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Realm of Power — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Anyone is welcome! =)

With a yawn, his pink tongue curling upwards and poking out of his mouth, before retreating and closing his jaws, Ace stood and stretched out his limbs, before giving a quick shake of his head. It was early morning; he had slept in an hour or two. His body was still recuperating from his near death before joining the ranks of Magnolia Glen, and he would be forever loyal to the man and woman that accepted them – he still did not know their names, but that wasn’t of importance at the moment.

The sun shone down from the sky, which was a patchwork of light grey fading into blue and white. Stepping into the sunlight from his sheltered den, he stood still for a few minutes, soaking up the sun, feeling it warm him to the bone, before he sighed softly, feeling relaxed and energized. Padding off in a random direction, he sought to wander the lands for a while, take in the beauty of the arriving spring in the bloom of flowers and the green of the grass. It was a truly wondrous sight, and was one of the reasons he was glad for being alive.

Pausing to lift his muzzle into the air, hoping to catch a whiff of rabbit or some other small creature nearby that he could hunt and place in the pack cache. He would not be contributing to the pack others, but sadly, there was nothing on the wind save for the usual scents, but nothing living. Sighing again, he continued with his steady trot, hoping to come across something that he could hunt, or maybe a wolf to converse with.

277 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Kydnt who has 49 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Albireo Cygni

Albireo's wanderings had drawn him outwards from his home range. The ruddy eastern soil had worked into his fur, tinging his pale grey coat an uncharacteristic tawny, remaining even as he ventured back into the bounds of Magnolia Glen. A limp squirrel kit hung from his teeth, its parents already devoured when Al had discovered their nest. He would drop the squirrellet off at the cache, making a perfunctory tribute to the pack.

The territory's scents had changed within the few days he had been gone. The perfume of magnolia flowers just beginning to bloom carried far from the heart of the pack lands, nearly obfuscating the musky odor of two unexpected wolves. One was wholly unknown, but the other was a scent Al could never forget. His brother. @Deneb could be tresspassing, but Al knew it was unlikely that his brother could have infiltrated the territory so deeply on his wiles alone. Albireo hadn't expected that Deneb would have sought to join the ranks of the own pack that Al had found shelter amongst.

Albireo's snout wrinkled as his face curled into a snarling grimace, a low rumble of irritation beginning deep in his chest. The dead squirrel kit had been dropped, carelessly stomped over as Albireo surged forward. Albireo was set on finding Deneb, though had no thoughts as to what he would do with him once he found him.

So honed in was he on finding Deneb had he forgotten the other strange scent. At the first sight of pale fur through the trees, Albireo broke into a run, a snarling, bristling juggernaut headed straight towards what he initially thought to be Deneb. Al only stopped short at the last moment, jerking to a halt just feet from what was definitely a stranger. Albireo panted, his breaths coming heavier than the short burst of speed had required. His shoulders shook as he glared at Ace. "WHERE IS HE?!" Albireo yelled, dark brown eyes glaring into a pair of silver, not considering the other male had no idea just who he was looking for.

[Image: CygniSwan.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
That was unexpected @Albireo XD And @Zia

The Silver Male was so caught up in his thoughts and on concentrating on finding a morsel to hunt, he started as a sudden vicious snarl reached his ears, and he whipped around, flattening them against his head, which was lowered slightly to protect his neck. But he did not need to search for who had made the snarl, as the wolf was barely feet away from him, growling ferociously at him and demanding that he tell him where the ‘he’ was, whoever that was. Usually a calm wolf, Ace now released a snarl himself, his fur bristling and eyes narrowing, looking down a few inches to meet the pale agouti wolf’s dark brown eyes.

Putting one large creamy paw forward, he pulled back his lips, showing each of his teeth. He would not settle being talked to that, demanded to tell the male before him where a certain someone was, especially when he had no idea who it could be. No one had the right to talk to him like that unless if they had a reason, and so if the pale agouti male did not back off, he would make him. “I have no idea who this wolf is, or who you are, and I don’t appreciate being demanded of something.” Another snarl ripped free of his jaws as he stared down at the male, waiting for him to back off and apologize for his actions. If not, then Ace would show him that he was not a wolf to be trifled with, as wolves like the pale agouti before him were immiscible with wolves like himself.

270 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
And now, enter cranky Zia.xD

For once in her life, the silver woman had decided to take the day off. As a guardian, she was dedicated to her obligations to keep the outermost reaches of the territory secure and safe. But even a hard working girl like herself needed a break every now and then. Their numbers may not have increased dramatically, but she knew there were enough of them that at least someone would pick up the slack today. Deep inside the cool recesses of the den, she sighed, blue eyes fixated on a blank earthen wall. Upon her side she laid, lost in thought. Her mind drifted back to Inkheart...her partner. Her friend. She was getting over his loss, but she still couldn't help but wonder what life would be like if he hadn't been lost to the mountain on that terrible day. Would she have succumbed to her instincts and betrayed Phineas and Borlla by carrying pups of her own? Or would she have stayed loyal, yet forever envious? It was too late to turn back time now, so all she could do was look to the future. Soon new life would once again flourish.

With a grunt, she rolled to her paws, arching her spine in a stretch. She had slept in long enough, and it would be prudent to stretch her legs and maybe even catch a snack or two to eat or store in the caches. Exiting the tight opening of the den, she blinked as the bright daylight struck her face, taking a moment to let her eyes adjust. Giving her body a shake, she loosened any dirt that had gathered in her fur overnight, and then took a look around. No one was nearby, but life was all around her. The trees were ready to sprout new leaves, the brown grass was turning green and the chatter of songbirds had replaced the silence of winter. Normally, the turning of the seasons would've lifted her spirits. But she was still troubled and restless for some reason she couldn't quite place yet. Deciding it best not to dwell on it, she sought to roam about, perhaps to check up on Borlla should she bump into her.

She hadn't been seeing much of anyone lately and that made her lips quiver in irritation. Just what were they all doing? Were they so detached from pack life that they couldn't bother to show their faces? Shaking her head, she made a note to venture out sometime soon in search of potential new recruits. The silence that she was so used to had been broken abruptly by the sound of snarling. And from what she could tell, the commotion was close by. Her ears pricked up. There was an argument, but what was it about? Frankly, the woman didn't care. So long as every wolf resided within these lands, they were expected to be civil to one another. And Zia, as she had shown on several prior occasions, wouldn't put up with petty squabbling. Breaking out into a run, she headed for the source of the disturbance. It didn't take her long to spot the pale, familiar figure of Albiero, who was charging aggressively at silver and white male she didn't recognize. Ears flattening, her eyes narrowed into slits as she barreled forth. Hackles bristling, her lips to flash her teeth while she snarled. Albiero was her target, to whom she lunged at him in an attempt to grab him firmly by the muzzle. True, he may have shared her rank, but she had resided in the Glen much longer than he. As far as she was concerned, whenever Phineas and Borlla weren't present, it was she who called the shots around here. "What the hell do you think your doing?! Stop this right now before I kick your hide to the borders." Her jaws snapped, once, twice in repetitive clicks. "Is this how you treat our newest member, by demanding answers to which he knows nothing about?" She growled, stepping defensively between Ace and his offender.
Played by Kydnt who has 49 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Albireo Cygni
I think Zia tried a muzzle grab in there, but let me know if not and I can edit that out. Also if this turns into a scrabble/fight, I'd prefer to PM/talk it out rather than use the points system, though you are free to beat on Al a little bit as long as he's not crippled/killed ;)

Albireo had demanded an answer, and each second that ticked by without him getting it only irritated him further. The fur of his nape bristled as he snarled back at Ace, trying to cover the other male's voice. A lie! He must know where Deneb was, and must be trying to mask his knowledge of Al's brother's whereabouts. This man was lying to him, and Al wouldn't let him get away with it. Albireo squared his shoulders, folding his ears back and squinting his eyes for protection as his hind legs pressed into the ground as he prepared to lunge. The rushing sound of blood pounding through his veins filled his ears, his and Ace's snarling filling his head so much that little else got through.

He was suddenly thrown off balance when Zia swept out of nowhere, her teeth raking over his muzzle, clamping down but not hard enough to hold him for long. He pulled his face away, her canines tugging at his skin and leaving pinpricks of blood, but soon enough he was free. He recoiled, crouched and panting with Zia now standing between him and the liar. His lips were pulled back to the far corners of his mouth, a submissive yet irritated grimace marking his expression.

"But he knows! He knows where he is, and he won't tell me. Phineas has let a liar into our fold." Albireo spat. His tail swished low between his legs, his attention now fully focused on Zia. "And here you are, defending him!" He snorted with distaste as he stared at her.

[Image: CygniSwan.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
That sounds good @Albireo and @Zia

Just as suddenly as the pale agouti male had demanded an answer of him, a wolf whose coat was made up of light pastels suddenly stepped between him and his attacker, grabbing him by the muzzle. Moving back a few steps, Ace lowered his hackles and uncurled his lips, knowing that the female between them was handling the situation, and with ease it seemed. His creamy ears twitched as she questioned him what he was doing and why he was acting such to Magnolia Glen’s newest member, supposedly himself. He held respect for the light pastel-coloured she-wolf in the way she handled wolves who did not follow the law or act accordingly, perhaps they could get along well in the future when not in the presence of the pale agouti.

Silver eyes watched as the other male withdrew, crouching while staring at the female, a grimace on his face. His own ears threatened to flatten at his words, and he kept his jaws clamped shut before a snarl could issue forth. Ace did not like the male one bit, no, not at all. He was the liar in the pack, the non-trustable one, at least in his mind. But even though the light pastel-coloured female was handling it just fine, he wouldn’t stand back and let it happen, that just wasn’t how he acted, but he also knew when to stop and not cross the line, so if she didn’t want him to interfere, he wouldn’t.

Carefully making his way to stand next to the female, he glanced at her, before shifting his eyes back onto the pale agouti, making sure he was respectfully lowered and not emitting anger in the way he stood. “Who are you looking for?” He questioned, with another glance at the female, as if making sure he wasn’t treading on the line between subordination and insubordination. But he also wanted answers from the male, and why he was acting as he was.

327 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
Zia has attempted to do a stand over Al, so he is directly beneath her body.

To her mild satisfaction, her aim was right on target as she reached for his muzzle. She felt the solid scrape of bone and flesh beneath her teeth, the metallic taste of blood soon thereafter. The hold had been brief...quick enough for Albireo to pull away almost instantly. Spitting out a few small tufts of hair, she turned to glare at him. It wasn't too surprising that he had crouched down before her, lips peeled back in submission. There was no question who was the stronger of the two rank mates, and she wouldn't hesitate to drive her point home if need be. In her time here at the Glen, she had more than once, found herself taking on the role of mediator, stepping in right in the midst of chaos to put an end to any discord.

She sent a quick glance at Ace over her shoulder, just double checking that he was okay and not injured in any way. Had she arrived a moment later, then perhaps he wouldn't have been unscathed. Who knew...a full blown fight could've broken out all over a terrible misunderstanding and case of paranoia. Just before she had a chance to offer Ace an apology on Albireo's behalf, the troublemaker himself had started speaking, pleading his case. What she heard set her nerves on fire, and with a fearsome growl she whirled around to face him. Tail held high, shoulders squared, she tried to plant either forepaw over his sides, so he would end up directly underneath her frame. "Don't give me that bullshit! Do you really think our leader would allow such a wolf into our ranks?" Frankly, she was outraged that he would question Phineas like that. She trusted the ivory males judgement, and respected his opinion. "So instead of taking this out on him, why don't you start by telling us who the hell you are talking about." Ace need not worry about submitting too much in front of her. It Albireo who was in the wrong here, not him.
Played by Kydnt who has 49 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Albireo Cygni

Albireo wasn't sure what kind of response he would get, but it was clear he did not expect that Zia would whirl about, again snarling and trying to maneuver her form over him in a display of dominance. Like the weasel he was, Albireo twisted out of the cage of her limbs and skittered farther back, his chest kept low to the ground and his tail ducked so far under himself that his hindquarters curled towards the ground. Still the antagonized, submissive pull of his lips kept all of his teeth revealed. His eyelids were held wide enough that the surrounding whites now showed, at sharp contrast with his dark irises and black eyelids. The entire look was of a cowering wolf, though he'd be damned if he would let the woman just stand over him as if she owned him.

Both Zia and the pack's new liar asked who he was looking for, and Albireo narrowed his muddy eyes as if skeptical that they truthfully did not know of who he was speaking. The liar looked dumb enough that Albireo suspected he truly did not know, but he expected better from Zia. "Is that it then? Has he just waltzed in under everyone's nose?" Albireo said frantically, keeping his eyes on Zia in case she charged again. "Deneb. My brother, my damned brother is here and I can smell him!" Albireo clenched his teeth, a long whine seeping out as he imagined all the repercussions of Deneb's infiltration of the pack. It was obvious to him that these two cared little for Al's well being.

[Image: CygniSwan.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
@Zia @Albireo

The Silver Male kept silent as he stood a few feet away from the light pastel coloured fae, watching as she responded with a fury that made him feel as if he had done something wrong, and was glad it was directed at the pale agouti male, and not him. Even though he felt slightly intimidated by her, he felt respect for her as well. She knew how to treat wolves who did something wrong on purpose properly, but not cruelly or unfairly, and he had a feeling that if they met again, they would get along well.

The pale agouti male twisted and snarled, wriggling away from the light pastel coloured fae, keeping himself low to the ground to the point that he was practically lying down. It was sickening, watching a wolf act like that, but he knew it was for the good of the pack, and for himself. Who knew what the male would have done if she had not appeared at that moment and saved him from the teeth and claws of the lying wolf who clearly did not care who he antagonized, as long as he got what he wanted.

A low growl slipped through his jaws at the pale agouti’s words before he could quench it. The way the male acted grated on his nerves, but he would not act, for fear of the female turning on him for insubordination. The way she held herself stated that she was clearly high in the ranking, most likely far above him, and so he kept himself as calm and respectful as he could. His ears pricked at the mention of the other male’s brother, and he wondered if the brother was the same as the wolf before him, or was nicer and more trustful. Standing silently, Ace stared at the two wolves, not knowing what to do, as he had no intention of interfering, but he did not want to slink away, and so he stayed exactly where he was.

334 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
(Sorry for the huge delay!)Once Albireo scurried away out of her reach, she made no move to try and pin him again. Instead, she stood in place, her dark tail arched above her spine in a display of authority. She may not have thought highly of the gold and cream man, but she would at least offer him enough respect so as not to invade his personal space. Much. Her upper lip quivered slightly, flashing brief peek of her teeth. Satisfied enough to know that she had likely cornered the male, at least pyschologically, she listened to the words he spat from his mouth. "Ah yes...I do recall that our leader had accepted another wolf into the pack recently." She muttered lowly, more to herself than to either of the males. Her words were well chosen, as she opted not to inform Albiero that she had met Deneb before, and dicussed the relationship between the brothers.

Ace, who the whole time had been taking it all in and staying well out of the way, had not been forgotten. "What does your brother look like?" She asked, circling around to the other side, so she could stand just a few short paces ahead of the silver male, who Albiero had labeled as a liar. With a look over her shoulder, the silent message in her eyes conveyed that she had his tail covered. Once over with, she would have to apologize to her new pack mate, for such outrageous behavior on behalf of one of their own. "I would suggest getting over your paranoia and at least allow this man to prove his innocence first." She advised, in a much calmer voice than before.