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Fireside — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright
@Jessie, afternoon near the heart of the Bend,
partly cloudy — current temperature: 57° F/14° C

Morning and noon had come and gone, and Nayeli, who was habitually early to rise, had found her long legs growing tired before the day was truly done. She hadn't even managed to catch anything, or run into anyone today, which displeased her. Her current condition was becoming quite cumbersome - though at first she had been overwhelmed and happy and scared at this twist in her life, she now found herself growing only tired and confused with the present situation. Wondering where Triell was, she paced a wide circle around the den area, but when she couldn't locate him, she found herself seeking out something else - a place to rest.

Dark paws guided her back to a likely spot - a large slanted rock, exposed to the sun. Hopping up onto the slab with a touch less grace than usual, the Stormwright woman lay down, pleased to find the stone warm beneath her despite the clouds that chased each other across the sky. The Bend seemed almost empty today, something that struck a chord of fear deep within the woman. Shifting in search of a comfortable position, she tried to quiet the thoughts, tried to let the light spring zephyr toying through her fur lull her into sleep. Her worries were always quick to arise, usually needlessly. And yet her mood did not seem to want to lift - her swollen belly made it difficult to find a comfortable pose, and after a moment she rolled over onto her side, a light huff escaping the she-wolf, and the tip of her tail twitched irritably.

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The fact that Fenru was gone still pained the woman deeply to think of. She knew that things were going to get harder from where she was, but the pressure of being the highest female had finally been lifted off of her shoulders. She had happily found that Nayeli had bred with Triell and the Swiftpaw was happy for them both. Every now and then she would find Hotei and they would murmur sweet things in each other's ears before Jessie would once again depart, knowing that she must continue doing what she always did best. She felt as if she were dead to the world and yet she knew she had so much. She had a family, which wasn't much from what she had before she had come to the lore, and she had a man that loved her dearly and wanted to make up for his past actions. Of course, Jessie would give him whatever opportunities he needed to redeem himself, for she loved him as well, but as time wore on, she found herself avoiding others as much as she possibly could, the only sign of her presence being that she hunted and her scent was ever present on the borders.

Today the world seemed to want Jess to move on with her current life, for the pregnant, familiar scent of her friend overwhelmed her senses. She almost felt bad for Nayeli. After all, Jessie was the only remaining female within the pack and it should have been her duty to do whatever she could to ensure that Triell's mate was as comfortable as possible. So making her way out of her seclusion, the woman hesitantly made her way towards the other woman, her emerald eyes shining at the woman. Clearing her throat, she tried her best to sound as polite as possible, "Greetings, how is your pregnancy going, milady?" Jessie almost missed the proper term for her knew leader and flushed slightly. It was weird having to give her friend a new title, but Jess would rather her than someone that she hardly knew at all.

Dawnthieves.de, somestock @ DA & candyhorse @ DA - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright
Her eyelids had begin to droop, her head settled heavily on her dark paws, when Nayeli heard Jessie clear her throat. Swiftly her head snapped up in surprise, ears flicking toward the other she wolf, and in the next split-second her drowsiness cleared away and she recognized the other woman and the world around her. Perhaps she had actually begun to fall asleep while thinking she was awake? She huffed lightly at herself, tail sweeping the stone as it wagged in greeting.

"Good afternoon, Jessie," Nayeli said around a yawn, pushing herself up into a sitting position. The sight of the silver-grey lady brought a smile to her jaws, she was quite glad to see the other woman. Nayeli almost spoke up in amicable protest at her greeting, to tell Jessie that she didn't need to call her 'milady' like that, when she realized that it did mean something to her. Nayeli could hear the tone of respect in the word, and she felt a new warmth at the realization that the Swiftpaw woman was happy for her. She recalled how Triell had warned her once that it might be hard for the Bend wolves to accept a newcomer among the pack. It meant a lot now that the longstanding scout, who had once been above her in rank, did not seem to resent the recent changes. For a moment the silence hung, a thoughtful look crossing the Stormwright's features, although the smile remained too. "Care to join me?"she asked after a moment. The rock slab was large enough for several wolves to lounge about, and Nayeli would be glad of the company.

"It's nice to feel the warmth of the sun at last," she went on, coming back to the subject of Jessie's question from the side. "I think everything is fine. I hope everything is fine. I don't really know that much about all of this, though," she admitted with a shrug and stalwart smile. Her own mother had not remained long enough to relate much of the subject to her, and life's experiences had done little to fill the gap. Her father and grandfather had taught her a lot of things, as had her brothers, but this? She was out of her depth to say the least. Lately, though, she had begun to feel the stirrings of movement growing ever stronger, which must be a good sign."And how are you? Any new news?" Nayeli had found herself scouting, and venturing about in general less and less, but when she did she usually noticed the Swiftpaw's scent. She was glad to actually see the green-eyed lady face-to-face, realizing how good it felt to talk to the other female at a time like this.
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Jessie was pleased to see that the mother-to-be was, indeed, healthy and she seemed happy as well. The Swiftpaw returned the other woman's smile as best she could and graciously accepted Nayeli's invite. It had been quite some time since Jessie had talked to someone of her own gender...just anyone in general actually. She had been doing her best to do what she could to find new trails and keep a close eye on the pack while Triell's children were to be born soon. When her friend expressed her doubts, Jessie did her best to calm the nerves. Hopefully, it was just her nerves talking and nothing major. She opened her mouth to speak and soft words echoed, "I'm sure you will be fine. Triell...he is a great man and will help you along the way. He has already proven to be a great father figure to Lady Donata's children." At the thought of her old alpha, Jessie's brow creased, but the facial expression lasted for only a moment before it was replaced with yet another relaxed mask.

When her new alpha spoke once again, the Swiftpaw was put back into business mode, her emerald eyes flashing towards the water and considering her thoughts. She knew that Nayeli was not referring to Ice, for as much as Jess cared for the man, her lady did not know him, and therefore wouldn't have been asking for him. Clearing her throat, she began to tell what she knew, "All the snow that was trapped on the mountains have melted and it is now accessible to anyone...though I would not suggest going now that you are expecting... Kisla returned with her mate, and she is also expecting. She said she will not be returning here and will remain with her new mate. There is also a deer trail leading to Red Fern Forest. I was thinking about having Hotei take a few subordinates with him to try and hunt down some meat for you and the rest of the pack." Jess did not bother mentioning that she would not be going on that hunt. She didn't even know if the herd was still there, because she had refused to go into the forest where she had found the dreadful body of Rissa Tainn.

Dawnthieves.de, somestock @ DA & candyhorse @ DA - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright
(I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply to this! <3 )

Nayeli closed her eyes for a moment, nodding as the green-eyed woman spoke. Jessie was right, of course – she thought back to the day when she'd first met Triell. Even then he'd spoken of Corinna's sons, referring to them as his nephews, and talking of his duty to protect and provide for them. She'd recognized the loyalty within him then, and when she'd seen that the rest of Oak Tree Bend took it to heart too, it had helped her come to the decision to stay here. She'd vowed to herself that day that to do her best to help care for and protect them. Not just Serach and Sceral, but all of the pack. At the time she had planned on repaying Triell and the pack for their kindness toward her and departing once spring unlocked the land from its iron grip, but since then, her plans had changed. Oak Tree Bend seemed a familial pack, and she had become a part of that family – her cubs may represent a bond between her and Triell, but he wasn't the only wolf here she had come to consider as close as kin. Nodding, she said nothing more on the subject – her worries were not entirely evaporated, but the Swiftpaw had helped remind Nayeli of that, had helped her regain some perspective. She still felt fear at the prospect of the unknown looming before her, at the idea of complications or other events she and Triell could do nothing about. But worrying wouldn't do much good, so if she couldn't put her anxiety to rest, at least she could push to the back of her mind for now and turn her thoughts to more practical matters.

Casting her gaze back to Jessie, she cupped an ear toward her words, the other still held askance to listen in on their surroundings. Nayeli hadn't thought of crossing the mountains since the winter, but now she was reminded of her old plans to travel among the packs and seek out rumors of her kin. Of course going now was out of the question; she'd decided to make a life here rather than continue on her wild goose chase. But she had never been one to give up easily, and now she wondered if there might be another way. Perhaps word of her, now a leader of the Bend, and her name, might spread on the other side of Mount Dire without her ever needing to go there herself. If another Stormwright was traveling through the Lore, Triell's kin would be able to tell them where to find her if they ever crossed paths. It was still quite the long shot, but it was better than nothing at all.

The thought of going on a hunt sounded like total freedom at the moment, and Nayeli grinned, shrugging aside the small pang of jealousy. She wasn't accustomed to being so tired, of having to be provided for rather than doing the providing. It felt almost as if she were a pup again herself – but it too would pass. "That's good news indeed," she said, remembering that winter's hunt. Hopefully they wouldn't need to worry about conflict with Magnolia Glen again... at least not until the winter returned. That was a chilling thought, and it made her glad in a slightly darker and more selfish way that Kisla would be returning to the other side of the mountains to have her pups. At least that was one pack they wouldn't have to compete with.

Dropping her head back to her paws, she took in a breath and held it for a moment before releasing it, forcing her mind to turn away from that dark avenue. It seemed being cooped up was causing her mind to leap far and wide today, and not always to the happiest of places. "Do you know much about the packs on the other side?" She asked her companion, grateful for Jessie's company and hoping that the small-talk would continue to soothe her nerves. This was one area in which Nayeli's knowledge was still quite lacking.

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The woman remained still, completely content with the silence that was taking over their lives at that moment. The Swiftpaw was not one to communicate clearly with many and it was hard knowing that she only knew very basic things about her current leading lady. It was not her place to ask questions though and so, Jessie was simply content to remain silent and wait for Nayeli to say something to her. The Scout truly did feel bad sometimes though. She was depriving the pregnant woman of some female company, and someone she was actually acquainted with. It was her job to make sure that Triell's mate was comfortable and that her spot within the pack was safe and secure, which was not a problem. Jessie certainly had no desire to lead, but her position within the pack was stable. She had worked hard for what she had received and if anyone thought otherwise they would report to her on the issue and then the Swiftpaw would be able to deal with it.

The gray woman did not know what she could do right then, but she did not have to think about it long before the voice of her alpha jarred her thoughts. Emerald eyes moved to the growing figure of her leader, listening to the words that were spoken and taking them into consideration. Did she know any other packs? Obviously now that Ruiko was here, it was quite obvious that Copper Rock Creek was no more, which was good to know. But where had Hotei come from? Drooping Ridge?? Or...Willow Ridge! That had been it. No other pack came to her mind, though she was sure there were plenty of others. Poison Path had always disbanded, according to what she had scented when she had made her way to make sure the mountains were clear.

Eventually, the woman shook her head, a small frown noticeable on her lips. Clearing her throat, she spoke clearly, "Only of Willow Ridge, led by a woman, Elettra Archer. I don't know much about her, but I do know that her wolves are generally fiercely loyal and they are not to be played with. If you wish it, I can go scouting on the other side of the mountains. It would be quite awhile before I returned, but it shouldn't take me too long." Jessie wanted to be able to do something besides scouting for animals and prey when the hunters could easily be doing the same thing. Especially when the trails led her to the exact place where she wouldn't step foot into. So silently, she waited for the woman's answer.

Dawnthieves.de, somestock @ DA & candyhorse @ DA - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright

Nayeli's gaze fell back onto Jessie. As the dark lady filed away the information, she studied the silver lady while she spoke of Willow Ridge, of going over the mountains, and noted the way she had become quite business-like once more. Perhaps that was just the natural state of the scout, but it seemed to Nayeli that something was bothering her pack-mate. Without prying, she could only guess what it was, but she decided to leave that bit alone. There was something about the Swiftpaw's air that Nayeli had grown rather accustomed to - the Bend had known more than a few losses, only the most recent of which she herself had even been present for. Other than Corinna, Nayeli didn't know their faces or names. The longstanding members here all seemed to tiptoe quietly around certain subjects, and as a result her knowledge of the pack's history and relations hardly began to scratch the surface.

A long patrol over the mountains actually sounded like a good idea to her - there was a lot they could learn. But, they shouldn't send the head scout and second lady so far away with no plan or back-up. The thought of being without one or two of their best members was a chilling one, but in such a journey it was a possibility that had to be considered. Nayeli wondered what Triell would think of the idea, but her own enthusiasm for the plan was obvious as she sat upright, ears pointed straight toward Jessie and a questioning glint in her eye. The knowledge that could be gained was great, and the summer would be the best time to do it. Jessie hadn't missed her mark at all when she'd as much as told Nayeli she shouldn't go herself. She did wish it was possible, but perhaps she could still have eyes and ears out there. "I don't think you should go alone, and we'd need to make preparations for your absence... how long would such a trip take?" she asked, her gaze drifting off in speculation. Jessie would be far better at estimating an actual time-frame and route for the journey than herself. And who else to send, when they needed to keep the main group as strong as possible as well? It was a matter that could do with some thought.

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The Swiftpaw was more than pleased when she saw a familiar glint of excitement forming in her alpha's eyes. This was good, it was what she needed, to get away for a little while, even if it was just for business. She longed to climb up the rocky mountains and feel the breeze flash through her coat. More than anything, she wanted to explore and she wanted to know what was out there ahead of them. Maybe there would even be something good that came out of this trip. Ever since its creation, and even back in Swift River, the pack had been quite isolated from the other packs around them, or at least, that was how Jessie found it. SHe never was one to enjoy socializing, but she had been with Triell before he even became alpha, even back when Indru had been alpha and for all she knew, Swift River or Oak Tree Bend had never had any allies, except for Magnolia Glen, but Jess had no clue what the status was on that ever since the big mishap during the winter. They had been hungry and they had ended up winning out and leaving their allies without nourishment. For all the Swiftpaw knew, they might not even be there anymore. Their pack was to close to that place and the Swiftpaw dreaded going near the territory and ever since the had found the body she had not stepped foot in it.

However, Jessie's excitement over her idea crashed and burned when the next words that escaped Nayeli's mouth reached Jessie's ears. She wanted her to go with someone else? The thought made her eyebrows crease as she took her time to stare at the face of her alpha, trying to make it look like she was much more pleased than she was. For the most part, Jessie worked faster when she was alone, but she could tackle more ground in less time if the two of them split up. She just didn't want her companion to screw up. Hotei was definitely out of the question, because if he went with her then she was sure that she would never get back to the pack. Drestig was truly the only other member that she sort of knew and would have the easiest time working with. So with a short sigh, she spoke quickly to the woman in front of her, "I suppose I could take Drestig with me, as long as he listened to what I had to say. I believe it would take at least 3 weeks, because I don't know the lands on that side very well, only where I use to life, quite honestly. I'm afraid I haven't been over there since-" she paused then before continuing, "just for quite awhile." She remained silent then, waiting for what was going to be said by her alpha.

Dawnthieves.de, somestock @ DA & candyhorse @ DA - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Aug 19, 2014, 05:33 PM by Jessie.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright

A frown of concentration had overtaken Nayeli's features, her thoughts churning around the details as Jessie spoke. Nodding, she looked at the scout in consideration. Did she seem less enthusiastic about this plan, all of a sudden? The dark she-wolf curled her tail around her sitting form, the tip twitching slightly. After a moment it fell still again. "Perhaps traveling in a pair will slow the pace some, but I think it would be the safer plan... don't you?" On such a trek, they would need to hunt for food, and two were undoubtedly better than one at that. And of course, it ought to drastically increase the chances of one - or both, ideally - actually returning. Nayeli was willing to defer to the scout's wisdom on this matter, though. Surely Jessie had done more than enough to earn her rank, title and name. Drestig ought to be able to give the Swiftpaw lady the same respect... if not, Nayeli had a feeling they'd settle matters, one way or another. She doubted Jessie would provide the name of a wolf she thought she'd be unable to cooperate with. "Either way, you ought to be going soon." It would be a dire situation indeed if whoever went unable to make it back before the snows set in, especially if last winter was anything to judge by.

Shifting herself slightly, Nayeli took in a breath and then released it. "If you would... not mind it, could you keep an ear out for any rumors of the Stormwright name? And perhaps pursue any that you might happen to hear... within reason, of course," she asked, looking slowly back toward Jessie. Her hesitation was due to the fact that it was such a long shot - or a long dead hope, rather. The subject wasn't one she enjoyed bringing up, and yet she felt as if she had to ask - and she thought the other she-wolf might understand her asking such a favor.

(This post was last modified: Aug 26, 2014, 09:08 PM by Nayeli.)