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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

It hadn't been long since the yearling had talked to Maksim and explained what had happened. Karp had been awarded full rites and so he could go about doing what he had been dying to do since his Aunt took him in as a ward until Kisla and Maksim had returned from the mountains. Border patrol. It had been too long since the boy had done a border patrol, far too long, since before the argument between himself and that Hollowheart Keep bitch. Karpos still struggled to contain his anger whenever he thought about what had happened to get him to leave his home, his former home that was, he was a Cut Rock River wolf now. It was his midday patrol, heading out when the sun was directly above him to make sure the borders were safe. Afterwards he'd try to meet up with Adsila, he wasn't sure if she had met with Maksim or Kisla yet, for some hunting perhaps.

Karpos felt as if it had been his diction that had aided him the most the past few months, but it had also destroyed him, destroyed his life and burnt it into a crisp. Karpos still held the pain in his eyes as his pads cracked and bleeding but he'd visit his uncle for some aid in such later. It was good to be surrounded by family again, especially since his anger had started to calm once more. His eyes watched dutifully but his mind was elsewhere. He had to be careful, a mindless fool at the borders could be a very, very dangerous thing. He drew in a deep breathe, exhaling loudly through his nose as he blinked slightly. He had to stop thinking about it. He had to let his anger go, his rage had to just fade away. It stung his heart, but he had to try to push it behind him. He was safe in Cut Rock River. He needed to accept that Mapplethorpe and Naira couldn't get at him. His pelt was safe a while more.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

It felt good to stretch her legs again. The scout, though the term was not yet official, had wanted a time for herself. Minka was busy caring for the pups, and the rest of the pack was also busy tending to their alpha's every need. It wasn't that it bothered her, of course not, she just wanted to be able to run freely. It had been so long, that it felt good to just be. No worries, no troubles, just peace. A peace that she so long had eluded. It had taken her two days travel to reach the edges of Southern Eden, even with her quick pace. Being gone for such a period, Inali had made sure to tell @Minka and @Tokino of her whereabouts. For her, it wasn't just a pleasure outing. Inali would.make sure to arrive back home with useful information. Hopefully. And maybe, she could even sneak a little visit to Whisper Caverns. The petite she wolf dreadfully missed her young Knight, @Yuka, and wanted to see how he was doing. Even if it was from afar, for after all, they hadn't parted in the most peaceful terms. The admittance stung more than she could admit.

Surprisingly, she found herself near Cut Rock River territory. As she slowly weaved through the cedar trees, scents of different pack members drifted into her muzzle. The most important being @Naia. A small warmth ran through her spine, and Inali smiled slightly. But her peaceful musings were soon broken, at a wolf she saw at the borders. Maybe this was her chance where she could gather information. A smile graced her maw as she moved with ease across the terrain with sure-footed steps. Careful to keep herself at a respectable distance, the former Whisper Caverns member nodded at the male Yearling. "Hello," she greeted the teen with a nod and a slight wag of her tail. It was clear she was here on friendly terms, and not to cause trouble.

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

His mind had flashed back to reality in a matter of a second when he heard @Inali's voice murmur a hello. She was close, too close for his liking. "You are too close to my borders for my liking." He said with a stern and emotionless tone, his eyes narrowed slightly and an eyebrow-raise like look. He examined the loner, she reminded him too much of the leader of Hollowheart Keep. She reminded him too much of the life he went behind. He sat down, his posture tall as he looked at her. "Who or what is it you seek with my family or my packmates?" He said without an explanation as to the difference. They were all family to him, that was what a pack was, family. Just some of the bonds ran deeper than others.

Then it hit him, he had seen her before, at the big hunt with all the other packs. "Hey.... you were one of the wolves at that crazy hunt... a Caverns wolf. My aunt Nari is from the Caverns!" He said with the wag of his tail, a small smile breaking his stone hard guardian stature. Her dark colored pelt had been cleaned, he always did before he rounded the borders. "So what can I do for ya?" He asked, even though she had the scent of a loner, the boy assumed her to be a Caverns wolf. If she was close with his Aunt Nari (as he still had no idea of her wrath at Shade) than she was alright with him.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Is it okay if we backdate this to May 8th, so it doesn't wonk up her timeline?


The boy spoke coldly at first, telling her that she was too close to the borders. Immediately the woman looked down at her paws. It was true, she was a tad too close for comfort and she was angry at herself for not noticing before. Murmering a small apology, the petite woman quickly took a couple steps back. Her gaze drifted back to the dark pelted teen as he continued to speak. As the woman opened her maw to respond to his inquiries, she was forced to shut it as the boy's mood abruptly shifted and his tail began to wag. He spoke of how he had seen her at the 'crazy hunt' and she chuckled lightly at his choice of words. Sitting on her haunches, Inali waited patiently to see if he had any more to say. On her travels and in her own birth pack and experience, she had concluded that Yearlings tended to switch moods as fast as they could go from a walk to a jog. It was incredibly amusing.

Glad to have her chance to speak, her gaze was warm and her tone was the right balance between friendly and buisness. " First, I must introduce myself. My name is Inali. As for who and what I seek, are two different things. What I seek is information and who I seek is a lady named Naia. Is she still within your ranks? My new alpha, Minka, is on good terms with yours, Maksim. The information I seek is simple. I only wish to know how the pack is fairing, and how your alphas are doing, so I can relay the information back to my Queen." She didn't really need Naia to show up, because for all Inali knew, the scout was probably wandering the territory. Maybe even under their waterfall? Naia had been in the pack when Maksim had taken Inali, Minka and the others in for a brief time. But it had been weeks since that last encounter. She hoped the woman hadn't broken her promise, for Inali believed she was finally ready. Ready to let herself trust again in the matters of love. Shaking free from her thoughts, she made herself focus on the boy in front of her, waiting for his response.

(This post was last modified: May 12, 2014, 03:25 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

The boy who felt like he needed to do more with his life gave her a soft look when she brought up information on his Aunt Naia. "What do ya need with my Aunt Naia?" He asked her as he realized he had not introduced himself. "I'm Karpos. My father led a pack named Pitch Pine Trail and my Aunt Naia was a part of it. She resides here still. My father had been part of Willow Ridge and was a close friend to my Aunt Nari." He explained his relations to all the wolves brought up in the conversation. His chocolate brown fur had been all ruffled by the wind but he didn't feel threatened by the wolf before him and therefore there was no reason to call for another.

His brown eyes examined her further. "I could call for her if you'd like, if you need to talk to my Aunt Naia. I think she's around the territory somewhere today." He offered the female whom he was starting to see as a friend but still wasn't sure about her. He took a small breathe and held it, sitting up tall like a guardian but he felt silly almost for it. He felt like it was off, like something was wrong. He hadn't been as bold as to sit like that while talking since his leave from Hollowheart Keep. Even though he was fast forgetting it all because of him being around his family once more, but the traces remained.

Karpos knew his fate, or what he thought it was, was to run a pack of his own someday. But there were so many obstacles that he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to.

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
||I can't help it, I'm gonna pop Naia in here for a hot minute. Just a couple rounds, then she'll head out. :) ||


”No need, Karpos, love. I’m here,” called a voice that would be familiar to the both of them. The newly appointed Cut Rock River Scout appeared a moment later, weaving quickly through the underbrush toward the pair. True to her title, Naia had been patrolling her pack’s border moments before, all senses on high alert. Of course there were some sounds and smells she was more sensitive to than most, and the scent of the former Whisper Caverns Scout was unmistakable. She had nearly convinced herself that the faint wisp of Inali’s scent she had managed to capture was simply a construct of her imagination—no more than silly, wishful thinking—when the tones of Inali’s soft, alluring voice met her ears. Naia’s heart stopped for a moment, and it then began racing along with her paws as they carried her swiftly to the source of the sound.

She slowed as she neared the pair, her breathing only just under control. However, her honey eyes sparkled with such intensity that her excitement was instantly betrayed. ”Thank you for keeping our border safe,” she complimented her adoptive nephew with an affectionate nudge. ”You will make a fine guardian one day soon." She smiled at the young man. He had grown so quickly since she first met him as the toddling prince of Pitch Pine Trail. ”Inali is a dear friend of mine, just as her leader is to ours,” Naia explained to Karpos, finally daring a glance at the female. Her countenance was as captivating as ever, and Naia’s words to Inali stuck in her throat as she tried to speak them. Shaking her head slightly to steady herself, she started once more to speak. ”My leaders have likewise been curious about how you have fared since departing our borders. Have you found a place to settle, then?” She gave the woman a relaxed grin, but her tail flicked as it often does when she is agitated. The reflex was a dead giveaway for her inner feelings to wolves who knew her well.

(This post was last modified: May 19, 2014, 01:23 AM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha


Aunt Naia?, Inali wondered as the boy spoke. Were they related somehow? But then he went on to explain her relation to him. Pitch Pine Trail, the name of the pack making a bell ring in her memories as she remembered. Wasn't that the pack that Nari had crossed the mountain for? She knew.nothing of this Shade, though apparently he had been a close companion of her ex alpha. Karpos asked if he should call for Naia, and the yes waa at the tip of her tongue. But what if she was busy? In no way did the woman want to distract her, so she was ablut to dissuade tghe Yearling from doing it, when the very voice she had been hoping to hear drifted in the air.

”No need, Karpos, love. I’m here,”

The voice was very familiar and the scent in the wind that played at the edge of her muzzle could only belong to one woman and one woman alone. It took every amoujt of willpower she possessed in ger small form to not jump Naia as soon as she came into view. Their physical connection was as strong as ever, for Inali could feel it in the barely detectable increase of her breathing and the air around her suddenly feeling stuffy. Her eyes shone with the same intensity of excitement that were in Naia's, and her blue orbs missed nothing as they watched the interaction between the Yearling and the breathtaking Scout.

As Naia gazed into her blue orbs, a slow smile spread across her maw. Straining for control, Inali managed to keep her cool and calm facade as she spoke to the two of them. "We are doing well, thanks for asking dear friend. We have settled in Blackberry fields, a land located in Northern Eden, two day's travel from here. The land is not yet officially claimed, for the pups were soon born as we settled. Though, I believe it won't be long until the land is officially ours." Though she was in turmoil inside, Inali continued. "Unfortunately because of the distance, I won't be able to visit these lands as often as I did. Pity really, for I held many friendships here." Hoping that Naia would catch on to the hidden meaning in her words, the blue-eyed scout continued. Their stolen moments at the waterfall wouldn't be so frequent as the pair had hoped. "Enough of me. How is Cut Rock River fairing?" Though her words were still calm and smooth, her brain was mush. All she wanted to do was get as close to Naia as possible and just simply bask in her presence.

(This post was last modified: May 19, 2014, 02:37 AM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

The boy was quite the awkward teen, never knowing whether or not to stay or leave a place. When his Aunt Naia arrived and greeted him, his tail wagged furiously. You will make a fine guardian one day soon. The words filled him with confidence and pride as he gave only a nod of recognition, barely able to retain the huge grin he had on his muzzle. She (Naia) explained how Inali was a dear friend to her and he nodded again in understanding. He didn't have any dear friends, he only had his family. He hoped one day he might be able to change that, perhaps he'd be friends with Kisla's pups once they were old enough to wander and he was allowed to meet them.

He had no idea how his leaders felt about him, especially since he use to be a wolf of the Keep, though he regretted not following his Aunt Pella to Cut Rock River all the same. He did learn one thing at Hollowheart Keep, something most would argue against. Love wasn't real. He had started to believe it when him and Aponi had gotten into that spat. "It is a pleasure to meet you Inali." He said with a dip of his head with customs before looking up at the sky. It was time for him to be finishing his patrol. "I gotta finish my patrol Aunt Naia so I gotta go. See ya soon?" He asked as he sped off, he was already behind but he knew Naia could hold her own if Inali wanted to give her trouble. He highly doubted a good friend of Naia would give Naia trouble.

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
OOC|| Oops, long. Inaia threads seem to inspire me. x) ||


A shiver ran down Naia’s spine as Inali chimed in with her musical voice, calling her dear friend-- the same words Naia had used to explain their relationship to Karpos. The words sounded off to her, coming from Inali’s maw. No matter what she had said to her nephew, she wasn’t Inali’s “dear friend.” Or at least she didn’t want to be. She wanted more than that, and she couldn’t help but wonder if the other woman felt the same way... if that was why she was here at Cut Rock River’s border, asking for Naia specifically.

Inali continued, describing her pack’s new territory to the Cut Rock River pair with a composure that impressed Naia. If Inali was feeling the same magnetic longing that she was, then concentrating on pack business was a near-impossible feat. The small female shifted nervously at the idea of Inali denning in the blackberry fields.. didn’t they know about the bears? They would need to keep their borders heavily marked and patrolled, and Naia had almost opened her mouth to say so when puppies entered the conversation. As if she hadn’t been lightheaded enough, a little explosion of excitement ignited in Naia’s heart. She had barely slept these last few nights anticipating Maksim and Kisla’s roly-poly agouti pups. Any pups of Maksim’s she would love as family—just as she loved Karpos, her former alpha’s son—but what Naia really longed for was a family of her own. How ironic it was that what she longed for with equal or perhaps even greater intensity was Inali, who of course would be unable to create new life with her.

Naia cocked her head slightly as Inali added that last sentence about being unable to visit the territory as often as she liked. No matter—the blackberry fields weren’t so far off. The waterfall was certainly a cozy spot, but Naia was confident they would find a new rendezvous point that they liked just as much. Perhaps that little cherry orchard south of the field; the low-hanging blossoms would likely provide ample privacy this spring. Honestly, Naia could hardly care less where they met. If Inali was there, it would be perfect.

Inali turned the conversation over to her, and trying to speak was like pulling herself out of a dream. ”Not bad, all things considered,” she answered after taking a moment to think about it. Spring had been quite eventful in Cut Rock River. ”We lost a pair of elopers—they headed off in the direction of the Caverns, actually.” The decisions that Aeolus and Athena made were quite confusing to Naia. She couldn’t fathom why they wouldn’t simply ask for Maksim’s blessing—surely he would have understood?-- and furthermore she wondered why they had chosen Ash’s pack after Minka’s outright criticism of the leader. ”And, oddly enough, we unwittingly took in a pair of elopers.” Though she knew it shouldn’t be funny, Naia chuckled at the irony. She had yet to hear of what Maksim had decided to do about the pair of expecting yearlings—yearlings!-- who had tried to hide themselves in Cut Rock River’s Ranks. What exactly had they thought they would do when their pups came? Sneak them into Kisla’s litter and hope she didn’t notice? Naia smiled at her little private joke.

”Kisla’s pups should be along any day now,” she finished, the smile on her face growing wider. Karpos chose to take his leave, and Naia nudged him lovingly before the busy little yearling could bound away. Clearly pack politics didn’t interest the boy. She wished he might have stayed a little longer, but of course it was impossible to get a young man like him to sit still for any amount of time. ”He’s had a tough run, that one,” Naia commented, chancing a sideways glance at Inali. They were alone now, and the air between them was electric. ”Orphaned before his first winter, and to top it off he got mixed up with those Keep wolves. He showed up at our border completely petrified of them.” She sighed, regretting the hardships that the young wolf had already endured. ”He’s remarkably resilient,” she finished optimistically. She was beginning to feel like she was babbling. As remarkable as her nephew was, the two of them had a much more interesting subject to discuss...

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Inaia ♥


As Naia responded to her inquiry of how the pack was fairing, it was all Inali could do to actually listen. Her blood seemed to pound in her ears, and her tail flicked lightly from side to side. Outwardly, it seemed her composure was fine. Inwardly, everything else around her seemed muffled and out of sight. Only Naia's form and voice seemed to break through her dream-like state. This was not good. She needed to focus, not lose herself in her feelings. Especially when the yearling was still with them. A mere boy who couldn't possibly comprehend what was gping on in front of his eyes. "Im glad that the pack is doing good," she commented. But to her own ears, her voice sounded off somehow. To her relief, the boy left them. Something about patrolling, but Inali couldn't be too sure because she hadn't really been listening. Naia's voice once again broke through the haze in her mind. It seemed that the boy had gone through many trials in his young life, but seemed to be pulling through well.

Inali nodded, not really knowing what to say. What she really wanted to say, she didn't know if she could. Before she could think, her voicebox seemed to be farther ahead of her brain for once. "I've missed you!," she blurted out. It was true, she had missed the woman dearly. But she hadn't wanted her to found out like this! Mortified, Inali turned her head. Not being able to meet Naia's honey gaze. "I've missed... this," she spoke slowly after a few silent moments. The electric air between them couldn't be denied, and the petite scout had missed being this close to the woman. But, she couldn't help but feel the need to get even closer. A small smile graced her maw, and for once, the woman didn't know how to go on.

"Would...would you like to meet tonight?," she spoke, her tone unusually shy. Get yor act together!, she chided herself in her head, while waiting for Naia's answer with bated breath.

(This post was last modified: May 25, 2014, 06:03 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]