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soft paws, strong hearts — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Backdated to May 3rd. @Dziban and maybe @Ash if you want to Light(:

It was time. Her heart raced as her breathing deepened. The contractions were getting worse the day before, but they kept her up all night until now. With the moon high in the sky, Athena paced outside the den that she chose to be her birthing den this year. This time around, Athena wasn’t as acquainted with her surroundings. She had just arrived here a few weeks ago, so she couldn’t take her time in preparing for her children this year. Unlike last year, she felt more in control of what was happening inside her, but pregnancy wasn’t something you get used to. As the moon began to slowly set, the expecting mother moved inside her den to finally give birth to new life.

It wasn’t until the sun was beginning to rise, did Athena begin to push. Wetness covered her tail and legs as she successfully pushed the child out of her and onto the ground. Quickly reaching towards it, she cleared the nostrils, but something was wrong. The boy wasn’t screaming or making any noise like he should be. His little chest heaved lightly as if he was trying to breath, but it wasn’t working. She frantically tired to help him, but it was too late. His little heart stopped bearing and his chest lay still. Silently, her heart broke inside her. Her fiery eyes stared sadly at the life-less body of her boy. Carefully, she pulled him close to her chest, cradling him with her leg and head. It wasn't long before another large contraction raked through her body, making her attention focus on having this child survive.

Soon, Athena gave birth to little girl. This time, she could hear the soft whimpers and cries as she reached back to pull her closer to her belly to nurse. Once the girl was situated and happily nursing, her fiery eyes fell back onto the deceased boy. "Dziban," she called as her salmon tongue caressed his frail body. Athena had never witnessed a death of one of her child and she never wanted to again. No more contractions passed through her body, so she curled her body towards her head to cradle the two children between her head and legs and began to relax. But, the death of her child was still prominent in her mind.

dziban & athena thanne
Time brought your heart to me...
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Pinn who has 24 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Dziban Thanne

As moonlight fell upon them, Athena retreated to the birthing den. She must have known they were on their way, and to be honest the male was nervous. Only a few months ago, he had no qualms to speak of, resting confident in the knowledge that everything was perfect. Ash was kind enough to take them in, though Dziban still wasn't sure how he felt about his love's former 'mate'; And as this new generation grew within her, he knew that this time things would be different. These were his children. They would age knowing their father's face, being doted upon all the while.

It seemed years passed them by as he waited patiently just outside. There he could assure no one bothered his mate, while listening in on the events. Early sunrise brought the first real commotion, but silence answered. Unable to assume the worst, he hoped that she hadn't given birth yet.

Every fiber of his being wanted to enter the den, peek inside just one time, but he refused. As a cub, he was raised in self restraint, and so he would sit still, stoic as ever. Finally another commotion came, answered with the sing-song yips of a newborn cub. Pale yellow eyes searched the mouth of the den, hoping to catch just a glimpse.

When she called, he all but jumped at the chance. Making his way toward the entrance, he allowed his stomach to crawl across the ground. Mother's were a force to be reckoned with, and he would not have Athena getting upset. Through the darkness he could make out two forms; One beautiful ball of mousy fur, squirming for it's mother, and the other... It.. Well it wasn't moving at all. Terrified, Dziban searched her fiery gaze, looking for an answer, while knowing full well what this meant. "Athena.. I.." The first time father - second by technicality - searched to comfort her, but knew only time could heal the ache in her heart.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He had been resting outside, as usual, when the familiar scent of Athena overcame him. It had been a few weeks since she had joined with her new mate and things were going quite well. As usual, the man would watch from the shadows as she went about everyday life, and he would make sure that she was tended to, without her knowledge of course. He knew that once again she was having pups and though he knew that once again they weren't his, he still felt the overwhelming need to be there and watch over her, even if it wasn't his place and knew that her mate was still here. Awkwardly trying to debate on whether he should go or not, he ended up deciding that it wouldn't matter if he went or not, because even if he did, his presence wouldn't be known. He would allow himself to stay in the shadows and observe as he always did. And so he went to her.

Foliage had been kind to the Cavern wolves this year and granted them with dense trees and bushes, making it easy for Ash to stay in the shadows, especially since it was at night. He didn't mind waiting and watching as Dziban made his way forward. He could sense the distress in the air and as much as he wanted to move towards his subordinates and do what he could, he didn't dare move from his position. He took silent, calmly breaths and watched eagerly, wanting to know if the woman that he had loved was alright. He didn't do anything though and waited. If she called out to him he would appear but if she didn't, then he would remain a phantom and wait out what could be a long few hours.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
I wouldn't really say there's a posting order since everyone is havin issues, so post when you can(:

Dziban quickly and quietly followed her voice. Part of her felt like she had failed him for not giving him the son that he rightfully deserved. She avoided his gaze as he looked upon her and their children. Dziban had never shown any anger towards her and it showed with his soft voice as he tried to comfort her and not scorn her. He was not that type of man, but many things can make someone tick the wrong way within seconds. Her eyes lifted to his, "I'm sorry," she whispered softly. Her fiery gaze was filled with sadness for their lost son, but all they could do is move on. They still had one alive, healthy daughter that they needed to raise and dote upon. They can still let their son's spirit live on in their hearts.

"He needs a name before we can bury him," Athena said while gazing down at his silver speckled coat just like his father's. He would have been his father's son, for sure. The boy already had his coat and part of her knew he would have become a man just like Dziban. However, fate would take their time with their son away from them. He will now rest in the heavens until they can join him. Her gaze fell back onto her daughter as she lay peacefully suckling. She looked exactly like Aphrodite and at the thought of her lost daughter, her heart stung once again. Athena tossed aside the sad thoughts, she needed to be happy for what they had and looked up to Dziban, "She needs a name as well." A smile crossed her ebony lips for the first time this morning.

The scent of Ash crossed her senses as she gazed up at her Dziban. She knew Ash was out there somewhere, watching like he always does. He truly was a guardian angel to her, always watching over her. Occasionally, she could feel his presence while outside walking, but if he had wanted to talk, she knew he would have come to her. She knew he couldn't break old habits even though they had been apart for so long. And now she could feel his presence outside her den. Her fiery gaze searched the foliage outside her den, but she couldn't find him. Turning back to Dziban, she spoke almost loud enought for Ash to hear if he was close enough, "If you see Ash out there, can you please bring him here?" Even though she had Dziban by her side, Ash had a right to see her children. If it wasn't for him, her little girl might not survive long.

dziban & athena thanne
Time brought your heart to me...
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Pinn who has 24 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Dziban Thanne

He watched their son, knowing his tiny body was growing stiffer by the second. A boy who would never know his father's voice; never learn the air, nor the feel of grass below his feet. He would not bare witness to life's tiny miracles, and he would never stand where Dziban stood now. "Kratos." The name had strength in every syllable. A good name for any son of his, although it did not fit with his family's tradition. Maybe it was time for some of the 'old' ways to die. After all, this was a new beginning.

Turning his gaze toward the girl still mewling for Athena's warmth, he found this to be a bittersweet victory. Especially after such a difficult winter, the pair had been allowed one small bit of hope. As he watched her uncoordinated body squirm across the dirt, he decided then and there, that this was it. This little girl, alongside her mother, would be his world. He would live for her, tend to her every need, and if circumstances called for it, he wouldn't think twice about dying for her. She was beautiful. Flickering between Athena, and their daughter, he spoke, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his maw. "Something bright, and beautiful." He encouraged, hoping she had a few ideas.

Ash's scent never seemed to be far away, but the intensity of it could only mean that he was close. Always keeping a watchful eye on the ashen fae, Dziban knew that their relationship would not die out. Those two had history together, one he couldn't begin to understand. They had a bond, and Dzi hadn't a single problem with it. Of course they used to be mates, but that time was long passed, and now it was almost nice to have someone else doting on the girl. She needed it now more than ever. Pulling himself out of the den, he lifted his head to call for @Ash, knowing it would not take the male long to arrive at the entrance.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

It almost hurt him to know that she would call out for him before she would call out for Ash, but the brute knew it was none of his business. After all, the pups weren't his and they actually had their real father this time. Not a sleazy replacement as he had been to Belladonna, Datura, Aphrodite, and Elliot. He had obviously not done his job, because even now, he didn't know the whereabouts of any of his former adoptive children. It was through these dark thoughts that the Hervok almost missed Athena's call out for him. She knew he was there, as he predicted, though it was obvious that she couldn't physically see him. Stepping out of the shadows as Dziban exited to call for him. A call that was much unnecessary, but his subordinate obviously had no idea as to where the ghost had been hiding.

As he entered the den calmly, his mossy green eyes turned to the lifeless form on the ground, his brows furrowing together in deep thought. Once again Athena had lost someone that she had loved deeply, even if the child had never experienced the special love that Ash knew the woman would give her children. He made sure to keep a safe distant from his former love, taking in the exhausted female and the small live that was feeding off of her mother. Even though it went against every instinct in him for another male subordinate to see his softer side, his eyes did so, their normal hard edge gone as he looked upon the new life. He knew that he wouldn't be called father any longer and deep inside him, he knew it would hurt more than ever, but never would he voice such emotions. Turning his green gaze to Athena's amber one, he spoke softly, "And what is this little beauty's name?" One thing was for sure though, Ash would make sure that this children had everything she deserved, and he would be in as much of her life as Athena allowed him to be in.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief