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Gone, never to return — Hush Meadow 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: The name is temporary, open to ideas.


Winter had yet to let go of it's tight grip on Relic Lore. She knew it was drawing to an end though, for signs of warmer weather were about. The almost yearling pup stalked slowly through the snow. She hadn't had much practice in hunting or tracking, but she allowed her instincts to guide her. The girl's inexperience showed through her simple mistakes as she went. She failed to hide herself well as she spied on her target.

Danica had been doing a boarder patrol that morning when she scented something that made her belly grumble. Rabbit. A fresh meal sounded good and her leftovers would be a small addition to the pack's cache. She couldn't wait to sink her teeth into it...that is if she was skillful enough to even get near. So the silvery cream furred beast to be left her duties behind irresponsibly.

Emerald green eyes studied the prey as she attempted to strategize. She quickly found that she didn't know much about this. *Time to wing it.* She thought as determined paws took clumsy steps forward. It turned it's dag on head toward the sound of her paws disturbing the snow. She froze starring eye to eye with the creature she wished so badly to devour. It's tense body prepared to hop away as she readied herself for a chase.

Before she could even blink her eyes it was on. Dani sprung into action darting forward with decent speed. Her strides were long and powerful, grace intertwined with her movements. For a split moment she looked like an adult hunter who knew just what the heck they were doing. She was quickly gaining on the bunny. Then the very next moment she was loosing her balance as she attempted to take a sharp turn. Tripping over her large puppy paws she crashed into the snow. *How elegant of me.* She thought sarcastically in frustration. Looking up to glance about she watched her would be prize dart into a hole. *Yay.*

She sighed and laid her head down in defeat. Danica moved her body into a more comfortable position as to the one she had been forced into. *Gravity.* The pup bitterly spoke the word in her head. The snow lightly began to fall from above and she watched it in silence. *I wonder what Titan is up to.*
(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2014, 02:36 AM by Danica.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
For the life of me I can't remember when this was supposed to be dated. I'm sorry. XD All I know is that Titan knows his sister is dead.



Those were the things that he felt.

Titan couldn't feel much of anything anymore. He didn't even know how his body was doing daily things without him telling it to. It just did them. Walk, eat, drink, piss, poop, sleep, wake up, cry, run, walk, and repeat. It was like his body knew the schedule and walked to its own tune while he sat back deaf to everything going on around him.

Like right now. For some reason he could not fathom his legs had taken him farther out into Hush Meadow as if he were checking the borders like he would sometimes do. Titan stared blankly out of his eyes at the changing scenery not even noticing the scent of another wolf nearby. Instead his paws lifted slowly cruising through the stiff grasses and small patches of snow dotting the meadow. His ears did not register the sounds of crushed snow, nor the birds calls, or the paw steps that should have alerted him to another creatures presence. Hell he didn't even scent the rabbit smell under his paws. Despite being hungry for the whole winter the young wolf didn't even react to the prey item as it hid not five feet away to his left.


It was all he felt. All he cared to feel right now."Speech here."

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(OK, I think I need a better name for this topic...it's too long and...odd. lol) (How's the new title? Lol, I really don't see why I care so much about it.)

She smelt him before she caught sight of his dark fur contrasting with the bright scenery. *Think of the boy, and he comes.* She thought pleased with the fact she would soon be joing his company. Standing to shake her fur she felt a cold breeze slip through. *Ugh, Winter.* The pale wolf thought longing to be complaining about heat instead. With a cheery smile she glanced around for him.

Danica approached briskly with a wagging tail. Gently she attempted to give him a friendly bump to the shoulder, "Hey Titan." She whispered. *What's wrong with him?* She thought looking at his facial expression. The girl frowned and quitely whined. Sympathetically she glanced into his handsome blue eyes. Her tail slowly tucked itself underneath her. She hoped he wouldn't mistake her attempt at reaching out to him as a challenge. "Hey, what's wrong Titan?" She spoke gently now, with a soft and sweet voice. The way she said his name had been so tender. She whined again.

*Can I help him some how?* She questioned, desperately wanting to understand. She desired to mend what seemed to be broken. He looked so far gone. What in the world could have happened to her friend? She hoped it wasn't too awful...he didn't deserve such treatment. At least, in her opinion.

The snow ceased for a mere moment, then started back up. A rough breeze swooshed by dusting snow onto her face. Dani huffed in annoyance, shook herself, then returned her full undivided attention back to Titan. The pup refused to let him keep whatever was bothering him pent up inside. *I have to try to help him...maybe he just needs to vent?*
(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2014, 05:03 AM by Danica.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan saw a shape coming towards him. His paws did not redirect their course however. Instead they ghosted him along the trail towards the other shape which was growing more familiar. As he got closer Titan felt recognition pierce his skull. Danica.. her name floated across his empty mind as the she wolf greeted him warmly and bumped his shoulder with her head. He could barely react to the feeling of her bump. Only barely being able to control his paws and stop them for a moment to stand still beside someone who should be considered his friend.

He felt her eyes probing his own but did not react. Instead his blue orbs took in her green ones mesmerized by their color. This is Danica Her eyes were so different from his sisters amber ones that haunted the Thorben's mind at every waking moment. While looking at Danica's face and viewing the differences between her features and his sisters, Titan was able to momentarily push away Malia's grim face from invading his mind. Danica... Not Malia. He thought just before Titan registered her softly spoken words.

What's wrong? Danica asked as Titan broke his stare with her suddenly remembering that it was rude.

"Malia.. My sister.. sh..she's..dead...drowned." Despite feeling hollow nothingness within his soul, Titan still somehow stuttered the words as if he were about to cry. Though no tears came to his dark blue eyes as the boy stood there stiffly next to his friend. He almost expected her to say "oh suck it up you big wuss" but then quickly realized that that wasn't something Danica would say. It was something that Malia's would have barked roughly at him. Sad, how he missed her insults and fierce attitude when he had been annoyed by it at birth.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Danica found herself lost in his orbs. She loved blue eyes, the handsome male named Gent also had blue irises. Both guys were nice, but she knew Titan better. Suddenly he broke eye contact, but she understood why. He was a well raised polite boy, almost a young man. The thought of almost being yearlings excited her. She couldn't wait to see what it was like.

Then it was like the whole world came crashing down around her. Literally. Titan's sister was dead...gone into the afterlife, if there was such a thing. Danica wasn't sure, but didn't mark it off as impossible. She remembered Tacoma's body...so lifeless. The image burned her skull. Her heart ached for her dark fured friend. However, she had no clue on what in the universe to do. If she could she would of brought the girl back, along with her own brother. *That's crazy talk.* The creamy silver wolf reminded herself.

For a moment she just stood there like a rock. Her body was tense, a frown on her lips, and shock in her eyes. "-" She began to say something, but nothing left her mouth, there was nothing to say. It wouldn't just 'get better'. No, that was a lie. She knew that first paw. Sure, you moved on, but you NEVER stop missing them.

Realizing she was holding her breath Danica let it go. She looked to him, *Actions speak louder then words.* She thought, then, *And right now I want him to know I'm here for him.* With silent paw steps Dani went to his opposite side so that they were facing the same way. Hesitantly she stepped closer to him, so that their fur was just barely touching. Nervously she extended her head to try and nuzzle him. "I don't know words that can make something like this better, experienceing loosing my brother was hard. So I understand how you feel...just know...I'm here for you." She spoke a bit shyly then added, "We're friends." She knew she just stated the obvious, and felt dumb, but hoped it helped. She wasn't sure if she was doing anything for Titan right now. She only hoped so.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Blue orbs stared at the ground watching the little insects crawl around doing the things insects do. As silence enveloped the pair of wolves Titan listened. He heard birds chirping away, trees creaking in the distance, wind blowing through plants and trees alike, and the angry chirping of a scared chipmunk nearby. All of life was going on even though one of the most important wolves in his life was gone. Then hervoice spoke up.

Danica... Titan's voice echoed in his head as he was reminded of her presence with her gentle tone. What grabbed his attention the most was the little fact about her brother being lost as well. His head jerked up slightly then the blue orbs that had been searching the ground slowly began to roll up to Danica's face again. He nodded silently understanding her words but still feeling empty inside.

At least he wasn't alone.

"How.. did you get through it?" Titan asked gingerly wondering if she would be hurt if he asked about her brothers death. Then his eyes turned to the ground again as a beetle caught his attention. The thing had a bright black shell that shown blue and purple with iridescence. It was climbing up the stem of some unknown weed and heading towards Danica's paws. Though the bug did pause at a pineapple shaped berry on the end of the plant. Titan moved his paw towards the plant, and Danica's own paw, then poked at the beetle as it crawled off of the weed.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(I love his table by the way, he's a handsome wolf.)

Danica felt an uneasy sigh slip through her black lips. Her chest burned with pain. How did she get through it? "I'm not sure, I guess time. I would sit at the mouth of the den waiting for him. I knew he wasn't coming, but I couldn't force myself to move on. Eventually I went out to his grave and howled out...a prayer? It made me feel better. Then my remaining brother came about. Other things happened that day, but that's not the point. Plus I simply got away from the pain and met you. I think having a friend to distract my mind helped." She admitted looking at him. She had a pained expression written on her features.

Looking down to watch the bug she noted how close their paws were. "You won't leave me will you? If you take off like I did...will you take me? I know this is foolish talk...but I really like being around you." She hope her change in topic wouldn't bug him.

Her attention was soon taken from the male as something moved near by. She stared into the distance till she lost interest. To her, whatever it was wasn't important. Titan was. Visibly gulping she side stepped closer to him. She wanted to comfort him...maybe the closeness would help? She wondered if he would move away. She kind of hoped not...her side was tingling...it was weird....and...nice? She looked at him and gently went to nibble on his ear then tug. If he'd allow, that is."Playing can be distracting, if you're up to it?" She asked him tenderly. Her soft voice whispering into his ear.
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I believe Grey did the table? *can't remember a thing*

Titan realized dimly that he was putting Danica through pain just with his question. He didn't want her to feel bad. She deserved better, to be happy all the time. She mentioned how howling a prayer to her brother had seemed to help. He played with the idea of visiting the lagoon where Malia had drowned. Could he do it? He could eel that Danica was right about one thing. That having a friend with you helped. Maybe.. Just maybe she would consider going with him to visit the lagoon?

He glanced sideways and caught her pained look. That look seared through the young wolf. He felt bad for making her feel that way. For causing her pain, even if it was just her own memories giving her pain. He had brought them up into the open again. Moving his nose slowly forward as she looked down at the bug and her paws, Titan hesitantly touched her cheek, then pulled back worried that he might have done something rude.

Then the pale colored she wolf asked a question that caught him off guard. Would I ever just up and leave the pack? Titan asked himself within his head as he struggled for the words to answer Danica. His struggling became worse after she said that she liked being with him.

"I...uhh... Don't know... If I could even leave... I mean dad left mom, and a bunch of others she was close to left her. I don't want to be the same as them. Even though... I really do want to go someplace else..." He growled softly in a non-threatening way.

A second later a sound of something cracking leaves encroached the ears of both wolves. Danica lost interest quickly, but Titan snapped his head up and sat rigid and tense listening for danger. His deep watery blue gaze narrowed on their surroundings while the yearlings huddled close. The young Thorben remained attentive of his surroundings ready to fight off danger at a moments notice while Danica then stepped closer to him. The feeling of her pelt mixing with his made the blackish wolf feel strange. It wasn't a bad strange. It was warm like when he would snuggle up to his mother when he was younger looking for security and warmth. However the sensation wasn't the same. He felt warmth and something else. Hesitantly taking his eyes off the landscape Titan peered down at Danica questioningly though he didn't reject her closeness. She was definitely distracting him without having to even start a game.

He looked back to the trees searching for danger that might harm Danica or himself. Then felt a gentle grip on his ear. A second later a soft tug from Danica made Titan pause and slide his eyes to the left to look at her from the side without moving too much while her muzzle touched his ear. It was cute, what she was doing. Not the kind of rough play that would have as pups had him pulling on his siblings ears, but a teasing kind of gentle play.

Not saying anything else Titan shirked his shoulder trying to bump Danica and get her to stop nibbling on his ear. It was still just a little too strange for him to be overly interested in such a thing. Though he accepted her touch as they sat with pelts touching. In fact he leaned a bit into Danica absorbing the warmth that came from her pelt. Though he was a tad bit embarrassed on the inside to be doing such an action. Especially to someone not his mother or father.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Oh, well still it's nice. Man I need to work on getting my posts bigger.)

Danica smiled shyly as Titan touched her cheek. She looked down at her paws still smiling. The two seemed to be distracting each other; all thoughts of her brother swept away with the breeze. Instead she thought solely about Titan and her. She loved hanging out with her 'best friend'. Little did she know she was developing a crush.

"Oh," Danica replied feeling disappointed. She understood though...she had left her family. She just hoped that maybe he would take her with him? She refused to stay in Whisper Caverns without him. She would leave to go back to her mom...She figured. Maybe comfort would be there? Beside @Nina again.

The girl felt some frustration as she tried to gain his attention. He was absorbed by whatever had moved. Softly she whined at him...low and sweet. When he finally looked at her she grinned triumphantly. She felt she had won as their glance met up. His eyes seemed to be asking her what in the world she was doing. Man, she wasn't sure. The whole comforting a friend idea was feeling intense now. Not in a bad way, though.

Too soon did she loose him again. She frowned and looked over...nothing. She sighed softly and found herself to be rolling her eyes. For a moment she had foolishly expected something to be there. Feeling him bump into her she giggled and released Titan unwillingly. Her head turned to face him, uncaring about the world around. She felt him lean in and she copied him. Hesitantly, giving him an unsure and frightened expression, she placed her head on his shoulder. She was scared that he would reject this.

Dani sat there listening to the nature as a thought crossed her mind. Was this a normal thing for friends to do? Be this close? She then realized that she had put herself in an odd position, and loved it. Maybe this was getting a little to weird for her? Slowly she lifted her head as she thought of moving. She liked being next to him though, and quickly an inner battle ignited.
(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2014, 03:30 PM by Danica.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
His blue orbs came off of the forest and floated back to a disappointed look on Danica's face. His brows came together as the dark wolf looked at Danica and wondered if he had said something wrong. Her head was now lightly paying upon his shoulder, and for some reason Titan didn't shirk it off. He actually enjoyed her closeness. Like that of a mother assuring her child. Though for some reason it was Danica instead of Nari assuring him that everything would be okay in the end. A sort of inner peace was beginning to settle upon him as he sat there sharing warmth with the she wolf beside him.

"I have to say though... If I ever did get a chance to leave... even just for a little while. I would ask for only you to come with me. No one else understands me like you do. I mean you've been through all that I have experienced before. I wouldn't mind exploring the world with you to hunt beside." He spoke softly hoping that his words may ease the disappointment he had made Danica feel earlier. Titan wondered if his sister would have liked Danica, or they would have butted heads like he often did with Malia. He hoped Malia was looking down from wherever she was and watching them. The young Thorben also hoped that he would never lose anyone else he loved, Danica included.

As Danica lifted her head as if to move, Titan slid his muzzle closer touching her cheek lightly. "Please don't go." He asked with a desperate look in his eyes. Titan didn't ever want Danica to run out of his life. He wanted her with him, wanted to be with her for as long as he could.