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Keep Moving — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
- RE: The northern lights are particularly brilliant tonight. Temperature: 50° F/10° C, Clear

It was late, later than he usually stayed up; yet again, these days nothing was usual. Often he stayed out late, making sure to come home after everyone else had gone to rest, so he could slip in and go to sleep in peace; Without talking to anyone. That would have to stop, soon the puppies would be born and he needed to get over himself; but it was hard to fight your own nature.

Tonight though, his night watch had more purpose than simply being alone; the sky was awake! Waves of colorful light glittered above him, dancing over the stars like sunlight on clouds. But there was no sun - it had disappeared beyond the horizon several hours ago - and no clouds either; the night sky was clear. Drestig Avalon watched with wide orange eyes as the light trembled and shivered, colors constantly moving like a living tapestry. He had never seen anything like it. He'd first noticed the colors when he was on his way home over the mountains, after his trip to the west valley, ethereal glimmers between the clouds; but most of his time in Relic Lore, the sky had been covered by clouds and his eyes had been focused on the snowy ground. Never had the lights been as bright as tonight.

While his gaze trailed the magnificent display, his mind wandered, once more settling on that one, all-consuming subject; The pups... The black man's mouth twitched into a frown, his ears flattening. The air in Oak Tree Bend was thick with the smell of Nayeli's pregnancy, and it only served to wind him up even more than he had been in the beginning of spring. This was the first year his hormones had affected him this much, which of course only made it even more infuriating, then again, it was the first spring he had spend in the company of... suitable females. The ebony lad shook his head violently, snarling lowly; Enough of this, ENOUGH! He couldn't go on like this, bitter and keeping to himself; Jealous. Because that's what it was, he was jealous - not because he wanted to deny Triell or Nayeli what they had, but because he wanted it himself; And for what reason..? Only a selfish need to stand at the top, to have everything...

Sighing heavily, Drestig blinked and returned his attention to the glowing sky, the faintest smile creeping onto his face; it was impossible to stay sour while watching it. In fact it seemed to have a calming effect, clearing his mind and dulling the rushing hormones within him. He wondered if Triell was still awake; Considering... It was quite probable, he had to be a bundle of nerves now, when the pups could arrive any day; It's time I get this over with! With another heavy sigh, the ebony boy lifted his muzzle and called for his leader, his friend . A low howl, so as to not wake anyone who had already gone to sleep, requesting the alpha's presence.

Word count: 506

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I live for those I've lost along the way

The Tainn was not getting much sleep. That was nothing new. He had not before he had gained leadership, so why would more responsibility change that? If anything he was lucky he didn't suffer from complete insomnia with all his scattered, anxious thoughts. Time was trying to smooth Corinna's departure, but nothing would be the same. Often that was all Triell was sure about. He couldn't quite remember a time he had awoke feeling rested. Which was funny considering he did not actually have newborns to care for, at least not directly. Nayeli, yes. The dark man spent great effort in making sure she had more than enough to eat, and he wasn't far from her. He was also trying to remain watchful of his pack members. It did matter to him how they felt about the idea of coming cubs. He fiercely wanted to assure everyone of their importance despite how the pack would have to shift its focus on the new generation. Triell needed everyone, and he hoped these pups would unify them. Make Oak Tree Bend feel like a solid family once more.

The day faded into darkness, and it appeared that there would be no alarms he perched outside the den simply trying not to over think. The sky began to light up in a different way. Triell, the explorer at heart that he was, easily lost himself in the dancing colors of the sky and their possible stories. He wasn't sure how long orange eyes remained on their changing colors. It didn't matter. A low howl rose in the distance, beckoning him, and he was back to reality. Triangle ears listened, but there was no doubting who it was. Drestig. What was he up to? He had become a great part of the pack, and Triell never did hold any doubt in accepting him. The equally dark wolf had proven himself, and the Tainn actually wasn't bothered by any of his jesting. Usually, it seemed someone like that would rub him the wrong way. There was something about the long legged fellow. Yet, it did seem like the coming of spring had made him quiet. While the thick bodied wolf let his nose find his friend, he offered a hushed bark to let him know he was on his way. It did not take long for the wolf's night vision to soon spot the outline of the fellow. A friendly tail wag he took up a seat beside the sub-ordinate, seeing he too was taking this chance to view the sky. "Never quite seen something like this," he murmured, briefly looking to Drestig, and then back to their light show. He wasn't sure what this was about, but figured it couldn't hurt to try to keep it light until silent thoughts were spoken.

(This post was last modified: May 24, 2014, 04:11 AM by Triell.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Coal black ears swiveled at the low bark, his leader had heard his call. Another heavy sigh fell from the lad's dark lips, but it would be his last; Man up! He demanded of himself. There was no more time for sore feelings.

Soon the sound of steps in the underbrush filled Drestig's flipped ears, and he turned his head to watch Triell enter the small clearing. Despite his inner turmoil, the Avalon offered a pale smile to his friend, bowing his head in greeting. As the bigger male took a seat beside him, Drestig followed his gaze and turned his own eyes back to the dancing lights, narrowing his eyes against the brightness. His ear twitched at Triell's comment, and he kept it turned towards the other man while he nodded slowly; "It's marvelous. I... There was nothing like this where I grew up." It felt strange to shape the words, it was the first time he had ever willingly turned the attention towards his past; I guess tonight is honesty eve... And he needed to come clean, before he lost his nerve!

The smaller male cast a quick glance at his superior, then turned his eyes down; the light was reflecting its strange colors onto the dew wet grass. He watched the blades for a while, their usual moonlit, bluish hue tinted by bright greens and deep reds, then he took a loud breath and started: "Triell, I..." He gritted his teeth; Come on. "I've been thinking about what you said at the pack meeting," COWARD! He'd chickened out. Ears hanging, he looked up at the other man with a sheepish expression; "You know, about gaining a role within the pack..." Yeah okay, maybe it was better to start in the easier department - this was something he had been wondering about, even if it wasn't what truly weighed on his mind - and he did want to get a more official post; All formal ha? What happened to me..?

In any case, he needed to warm up to the real subject, and this was as good a subject as any; "I thought, scouting would suite me." He straightened up a little, gaze firming, and the trademark smile finally finding its way back onto his face; this was easy enough to talk about, he prided himself of his skills and he knew it would only be appropriate to put them into the right use. "I still have this urge to wander, I trekked over the mountain the last time, and I would like to do so again, as a scout I would have a reason to do so." He looked at his leader questioningly, he was quite confident he would make a good scout and he was pretty sure Triell would agree; still, it was the alpha's decision, after all he already had a scout. While he waited for the answer, Drestig found his eyes drawn back to the dancing lights above them, their movements reflecting in the fiery depths, making them look like they were truly burning.

Word count: 510

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I live for those I've lost along the way

Briefly, there was a look of query, as the leader wondered where the Avalon had lived. It didn't seem the time to ask, not when it appeared that Drestig had something on the tip of his tongue that wouldn't quite release. Sight holding the illuminated sky, he gave a listening ear to his pack member, his friend. Wondering if should he be worried that Drestig seemed to struggle speaking his mind. It wasn't characteristic of the similar fire eyed black wolf to hold in his thoughts.

Quelling any thought of worry when there was no such thing at the time, the Tainn did not necessarily smile at this strange timid behavior in turn. He kept a thoughtful expression, giving a nod at the appropriate time to encourage him to speak his mind. Triell wanted to be someone his pack could come to, and speak with easily. When Drestig brought up the role within the pack, he first did not see why that was an issue. He had wanted everyone to think about it, and feel of use. Seeing the black wolf's familiar smile, he figured he was done. Then came his confession of wanderlust, of heading over the mountain, and the Tainn couldn't hold back his feeling of suspicion. He hated the bitter touch of it. Drestig wasn't disloyal, but how many didn't stay even when they promised to do so?

He made no comment right away. He did not look his way. When he had accepted Drestig he wasn't going to punish him for something he hadn't done. Still should he let him leave, even if it was suppose to be temporary? It was spring now, and they weren't as hard up for food. There was the matter of children coming and Triell knew not how many, nor preciously how much work they would be. He liked to know there were others to help keep them safe, well fed. Finally, a sigh fell from the leader's mouth, and a light smile on the side of his face. "It would be nice to have another scout. If you really want to venture over the mountain, it would do good to know what is going on over there. Our pack use to live there, and Fenru left to see if his sister Kisla was somewhere on the other side. I just ask you might wait...till after the puppies are born. Triell attempted to meet his gaze, to see if Drestig might understand his hesitance.

(This post was last modified: Aug 07, 2014, 03:03 AM by Triell.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

However marvelous, the heavenly sight couldn't hold the dark man's attention for long - maybe under other circumstances he could have been stuck, watching the flowing lights for hours on end - as it was, he kept glancing over at his leader, trying to judge the look on his face and guess the thoughts going through his mind. Triell was quiet for a while, his face oddly stiff. Drestig felt a cold trickle of worry down his spine; if this query troubled the alpha so much, how wouldn't he react when he learned of the true reason why Drestig had called for him..? The older wolf tried to shake of the feeling, after all Triell had to be having a lot on his mind right now. His thoughts went to the words the younger male had spoken upon accepting him into The Bend; ... Too many have said the same, too many have gone instead... Does he think I won't come back? But Triell had also said that he wouldn't judge Drestig based on the mistakes of others...

Then the alpha finally spoke, and when he did it was with a smile, even though his eyes and voice were still filled with apprehension. Drestig looked at him attentively, ears turned politely forwards and listened carefully, he trusted his friend and leader, and respected him, and he hoped the other would do the same, and let him in on the concerns troubling his mind. What he said made the shadow of smile creep unto Drestig's face, so Triell would trust him; Thank you...

And then he mentioned 'the puppies'. A grimace replaced the tiny smile on the black boy's face before he had time to stop it, ears flattening back. He cringed; Oh wow, WELL DONE! He taunted himself, turning his eyes down in shame. "Oh yeah... uh... The pups... Of course." He mumbled helplessly, his tail slowly curling in between his legs; Damn, look at the mess you've made! Glancing up at Triell, the older wolf tried to gauge how much damage he'd made; Well, there's no way back now! Emitting a deep, dejected sigh, Drestig shook his shoulders and lifted his head to meet his superior's eyes; "Honestly Triell, I... I don't know how much help I'm gonna be with that."

His ears were hanging, his eyes full of regret. He understood the younger man's reasoning completely, he needed the whole pack to help raise his pups; HIS pups! Drestig mentally kicked himself; ENOUGH! But as much as he wanted to be rid of the nasty feelings, they prevailed, and the best he could do was admit their existence; "It might be best if I left, just for a little while..." His voice was full of pain as he said it, but he kept his gaze on Triell, even though it was hard. He wanted to support his friend; I just... Don't think I can.

Word count: 485

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I live for those I've lost along the way

Drestig was the first wolf Triell had accepted who had remained, and he had become a significant part of Oak Tree Bend. Yes, he would hate to never see him again. He liked him, and believed he would continue to be a strong member. Sadly, Ruiko, Jessie, and Triell, himself were the only remaining members of the old Swift River. Since Corinna's passing, Triell had been struggling how to keep what was left of them together, to give the pack a future, a reason to be. Aeylen had vanished, and he often feared Sceral and Serach would strike out on their own much ...like Aiyana. Hell he wasn't even a father yet and all the list of souls who plagued his heart, and mind seemed never to end. No, Drestig shouldn't be one more.

Since he was looking upon the ink toned wolf he noticed how that one word changed the man's face. The leader's dark brows stitched in bewilderment across his forehead. Did Drestig not care for children? He wasn't sure he could place a reason for the sudden change so now, he was a little worried. Drestig's added words did not help the matter, even if he was being truthful. The Tainn made no reply, he only suppressed the huff that was more characteristic of his brother Ruiko to die in his throat. What good would it be to get annoyed? He wanted to understand.

The silence may have weighed on the subordinate, Triell thought he saw remorse. He was beginning to think he couldn't read wolves any more or doubt that he could to begin with. Especially, when the older wolf admitted that it would be better if he left. Suddenly the muscles tightened in Triell's jaw. It became a bit harder to put a lid on the anger that had started to boil in his heart. He needed out of here? Because it was spring and he wasn't starving?

Breathe. He told himself, temporarily shutting his eyes from that look of his friend, Drestig did seem to be struggling with this, and Triell did not want to snap. And yet...

"Go then," he mumbled,reverting his fiery gaze to the heaven's show over head. "If you can't stand it here, no sense in staying." While he did his best to keep any bitterness from dripping, it hung on the edge, and likely in the damn air."Just tell me now if you don't plan on coming back, I hate to bother thinking you will."

(This post was last modified: Aug 07, 2014, 03:03 AM by Triell.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Triell clearly did not take his words well; Of course he wouldn't..! The young leader tried his best to keep calm, but it was obvious to Drestig how his mood had changed. Feeling even worse than before at seeing his comrade scowl like that, the lither man shifted on the spot attempting to meet the other's eyes, only to find them closed. He closed his own then, ears flattening back. Had he not been sitting down, his tail would have slipped between his legs, instead it curled around him, pressing close to his tensed up hunches.

Oh this was great, here he was, sitting with the wolf who had practically saved him from starvation when winter threatened, and now he was repaying him by being sullen; A bitter old man, that's what I am! The subordinate watched his paws, rather feeling like he was unworthy of the pleasant view above, anxiously waiting for his friends response. When it came, he looked up in surprise, staring wide eyed at Triell, who meanwhile had turned his glower to the heavens. "What..?" Drestig asked lowly, confusion painting his face, then the other continued, scorn tinting his words; I... No, that's not... The older wolf kept his wide eyes fixed on his leader, ears slowly raising in shock as he went on. As the final words dropped, Drestig couldn't hold back his outburst; "No!"

Jumping to his feet in alarm, the black man quickly continued, eyes firmly fixed on his comrade; "No Triell. Damn!" He shook his head, anger at his own inarticulateness rising within him; "You misunderstand, I didn't mean it like that! I just..." And suddenly the words came tumbling out, one after the other, quick and loud, almost yelled into the other man's face; "I need some air, that's all, some time away. Not forever, probably not even that long - hopefully not that long - I mean, I know you'll need me here and I couldn't dream of letting you down, it's just..." He paused for breath, sighing heavily as he looked up at the bigger male, head lowered, ears hanging shamefully; "It's these hormones Triell, they're driving me crazy." His voice was lower now, quilt making his words small; "I know breeding is your right, and I'm truly happy for you and Nayeli, really! But... I haven't yet had any children of my own, I'm five years old," At this point he offered his friend a pale smile, shrugging his shoulders lightly; "My body is telling me to hurry the frick up, you know?" Then finally he ended his tirade, slightly breathless as he looked at the other, trying to measure his response. He felt a faint heat of embarrassment on his cheeks, but at the same time, it was like a great burden had been lifted off his shoulders; There, I said it!

Word count: 475

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
this is lame :X
I live for those I've lost along the way

Forcefully, keeping his breathing even, his teeth concealed, his muscles were clenched trying to stop from bubbling over. It wasn't in him to hurt Drestig, but there were times he was afraid he might just snap from it all. Drestig's honesty would be his undoing, and the target in reach. Even though Drestig seemed confused by his statement Triell didn't bother painting a picture. In fact he was about to stand up, be the first to walk away when the older man blurted out a single word in protest. No!

It was the Tainn's turn to be confused. Wasn't he just contradicting himself? He felt like he had to go. Triell's dark brows set further over his amber eyes, but that probably made him look more unsettled than uncertain. Intently he focused on his friend, mentally freezing his paws to the ground when the subordinate did not lower his voice. The leader didn't need to demand an explanation. Truly he wanted to understand what Drestig meant, and soon enough was trying to make sense of his confession. There was more telling, and the leader wasn't dense. It swiftly dawned on Triell, and he understood exactly what the similar dark wolf had been trying to tell him all along. It was the season, and he remembered how this time he had often wandered away from the pack. Hating what he felt like. There was a bit of a guilt he had pushed his friend that far, because it seemed a bit out of his comfort zone to have plainly stated his reasons.

Furry brows lifted high. "Oh," he managed to mutter, giving a jerk of his head, trying to avert his stare from gawking so closely upon his pack mate. Then he too breathed a sigh of relief, a sheepish chuckle soon slipping from his throat. "I understand, do what you need to. I've never cared for this time of year in the past for the same reason." Standing up, he took a steady step closer, and then attempted to bump his shoulder to Drestig's. "I hope you understand you have been the first loyal pack member, the first friend to me in a long time."

(This post was last modified: Sep 09, 2014, 03:43 PM by Triell.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Each second was agony. Drestig stood on slightly shaky lags, gasping lightly after his outburst, watching his superior intensely, waiting impatiently for a response; Any response! Time felt almost frozen as he waited, his rapid breathing and the blood rushing behind his ears the only sounds to be heard, bright orange gaze fixated on Triell. His expression was impossible to read - though maybe that was just because Drestig himself was too upset to decipher it clearly - the hard lines of irritation still permeating his features, though the gleam in his fiery eyes seemed different from before.

Finally, the younger man spoke, his mouth forming a simple, low 'oh', stretching out in the silence between them. Drestig frowned a little, a heavy sense of anticlimax settling over him as the other wolf averted his gaze. He felt rather strange and uncomfortable, having exposed his thoughts like this to another. It was something he had never really done before, and to have such an act of trust answered so emptily, was almost like a slap in the face. The older wolf turned his eyes to the sky, watching the colors that still danced up there, forming shining drapes in front of the glittering stars; Maybe I'm just not meant for pack life... He mused; Maybe I'm supposed to be alone... Forever.

Triell's sudden low laughter brought Drestig's attention back to him, eyes once more settling on the younger wolf. A small tinge of anger reared in the back of Drestig's mind, but it was quickly silenced as Triell spoke again, his words surprising the lankier chap. He had interpreted the other's astonishment as dismissal, but now Triell spoke of understanding, revealing that he too had been plagued by similar feelings in the past. Drestig's eyes widened as he stared in utter shock; he had felt so guilty, so wrong... Then a smile slowly broke on his face - not the usual, bright grin, but a smaller, slightly embarrassed one, but a smile none the less - and a few barks of laughter escaped him. He looked at his leader with appreciative eyes, tail starting to wave lightly behind him; He understands.

When Triell brushed his shoulder, Drestig leaned into his weight, smile growing wider. He felt lighter than he had in weeks, the weight of guilt finally removed from his shoulders. Then another surprise came as Triell spoke again, making the older man look at him again, with raised eyebrows; "Triell..." He muttered, rendered speechless by the sentiment. It was a strange thing really, how hearing someone else call him friend could mean so much; after all, he had been thinking about the young man as a friend for a long time. But this was different, with his words, Triell confirmed something Drestig had been feeling for a while, a connection that went beyond anything the long-time loner had ever had before. It might not seem like much to anyone else, but for Drestig, having a true friend was more than he ever had had. It meant belonging.

And he knew it meant a lot to Triell as well, just the way he said it making it very clear that he was not using the term lightly. Smiling, somewhat palely, Drestig nodded slowly, looking to meet his friend's eyes. "Thank you." He said, a somber weight in his voice, trying to convey everything he was feeling with those two words. Then he grinned widely, wagging his tail cheerfully above his back; "I'll try to live up to that."

Word count: 588

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”