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strategies of a mountain queen — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
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Aponi Donata
May 25th Early Evening 57F/14C Partly Cloudy

Aponi was a wolf that needed a goal; if she had a goal she could easily delegate tasks for herself to complete, it kept her busy, driven. She had a goal of course, a long term one that would consume her; reclaim the mountain, build and perfect her own legacy. This meant she had to have divided this feat into tasks, which had been slightly more difficult and she was still working on perfecting them. As it was they stood like this; gain the trust of other wolves, make them your followers, observe and learn the intricate duties of leading a pack, reclaim the mountain. Little did she know this would be more work than she could ever imagine, to the once princess this would be a walk in the park; it was in her blood. This evening she had set out to start on completing a task; observe and learn, this meant getting closer to Borilla, the female lead of the pack.

The yearling had only seen her once, when the pups had been introduced to the pack but she could tell from that moment that the ivory woman deserved respect. So as it was Aponi moved forward with a rather fat fish in her jaws, hoping to appease her alpha with a gift. The closer she got the communal den the farther her tail, ears and head dropped, a posture that still stirred shame within her. Still, it had to be done and it would be something she would have to grow used to if she and Mercy were going to continue to stay here. Approaching the opening Aponi gave a small whine to announce her arrival and dropped the silver creature at the entrance before nudging it into view. Taking a few step backwards the silver yearling laid upon the ground, ready to (attempt) to patiently wait for the white woman to appear.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris

With her children more or less free to roam about the clearing as they wished, Borlla had taken advantage of being unanchored. Abandoning her birthing den, she reclaimed her place in the communal den again and had been taking a well deserved nap after marking the borders; A task that she hadn't done in quite some time. When she woke up, the sun had been nearly drained from the den, and it took her eyes a moment to adjust. With a wide part of her jaws, she yawned, her limbs stretching in front and behind her as she prepared to head back out into the clearing. Before she had even gotten to her paws, however, there was a shrill sound from just outside the entrance, and the scent of fish flooded her senses. Pale ears tipped forward curiously. It seemed many of her new packmates were trying to appease her with fish lately and Borlla found that rather amusing.

Moving to her paws, still crouched slightly to slide out of the den, she shook the dirt free from her pelt just before she came out into the open. The female yearling waited for her outside, offering at her paws. Borlla gave it a sniff before turning her honeyed eyes to the girl, trying to recall her name, but without much interaction with anyone these last few weeks, she could not truly recall the girl's name. "What can I do for you...?" Her question trailed off in such a way that might hint at a blank that the girl could fill.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The waiting period was short as Aponi lay outside of the den, her ivory alpha appeared just a moment later, eyes looking first at the fish and then at the yearling herself. Instantly the girl averted her eyes as Borilla's attention fell upon her, followed quickly by a question. It was as if her mind was a computer, calculating what she might say that would get her into the good graces of her queen. Instantly a small smile graced the features of the silver fae and she said as humbly as her once proud voice would allow, "I wanted to take the time to formally introduce myself to you as all of my previous dealings have been with your mate. My name is Aponi Aquila." As she spoke the words she was mentally trying to shove away the image of her mother sneering at her, at her submissive pose, the tone of her voice. Naira had raised her to be proud, to walk tall, and now she lay here with her belly in the dirt and her eyes upon someone else's paws.

A moment passed as Aponi allowed her pride to wallow in what she was doing, reminding herself repeatedly that she would once more be queen someday, and this would allow her to do so. Raising her eyes slightly they focused now upon the snowy chest of Borilla rather than her feet as she offered further explanation as to why she had come. "I also came to offer my services for anything you may need doing. I know as a yearling I won't have any official role within the pack but I believe I could serve you well as a scout, should you be in the need." She was silent now, her pose unwavering as she crouched before the older fae, waiting for any response the queen might have.