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mad world — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
For @Ashton. Possible exit from Secret Woodlands. D:

He had not been called upon. He was not invited to the birthing. It stung him so deeply, knowing that he was not allowed into the den. Knowing that Mirren was seen as a son to Nina, but he was not. Not only this, but even her own, true son, had not entered the birthing den, Ashton. He wanted to be there for his Leader, @Nina, and each and every time @Mirren entered and exit the birthing den with whatever favor his Leader asked of him, a jealousy welled in Bane, his teeth grinding. He had remained close by, pacing, getting a little too close at times that would have given him a growl in warning. It was the following day since the pups were born, the sun falling swiftly over the tops of the forestry trees as night came about. After a few moments, still lingering, listening to the delicate woofs of pups within, Bane snorts with an irritation, storming off from the heart of the territory towards the border with every intent to leave.

After all, over the time Nina had seemed to have lost interest in him, having changed since her pregnancy in a manner which he could not understand in his youth. The Lead male Bane had come to admire, Hollow, had run out on them, leaving his mothers lover in his place which he was supposedly named for. Was he really named after her childhood squeeze or was he truly her bane. Ether way, it seemed his mother still cared not for him. He was fully aware of her return, had scented her amongst the land, had seen her, but she seemed to have taken no not of him and so, his attention towards @Ashanti was lost as before. Alas, @Ashton's return was the same. He had left, only to return without explanation, within reason for why he had abandoned his pack, his mother, and him...

Bane Aranna snorted once again, feeling quite the drama queen in his irritated state as he stormed off closer and closer to the borders of Secret Woodlands. Would they even know he had gone? Would they even care? He had done well enough to hide himself from the majority of the pack, most not even knowing him and he not knowing them. Nina would be far too occupied with her new children to notice him for some time. Kite was far to enamored by @Mirren, as all others seemed to be these days. Really, his happiest moments had been outside his pack lands...with @Inali, with @Carys ... As the pack swelled with members, threatening an overpopulation that would start a fight over who stayed and who left, Bane was certain that leaving was the best option for him now.
BANE Aranna
(This post was last modified: May 02, 2014, 11:46 PM by Bane.)
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok

He hated everything. Hated watching that horrid wolf enter the birthing den, hated listening to the insesscent mewling of the cubs, hated his mother even. Had he been replaced? As the only remaining Hervok child - or well, prior to the homewreckers laying at his mother's side, shouldn't he have at least been called upon to see the newest generation? A low growl echoed from his throat as he contemplated the borders. In fact, he wasn't even sure why he'd come back in the first place. With Hollow gone, and nothing left to hold him there, the world outside of the thicket seemed more tempting by the second.

His blood was boiling as he turned for the borders, mossy eyes never leaving the horizon. Once on the other side, he would call for Catori, and she could follow if she chose to. Each step was heavier than the first, filled with rage, and sorrow. Why was it always him?

Moving across a scent he knew all too well, Ashton felt he owed the male at least a goodbye. After all, they had planned on leaving the wasteland they called home, but that was before the blizzard. It seemed like years ago now, and even longer since he'd last seen Hollow.

Catching the boy's form on the horizon, Ashton barked the first greeting he had given Bane since his return. How long had it been now? Weeks, months? It all felt like years to him, and even longer since he'd last spoken to Hollow.

Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
In his rush to just get away, the woof that was sent in his direction had certainly caught him off guard, causing him to jump out to the side and stop suddenly in his tracks, four limbs sliding over dew covered dead earth and moss as he looked Ashton dead in the face. His stare was hard, intense, as ever, a look he was slowly developing that he could not seem to gain control over. His eyes, after a moment, diverted, but not out of submission for the other burly youth, and a sigh then crossed over his lips. "Where 'ave you been?" The words were almost a snap as he once more returned to look over Ashton's features. It was by no means challenging, as his tail and ears remained relaxed, though he sought to catch everything in the other male's expression when he went to answer him. Why had he waited until now, as Bane was deciding to leave, to once more catch up with one another after leaving him high and dry in the first place? Bane held the snort, if only to wait for some kind of explanation, hoping for something better then some poor excuse as 'loosing track of time' or 'getting lost in the world'. After all, time and time again had Bane left the lands of Secret Woodlands. Each time going out further then he had the last. Still, the boy had always managed to come crawling back home...
BANE Aranna
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok

Greeted with a cold stare, Ashton couldn't help but mirror the male's reaction. Wary then, he moved with caution, keeping a few tail lengths between them. "What happened to Hollow?" Ignoring the question, and countering with one of his own, the words left his tongue lifelessly. There would be plenty of time to catch up, but Hollow's fate had burdened him endlessly. Miccah said that he simply disappeared, but Ashton knew it could never be the case. Hollow was strong, resilient; Everything the burly youth had hoped to be. Not to mention loyal. Hollow would have come back, followed the familiar trees into Secret Woodlands. The storm would not have disoriented him the same way it had Ashton.

It was important that he asked Bane, for the male wouldn't sugar coat it. If he even knew at all, of course. Hollow had been important to Bane at some time, hadn't he? A father figure to the almost-yearling as well. Only then did he realize that the disappearance might have effected Bane too, and unlike himself, the male probably had to deal with it alone. After all, he had an insane mother, a nightmare for a father, and even now it seemed Nina had replaced both of them with Mirren. He had nothing, but at least Ashton had Catori. She might have been a little off the wall, but she listened.

Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
He did not answer and so neither did Bane. His ears fell down against the crown of his head, paws shifting over the familiar earth of the Thicket of Secrets. There was a very obvious grim expression which moved over his face as the other yearling mentioned Hollow. After a few moments of standing there, he shrugged in what would mean 'I don't know'. In reality, he did not. He had no scented his return here to the Secret Woodlands pack, nor when Bane traveled outward to the majority of the time east, he did not come across any signal of the male. He was gone. Dead, as far as Bane knew, just like everything else in his life had 'died out' on him.... Ashanti, his father, Ashton, and now even it seemed, Nina... The thoughts of Bane's loneliness swirling in Ashton's thoughts were completely true. He had no one and so, there was nothing left for him here anymore.

"I'm leaving Ashton." He finally said then after a few more moments of tense, uncomfortable silence. There was no question in his words, no lingering feeling that maybe he should be convinced otherwise. Far too many painful members lay within the territory of his birth home and time and time again after having ventured beyond them, he had been a much happier wolf. He needed not be looked down upon anywhere else. Needed not live with a mother who did not remember him. Did not need to be considered 'second best' to the new pups, nor even Ashton himself. He would be free beyond this thicket and it's secrets.
BANE Aranna
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok

The shrug, though seemingly care-free, spoke in volumes to the boy who had once been a prince. He was less than that now, far from it even. How could you be a prince without a mother to call you as such? And, if the nature of things was anything to go by, it seemed Mirren was the new prince. Hell, he might even overthrow Miccah to become the next alpha male of Secret Woodlands. In truth, Ashton could have cared less, having already decided on his course of action. They could all go to hell in a hand basket, and he wouldn't give them a second thought.

A smirk etched it's way into his indifferent mask. Ashton hadn't pegged Bane for wanting to leave, in fact, he thought the younger male's hope of finding a new home had been squashed after their plans fell through. It came as almost a relief to know that he wouldn't rot his life away there in the hellhole they called a thicket. Bane would make it, leave his past behind him, and follow a new adventure. "And you think I'm just going to let leave without me?" There was almost a playful hint to his words. Almost. Too much loss plagued the boy now, far too much to let such an easy tone fall from his tongue. Maybe someday things would return to normal, but it wouldn't happen anytime soon, Ashton was sure.

Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
A smirk formed over Ashton's features, small, but there, which stirred something within Bane. From the moment they had met Bane and Ashton had been back and forth with one another. Ashton's abruptness and forward manner had caused the lonely child to shy away from him, though overtime they bonded, Bane taking to mimic a bit of the other male's stronger aspects as best he could. They decided to travel together and when Ashton left (or got lost) Bane's trust in him shattered in many a way it has Hollow and his mother, Ashanti. Now, they were together again and with a clear intent that the other male had no intention of letting Bane wonder off without him. "Didn't know you still cared." He huffs in a grumble, one side of his lip curling off in a half-cocked manner. His head lifted high then, ears perked in interest as he turned his attention outward - east, away from their current home and the only one they so far knew, as begrudging they were to it. "Shall we go then?" There was nothing else more to say. Bane had spoken to Nina about his feelings about leaving and with her interests drawn to the new pups and Mirren, Bane had decided now was his best chance at leaving. The yearling takes a few steps, striding further way from home, yet pauses to make sure Ashton had every intention to follow. After all, he did say he was coming with...
BANE Aranna