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I want to see it all first hand — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris
RE: The northern lights are particularly brilliant tonight.
Forward dating it to sometime around the 29th, anyone is welcome to join!

She was unbelievably bored. The den no longer interested her, especially since she didn't tend to sleep as much. The world outside was wonderful, elaborate in a way she had yet to fully realize, but in due time, she would come to recognize it for what it was. Each day her limbs grew more steady, her gait more sure. Nearing five weeks, the young princess' vocabulary was bustling with small words, including the names of her siblings. Unfortunately their level of difficulty prevented her from uttering them correctly, but she had been practicing. Evy was now pronounced Eby, and Takis was turning into Takish.

As the setting sun hit her pelt- now a much lighter color than Evy's - the girl felt no need to squint. The harsh light was a normal occurrence, and bothered her quite a bit less than it had. Her independence too was growing, now able to feel confident without her mother's familiar voice egging her on. Of course, so long as the other's requested her attention Celandine would be right there, hoping to be first. A trait that she might understand someday, but for now was best not to dwell upon.

Searching for anything to do, the princess moved farther from the den than usual. Yet to fully grasp the concepts of danger and morality, Celandine pushed on through the magnolia trees. Her tiny paws couldn't take her too far yet, but each step had her proximity to the den increasing. Only then did she catch a movement in the sky, almost missing it completely as she turned her head. It was a great beast, twisting and turning in ways she couldn't have imagined. Whereas another cub might have been struck with fear, the princess felt only a great sense of wonder. As the colors danced before her, a small, "Wooow" left her maw.It was brilliant.

Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Namara who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Evy Argyris
Evy quite liked their den, it brought warmth and security that the great outdoors did not therefore she could often be seen resting near the back of the den or playing quietly by herself making sure to keep an eyes on the other figures that occupied the space. She identified both blinding creatures as her siblings, or milk thieves, but she tolerated them because they smelled familiar and they were constantly with her each day that she woke--such as today. Something woke her in the den, the vibe was off and as she glanced around and noticed that her parents were gone she realized that two other figures had disappeared--@Takis and Celandine. Huffing, for she figured that they were probably off doing something outside of the den, she turned on her stomach and realized that Celandine was lingering near the den entrance seemingly mesmerized by the sight of something in the sky. A bright and colorful light flashed along the den way and it intrigued her, it was the first she had ever seen and much prettier than the usual bright yellow light that filtered in everyday, in fact, it peaked her interest and she was up on her chubby legs and walking toward the mouth of the den.

She settled with a plop next to her sibling and felt her mouth hang open with awe as she mimicked her sisters response, "awwwww" she spoke, excitement riddled her small features, it was even more exciting that she got to enjoy this without having to fight for a space next to Celandine and Takis, the latter of the two was growing larger than both girls already. She stayed at her spot, her eyes watching in wonder as the lights danced onward through the skies, only when she felt that it was growing dimmer did she turned toward her sister and speak, "Pretty, you like?" and feel quiet then.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Celandine had already spent too much time vying for her mother's affections. So much so, that the girl hadn't taken nearly enough time to appreciate her siblings. Sure they were a constant in her life, but they were also her greatest competition. Side glancing at the black form, a cautious smile graced the younger fae's tiny maw. Away from the watchful eye's of their parents, and the expectant gazes of their pack mates, she found that her sister wasn't a threat. There was no need to push her away, and for once she actually enjoyed the dark cub's company. Letting the comfortable silence engulf them, her bright eyes returned to the sky, watching the lights until they began to fade into the night.

In an ideal world Evy would have taken the youngest Argyris under her wing, helped her understand all of life's misgivings. They could have been a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately it seemed - at least to the paler cub - that their relationship was strained. Too young to understand why, it had become an issue better left on the back burner. There was no time to dwell on things that could not be helped, and so, like every other time, the princess left the problem locked away.

Still mesmerized, Evy's voice pulled her back into reality. Happy that for once, she could understand something with perfect clarity, the youngest Argyris nodded. "Wha-sit?". Somehow she assumed that her sister might have the answers. After all, Evy was the oldest right?

Played by Namara who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Evy Argyris
Her question lingered in the air little more then a second before her sibling fired off another, this time in regard to what the bright light was. Evy pondered, her eyes fixated on the skies a moment before she averted her attention back to Celandine with a grin, but the answer wasn't so obvious when it was the first light show she'd seen since her birth. What did her mother tell her about the little glowing lights that sometimes came at night? "Frierfries!" she exclaimed, proud of her knowledge for the first time. Little did she know it was the first day of many that would eventually shape her personality.

"Ma'ma told me bout tem, dey light the sky EVERY night," she bit her lip contemplating what she had just said, "maybe not EVERY night but most of the nights..." it made the most sense and probably the very reason that Evy and her sister hadn't seen them much until tonight, they were probably making themselves more known with the warmer weather. Silence soon followed the young girls and she looked over the den with curious eyes, she wondered where her brother was, why was he sleeping so much? She didn't have much time to ponder on Takis before a wonderful smell hit her, it was a scent she had never smelled before and it was wonderful but where was it? "Smell dat?" she wondered, her head cocking to the side when she questioned Celandine about the strange scent of prey that wandered into the den, but she would not go near it, instead she preferred observing it from afar while anticipating her younger sister to be the first to encounter it.
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

"Fiarfries?" She echoed, the new word vibrating on her tongue. The name itself held no meaning to the young cub, but now she could only associate it with the huge beast that wound through the sky. Amazed, yet admittedly a little envious of this knowledge, Celanding hung on her sister's every word. Inching closer, tiny paws dug into the soil. She had to know everything about these 'Fiarfries'. Why hadn't it shown itself before? What did it want? Her new mind was abuzz with unanswered questions when the dark cub spoke again.

"Woah." Murky blue looked once more to the sky, the beast almost gone. She would love to see them again, watch as it's body swallowed up the night around them. Would it appear again tomorrow? In her wonder, she forgot to be upset that Evy had somehow stole their mother's time.

Evy's question stood between them only a second before the new scent infiltrated her olfactory system. It was wonderful, and strange. Raising from her haunches, the youngest Argyris, nodded. "We gotta find it." Her mind was already made, and nothing would stop her from this new goal. Regardless of how far it took her, the little princess could not rest until she found the source of this delightful aroma.

Moving towards the scent, instinct took over. Her tracking skills left much to be desired, and could not be considered refined for many months to come. Yet somehow she knew that moving in the direction where the perfume was strongest would take her where she needed to be.

Played by Namara who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Evy Argyris
Sorry for the wait, I'm playing catch up now!
Her head nodded, eyes wide with excitement at the fact that she knew something her sister did not, the knowledge that their mother had given her would be remembered and practiced for years to come until she developed into the perfectionist she was destined to be. Still astonished at the fire lies that lit up the skies, her smile grew wider as the lights finished their dance, and when they began to dim a frown crossed her maw with frustration as if she could will them back to their usual brightness. With the light show festivities over, the darkest Argyris found her interest tuned onto the smell that occupied their den, it was wholly familiar because they were now eating regurgitated meat but it was still different because it did not smell like their mother.

She watched Celandine take the first brave foot forward and followed only when she began to grow uncomfortable with her sister's distance from the den, it was not safe outside, there were plenty of carnivores waiting for the opportunity to catch a small meal and Evy did not want to be one of them. "Stop Cella!" she voiced, anxiety in her voice, "you get hurt!" she barked, her head shook and the hairs along her neck began to bristle, venturing from the den took her out of her element. Though she had a feeling her words would hold no true merit she was momentarily too afraid to venture further than a few yards from the mouth of the den, and on occasion she would glance back at the den in hopes that their parents would appear or @Takis could help reign her in.