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Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
can u tell by my thread titles i am experiencing heARTBREAK but seriously hunter haynes ~everybodies got somebody but me~ I SOBBBBB... Anyway this is a thread for any SW wolfy Kite hasn't individually threaded with yet (so if you're in the Pack thread and we haven't one-on-one threaded yet, I'd love to :))

With everything in her, Kite wanted to be the packs scout. She threw her misery to the wind as she tried to do something about it, and departing from Mirren's side—a difficult project—seemed counterproductive to her... but moving, she believed, would help. Sigh.

Scouts needed to know land. Scouts also needed to be able to scout out particular flora and fauna... and if there was a nearby herd to be found, Kite would find it. It is clear the L'Crowe is on a mission, her eyes looking at the greenery pushing past the blanket of frosted white. Spring was indeed on its way, and her tail waved at the thought of it. She was eager for the warm weather that would come of the season, and also puppies. Kite herself had some experience with the little critters...

But her mind switched back into gear. Here she could not find any of the medicinal herbs she truly wanted to, she did thick of one that might be around... Solomon's Seal. Kite had never scouted for herbs in the winter time, but since spring was nearly around the corner, Kite imagined she might at the very least find where it was located.

Her keen eyes landed on various green things, but none, yet, were what she was looking for.
Played by Maeby who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Catori Algoma

Catori found herself taking joy in the small things recently, most of all being the weather. Oh how she loved to see all these leafy greens sprouting after such a long, cold winter. "Just...Beautiful..." She nodded and smiled to herself. Where exactly was she going on such a wonderful day? She wasn't sure.. She just knew she couldn't waist it cooped up in the den. Especially with a mood like this. She felt... A little happy, and for no specific reason what so ever.. But that was fine by her. "Maybe I'll work up the courage to start a conversation with someone today.." she said in a shy tone, once again only to herself. Recently it's been only 'speak if spoken to.', quite frankly she was sick of it.

Not even a few minutes later the wolf heard noises coming from not to far off. She lifted her muzzle into the air to take in any lingering smell. It was another of her kind, no doubt about it. 'They are from my pack... They smell the same..." she crept up to the location of the sounds and found herself peeking at a rather determined looking lady. What were they doing? Looking at plants? She couldn't really judge, wasn't she just doing the same? "H...Hello... Hey... Uhh... Are you.. Looking for something maybe?" She stuttered, finding that she was approaching her fellow pack mate a lot faster than intended. "Or just sight seeing? I do that to sometimes...." This was her moment of truth. Could she still make friends on her own like she once used to?

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Her strange mood was quick to vanish into nothingness as Kite kept busy. Doing this seemed perfectly ideal, and she enjoyed the distraction immensely. Her mind often bit at itself, it was nothing new... and so, she knew how to handle it. It was only when someone else spoke that Kite was startled back to reality, and she withdrew from her project wholly, body and mind; she took a few step backwards, laughing a bit too loudly because of the fright the other had (accidentally) caused. Of course, Catori had made it no secret (to her knowledge) that she was coming... but Kite had been deep in her work, then. The L'Crowe shook it off and grinned, laughing a bit more quietly... well, a volume far more appropriate than her previous bout of it.

Kite was amazed at the others shyness, and thought of her own quietness. Those days were coming to a slow end, but... she felt it return sometimes. Strangely, in the presence of too-dominant wolves or wolves as shy as Catori, her instinct seemed to kick her into gear as she aged. She did not want to be shy. She wanted the other to not feel shy, either, at least not around her! Kite smiled with this in mind, hoping to cause the other to warm to her. Hey, uh, yeah, she responds, nodding her head, I am actually... a little bit of both, but as for what I'm looking for... maybe... maybe you know what it is? She paused, and mentioned, It's called Solomon's Seal. Kite tilted her head and looked directly to Catori, hoping that Catori would feel welcomed now in her presence as opposed to nervous and shy.
Played by Maeby who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Catori Algoma

As her fellow pack mate smiled she couldn't help but to let one out as well. Smiling equaled friendliness right? So far so good. Catori listened to the girl, and was more than willing to try and help. The plant she spoke of was definitely not foreign to her, a leafy green plant with bell like flowers hanging loose from the stems. However, she hadn't seen any since entering this new home of hers. "I... I haven't... Been in this area yet so.. I guess I can't tell you they are here for sure.. Or actually, I might not be of any help.. Who knows, but if you would like me to.. I think I'd be okay with trying to look for some with you..?" Almost instantly the timber wolf realized her words had escaped her muzzle in a way far from intended.. She almost wished she had sounded a little cooler in front of the new acquaintance. First impressions are everything after all. Why was she so awkward all the time?

Catori closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the fresh air. Trying to visualize where the plant might be, that's how the wolves in her previous pack found things they wanted. This sort of method almost always worked for them but hardly ever for her. Something that always made her a little jealous. With that in mind, of course it would be to no surprise that she didn't see said plant in her thoughts at all. Figures. She opened up her eyes and looked back towards the female. "Solomon's seal.. Do you mind me asking why you need it? Do you know someone with insomnia..? Or maybe a broken bone..?"