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Refreshments anyone? — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
The silver pelted she-wolf traversed the rocky terrain with a slightly slippery grace. Twice she’d almost fallen flat as the rocks moved without her permission under her paws, but she’d managed to skitter to the side in time to avoid taking a chilling dunk in the reportedly frigid waters of the Cold Water Creek. From where she was she could feel the chill in the air from the spray flung into the atmosphere as the creek rushed and throttled rocks, slowly eroding away at the soil and the sediment carving its way deeper and deeper into the earth.

A sneeze erupted from her suddenly as most sneezes came and she fought for balance on the moss covered slope, wobbling before ultimately regaining her footing. I’m going to kill myself here, this is how I’m going to die, she thought rather sourly.

Trodding on ahead she came upon a piece of sloping bank, mostly free of rocks and sandy in soil. Setting her paws onto the slushy ground she moved closer to the rushing creek, finding out what the hubbub was about the water. She’d heard that is was refreshing, though she felt like if she were to drink it that it would turn her innards to ice. Still, she figured she’d try it. After all, she was more than open to trying new things, which had to be fairly evident in her being a lone wolf.

Inching closer to the water she dipped her head, sniffing at the liquid. It smelled slightly murky and, of course, a bit like a lake as most water did but other than that it seemed to be fairly pure. If it had been contaminated by feces or man-made pollutants it would create an acrid smell that would make the sniffer want to crinkle their nose in distaste. Hesitantly she flicked out her tongue, gasping in surprise at how cold it was. Instead of taking a drink she ended up inhaling the liquid instead, sending it to her lungs and, as a result, caused her to heave into a fit of unhealthy sounding, eye watering coughing.
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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
The sound of a sneeze drew her attention and caused her to frown as yellow eyes searched for the noise. Neoma had been standing by the creek bed, having been eyeing off the fish that swam in the water below. However, as she turned back to the water, it was noted that it would be better off for her to simply leave. The aquatic animals weren’t coming close enough to the surface for her to snatch at them from the water and with the rain looking as if it was about to fall, the creek was in danger of becoming even more treacherous if she stepped into it.

Yet the sound of coughing drew her attention away once again she turned to leave, causing the frown to return. Who else was at the creek and so close to the swarthy female? Curious, Neoma stepped carefully towards where she heard the sputtering coming to an end. Only to find another wolf gasping for breath with fur that looked quite ruffled and dirty.

“I would suggest a smoother part of the creek to bathe in or take a drink from.” Neoma told her, a kind note in her voice. “This part is quite rough. Though I’d wait out the storm that’s brewing.” Nodding towards the sky, Neoma watched the other carefully. “I guess I should be asking if you’re okay? Sounds like you breathed in the water instead of just drinking it.” Her voice carried a joking tone this time, a jovial glint in her eyes as she spoke.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
The silvery she-wolf was finally able to take in a clear breath after a moment before she was startled suddenly by the presence and voice of another wolf. Turning swiftly with ears pinned she backed up a bit, hind paw mere inches from the edge of the frigid water.

Gathering up her wits about her she took another deep breath, ears slowly rising as the similarly built but vastly different colored she-wolf spoke. Until she finished Namid had kept a slightly guarded stance, but the gentleness in the voice of the wolf whose charred pelt and piercing eyes should suggest otherwise soothed her wariness and she relaxed.

“Oh, thank you. I suppose you’re right, I didn’t even notice the sky until now.” And it was true. She’d been through the forest all that day, covered by the canopy of foliage high above her. Lifting her mismatched gaze to the sky she gazed at the rolling storm clouds, dark and ominous, and shuddered inwardly. Her least favorite thing was storms, they scared the crap out of her. It wasn’t a clear reason why to her, she had never had a reason to be afraid of them. It was just there and she, quite frankly, hated it.

Ears laying back again slowly as she latched her gaze on the sky she slowly shuffled her way away from the creek which seemed to be growing angrier by the second. “Does there happen to be any free caves anywhere, shelter perhaps?” She asked softly. Fear was slowly clawing its way up her stomach and into her brain, clouding her thoughts with its angry fog.
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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

His paws lead him past the borders on the gloomy day – above, the skies rolled, grey and threatening to break out rain or possibly thunder at any moment. The weather bothered him little.. after the past winter, rain was welcomed by the pale regal.

With the pups nestled at Borlla’s side, the Argyris man strode across the lines marked as his own, winding down the creek that complimented their home. Phineas did not look for anything in particular – his eyes strayed to the area about him, seeking any tracks that might lead to a potential hunt. The Glen pack had sat for too long, waiting for winter to pass.. it was time once more to run together, and to do just that, he fully intended to celebrate the birth of his children with a feast.

Yet it was not potential prey he would come across. A familiar voice sluiced the air – one he did not trust and had made as much clear. Neoma, however, still remained within the ranks, surpassing his expectations of what her intentions had been. With a wayward sigh, the pale wolf prowled forward, his ivory pelt bristling as the wind swept past him, reminding him once more a storm was coming.

Coming to view, the fiery-eyed male came across the sleek black of Neoma’s figure, his eyes only briefly looking to her before taking in the stranger. He had missed the conversation, having only heard their drifting voices from before, though it was clear the stranger was nervous by the simple shuffle of her paws and the way her ears had slid back to her skull. Neoma, he greeted, casting her a questioning gaze. Was she terrorizing rogues, now?

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
The poor girl looked much like a timid pup at that moment, shivering at the gusting wind that now seemed to buffer them all. A rustling could be heard and she turned to see a rather large, pale wolf with eyes the color of a blazing orange. The way he carried himself hinted at power and his voice as he called a name, presumably the female she’d been talking to, left that to an almost certain assumption. This would be the first time she’d come in contact with a wolf of higher stature than a lone wolf, such as herself, or a subordinate and she immediately became concerned. She didn’t believe that she had treaded onto the territory of a pack, but the mist kicked up by the creek could certainly mask a smell enough that it could go undetected if one wasn’t paying attention enough. And lord knows Namid hadn’t been.

The knot in her stomach tightened in nervousness, but if this male were to be angry at her presence she suspected he would have already made it known. The knowledge of how pathetic she must look hit her hard and made her straighten her posture, though not to one of pride or to show a sense of being better than the other. Her stomach still churned and her paws still felt quaky, but she hoped that she no longer seemed like a wolf to be taken advantage of or one that was completely pathetic. “Hello,” She said, her voice gentle and dampened with nerves. But other than that, she sounded rather normal in her perspective.
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