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OOC Joining & Rules Updates
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OOC Joining & Rules Updates

As was mentioned in the last announcement, we would like to introduce OOC Joining to RoW. A new forum called Join a Pack has been added to Wolf Central. In this forum, you'll see a pinned thread that has the detailed instructions on how to join a pack. We have asked all of the pack leaders to write a post prompt for lone wolves to respond to that will allow the leaders to gauge a potential member's personality and how they would fit into the pack. To join a pack, all you have to do is post a new thread in that forum with the pack's title as the name, provide a few details as outlined in the joining instructions, and respond to that pack's specific prompt. Once you've done that, a leader will read your response and make a decision, either accepting or denying your character into the pack.

Join requests will be filled on a first come, first served basis. So a character who posts an application first will be ranked above a character who posts an application second if they are accepted into that pack. In Character joining is still allowed and encouraged, but we wanted to offer this option to both members and leaders, who can often get bogged down with join threads.

Rules Updates

Over the next week, Shadow is making it her personal project to update and reformat the Game Rules and important links on the site's sidebar. As the site has grown and policies and rules have changed, we haven't always been the best at keeping that information updated in the relevant places. So we need your help - what kind of rules do we have here on RoW that are either unwritten or not located in our Game Rules section of the library? Please respond to this news post and let us know so we can get that information updated for new and old members alike!


Special congratulations to Grey (@Angier) and @Mirren (played by Allie), who were voted our MoTM and WoTM for April. Nice job guys!

Some rules ideas, will edit if I think of anything else;
Maybe a little something about proper Cbox etiquette?
Also I think the rule "match your partners posts as much as possible." isn't really something we do here? Most times if I crank out a huge post way over 250 words I have no expectation for someone to match that and I think most people are the same?
Quote:Also I think the rule "match your partners posts as much as possible." isn't really something we do here? Most times if I crank out a huge post way over 250 words I have no expectation for someone to match that and I think most people are the same?
I'm sort of firmly against "mirroring" as a rule, so tbh I'd like to see it go. xP