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This woman's work — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
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Bastet Akhenaten
RE: The northern lights are particularly bright tonight (May 15)

To any WC wolf, Bastet is starting her scouting and wants to learn more about you guys! This thread can go ANY way :D
She moved like a shadow, her dark pelt melted with her surroundings as she hurried East beneath the waning lights toward Hush Meadow; a much needed visit was in order. She knew of Whisper Caverns and Willow Ridge though winter had made it a chore to visit the territories as she pleased, but with Spring in full bloom and the weather much warmer than before she was determined to visit her first stop and mingle with the neighbors, and perhaps gain some status of their current health. Winter had not been friendly for those of Cut Rock but it's members were still as strong as the moment she joined and this reason was why she stayed with the pack as long as she did, it was healthy and prosperous and they were expanding each day. Members that had pledged their loyalty remained with them throughout winter, those who were not strong enough perished with the weather or disappeared on their own accord; she could be sure that it was same with their neighbors.

Her slender limbs moved with grace and ease, the wound that had previously disabled her could no longer be seen on her body, in fact she resembled that of a completely different wolf and she enjoyed this. It meant that she could be useful, that she could fulfill her goal as a scout, and that she would not be marked incapable as some would readily assume; no, she was finally fully functional. Giving pause in her step, if only to check her distance, she paced when she could smell the border at a distance and released a howl into the winds, it was in that moment that a rainbow show danced above her dark crown and she closed her eyes, wanting to soak in the praise of the heaven's. These lights were her sign of luck, and she waited with patience for someone from Whisper Caverns to greet her.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon

She wasn't sure why she couldn't sleep while Dziban and Aurora lay sleeping peacefully besides her. The two parents curled their bodies around their daughter, creating a sort of bowl like incasement for their daughter to stay within. Rory choose to cuddle closer to her father tonight. Her creamy coat intermingling with his silver coat. Looking out towards the star littered sky, she slowly rose to her feet, trying not to disturb her mate or daughter. Once she was out of the den, she began to walk. Athena wasn't sure where she was going or why she out, but she kept going anyway. As she walked through the dark forest, her fiery eyes looked up at the sky to see something truly spectacular. The Northern Lights. Athena has never seen them here, but she has seen them with her mother when she was young. It was a welcoming sight, that reminded her of her dear mother. However, her peacefulness was soon interrupted by a familiar, but unwanted howl that broke the silence of the forest.

Her body instantly went on guard. She couldn't put her finger on who it was, but the scent in the air told her it was a Cut Rock River wolf. Knowing that she should go back to the den and let Ash or Narime deal with this wolf, but her curiosity got the best of her. She wanted to know who was at Whisper Caverns doorstep. Was it Kisla wanting her head or was it Naia on a scouting trip? Either way, it wouldn't be a good idea for Athena to go investigate. However, Athena was feeling reckless. She wasn't too far from the River wolf, so she quietly stalked through the dark trees, keeping to the shadows as much as she could. Thankfully the breeze was in her favor, so the River wolf wouldn't be able to scent her coming. Her fiery eyes soon spotted the dark figure of what had to be Bastet, the once thin, weak female that was saved by the healer and Maksim. She had shared a meal once with her and she had thought they were on good terms then. However, she wasn't sure where they stood now, but she wasn't going to chance anything. Athena crouched in the bushes and waited for @Ash to come to his borders.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Was waiting for others to respond, but let's get this rolling!
Silence followed her howl, the soft chirp of crickets became her companions as she gazed long past the invisible border, her eyes searched frantically for movement and her nose sought the scent of another approaching though nothing came. In fact, silence ensued despite her call and she grew more anxious as time lapsed, wanting more than ever to see someone, anyone, from Whisper Caverns. She had no idea that Athena had answered her and lie waiting in the tall grasses upwind where her scent was undetectable and her body easily hid, though she would welcome the sight of her former pack member. Her absence in the Creek had not gone unnoticed, in fact she had thought very recently of Athena having heard little news of her departure though her disappearance had been quick and silent, as though she had left in the middle of the night with no warning. She could only guess why the woman had deserted her home but news of it would surely reach the Creek by Bastet alone once she reached home, and if the two happened to cross paths.

Sighing deeply, she lowered to her haunches having felt her legs tremble from her weight and the trip she had undergone, she knew that it would take some training before she grew more comfortable with long winded travels and this would be the first of many that she planned on partaking. After another minutes pass she lifted her head to send a short bark into the wind, though she doubted it would carry far, she hoped that whom ever was in the vicinity would know of her exact location; she didn't intend on making this a long stay.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina

The sound of a howl resonated over the territory. Nari had been at the far border, opposite of the howl, patrolling the territory. Of course she left the last bit of border for one of her subordinates to do themselves, and immediately turned around to head towards the call. The she wolf loped quickly along wondering if the stranger at her border was a loner who had come to join.

Narime realized that she had not been the first to greet the wolf at the border, or at least she had not had the fastest arrival as the scent of Athena came to her nose. Nari wondered why the mother was away from her pup only momentarily before slipping through the grasses towards a dark shape standing at the border.

The shape gave a few sharp barks alerting those closest to the black wolf of it's position. Nari gave a single loud bark back giving away her position so that the wolf knew she was approaching.

Upon arriving Nari shifted herself into the lofty dominant position with her banner arched high above her back and the womans silver crown raised expectantly. Light blue eyes drifted over Bastet's form as Nari scrutinized the stranger who smelled of other mixed wolf scents; a pack scent that was vaguely familiar to her.

Perhaps it might be bad news that Nari had never been told of Minka's alliance of Whisper Caverns and Cut Rock River?

"My name is Narime Lagina lead female of Whisper Caverns. Who are you, what pack are you from, and why have you come to my borders?" Nari narrowed her gaze upon the dark wolf briefly admiring the womans strange colored eyes as she stood guarding the border.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the snow. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

His former partner, Minka, had never told him much about Whisper Caverns, in fact, the only thing he truly knew about them was that they were suppose to be a family, but that had obviously been a lie told by Minka to get him into the pack...along with his former love, Namara. He knew that Secret Woodlands and they were allies, as well as Willow Ridge, due when Ash had needed to get Narimé to a healer as fast he could. To his great surprise, a familiar face was the alpha female of the pack, and Ash did his best to stay on good terms with the regal lady. He wasn't in a good mood when an unfamiliar call issued from his borders, and he gave a short, aggravated snort. Never the less, his mood did not stop him from completing his duty, and so he was already making his way back to his borders. His powerful legs pushed him forward, and hesitated making his presence known as he sensed the companionship of Athena, and Nari was already with their unwelcomed guest, as he heard her blunt words.

Quickly, knowing that Athena would not want attention brought upon herself, Ash lifted himself tall and erect, his body radiating the power that he possessed. Stepping forward next to Nari's side, he pinned his cold, mossy green gaze onto the wolf in front of him, lifting his lip slightly to expose a few of his teeth. He growled lowly to issue their point that he stood with the lady standing beside him and to answer her questions. He flicked his tail back and forth high above his back and impatiently awaited the other wolf's answer.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
I did not mean to hold this up guys, I will skip Athena for now since she is hiding in the background. Hop in when you feel ready to! Also, @Athena, let me know if you want me to change my post...

Although Athena remained hidden in the shadows, the dark woman felt the sensation of watchful eyes on her as she waited for the Whisper wolves to approach. Her bi-colored eyes shifted in their sockets as she searched for the strange scents that made their way to her nose. This place was so much different than the Creek, it was much quieter and very well hidden in a disguise of peace and tranquility that caused her to relax, her attention drifted as time lapsed in wait of her company. When Narime's bark reached her eats she shifted her position and straightened her posture to appear much larger than she was and her ears worked like satellite's to pinpoint the direction that Narime would come; upon seeing her form she lifted to her paws.

The silver coated woman was much taller and bulkier than the Creek woman and her position in the pack was as apparent as the posture that she displayed as the two stood their ground, the silver woman was the first to speak. "I am Bastet, third of Cut Rock Creek." and her head bowed in respect before she returned to her previous position, her bi-coloured eyes bore into the mysterious blue of her counterpart, "I have not come for violence but for a report of your pack. Winter has limited traveling between the packs and I was simply curious of how the weather had treated you," it was an honest question and curiosity bubbled in her eyes as she eased near the larger woman, her posture less dominant then her counterpart though she remained defensive in case this meeting turned sour.

The abrupt approach of Ash caught her off guard and she raised her brow when the male seemed to shift his weight to block the view of the trees behind him, it was as though a secret lingered in the shadows and immediately the dark woman grew curious of what or whom he was protecting. She knew that puppies were born around this time of year but rearing them this close to the border was foolish even for a secluded pack such as Whisper Caverns, so what was he hiding...and then the figure hit her.

Her white pelt was dingier than usual but her size and physique remained the same, albeit laced with the musk of her new pack, but she couldn't be sure if the hidden woman was in fact the very wolf Cut Rock Creek had accepted a few months back. "Athena?..." she chanced, calling into the pack with hopes that the white figure would respond to the name of the woman who had seemingly disappeared without a trace, but what was she doing here? Her head cocked to the side then as she cast her glance to Narime and then Ash, expecting some kind of explanation.
(This post was last modified: Jun 19, 2014, 01:53 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!