a friend, someone to hang out with and dutifully doing duties such as hunting or patrolling the border with.

“Do not fear Atelis, only wolves who purposely disobey rules over and over again receive that side of me,” he gently shook his head good-naturedly as he spoke. His left eyebrow raised infinitesimally at the yearlings next question, and he internally thought about it. Apart from that pale agouti male, he was sure all the other members would welcome Atelis warmly into the pack. But he wasn’t completely sure, as he had yet to meet all the members, there was only a few he really knew. Glancing back at the yearling, he smiled again. “As I have not met all the members of Magnolia Glen, I cannot be completely sure that all will be as friendly and welcoming as I am to you, but I doubt any will give you a hard time.” Well, maybe the exception of one…

459 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
(This post was last modified: May 16, 2014, 09:30 AM by Ace.)