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Don't hold it against me — Secret Falls 
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Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint

Shifting almost silently through the trees, the swarthy fur of a wolf nearly blended in with the earthy soil beneath her paws as her bright yellow eyes searched for something. What was she searching for?Well, she wanted to find the source of water that was crashing in her ears at the current moment. It had started out as a simple walk and border patrol but then she wanted to explore a bit before hearing the crashing of water. Neoma wondered if it was a waterfall or some rapids that wound their way nearby. She was still somewhat limited in her knowledge of the area around her pack borders but she hadn’t really cared before now. Finally, she stepped out from the cover of some bushes and as she shook out her fur, her eyes landed on a large source of water. The sight of it seemed to take away her breath and the area seemed to be bathed in a mystical sort of feeling to it. What was causing that? And when she lowered her eyes to the water, there appeared to be fish swimming lazily in the water. Her stomach rumbled softly at the sight of them yet she wasn’t in the mood for trying to fish them out from the water. This area appeared to cause her to be more relaxed then usual and for some reason, she didn’t seem to care. Settling down next to the water, Neoma breathed in deeply.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora

Camio was on the prowl, on the prowl for three simple needs. Food, water, and shelter. Water was first on his list though. He was parched from constantly on the move without any proper water supplies. So it was just his luck when he heard water crashing. Perhaps a waterfall?

That word would always hurt him. Waterfall. The reason his brother was dead. No no, he was the reason his brother was dead. He's like to say he wouldn't hold himself against it but that would be lying. Deep down he would always blame himself for that, but on the outside he would never show his guilt. No one in these lands would find out of his past deeds. All that mattered was the name that he made for himself in these unknown places.

Picking up his pace he moved towards the water source. It got louder and louder. Deciding he didn't need to be super close to the waterfall he found a place where he could access the water. Dipping his head downwards he lapped up the refreshing liquid. Once it had made it's way down his throat he left out a breath of air. It felt good, but his moment of happiness was interrupted. A black form was caught in the corner of his eye. Female, well-fit, and yellow eyes. Turning fully to face her he offered a wicked smile with a snarky laugh. "My oh my, what do we have here? Some pretty little lady?" He eyed her over for a few moments before offering her yet another smile.
(This post was last modified: Jun 11, 2014, 12:39 AM by Camio.)
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Neoma was caught by surprise at the sound of another wolf, his snarky laugh drawing her attention first. She narrowed her eyes at his wicked grin and his calling her "some pretty little lady." Oh, so this is how he would like to play huh? Well, he wasn't the only one who knew the rules to the game. In fact, Neoma was certain she knew them much better than this boy ever could.

Raising to her feet again, Neoma sauntered a few feet closer to him, a brilliant smile on her face as her eyes raked over his body. "and who do we have here?" she almost purred out while her eyes finally met his. Bright yellow eyes meeting deep brown as a small smirk curled around her lips "A strong man come to keep this pretty little lady company? At least, I hope so." the look he sent him could almost be called sultry as she stepped even closer, their noses nearly touching. She would nearly laugh if he stepped away from her now. But she would keep on her plan however he acted, simply to get back at him.

Tilting her head slightly to the side, Neoma wondered briefly who this man thought he was, with the way he acted but she soon brushes that thought away. "I do hope you don't mind sharing this spot with me," Had she the ability, the fae would have pouted and looked up at him through her lashes. But she couldn't so she simply settled with dipping her head and glancing at him out of the corner of her eyes. "I've been walking for hours now, trying to find a safe place to rest.It'll be safer now, with you around surely." her voice sounded nearly meek now, though it still carried a flirtatious tone to it.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
He liked this female already. Her words stroking his ego only making him puff out his chest. Especially when she called him a 'strong man'. He surely wasn't a strong male but he liked to think he was strong with words.

"I can be the strong man if you'll be my pretty girl." He wagged his tail slightly showing his satisfaction when she moved in closer. The were so close right now it would be easier to either lick her, or attack her. Both would satisfy him but he decided to play out this meeting a bit more. Maybe he could even weasel some information out of her pretty mouth.

Watching her carefully Camio takes in every move of her's. The way she slowly, almost elegantly, moved her head downwards. The way her jaw moved as she spoke. Some would say it was rude of him to be staring so much. Others might even say he was stalker-like the way he watched her like he would watch his prey. But he didn't care, and he didn't care if she cared. All that mattered was he made use of her in some way. "Of course I don't mind at all miss." He made sure to put more effort onto his last word as to catch her attention. Perhaps let her know he was searching for a name. Something to put to that face of her's besides a scent.

Speaking of scent he caught the finest whiff of pack on her. Not enough to prove she was really anywhere for the moment, but just enough to let him know she had recently left one or was still lingering with one. "A place to rest, eh? And just so happen to choose a place with me?" Now Camio would swoop in to question her. Stop playing the sweet and flirting game, time to get his paws dirty. "Now I may be wrong but I smell a tinge of pack on you. Now I'm guessing they're not in this particular area due to scents. So if I may ask, are you a part of a pack? Or did you leave them, having them begging to have such a fine lady like yourself stay?" He smiled at her exposing his ivory white teeth. Oh how he would have fun with this one.
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Neoma giggled softly, grinning. Too easy. ”Maybe the thought of being near one such as yourself drew me in.” At his question, Neoma didn't falter and continued on. “I’m a part of a pack, yes. Lovely home, within the mongolia.” She replied sweetly, a smile brightening her face as she lifted her head. Oh, she knew what he was doing. “It’s why I’m out here. I’m exploring my new home. I joined during the winter and it wasn’t the best time then to explore. But now it’s spring, and warmer, I thought it’d be perfect to scope out landmarks and that properly.” A saddened looked crossed her face after she finished talking though.

”Though I’m thinking of leaving soon. I don’t quite fit in with this pack and I’m considering going over the mountain for greener pastures. Perhaps you could join me?” A quick flick of her tail and the slight movement to nudge his shoulder with her own had them shoulder to shoulder for a brief moment before she pulled away. It had been a while since she had used her tricks on anyone but she was glad she hadn’t grown rusty with them, from disuse. It seemed that her acting was as strong as ever now. Though what had put her in the bad rut in the first place, she still wasn't sure.

”Oh! How impolite of me!” She nearly yelped at his subtle prompt for a name. ”I’m Neoma. Neoma Flint. Pleasure to meet you Sir....?”
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
So the female was apart of a pack. Apparently one in the Mongolia. He hadn't heard of a mongolia before but whatever it was he assumed it offered some sort of protection. Especially if a pack was to live in it. As she went on explaining some other things he only half listened. He at least he caught something about her leaving the pack, going over the mountain and her asking him to go with. Was she crazy? Asking a stranger to go with her. It made him want to laugh in her face but he chose to smile instead.

"Such an honor to be asked to travel with you. Though I have a better plan if you're interested..." His voice trailed off holding some type of mystery to it as if it was asking for her to be curious and question it. The male knew exactly what he wanted know. He wanted her home, this mongolia place. It would provide him with shelter and food. Maybe if he played his cards right he could please the leaders and stay there for about as long as he pleased. Besides, he was sure there was something he could offer to the pack if needed. Perhaps be a hunter. Who knew, the possibilities were endless with Camio.

He was pleased when she gave up a name so easily. "Neoma Flint, such a beautiful name." His voice soft as if only for her to hear. Leaning his head down to get another sip of the water he listened as she tried for his name. He would be smart though, not give his real name. Just give an alias. "They call me Cain Zamora, nothing too grand."
(This post was last modified: Jun 11, 2014, 05:40 AM by Camio.)
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
"And what would that plan be, if I might be so bold to ask?" Neoma certainly was going to question him, even it was simply for the sake that he seemed to be expecting her to do so. Could he be more obvious? She thought to herself as she looked over at him. Yet something in her when he introduced himself, saying it wasn't something too grand at all. Oh, this would be too perfect. He was leaving himself too open for what was quickly forming in her mind.

"Oh, but it is a grand name Cain," Neoma crooned smoothly, something in her voice turning deadly and her posture changing ever so slightly. "A strong name for a strong body, I must tell you. But does that make for a strong mind as well? You would think so wouldn't you?" There was something dark in her eyes as she stepped closer to him, just like when they first greeted each other. "You would think that with a strong body comes a strong mind no? But I've seen such things happen before, where one's own....confidence," And that word was nearly spat out like venom but she managed to tell it smoothly. "gives them away all too clearly. Perhaps, in time, it's hidden with enough skill but my dear, you still have some ways to go before then." Flicking her tail slightly, Neoma turned her head a little, the dark look still in her eyes.

"You think yourself the top of the world don't you Cain? Think that the world owes you everything and you owe it nothing." Leaning forward, bringing her sharp teeth close to his ear, she whispered almost too softly to hear; "Well, I suppose I should be the first to tell you, that you are {i}wrong. There are deadlier things out there then a big ego my dear and to see one such as yourself fall...that'd be quite a shame." Drawing away from him, Neoma kept her head high and the smirk in place while meeting his eyes. "You want to be at the top Cain? Then I suggest you start by being at the bottom. From one wolf to another." Neoma bowed her head slightly to him, awaiting his reaction.
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora

"Take me to your pack, I'll stay there with you till you're ready to go." Letting his words slither around in the silence for a moment. He proceeded to listen to Neoma. She complimented him, but then quickly insulted him. Biting down on his tongue he allowed himself to take in her words.

As his mouth neared his ear he slowly raised his lip. Who did she think she was talking to him like that? Caimo understood she was older, and seemingly wiser, but that didn't give her a right to talk to him in such a manner. Swinging his head towards her he lightly snapped his teeth in a warning manner. "Why should I believe you? What proof can you show me that could make me even believe you?" Letting his words reach her ears Caimo wasn't exactly done speaking. "How am I to start at the bottom? We both know I have so much more purpose then to even waste my time at the bottom."

Moving himself into a laying down position he looked up to the dark female. "Tell me, did you start from the bottom? Or were you merely born into a top position?" Camio wanted to know everything about this female. She spoke and acted like she was a regal queen. While this made her the slightest bit attractive, as Camio was interested in woman who could hold power and knew what they wanted, he would never fully admit she was attractive. For he was sure it would ruin any future friendship they could have.
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Neoma stepped back with a smile on her face, her face relaxed and no fear showing when he snapped at her. ”How else would you prove yourself? If you went in, demanding for a place near the top, they’d cast you out quicker than a starving wolf devouring a fresh carcass.” She tiled her head, laughing softly at him. ”Oh, I was neither at the top nor near the bottom but I know what it feels like to be at the bottom. To be looked down upon for no reason, other than for who I was. It’s a horrible feeling, let me tell you.” She wouldn't tell him she was at the bottom right now. He'd find out later, if ever.

Twisting her head around over her shoulder, nose pointing in the direction of the pack, she smirked at with, her mouth twitching teasingly along with her tail. ”You want to come with me? Then you have to catch me first!” With those words, she disappeared into the shrubbery and foliage of the forest around them, planning to lead him on a wild goose chase. She would duck behind trees and behind bushes, managing to stay one step ahead of him as she danced away. She’d laugh and taunt him on, her yellow eyes shining in the shadows as she lead him closer and closer to the borders, but making sure he never went close enough to actually cross them. That would have to wait for another time, when he was welcomed into the pack and they could stand side by side as pack mates.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity