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shots fired — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
Things were beginning to make more sense to the long-legged Archer; blurry blobs had turned into faces, and he was now able to attach scents to these faces. While he attempted to store their names they were quickly forgotten, as the silent prince refused to practice them unless he was on his own. As he grew so did his independence and Greer frequently found himself craving to be alone. Of course he adored both his brothers and his mother – they were his blood after all – he just preferred to be on his own. Greer felt as though he learned better that way; he was able to focus on a task, such as speaking or walking, without distraction.

The ball of fluff knew he wasn’t able to wander too far away from their den, even though his long legs craved an adventure, so he remained within sight of the entrance. With his stubby snout pressed to the ground Greer attempted to digest as many scents as he could before he was disrupted by another. He was not as ‘chatty’ as his brothers, who were constantly testing their tongues and playing with words that they had heard. No, Greer kept his voice to himself, only practicing when he was sure that nobody else was around. He was able to communicate effectively without words, so the shadow prince felt as though it wasn’t necessary for him to practice while in the company of his brothers. They pestered him frequently to join them, beginning him in their new high-pitched voices, but he refused. He would practice with the still morning air, allowing his soft voice to break the silence.

“Greeee. Greeeer,” he started quietly as he attempted his own name first, as it was important for the Archer prince to pronounce his own name first. “I Greer,” he added with a soft thump of his tail. His nostrils flared in satisfaction as his snout continued to hover above the ground as his stubby legs moved him forward. He knew he would hardly introduce himself, especially within the pack as they all seemed to know who he and his brothers were, but it was still good to know. For whenever he decided to actually speak to others.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Amber who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunas Axxya
Standing unnoticed in the trees, the copper man watched the black pup toddle through the warm and comforting afternoon sunlight. It was the youngest of Elettra and Angier's litter of this year: Greer. Lunas couldn't help but compare the leggy black youngster to Sköll, one of the yearlings from Elettra's litter in the previous year. Both were composed of mostly leg, black fur, and mystery. Of the next generation of Willow Ridge, the Axxya man had to admit he knew the least about little Greer.

Being very careful not to startle the boy out of practicing his speech, the compact copper figure crept through the trees to the clearing. When he felt safe that the Archer prince wasn't paying much attention to him, Lunas wiggled into the clearing. As he would've done in approaching a major alpha, or even Angier had he committed a terribly heinous crime, he crawled forward, moving slowly, but nonetheless moving.

"Hey buddy, hey Greer. Hey..." Lunas called softly, stopping to let the black fluffball choose whether or not to come to him. In all honesty, the copper cloaked man knew little to nothing about puppies. He could tell by Greer's stuttering speech that he was still figuring out how to talk properly. Not wanting to scare the young boy, he averted his silver eyes. Only his ears remained trained on the midnight furred Archer.

"Hi Greer, I'm Lunas. You're doing a good job talking." he continued softly, grazing the dark shape with his eyes now and then.
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
thanks for joining! <3
The long-legged pup continued to mutter his own name, along with different forms of introducing himself, under his breath as he paced around the entrance of his family’s den. Occasionally his steps faltered, causing the leggy pup to stumble, but he would quickly correct himself. Although he was the youngest of the Archer brothers Greer had quickly become the tallest due to his peculiar long, thin legs. Despite his size, he was the most docile of the three and preferred to keep to himself. Sometimes he would be struck by an odd mood and join in with his brothers while they played, but it was seldom that he did so. He was capable of amusing himself and he was okay with that.

A voice broke his concentration, causing the deer-like pup to stumble; his baby blues shifted in the direction of the voice, brows narrowed in annoyance. He remained where he was, his gaze focused on the stranger – was this a member of the Ridge? The scent seemed familiar, but the pup’s memory was limited. There was a chance that he had briefly met this wolf because, but he couldn’t recall their meeting. Observing the copper wolf Greer’s head tilted at his voice – he had been caught! His lips tightened, his gaze never once wavering from the older wolf’s figure. He was pleased that Lunas had acknowledged his hard work, but was still uncomfortable that the Ridge wolf had caught him practicing. He remained silent, unsure of what to say – he stayed where he was, silent and awkward.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]