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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Mostly to meet @Sorya and @Xetor, but others may join!

What was she doing out here? In truth, it was a selfish manner. She needed not leave her den for any reason as her growing pack was keen on tending to her every beck and call. All she needed was to call out to Angier, to Asriel or Skoll and her needs would be made. But now she came out of the darkness of the Infirmary/pack den merely for her own personal desires. She needed a moment to be free. The new pups had just been fed and were content to squirm amongst each others on a bed of furs to keep warm as they rest. Surely Adelaide, Coquina, or Senka would have no problem guarding the entrance of the pack den whilst she was gone. Morganna, even, could slip into the den in order to comfort her little brothers should they begin to cry - which Elettra doubted. They were good pups, far less demanding then her first litter and rarely screamed out for mere attention alone. So Elettra left with an obvious eagerness to stretch her legs as she made a quick lope around her territory, making sure to not stray too far. Even if she knew her children were well within pack lines, the protective mother still could not allow herself to go beyond a quick sprint that would lead her to her new pup's sides once more.

Angier had mentioned Sorya, a sister of hers and this was most definitely something she could not let down. She wanted to know, had to know. Was everything alright in Torbine? Had it fallen, had her parents died? Why was this 'Sorya' here as well as this Xetor she had heard of, though had yet to meet as well. She Leader craved to know what was going on amongst her pack, mainly with new members about around her new born pups. If they were true family, then certainly she held no worries. An Archer thought of another Archer, above all else. Her nose to the winds now to the falling afternoon, she took in the scents of the new comers, her family, a shallow howl sent out to them, edged in low barks. If they were near, they'd be here.
Played by Namara who has 52 posts.
Inactive II. Guardian
Sorya Archer

It was time. It was finally time.

She had been waiting every day since she had left for that very moment, her eyes softened as she returned from a border patrol with a rabbit dangling from her muzzle that she caught a glimpse of the regal queen whom she held in high regard as a sister, a true sister, a blood sister. Her tail wagged slowly as she persued the other wolf. She had laid the rabbit down by the pack den to follow her sprinting sister. "Elettra?" She called out softly and with curiosity. Sorya had been warned to steer clear of the birthing den and she had, though she had caught the scent of Xetor in it occasionally, which she still had to scold him about.

Instinct had long since kicked in as the black girl with a gray muzzle let her tail tuck in submission to the monarch of the Ridge. She dipped her head in greeting as she just looked at her. The mysterious sister that she had overheard about once or twice. A few times heard a comparison or a contrast between the two children of Sansa and Roman, but mainly good things. The excitement welled in her eyes as she realized it was complete. She had met all her living siblings, her goal was achieved. It was time for her to set new goals however, starting with being loyal to Willow Ridge. She offered a small smile to the queen. She briefly wondered if Xetor was around to meet his aunt.

The determination at the start of the hunt for her sister did not fade as she set a new goal. She set the goal to hold the Archer name like it was supposed to be, with pride and grace.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity
Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer

Investigating yet another little spring stream that had refrozen along its edges, Tor's tail wagged as he spotted fish struggling through the shallow water. This was the second time he'd gotten lucky enough to find an easy meal, and by the looks of it I can probably bury the extra fish in a cache if I can find one... Licking his chops Xetor exercised the little fishing experience he had and sat at the edge of the little stream.

After a few failed attempts Tor growled deep in his throat frustrated with himself. Last time he had done this the young Archer had been able to scoop the fish right out of the water rather easily. Stepping back away from the frightened fish the young male looked down on them. Their long barbels twitched along their smooth grayish brown sides as the long water creatures swam over each other trying to get away form the predator. Tor realized suddenly that these fish were different than the first ones he had caught, and that the water was deep in this stream. The puddle he had previous fished from while trailing Sorya had been very shallow to the point where the fish were swimming on their sides, and those fish did not have long whiskers and brown bodies like these did.

That's why they are a bit harder to catch I guess, more slimy with the ability to go to deeper water and get away. quietly he surveyed the fish then realized that the longer he sat still the more the fish came close to the edge of the water unafraid once more.

Moving forward the Archer sat at the edge, scaring the fish at first, and then waited for them to come close again. His muzzle hovered about a foot and a half over the water watching for movement.

A few minutes passed when Tor finally moved jutting his jaws forward only to have the tail end of the fish slip right through his mouth.

"Dammit..." He hissed before setting himself up again, this time with his nose barely touching the waters surface, mouth left slightly a jar, and waited for the fish to come close once more.

Nearly three minutes later Tor pushed his face into the water and came up with a two pound cat fish struggling between his canines. The dark yearling moved the fish on shore and using his paws to anchor the fish, bit down hard on its head to break open its skull.

Quickly the dark male gobbled up his prize happy to have the feeling of food in his stomach. Then he repeated the fishing process until he had three more catfish, one small six inch fish, one mid-sized ten inch fish, and the last to be hauled out being a three pound monster who had hid near the bottom of the stream.

Tor had eaten his fill with the first three fish, but the last and largest he had decided to take to the den and try to get it to a cache. It was during his struggle to end the largest catfish life that Xetor had heard his name called by a strong feminine voice that was unknown to him. Just... wait. a second...woman.. the young male growled in his head while hauling the flopping fish onto dry ground. The dark wolf was battered by the slimy thing numerous times as the catfish's tail flipped around under his chest and around his legs. After being hit the face a few times Tor had finally gotten a chance to place his fangs through the damn things skull.


He rested a few minutes watching the large catfish for movement before looking in the direction of the call. It had been rather close, and since the stranger female knew his name Tor figured it was a high ranking wolf calling. He didn't want to be any later than he was, so the rust and black male grabbed the 20inch fish and carried the creature towards the strangers location.

Once he got there Tor's amber and silver eyes were graced by an older female who had obviously given birth not too long ago. The lead female? Then this is Aunt Elettra... Quickly he lowered himself letting the fish drag under his belly, then approached Elettra, dropped the catfish at her paws, and tried to lick just under her chin before stepping back once more.

"It is an honor to finally meet you Aunt Elettra." He bowed his head and waited for her reply or for something else to happen.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
In a moments time, they came to her, both wolves which she had been seeking out that carried the name of 'Archer' in the same manner which she did, one being her youngest sister of many and the other, a nephew from one of the various ladies Hextor had courted when he was alive. Firstly it was Sorya, bringing the scent of rabbit to the air. She had unknowingly captured the mother of a rabbit's nest nearby, snuggled with five young who would not be left to their lonesome, to ether be found by the wolves at a later time or killed by another predator. Elettra flit into the other wolf's direction, coming up close to her with her tail raised and her head high as she looked down upon one her newest subordinates. Though her tail waved happily, a smile upon her features. She took a hop back from Sorya, her head and tail lowering with still a wave.

"I've never met you before." She peeped lightly, her eyes intense upon the woman's face for a moment, directly into the pale colored eyes that matched her own. After a fleeting second they fell, only to scour her body, her physical form, her coloration, the obvious contrast of her eyes, her stance. She most certainly did look like an Archer wolf, though she had time and time before met those who could pass for one, as @Kade himself had to her. "Who are you?" Elettra Archer had met all of her siblings since the pups of 2011, before she left. Two of them had died due to a very harsh winter, unknowingly to her. It was Sorya who was born the year after, a single female in the little, which was rare. Most of the Archer's were born men, strengthening the bloodline and its name easily. She was a single child and a woman, a showing of a decrease in the number of pups Sansa had as she aged. It was the last time their mother had children before Deacon stepped up to the plate as King just last year.

"And you..." Her eyes suddenly flashed to Xetor then. He came a bit later to the party, dropping down a very large fish before Elettra's paws and offering a quick lick of submission that caused a sneeze from Elettra in response. A fisher, then? Would he be as good as the long, lost Reed? She licked her eyes, eying the fish before then to Xetor, of rust and black. "A nephew, I hear, but of who?" Judging by his age, almost a full adult, he had to have been from a little of Sorya and Elettra's parents from 2010 of prior. Unknowingly to Elettra, he was the product of her very litter mater, Hextor: A dashing male of black, with shades of russet and rust much as his twin brother, Hexxus. Though Hexxus only facial features had long since been roughed and marred with battle. He, much like Sorya, was the product of one child in the litter by a woman named Wisteria Solace, a priestess and medic within the Heart of Torbine. She was one of the three woman Hextor had wooed in his life, having bred with her a second time the next year to give Xetor three younger siblings amongst various (likely unknown) half siblings from the other two woman from traveling bands.

She waits, then, her eyes fleeting between nephew and sister, both around the same age of two years old. Both single children in their litter, harboring a likely very self-officiant upbringing. She was very curious of them, both family and stranger and had many questions, certainly. These were just the first of many to come.
Played by Namara who has 52 posts.
Inactive II. Guardian
Sorya Archer

The mother had turned and asserted her dominance as Sorya was to expect as Elettra pointed out that she did not know Sorya. Sorya nodded as the woman analyzed her, their eyes meeting and Sorya instantly dodging it. "I'm Sorya, I was the only pup of the last litter of our parents. 2012. Born a little before Deacon took up leadership of the Torbine Empire." Sorya reported to the female, speaking clearly and to the point, adding in details her sister would not know unless she had some kind of informant still in the kingdom, but even then she probably wouldn't even know of what had occurred. She did not know of the Rebellion that was swiftly put down, the old and stupid elders thinking pelt color had something to do with it.

Her nephew soon arrived with a fish much larger than Sorya's rabbit. She was upset she had not presented the best gift, but she knew that she still did offer a gift and that she could probably place new ones at the entrance to the birthing den when she found them to offer. The monarch sneezed from the putrid odor coming off the fisher Xetor. Elettra posed him with a question of his own as Sorya sat there in wait for something, anything. Her tail wagged slightly, excited that it was all going down. She was meeting the sister she had heard only whispers of, whispers she wasn't supposed to hear at that too. Xetor was meeting his Aunt, whom he addressed as Aunt Elettra it seemed.

It was all falling into place.

(This post was last modified: May 23, 2014, 11:22 AM by Sorya.)
Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer

Xetor felt the older she wolf's eyes burn into his pelt, but he did not look up to view her form. With a gentle "Sorry ma'am..." uttered after the leader sneezed, Tor kept his body held low. He knew after being bullied by larger kin how to be a good submissive wolf. Here and now he would put that bit of education to use before the queen of the ridge. Tucking his tail beneath his belly and glancing to the left, Xetor flicked his ears to show the older women that he was listening. He heard the tag end of Elettra's questions and glanced around to look at Sorya while she answered.

The El's questioning voice moved to his direction Tor let his ears fall to the sides of his head then let his grayish yellow eyes pass over Elettra for naught a second before turning to the trees once more.

"I am but one of many children fathered by Hextor Archer. I was born two years ago to a priestess named Wisteria Solace as a single child. Though I have many half brothers and sisters born a year before me. " Tor paused giving the elder woman time to consume the information he had given her. "My name is Xetor Archer, but you may call me Tor if you feel like it." The young male hazarded a second glance towards Elettra to see her expression after learning of Sorya and himself. He held the information back about his fathers death only because Tor still held bitterness over it. Though he was quickly thinking about whether it would be better to tell her anyway. Sorya will probably tell her if I don't. He mused quietly while readying himself to deliver a bit more information.

"I'm not sure whether father might have sired younger siblings with his various lovers before he was killed. I may have more siblings I don't know of." He gave the information of Hextor's death along with other less interesting information. He avoided mentioning the uprising where his father had died. He hoped the older Archer wouldn't press him for more information. Or that if Elettra did then Sorya might answer for him. Xetor didn't like speaking about his father too often.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
@Sorya and @Xetor woot! finally got to this. been lazy cause i knew it would take a lot of thought process for me... granted it has more detail on their past - mostly for Xetor.

The last litter. She was but a single child to this litter, she confirmed, and born in the spring of 2012 before coming of the next year, Deacon took the placement of King in the land due to their parent's aging. He, from then, took his mate and started having children of their own that year. Elettra's tail waved to the thought, having loved Deacon so very much for which her one of her newest children was named after. They had been close and despite Deacon not being first born in the litter, it was very obvious that Deacon, above all else, had been fitting for the placement of King. Sorya was the last born of a great line of their parents and for this, Elettra smirks and dips her head in a manner of respect to the woman. Once more her eyes go fleeting between Sorya (who was colored very much like her, if not a bit darker) and Xetor, who was fitting with the rusty coloration of the twins Hexxus and Hextor.

They both showed obvious submissive behavior, respectful of not only their older sister and aunt, but to the woman who was the eldest of the Archer family in this land and, the leader of Willow Ridge. Xetor, it seemed more so, held a more submissive manner as though well practiced and she wondered, if being a bastard son of Hextor had left him with a harder out set of life. Typically, wolves within the Archer line were monogamous. They took a mate and mated for life, only taking another partner if death or adultery were a case. Hextor, however, was one of those dashing few with not only good looks and a good name to sport, but an incredible way with words that could just about get anyone to sleep with him. Hextor had bred with one female in 2011 which Elettra had been aware of before her parting. The female had been nameless to Elettra, just some wondering gypsy who, before she even realized she was pregnant, left the lands of Torbine and what could only be assumed, for none of the Archer family to even know her children of three existed. That is, until Xetor now spoke of it now. Elettra's ears perked in much interest, wondering if that first woman had shown her face again in Torbine then or if Hextor had simply told Wisteria or Xetor about her. It did not matter too much, she guessed, granted the likeliness of her actually seeing those nieces and nephews or hers were slim to none. Wisteria she had not known ether, for that matter. She was yet another woman wooed by Hextor, whom he bred with in 2012 along with another woman not of the Empire. The other woman was of an amazonian-like gang on the outskirts of Torbine in the deep forest near the mountain range. She, to much surprise, birthed two females - two sisters which ended up being dominant within their gang. Though Hextor had met his daughters on various occasions, they were not of the Empire. Wisteria, whom was a priestess and medic to the Empire, was more so seen and so was Xetor, his (as far as he knew) first born son. In 2013 Hextor bred with Wisteria once more. This time, with only her and thus giving Xetor three full blooded siblings. It had become apparent that the long standing bachelor was actually falling in love with Xetor's mother. Unfortunately, that winter, Hextor was killed, never taking Wisteria as his mate as he had secretly intended.

"Killed?" She felt a knot form in her throat at the mentioning of Hextor's death. At the news, she finds herself sitting before the pair, a frown forming over her lips as gray-dipped toes shifted over the earth. She wondered now how Hexxus was holding up, for when Hexxus was not tormenting slaves and Hextor was not wooing women, the two bothers had been joined at the hip. "How?" She asks then, shifting her attention before both her younger sister and her nephew.