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it's 1AM in thailand — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Hero who has 36 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
The title comes from the fact that it's really 1am here :D
Weather: Partly cloudy; Current Temperature: 43° F/6° C
Anyone is welcome, does not have to be a medical thread, can turn into something completely different...

His strides were long and powerful as wild honey colored eyes took in the scenery without complaint, noticing the change that spring had brought with it. Lush green grass grew around the sparse blankets of snow that remained and Couth took in the beauty in silence, knowing that within another months time flowers would begin their bloom, bees would begin their duty of transporting pollen, and new life would roam the land in the absence of so many who had lost their lives to winter. Spring was a funny season, so full of vibrancy and life, it gave a reason to forget the harshness of winter and grow anxious for the approach of new growth and life--with Spring's approach meant the appearance of new flora and Couth was excited for the picking to begin.

Naira's command repeated twice over in his head, he would obey her orders and search for immature herbs for their storage, it was the least he could do in assuring her that he could be useful to their pack but occasionally the caramel male found himself confused about what he was looking for. The plants here were different, they were larger, more healthier than the many he'd encountered as a loner and he found himself second guessing himself about which herbs to bring back for future use--which were to be avoided, and which, if any, could be harvested.

Moving with a purpose, the male's eyes scanned the land with purpose, analyzing each plant that passed under his nose before thin legs brought him toward a tree littered with small green leafy herbs with what resembled yellow buds on their heads. He studied them, inhaling their scent for familiarity, but could not recall from his memory what their purpose was but he could tell from their grouping that they were not regular grass, neither were they flowers. He scoffed, contemplating the urge to taste the plants for himself when he remembered his teachers warning to avoid the unrecognizable and he moved on, dodging a potential lethal dose of sap from the Wild Parsnip plant and choosing instead to investigate the very white buds that grew nearby. He knew what they were, Chokeberries, and judging from the color they had a few weeks yet before berries would provide substance to the animals roaming Wild Cherry Orchard.

He moved on then, his head continuously on the floor as he sought for any root that he could bring back to the pack, lady Naira and Mapplethorpe that would prove to them his worthiness.
(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2014, 05:29 AM by Couth.)
Played by Fenrir who has 32 posts.
No Rank

North.This time, she was going in the right direction, drifting along streams and under sunlit boughs, the rays arcing around naked branches and falling like splinters to the dark, cold earth. She had gone from ruling the world, its light and radiance, to haunting it, slipping along invisible pathways and breathing in the shadows, watching, waiting. No less noble; no less fierce; just less loud. Still, yesteryear's grass whispered in her wake as she went by, and her paws left prints in the deepest shadow where the mud from some forgotten rain had not yet been dried up, always changing what she touched in one way or another.The prey trails had gone cold down south, on the meadow with the arrogant youth. Life was gnawing at her as she gnawed at it, a cold, empty space in her gut, a bone-deep ache, but she slogged along. North. North, and then east. She was already further east than where she'd met the youngling who knew of Mapplethorpe, but how far north had that been? She wasn't sure, hadn't wanted to waste time on revisiting that place only to cut east from it—a shortcut the delirious state of hunger had imposed upon her, until she'd recently found a rabbit to snack on. It had done little soothe all her needs, but it had cleared her mind. North, east, it was all the same, wasn't it? She'd know if she went too far north, and then she'd double back south by east, and eventually she'd find whatever corner of this blasted world he called his own.

Times change, and the world turns, night, dawn, day, and still the wolf ever moves forward.The deep forest gave way to interspersed meadows, grew thicker again, then thinned out, and nothing on the winds betrayed the scent of pack—for he had a pack now, apparently, licking the paws of some female Cézanne would have to displace, just to prove a point.But there was life, at least; a creature painted stark and pale by the sunlight, snuffling around the spring grass and plants with what seemed to be a startling amount of determination. Now, Cézanne was quite well versed in herbal lore herself, courtesy of her tradition-loving parents, but she'd probably not taken it seriously enough—she remembered enough to save her own life, or kill someone if she felt like it, but wounds healed. You licked them, you kept them clean, and they closed up. So her lips pulled back in a temporary sneer, and her tail rose behind her hindquarters, and at some audacious distance of five yards or so she paused, ears brazenly forward.And stared. With all the dispassionate intensity of a queen.

Played by Hero who has 36 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanks for joining! @Cezanne ^^

While stalking, his nose seemingly glued to the ground, he paused on occasion to sniff longer than before on particular plants that were still budding but most were of no importance and would do little good in healing therefore he continued on, stopping only when he caught whiff of her. Looking up from his duty, he allowed his gaze to rest on the face of Cezanne with curiosity and confusion, for he had never seen the woman before and did not know of her true purpose, and it bugged him that she were standing there, simply starting at him as though he were disturbing something of hers'. He shook his pelt, dismissing the sensation of chills that crept up his spine before he inched closer to the tawny woman with caution, and addressed her with carefully chosen words, "Who are you?" it was an honest question, as she did not smell of the Keep and had probably come from one of the neighboring lands-- he thought that perhaps she lived here in Wild Cherry Orchard, it was a reasonable assumption.

He did not know about Hollowheart Keeps history, therefore their allies and enemies were oblivious to him but the beige male was no idiot, he had been a loner for many years and was well adapted to the ways that so many of them operated. He was well aware that most loners were of no threat, but there were some who held vendettas against the packs because of a history that Couth was not aware of. In any case, this woman was a stranger, and would be addressed as one; with caution and a defensive stance, "am I interrupting something, or on claimed lands?" he asked, his head cocking to the side though he was not a scary looking wolf in the least, it was a struggle even to keep the curiosity from his face. The beige creature was a born jest and felt inclined to entertain her presence, it seemed like the most appropriate thing to do, "I'm Couth by the way." and he finally fell silent, his tail wagging stiff behind him--how would she respond next?
(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2014, 02:21 PM by Couth.)
Played by Fenrir who has 32 posts.
No Rank
Sorry for the wait.. ^^

And, as all Queens are given their due, so was she—noticed, reacted to, and it was with just as much dismay and pride she saw him come closer. Bold. It had always tickled her fancy but none had ever quite toed the line efficiently enough; she'd grown bored and angry with them in the end, but for a while their daring ways entertained her. So she let him come, basked in the knowledge that she drew him in, still every inch the queen. And her posture was not slow to let him know in case he ever forgot, just as her teeth knew how to nip out sharp reminders—and worse, should her fury be stoked. So for once, words came naturally, slipping off her tongue with all the harshness of a wolf and the silken arrogance of a regent.» Regina, « she told him, for she was—Queen of everything, of the world, vivat Cézanne!But then, he showed a streak of dumb, and her pleasant mood was soured somewhat. Interrupting something? Claimed lands? Why, she was the one doing the interrupting, and claimed lands? He would've smelled if he'd come into her keep, or even near it, and probably would've been dragged before her by the jaws of her loyal subjects—so her lip curled, and she thought it very unfortunate that he had ruined her hopes of an entertaining encounter. A pity, because it had been promising.» No, « she told him, dispassionate again. Oh, the idiots, how they were everywhere, and her gaze bored into his face. And his name was Couth. She didn't care. Just cut to the chase because he'd ruined the game already. » Where can I find Mapplethorpe? « It was a demand, direct and precise, and she expected an answer. And a good one.

Played by Hero who has 36 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
I'm sorry I made you wait longer ><

The beige male fidgeted beneath the gaze of her cold eyes as an eerie silence built between them, the only movement came from his nostrils as they sought out her scent a second time for purely for future reference; he had a feeling that he would run into miss Regina again. Her name he would remember as well, it was not as foreign as her scent, almost common in its origin, but he could tell from this initial meeting that Cezanne was not a normal woman and she moved mountains where ever she went--but why was she without a home?

When her expression changed to one of annoyance the beige male felt himself duck, as though having grown injured from her, before he backed away from her with hesitant steps. Although he had never been in fear of his life, and felt Cezanne of no particular threat with his pack within a mile away, her icy demeanor made him shudder and he suddenly wanted out of her presence. But something captivated him at his spot and he stood without further movement as questioned him.

She demanded the whereabouts of Mapplethorpe and his head shook to the side instinctively though no words found his lips for a few moments more, "I cannot give you that information ma'am," both because he did not trust the stranger standing before him and also because he had been too busy finding herbs to know where the elder male had slipped off too--he was probably too busy with alpha duties anyway and away from the pack. "if you had important business with him, I am sure he would have sought you out..." and his voice trailed off until the silence between them grew once more. He did not trust Cezanne, especially from the way anger and distaste spilled from her facade.