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Just Like Clockwork — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

The man remained silent by his soon to be partner, his mossy green eyes glaring dangerously at Minka, his eyes narrowing as she spoke. At least she was not a complete idiot and letting the pack know that Narimé and him at had made their decision when it came to what was going to happen with their pack. he was confident that Nari would do what she needed to do when it came to her happy, and the Hervok would be pleased to encourage her to flourish and fly above the pack once again. His eyes immediately snapped to Inali as she spoke, his lip curling in disgust at her words, yet another traitor among them. She not have even needed to think about a decision, she belonged with her pack...with her family. But apparently that, just as Minka had so willingly showed them all, meant nothing to any of them. And it made Ash angrier than he had felt when he had found out about Athena taking his princess away from him, along with her precious son.

His tail flicked angrily above his back as he watched with close eyes as Yuka made his way towards them. It seemed that he was not at all pleased with what had happened with Inali. The Hervok had noticed that he was close with Inali, but it seemed even so, his loyalties were with his family. It pleased Ash to know this, especially since he did not know all that much about the young Thorben but he seemed to respect his duty enough and that pleased Ash to great ends. Clearing his throat quickly to gather the attention of those gathered, he projected his voice easily for them all to hear, "It is true what the girl says. Any of you who leave with be treated as a traitor and be attacked on sight. Whisper Caverns is suppose to be family, and those who leave are obviously showing us, and your new leaders, should you choose to leave, just how...loyal you all are." He snorted in amusement when he finished, shaking his head. Snapping his jaws together and flicking his tail in a dismissive manner he spoke coldly, "This meeting is over."

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
Simaea's not exactly here and neither is Namara. So Nari's going to spill the beans about Malia's death

Greeting Tokino with a half smile that disappeared a second later Nari turned to see Titan looking apprehensive as he joined her. For once he kept mindfully quiet during the tense moments that followed.

She silently watched as her heart broke into pieces. How was the pack to run if its members left it in shambles? All of her family was either dying, missing, or leaving of their own accord. The thought of Inali leaving, a wolf she trusted just as much as her own children, someone who could have been like a sister to her, made her heart wither. Topping all of this hectic drama off was the large shadow hanging over Nari's mind that depressed her to her core.

She wasn't sure if anyone else knew about it. After Asriel had spoken about seeing Malia last Nari had started a frantic search for her daughter, and silver woman had found her. She had originally visited the lagoon some time ago because Nari needed to remember the good times when Sloane had captivated her heart and asked for her to be his mate.

All she found there was the remains of her little girl at the broken ice of the shore, bloated with water and unable to start decomposing yet. Her features were still recognizable to the grieving mother.

"You will leave me too, Inali? Just like Malia has left us forever? I don't want to lose any more of my family..." Her words were not soft or pleading like they had been during her meeting with Ash and Minka. Instead they were bitter and harsh as she switched her gaze to Inali. Only her eyes were pleading as the silver woman looked to her friend; hoping with all her heart Inali would stay. She felt her boy Yuka also gravitating to her side as Nari fought hard to deal with the harsh emotions tearing through her. She leaned into her rust and silver son barely able to keep herself under control. Only with his touch was she able to keep herself grounded.

Then Ash spoke in that horribly commanding tone. She was glad that tone was backing her and not directed to her. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply the scent of Yuka as the lead male tried to end the meeting quickly. Nari wasn't going anywhere at the moment. She would exit only when her children did.

Only when her real family did.

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Things had gone south very quickly. It started first when Titan had arrived with a puzzled expression. Probably due to the tension everyone is showing. Does he even realize how much trouble has been brewing in the pack? Kino thought quietly while keeping his mouth firmly shut. He kept himself in a regal posture beside Minka as she started to give the news to the pack of what they were planning on doing once spring had Lore well in its grip. He wanted to appear strong for her, but at the same time kept his head low and averted his gaze from Ash to keep a fight from breaking out right here and now.

Even though indignation burned in his chest at Ash's declaration Tokino didn't feel as though he were the traitor right now. All he was doing was everything he had told Nari he would do. Leave. Once Minka was ready to leave anyway. He couldn't help it if other members of the pack felt more at home with Minka and himself leading than Ash and Narime. If they wanted to leave to be with Minka and himself then why were they being blamed for taking members? It was free choice on other members parts.

Still keeping his emotions bottled up Tokino promised himself that at some point he would talk with Narime alone about this decision. He couldn't just leave things as they were and be called a traitor under false accusations. He wasn't forcing any of their pack to go with him when he left.

As Ash called off the short meeting Kino narrowed his icy eyes on the rusted male wondering if he should just get things over with and take the brute on. If only Ash weren't an overwieght massive freak on steroids then I might have a chance... He's younger and stronger at this point than I am.. Tokino wisely kept himself still until it looked like others were leaving. Then he waited until Minka was ready to go before heading away to claw out his frustrations on some poor innocent trees.

(Exit Tokino when Minka leaves)

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali looked at the wolves gathered all around her and her attention focused on Ash as he spoke. She could barely contain a grimace as he spoke. Another nail in the coffin. As Nari spoke to her directly, Inali couldn't hold in her reaction. She flinched in both guilt and hurt. Narime had every right to be angry, but that didnt make the words hurt any less. And as for the guilt, she knew she should've told Nari of Malia's death. But she never knew of how to bring it up, and somehow, she had found out anyway. The petite woman forced her gaze not to turn to Yuka, for the betrayal in his eyes she had glimpsed before had caused her enough pain to last a lifetime. It was clear that this meeting was over and Inali no longer wanted to be here either. She was the final piece of the puzzle, knowing that already everyone had chosen their side. But did they ever think of how this was effecting her? They were all her family, how could she choose between either party?

She wanted to run away and hide under a rock. But first she wanted to speak her piece. Her soft voice held no anger nor bitterness as she spoke, just plain confusion and sadness. "You are all asking me to pick a side, when both parties are my family. How can I choose between the family that I love?" Inali shook her head at both groups. Her gaze switched from Minka and Ash, nodding a goodbye as she spoke again, ever the peacemaker. They were her alphas after all, and that wouldn't change because of pack turmoil."If you will excuse me," she murmered as she began to back away and turn. At first a walk, then a jog, and as soon as she was out of sight, a full out run. Pain seared her very soul, and she ached for the balm that had always soothed it. But Simaea was gone, and that very thought was the final straw to finish breaking her heart into a million pieces. What would she do now?

{Inali exit}

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I want a mother and children talk about Malia once everyone else leaves. (Will still need @Yuka to stay)
So don't archive this just yet on me. :)

Titan didn't exactly understand why everyone was so tense. It felt like if he just moved wrong somebody would up and attack him, and not a playful attack either. His ears swiveled to the sides of his head showing his obvious discomfort. Though he was still able to hear everything that was being said by the others. Inali warned him with only his name spoken and a look at him to stay quiet. Then Yuka appeared and after surveying the situation moved towards Minka and Ash. His eyes narrowed slightly as Yuka padded past him and with his chin up gave the dark Thorben a curt nod in greeting. Annoyance grabbed at Titan immediately as his brother sat between the alphas. However before Titan could speak his mind about the greeting before Minka spoke up about leaving.

That news floored him. Why does Minka want to leave? He kept his mouth shut as Inali spoke about deciding whether she wanted to go or not. "But the pack is here..." He uttered in between the adults words unsure if they had really heard him or not. Confusion marred his face as the air thickened. It felt as though electricity could fly between them at a moments notice.

So the old geezer Kino is leaving with Minka, and they invited Inali to go too... Why would they leave the pack though? Titan quickly realized that the pack was taking sides in the confrontation. His brother had moved to stand right next to Nari and Ash who had also moved near to the silver second. He looked over their pained faces until his families feelings began to click with him. If they leave there will be so few of us... He was still registering the whole betrayal thing when he heard another voice speak up against Inali.

What kicked him in the gut most was spoken through his mothers quivering black lips. His eyes immediately turned on to her gray form as if she were growing two heads. "What do you mean Malia's gone forever? She's probably off with Asriel again..." He spit out Asriel's name in obvious distaste. Though his stomach was tying itself into knots. He, just like everyone else, had not seen Malia in a rather long time. "She's been sneaking out to visit him every chance she gets......" Titan denied his mothers words as the sinking feeling enveloped him. He barely heard Ash's command that the meeting was finished. He wasn't going no place until he figured out why his mom was trying to scare him with Malia's absence. She'll be back soon... She probably just got lost on her way back from the willows or something.he denied the sinking feeling and shook his head while slinking slowly towards the gray she wolf.

He barely heard Inali's voice as a cacophony of memories and thoughts went through him. They were memories of the day he had gone to the lagoon trailing his sister. She had been playing on the ice while he repeatedly warned her to get off of it. Then when he tried dragging her off the frozen water Asriel had butt in to defend her. Frustrated with Malia's stubbornness and Asriel's presence Titan had run off the ice and kept going hoping the Archer boy would make a better play mate to his irritable sister than he was.

Titan waited for his mother to see him and answer his questions without watching as the rest of the pack began to break away to their individual tasks.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

Minka couldn't deny the sadness that gripped her heart when Inali stated that she still had not come to a decision. Sadness and something else, a sliver of fear worked within her as she thought of the others who would stay with Ash who in the Lagina woman's mind was nothing but a monster. Smothering the emotions she kept her face still and calm, choosing instead to nod at the petite woman, her golden eyes displaying nothing but understanding that she needed more time. The orbs tore away from her friend as the grey pup moved to stand near Ash and his mother and once more a pang of fear gripped her, one that was quickly shaken off as she knew Narimé would never let any ill fall upon her son. It was when the Hervok man spoke that Minka's muscles tightened beneath her pelt, done ever so slightly that unless someone had been staring at her the movement would have gone undetected.

Narimé's words broke what had become a very tense trance over the alpha and instantly her tail fell along with her ears. Sadness clearly displayed in her golden eyes she looked to the woman she had once respected as her superior. Malia had been missing for so long Minka had silently accepted the fact that the pup was probably never returning to her home, but hearing the thought confirmed was heartbreaking. The tawny woman had no words, she had nothing available and did not know how to comfort the mother, especially when she was probably the last person she needed comfort from. It wasn't until Titan began to speak, to rationalize the news that had just been delivered that a quiet whine slipped from Minka's maw.

When Ash finally declared that the meeting she had called was finished Minka couldn't help the feeling of resentment that boiled deep in her gut. Flicking her tail in agreement she made no sound towards the beast, choosing instead to pretend the man didn't exist. Watching as Inali fled the scene she gently leaned her shoulder into Tokino for support, so much was changing, so much hatred and hurt, had she really been the one to cut the ties between this family? She did not regret deciding to leave, or asking Inali to go with her, but she did regret accepting Ash within the pack, she regretted hurting Whisper Caverns, but not enough to stop what she had set in motion. Silently without another word Minka turned and exited into the caverns, Tokino by her side.


Vinyonga @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

The boy kept his glare trained on Inali, letting the words that were being said remain stored into his brain for the rest of his life. This disaster was something that was going to change the future of Whisper Caverns and as he finally surveyed the two alphas he was between not knowing what the future held for them. From what he had already seen, his mother and Ash were quite opposites and Yuka had no clue how well that partnership would work out in the future. When Yuka heard his mother's words, it took him a moment to keep a straight face, allowing his teeth to scrap against his cheek inside of having to know the pain of his deceased sister. She was so young and naive and that was what had probably cost her life.

When Ash dismissed the meeting, he remained with his blood family, his amber teal-flecked eyes watching them carefully. His gaze snapped towards Titan when he spoke, an undeniable anger soaring deep within him. It was unfamiliar, but in that moment, he welcomed it as he snapped at his brother, "That is no way to respect Malia. Keep your mouth shut about the Archer boy." Yuka's eyes flashed dangerously as he watched his darker brother. He was angry and he knew he had to protect Malia's honor against her brother, even if the only reason the other Thorben was doing such a thing was because of denial. Even if his sister had bullied him, he had still watched out for her, and it made him angry to know that Titan was not honoring her spirit. It was probably out in the nature surrounding them, watching over them and making sure nothing happened to them. But her spirit would do no such thing if Titan continued to ramble like a moron!

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narime watched her two boys with a pained look on her face. Both were taking the news so badly, which was to be expected since they had been with Malia since birth; just as she had been. Huffing softly the she wolf glanced around to see other members of the pack leaving. That's right just leave... Leave me with my children to weep with family. Nari's thoughts turned dark as she glared at Minka and the other's departure. Then with a defeated sigh she looked back down to her progeny wishing that there were some other way to tell them this.

"I found her... dead on the shores of Iridescent Lagoon. Sh..she... She looked like she had been gone from us in the water for a long time... Maybe back when the ice fully covered the lagoon." Nari almost wretched as she recalled the sickening stench of her daughters bloated corpse. Only her misshapen face had been recognizable to the grieving mother, since Malia's belly had long since exploded from decay and over saturation in the water.

Trying to shake her head free of the memory Nari turned away from Yuka and Titan feeling herself gag. The images flashed through her head as Nari gripped the stone and dirt fiercely to keep from unloading the contents of her stomach before the boys. "I'm so sorry boys. I wish I had been there... I.. I thought I told you...about ice." Nari couldn't remember straight if she had warned All of her young about the dangers of ice. Perhaps she did? Or maybe the warning had only been to Titan? She wasn't sure.

Once she recieved answers or reactions from her sons Nari felt dread overwhelm her. She felt so badly for them, because they had grown up along side Malia. She couldn't imagine what it must be like to lose somebody you had lived alongside for so long. She had never had any real siblings to grow fond of.

As more depression racked her mind, Nari slowly slinks away towards the darkness of the tunnels. All she wanted to do right now was hide, much like her son Yuka often did. Just hide away from the world.


(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2014, 03:53 PM by Narimé.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan stood there staring at the ground as Yuka scolded him. Anger flashed through his pelt and the youth felt his fur beginning to rise. Flashing a heated gaze towards @Yuka, the dark Thorben almost took a step towards him before Narime's voice made him pause. His sad blue eyes turned to look at Nari while his fur stuck out in awkward angles from a mixture of anger, sadness, and unease.

"No... She's.. The lagoon?" A thought punctured his mind. The last place he had seen Malia. She had traveled to the lagoon and was playing on the ice. He had followed her and tried to make her get off the ice. Asriel had been there too, supporting Malia's play in favor over Titan's worry. He hadn't thought that the ice was dangerous.

Titan was silent from then onwards as Nari spoke again. Her voice caught obviously distressed, and the feelings that overwhelmed Titan began to make his eyes water. No, don't cry.. Please.. Do..Don't cry Titan... He asked himself before wincing as the tears stung his face. Turning away for a moment trying to hide the tears, Titan stood there not knowing what to do. His legs itched to run and chase the tears away. His heart both longed and distasted the thought of traveling to the lagoon to visit his sisters grave site.

Moving silently towards Yuka and Nari, then pausing unsure of how to react, Titan shook his head and turned around to leave them quietly. His head hung loosely as tears fell to the black wolf's trail.

(exit Titan)

(This post was last modified: Oct 15, 2014, 05:54 PM by Titan.)