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Hold My Hand — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

Tags: @Minka @Kova and @Noble though others welcome to join!

Beren had only been here for a day and he was already enjoying it. The wolves seemed fairly friendly and the location of the pack was wonderful. They had fresh fruit, blackberries, growing around them and the smell of damp earth was a warm welcoming scent. It made him smile every time he took in a deep sniff of it. Which left him having a smile on his face almost all the time.

He had been laying basking in the sun of the warm afternoon when he decided it would be best to get up and try to be social with the members. He wanted to make a good impression upon the pack, especially if he was going to stay in and with this pack for a while. So off he took his tank-like build body to the main pack area where the scents of his family lingered.

A particular wolf crossed his mind. Minka had it been? The female alpha leader. Beren was interested on meeting her and maybe the children too! Oh how he was joyed when it came to meeting wolves younger then himself. They were usually energetic and bouncy leaving his heart to be warmed by it. Meeting the children would also allow Beren to get a good connect and close relationship with them for in the future when he was aspiring to become a teacher or care taker to the pups. With an excited tone in his voice Beren craned his neck around before softly calling out. "Hello?"

(This post was last modified: Jul 11, 2014, 10:25 PM by Beren.)

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
if it could only be like this always -
always summer, the fruit always ripe...

It had been some time since his feet had actually touched the ground. For the past few hours he had been circling around the northern part of Relic Lore for something. He had just fled from the scene where Morganna and Naia were conversing when he saw yet another wolf, one as dark as the Willow Ridge princess herself. The rook decided to stop by, but not without customarily picking up some sort of token, an offering of some kind. Stumbling over his own two feet in the grass and nearly ending up belly-down in the blackberry brambles, he clumsily righted himself. He folded his wings and began his search, poking his head and beak through the thorns and berries until he found himself engulfed in a thicket.

When he finally emerged, he held in his beak a cluster of three juicy blackberries. He strode out into the open air, fluttering upwards every so often in attempt to find the lone soul he had passed over. Where was he? He squinted his beady black eyes. Oh! There he is! There... Spreading his wings he flapped on over, the scent of the pack wafting over him. The thought struck him: perhaps, this fellow was not as alone as he had initially thought. He belonged to someone.

The raven sought out a decent place to land, somewhere where he could be noticed but not so close as to outright scare the lad. A patch of grass just beside a couple of ordinary shrubs ought to do. He gently set the three berries down and called to Beren with a soft croak of a characteristic raven squawk.

Hello there...

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova was sitting by the den hidden by blackberry bushes when a deeper boy voice called out. It said "Hello?" which made Kova wonder who was saying hello to who? No one else was nearby spare for he and his sister. Kova had been chastised by his parents for thinking that a stranger at the border had been his pack mate. Now he knew better than to talk to any wolf who didn't have his mothers, or father's scent upon their coat. The silver pup crawled forward tentatively wondering who was so close to the den. The voice that had called out had not been a familiar one, but normally wolves who were close to the den were pack mates. So Kova was split between wanting to obey his parents and stay away from strangers and his own curiosity over the new pack wolf.

Knowing how close the den was and that other pack members were close, Kova decided to go see who the male was. Beren had only been fifteen or so feet away from the den. The voice had come from the western direction and so the Lagina pup trotted towards a gap in the blackberry bushes only he could fit through. The bushes arched over and above the boy hiding him from view of any creature that might be interested in the pup as a meal.

A shadow passed over the boy darkening the earth and bushes for a moment before light once more graced his silver coat. Kova glanced upwards to catch a glimpse of a large black bird flying in the same direction that he walked. Curious Kova already knew that birds came in all shapes and sizes, but that had been the largest one he had seen. Peering past the canopy of bushes Kova stood on his hind legs and tried to spot the big bird again but it was gone. Sighing the child dropped to all fours then continued moving towards the place where the voice had come from.

Hello? Kova called hoping the voice would answer back and guide him towards it.

Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

It seemed Beren wasn't alone, but it wasn't a wolf greeting him. Instead it was the squawk of a raven calling out to him. Awkwardly this made Beren wag his tail with pleasure. It seemed friendly to be just a raven. Watching it bring three berries to him Beren lowered his body down to the ground to look at the raven on a more leveled scale. "You seem rather kind Mister Raven." He had no idea if the bird would understand what he was saying or not but it was worth a try. Even if he did seem kind of crazy for it.

Slowly moving himself to the raven as if trying to not scare it away Beren offered a quick nod to it. "Wait right here." The dark male wouldn't be surprised if someone was looking at him from in the distance thinking he had lost his wits. But wagging his tail happily and smiling Beren moved over to one of the closer blackberry bushes. Sniffing around for a few moments he carefully picked a flower which had not managed to bloom yet and two berries. Turning around he was quick to move back to the raven before setting his own gift on the ground. This was okay to do right? If he was to be given something then he should give something. Looking to the bird hopeful he nosed closer to berries hoping not to scare off the raven. Maybe this was the beginning of an awkward friendship.

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
if it could only be like this always -
always summer, the fruit always ripe...

"You seem rather kind Mister Raven." the canine replied. The bird retorted with something between a chirp and a cluck as the wolf drew forward before backing away. "Wait right there," he had said. The raven tilted his head, Alright then... But what was this? Out of the corner of one of his beady black eyes he caught sight of a young cub. Not even half a year old, by the looks of those large, pointy ears and sizable paws. He righted the angle of his skull and lowered himself to the ground, looking very much like a hen perched atop a nest of eggs.

In a rather flighty manner, the raven gave a jolt when the youth's voice sounded out in a rather curious "Hello?" Beren returned and his attention was drawn off of the cub completely. Yep. There was a pack here. No doubt about that...

The older wolf seemed to have something in exchange for his three ripe blackberries - some of the first of the summer season. The rook angled his head this way and that, using both eyes to discern what he was being given. It was a fair trade, but with the pack cub being so close, he figure he would share. Cautiously and gathering every bit of nerve he had, he quietly inched forward to pick up one of the berries in his beak. He looked toward Kova then skipped on over, hastily rolling the small fruit in his direction. Adult wolves, he could manage, but cubs... Cubs were iffy, especially if they thought of him as a rough-and-tumble sort of playmate or, Spirits forbid, a toy.

As soon as the berry had left his mouth, he perched back up atop the dense foliage that formed the thicket beside the pack den, peering down at the two pack wolves. All throughout the Blackberry Fields, the thickets and brambles now held a bountiful harvest fit for a monarch, its vines encumbered with mature, fully-darkened blackberries...

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova trotted forward more still as he heard words being uttered very close by. His gleaming blue eyes caught the glimpse of a dark shape behind a thick stand of bushes. Slowly the child padded around the bushes gleaming with ripe blackberries as his ears tilted forward listening to the voice.

"Wait right here." the strangers voice spoke just as Kova walked into view of the larger dark wolf. He stopped in his tracks thinking that the male had ordered him to wait while watched the dark mans tail disappear into the thicket. The shuffling of something caught Kova's attention as the boy sat there waiting. Looking past the bushes to his right with wide eyes the young wolf spotted another dark shape on the ground. It was big but shaped like a bird. You're a big bird aren't you? Kova spoke softly not wanting to scare the creature away.

He had never seen a bird this close before! Usually the little ones of all kinds of colors could be seen eating berries out of the bushes while he watched hidden in the mouth of the den. The closest bird he had seen was a robin catching a worm while he had been with his parents. Looking over the birds glossy wings in amazement Kova kept quiet and stayed still like the male had ordered him. At least until the male came back and startled the pup. Then he flinched and looked at the male who still had not seemed to notice him.

Watching from half way behind the big thick bush still the Lagina pup noticed the berries the male had in his mouth. It was just then as Kova looked closer that he spotted the berries on the ground a few feet away form the big black bird. Quietly he watched as the stranger wolf put the berries down in front of the bird. Immediate interest arouse in the pup as his head cocked to the left side and a thoughtful curious look spread over his face. Why is he giving the bird berries? Is it a nice bird? Kova questioned inside his thoughts while watched the bird turn to look at him. As soon as the bird looked to him Kova ducked his head a little nervous of the creature.

Then the bird picked up the berries and hopped closer to him. Kova tensed afraid for a moment as the bird rolled the berries to him. Then curiosity took over and the child straightened himself after the bird flew up and perched in a tree? or a large bush of some kind. Why are you giving me berries? Kova called to the flighty black feathered creature sitting upon its perch. Looking towards the adult black wolf and then back to the raven Kova licked his lips. He did like berries.

But if he gave something to the birdy maybe I should too? He cocked his head to the right now while thinking. But momma says it's rude to refuse a gift... Kova sniffed the berries tentatively before picking one off the stem and eating it. He grinned wide as the sweetness enveloped his tongue. Berries were very different from milk, and that other stuff that the adults were trying to make him eat.

Giggling happily the gray pup picked up the end of the stem that still had the flower and a single berry upon it. Then after looking at the male wolf Kova padded slowly to the base of the big bush tree thing that the black bird was sitting on. Lowering his head Kova dropped the gift back down to the ground then glanced around at the numerous blackberry bushes surrounding the area. Thank you birdy. This is for you, don't worry about me. I can get more berries from all over. Kova backed up two paces then playfully pawed the flower and single berry closer to the base of the tree bush before finally stepping towards the black wolf.

Who're you and what is this bird? Kova looked up at Beren then glanced to the glossy raven sitting like a king upon his branch throne.

Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

Beren watched the raven with a wide smile. Though as the raven moved so did Berne's head and gaze. It was then that the dark yearling was made aware of the cubs presence. Watching with curiosity at how the boy would act towards the raven he was honestly impressed. Yet it was quickly over as the raven moved to a perching spot and the boy questioned him. Offering a warm smile and quick wag he looked at the boy.

"I am Bérengère Dunn, though you may call me Beren as most do. And that bird is a raven. They are great wise birds. In a way they are just like us, yet they can fly among the skies." Casting a glance to the glorious raven Beren couldn't help but stare at it. Something about that raven made him want to awkwardly follow it around all day. The way he had interacted with it too was something special. Beren had never really talked and traded with a raven, or any bird for the matter, before.

Focusing his attention back to the boy in front of him Beren laid down against the ground. "Respecting the raven is important, remember that. If we respect the raven then the raven respects us in return. Just like you witnessed it also helps us. For example, it gave us berries. Now that is nothing too glorious but it could also help in a time of need." Beren had to quickly remind himself that this was a younger lad he was talking too. Taking a deep breath he decided it might be best to try and have easy conversation. Not something boring like respecting the raven. Although it was an important topic. "So, what is your name?"

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
if it could only be like this always -
always summer, the fruit always ripe...

The gesture had been kind, thoughtful and generous even, coming from a lupine creature; but as the raven saw it, this summer's bountiful blackberry harvest was for them. After a hard and harsh winter and all the months it had taken the packs to rebuild their numbers, recover their health, and recoup as a community or family, they, above all, deserved it without question. The silver-furred cub's attention was soon snagged by the older wolf - the yearling, Beren - and immediately the bird inwardly smiled. It would seem that he was educating the lad. How kind.

He wiggled his ink-black tail feathers, eagerly listening to the sound of his voice despite not understanding too much of it in his physical form. His head tilted thoughtfully before he gazed up to the sky. It seemed like it was a good time as ever to leave and let the two gentlemen below him carry on with their conversation. He let out a soft coo to them both before extending his wings to the full range of his wingspan. Leaning forward and fluttering his wings a few times, he tested the summer breeze, seeing and feeling it weave across the meadow and through the trees. Once it had picked up and ruffled his feathers did he lift himself into the air, traveling upward and outward without any general inclination as to where he was headed next.

To the east he had the whole of the Thicket, to the west was the Secluded Springs and the lonely mountain range, to the south was the Orchard and beyond it the Southern Eden regions of Relic Lore. He called loud enough so that the two wolves he had left could hear his last farewell, then, just like that, he was gone on the wind...

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Totally forgot it was my turn. Sorry ^^

Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova glanced back at the raven curiously until Beren started to answer his question. Then his eager blue eyes turned back to the large dark wolf's face. Raven... The boys thoughts echoed as he listened wholly to the description given to him of the big black bird. He smiled brightly then began wagging that tiny silver tail before glancing back and noticing the bird still there just watching them.

If he is like us do you think he wants to play? The question asked asked just before Beren started speaking about respect. Kova's ears swiveled up then down again. He knew what respect was. His pappa had told him about the word. It was something that was shown to others. However Kova still didn't understand just how to show it. He knew that it was a good thing but not of the actions to go through which give and receive respect from others. Unbeknownst to the child, Kova had actually been giving respect to the raven by not taunting, scaring, or annoying the bird.

Beren looked down at the gray pup warmly as he asked of the boys name. Wagging his tail happily Kova answere, My name is Kova Lagina prince and heir to this pack! puffing his chest out proudly, raising his head and tail, and taking the stance of a dominant wolf. Just like how his father showed him, Kova strutted right up to Beren's paws and looked up at him. Then after a moment of looking up the child let his shoulders, tail, and head sag. How was he supposed to look intimidating if the other wolf was so big?

Why am I so short. I want to be as big as you already! Kova complained as he moved into the submissive position onto his back and pawed at the air amusing himself. His head snapped to the side curious as the raven cooed at them. As it lifted itself off with great black wings, Kova uttered a whine. He didn't want the bird to leave. It was the first and only nice bird the pup had met.

Then it was gone flying high in the skies someplace.

Turning his attention back to the black wolf, Kova let out a playful growl and reached for the older wolf's legs with his paws. Rolling around on his back towards Beren, the Lagina reached his jaws forward to nip at the mans ankles.