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White faced angel — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Luna who has 17 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Vectra Alaina
The girl was curious, leaving the new den she had found. One that had sheltered her for the night and if no wolves stopped her from it, would shelter her again. She wandered off, making sure to cover her trail from her tiny little den, for if she was going to come back to it. She certainly didn't want others to find it, as she had stumbled upon the small place by mere chance. Moving a good distance away she began exploring for the day, Looking around, she thought of practicing hunting but knew that right now most animals were probably asleep, plus she had recently eaten. So she really didn't want to gorge. She knew that she would need to find food eventually, or better yet a pack. She wasn't amazing at her hunting skills, so making it on her own was not favorable to the girl. Looking around she came upon a clearing, the nice breeze coming up off the water and the early morning mist made her stop for a moment to take it all in. It was a beautiful sight, freedom, no family to gloat over how beautiful you are. And how you should be more careful about everything you do. Vectra nether thought she was beautiful, nor should tend to herself like some fallen lamb, she was a wolf for crying out loud. She wanted to be like one.
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Played by silverslip who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
"What are you doing?" Campion blurted out when she emerged from a bush, narrowing her amber eyes suspiciously.
Truthfully, it wasn't her place to ask another wolf about it, for she herself was out here, wandering on her own. But, that wasn't something that seemed to register with her in any way. And of course, this was a stranger. A wolf she didn't know, and may not care to know, so it was best to stay wary.

But it was an interesting scenario. She could tell the wolf was young, younger than her at least. But what was more interesting, and actually rather alarming, though she didn't care to admit it to herself, was that, despite the other being a much younger wolf, it was already a considerably larger than her.

But, as usual, she didn't seem to be deterred from questioning the stranger's motives. It had been the first wolf she had spotted since she had fled from her home territory, and she wasn't one to pass the opportunity up. The dark coated wolf wasn't an extrovert by any means, but she didn't enjoy the loner life as much as one would think, and she wouldn't mind having a bit of company for a moment, even if she was unintentionally going the wrong way about it. Such was the life and mindset of Campion, who tended be a very blunt, straight forward creature, rarely realizing that like her, they also had feelings and needs that she tended not to notice.
Played by Luna who has 17 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Vectra Alaina
Vectra looked at the female as she seemed to demand what she was doing tilting her head in confusion she said "ummm.... sorry but, excuse me?" she honestly didn't understand what this wolf was asking, as she was on no territorial land, and the other did not smell like it was a pack wolf either. so her demand made no sense. Confused eyes gazed over the dark femma, taking in the older, but smaller female. She was a curious sight, the way she was presenting herself she seemed to be trying to talking to Vectra, but in a blunt demanding way. Perhaps she is just not used to conversation, Vectra understood how that felt.
Played by silverslip who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
"I said, what are you doing?" She repeated, taking a few steps towards the stranger and sitting down. Her voice had taken a more curious, interested tone, contrasting with the unintentionally hostile approach she had taken a few moments ago. Even though she was still somewhat cautious, she hadn't intended to come off as rude as she had. Truth was, most of her conversations started out with putting off the recipient. Her former packmates didn't take any offense to it; they all knew her well and that she presented herself rather differently than most. As a consequence, she had always assumed that there was nothing wrong with her attitude, as until now, she hadn't had a casual interaction with someone outside of her former pack.
Played by Luna who has 17 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Vectra Alaina
Vectra thought for a moment "exploring... and you?" she asked, holding the same tone of curiosity as the girl had before her, but her tone was less blunt, she held it in a more softer way. Speaking as if she was trying to get to understand the other, Vectra was patient, and she was guessing the other was either blunt, or had not the average practice in speech. Perhaps even a combination of both, after all the girl was not being rude, just very forward.

Vectra smiled warmly and sat down as well "i am Vectra, might I know your name?" she asked the other patiently. She wanted to know more about the female, the girl was honestly the first she met since leaving her annoying family. It would be nice to talk to others beside her parents and brother, who only seemed to be able to talk about how she should treat herself like some tender lamb that should allow them to care for her.
Played by silverslip who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She hesitated for a moment, her paws shifting through the grass beneath her. Would it be safe to tell this wolf anything? The piece of information was insignificant, yet she did not fall at ease. Letting her guard down wasn't something she did often, if at all, but refusing to tell her about her current mission wouldn't help them continue the conversation.

"I'm looking for a new home." She answered straightforwardly, observing the other female. The whole thing almost felt surreal, just meeting with an unknown wolf without feeling the need to defend herself. It was definitely a new experience, and one that Campion considered mildly pleasant, if all things stayed on track.

And introductions. That was another thing that the female, who never had felt the need to introduce herself until now, wasn't particularly adept at. Turns out, she just wasn't all that socially experienced. "My name is Campion." She replied in a level tone, meeting Vectra's gaze steadily. The two had noticeably different personalities, with the dark coated female's curt, outspoken nature contrasting with the opposite's more polite approach by comparison.
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2014, 11:15 PM by Campion.)
Played by Luna who has 17 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Vectra Alaina
Vectra Smiled as the female seemed to open up "i am pleased to meet you, I am looking for a home too you see" the girl explained to the other happy that she had found someone she could talk to, perhaps in the future they could become friends. Vectra hoped at least. Firey eyes took a quick glance over the other before saying "I come from a family that seemed to treat me as some object... I didn't appreciate not being able to do what any other wolf could, I would often sneak off to train on my own... how bout you?" she felt if she told her story first, her new talking companion may be more inclined to share as well.
Played by silverslip who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Campion's gaze rested upon the other, her ears flicking. She nodded, indicating that she was listening. She had already assumed that, based on Vectra's location and loneliness, they were both in the same situation. The other girl had an interesting story; it certainly wasn't the usual reason why a wolf turned solitary.

"I didn't choose to leave mine by choice. Sometime back, a large pack of wolves drove my own pack out of their territory. We fought back, but they won. Only a small group of females survived, so we parted ways." She answered directly, her voice lacking a remorseful quality. She had dragged on about it the first few days, but it wasn't something that she seemed very troubled about nowadays. The former pack wolf had faced enough challenges due to her solitude, and grievance was something that could not burden her mind.
(This post was last modified: Jul 01, 2014, 06:40 PM by Campion.)
Played by Luna who has 17 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Vectra Alaina
Vectra listened to the girl, her story was a much more, hardened one. But she seemed to have defiantly put it in her past, that was for sure. Vectra nodded and smiled, somewhat coming to respect this female even more for surviving such a trial. "well you seem to have been brave, I commend you for that." it was all Vectra could and was going to say, she had nothing more to add to the females story, other then that. Respect. Thinking about those females she parted ways with she couldn't help but ask the girl "do you.... do you wonder what happened, you know, with your former pack sisters that survived?" it was her youthful curiosity sparking up, as she was always curious, hopefully on things that wouldn't hurt her, but sometimes she wasn't so lucky.
Played by silverslip who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The young wolf had brought up something that Campion herself hadn't thought much about. None of her remaining packmates had a strong bond with Campion, so in her eyes, their fate wasn't of much importance. She had chosen not to pick out the details of her pack's destruction, but in this case, she didn't particularly care.

"Probably doing the same thing as I am." She answered plainly, blinking. The dusky coated female felt a spark of amusement at the youngster's inquisitive spirit; it certainly wasn't something she ever had. She looked away momentarily, not expecting the incoming wind, albeit gentle. A soft breeze glided through the area, ruffling her noticably unkept pelt. Campion had been denying her poor condition, but it would soon be much harder to ignore. The journey had certainly taken a toll on her health. Hunting was far more difficult. A lone wolf had to resort to feeding on smaller prey and carcasses, along the lack of protection and heavy traveling that were causing her health to decline.