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Beauty in the Skies — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn
Bérengère Dunn

RE: There is a meteor shower tonight. All welcome<3

A body. Not a dead one, no, this body was alive. Although by the way the body was laying one might think of him as dead. Laying on his left side, eyes closed, breathing slow if barely noticeable. It was just him being relaxed. Nothing to worry about at all.

As the water decided to wake him with kissing at his nose fiery eye opened wide. Slowly but surely he rose to his feet. Shaking the dirt and sand from his dark coat before proceeding to stretch himself out. When the blood started to flow through his legs and down to his paws was when Beren decided it would be best to move. Letting himself move into the water for a night dip. It's coolness refreshing his sore pads and tired legs. Wagging his tail lightly he allowed himself to take a few drinks. His thirst being quenched. Now all he needed was some company and a snack, then he would be perfectly fine.

Catching something movement in the sky he was quick to lift his head. Meteors! Or as other's might call them, shooting stars. Either way this brought a small smile to the the boys face. Watching a few zip by he was fascinated by them. He had heard stories of such things but had never actually seen them. Tonight would be his first night experiencing the beauty the skies had to offer.

this world spins from the same unseen forces that twist our hearts.
(This post was last modified: Jul 07, 2014, 06:42 PM by Beren.)

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Kodokuna who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kodokuna Zeff
Kodokuna gazed up at the sky, water dripping from her muzzle. Bright objects were flying around the sky. She stared in awe for a few moments before moving along the bank of the spring, sauntering about alone. She knew the fiery sky was special, to be looked upon in awe, but it was nothing special to her. Just moving stars.

With a yawn and stretch Kodokuna dipped her two front paws into the shallows, watching her paws become covered in mud. She looked about and could see across the shore another wolf, smaller than she. Her ears stood high and her tail straight as she inched closer. It had been a long time since she had seen another wolf in these parts. The spring was not often visited by others.

Her neck extended as she smelled the air, hoping to catch the unfamiliar's scent. He seemed to be distracted by the meteor shower. Kodokuna gave a low growl and she moved to hide behind thick brush. The black half of her body proved to be useful in hiding her at night, but her white paws gave away her presence anytime she moved. As she continued her advance towards the stranger a stick snapped under her muddy paws giving away her presence to the young male. Kodokuna crouched down, hoping he was too distracted to notice her, barely 100 feet away from him.
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn
Bérengère Dunn

As a unfamiliar scent wafted into his nose his eyes were still set upon the shooting stars. Thinking that maybe the wolf was passing through he didn't say anything. Not yet. Yet when a growl and the snapping of a stick was heard by his ears Beren assumed he was going to get his company he wanted. Now all he needed was that food...

Bringing his head down he looked over to where the stranger was. She was quite the looker. Half of her white and the other half white. Same with her eyes and their dual colors. Her right eye a dazzling blue and her left a beautiful green. Offering a smile to her and a respectful nod. "Good evening miss. Did the shooting stars bring you out here?" His muzzle tipped up-wards motioning to the skies. A few more shooting stars zipping by them. A beautiful sight. One Beren may never forget in his life, or as long as his mind could hold it close.

Wadding out of the water slowly the dark boy took a seat on the shoreline. Examining the female he also noticed her larger size. Not that this made him feel threatened. It was simple a feature he noticed from her body. Deciding not to be rude and stare at her any longer Beren slowly averted his gaze to the water. Watching the reflections of shooting stars dance across the water.

this world spins from the same unseen forces that twist our hearts.

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Kodokuna who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kodokuna Zeff
Kodokuna gazed at the male, he was dark and his fiery orange eyes glowing in the light of the meteors. She didn't have all of her strength but that was no concern, he didn't seem to want to challenge her in any way. Kodokuna gave a soft nod toward him and straightened the best she could muster.

"I...uh hello." she muttered awkwardly as her tail switched side to side. She moved a few feet forward but kept her distance along the shore. Slowly, keeping her eyes on the fellow loner, she lowered her head to take a long drink from the cool water. She let droplets drip from her muzzle before lifting her head again to gaze upon the night sky.

She never took her eyes off the unfamiliar. She knew better than to let her guard down, she was hungry and weak from travel and the last thing she needed was a fight. Kodokuna sat for a time, deciding on how to address the stranger, would she trust the friendly demeanor he put off or would she leave now before anything could happen.

He doesn't seem a threat but... Her thoughts were scattered and broken, hunger numbed her judgment, perhaps this stranger knew where she could get food or hopefully...he had some? She looked down at her muddy paws and legs and the sticks stuck in her fur, suddenly embarrassed of her appearance.

"Are you a friend or a foe?" She questioned sniffing the air surrounding him as she turned to face the wolf.
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn
( @Kodokuna )
"I...uh hello."

A hello was appreciated but it didn't really answer his question about the stars. Instead of pushing her into answering the question Beren simply offered a warm smile to the female. Letting the silence wrap around them for a few moments the other spoke out asking a sort of silly question. Friend or Foe. Well if he had been a foe he would have likely made a move by now, so that really only left him to be a friend.

"I'm a friend Miss. Had I been a foe I would have already made my move on you by now." Chuckling lightly he hoped to get by that he was simple joking about making a move. It was unlikely that Beren would make a move on a woman he had just met. For she had done no wrong to him so he had no reason to bring wrong to her. Simple, common sense. Or so he thought it would or should be.

Flicking his tail he let his gaze slightly return to her. Looking into her eyes but not out of dominance. No, there was a shine of happiness and friendliness in his eyes. "I think the question is though, are you a friend or a foe?" Allowing his ivory teeth to to form another small smile he looked at her hoping that he wouldn't scare her off. Beren was dying for company so she was just what he was looking for. Maybe they could even spend a day or two together getting to know each other. It might help him in the future too with friends and other social connections.
(This post was last modified: Jul 08, 2014, 11:06 PM by Beren.)

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kodokuna who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kodokuna Zeff
Kodokuna was taken aback by the fellow loners bluntness, what was he doing out here alone? She could tell he was just a bit younger than she, and this made her wonder. Perhaps he is a reject like I am... She thought with curiosity. Her head tilted as he asked the same question she had asked him only moments before. Was she a friend or was she a foe, could she possibly have found some company after being alone for such a long string of time.

"I am a fri-" Kodokuna's reply was cut short with the scent of a deer, her ears turned to her left and the rest of her followed. On the top of a small hill perhaps fifty yards away was a baby deer, alone. She let a low growl rumble in her throat. She stood but paused and looked back at the male, silently inviting him to join her hunt as she slowly moved toward the juvenile creature. It would be just big enough to satisfy the both of them, what would she do with half of a deer and no den to store it in? She licked her chops feeling the need to hunt take over her.

She had always been a hunter by instinct, it came to her at a young age and proved to be a valuable skill, normally a small deer would be easy prey but after having gone hungry for the past three days she knew she could not take it down on her own.
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

Tags: @Kodokuna

Listening to the female with attentive ears she was quick to cut herself short. Though from the short "Fri" she did manage to get out Beren was going to assume that she was a friend like himself.

The smell of deer was quick to linger into his nose and so did it with his new found company. Watching her trail off for a few moments he was left to wonder if she was leaving or going after the deer. But she was quick to invite him, and how could he say no to some deer? Quickly his paws followed after her being careful of stray sticks waiting to snap under his paws.

Looking over to the female Beren whispered to her softly. "I can run it to you and you tackle? Or do you wish for us to do a fair share of both?" His hunting skills probably weren't the best so maybe if they split the hunting jobs in a half and half way their chances would be higher at getting the baby deer. Though where there was a baby deer Beren was expecting there to be more too. A possible mad mother deer or a few of them.

Figuring it would be best to just focus on the deer they had now the male kept himself low and waiting for orders from the female next to him. Together this should be an easy job. As long as neither of them startled to deer to early or mad a move too late.

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Kodokuna who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kodokuna Zeff
Kodokuna was thankful that the fellow canine was willing to join her hunt, making the work much less tedious. "You chase, I take down." She agreed with the offered plan, her tone hushed and concise as she stalked the small creature. Kodo could tell it was no more than six months old, but it was plump for its age, a perfect meal for two.

Kodokuna's tail stuck straight in the air as she paused, one paw up avoiding a stick that would have given their presence away to the prey. She crouched lower, ready for the young deer to bolt at the next noise it heard. Her ears followed the example of her tail, standing straight upon her head, focused, listening. Kodokuna could feel her heart beat rise with excitement about the soon to be kill. She looked up to the sky, wishing she could how or bark but she kept silent knowing any noise could scare away the catch.

Kodokuna had always enjoyed hunting with a partner, every so often she would be lucky enough to find another loner willing to help drive a large buck out of the herd, making for an easy meal. She was not always a team player, but it did not hurt to have a partner during a hunt. Kodo stalked forward, watching carefully as the tiny creature grazed upon the hillside, eating the sweet flowers that peppered the green grass. She looked over to her friend, waiting for him to make his move.
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

"You chase, I take down."

Beren liked the sound of that. It made things a lot easier on his part. Trying his best to stay silent he moved himself just enough to be at the right angle where chasing it towards @Kodokuna would be easy. Waiting for just the right moment was hard. The young deer was alert. The deer's senses letting him know danger was near, yet it seemed the deer could not exactly pin point where the danger was about to sprout from. For a few quick seconds Beren and the deer made eye contact. Knowing that it was now or never Beren made the leap.

The deer was delayed but it was quick to recover. Moving as fast as his bulk allowed he could only hope that Kodokuna was ready to tackle this deer down. As it seemed to be moving fairly quick weaving here and there trying to escape the fate of death. Beren couldn't blame the deer. Had he himself been in that position he would be running frantic as fast as his legs could. Death was a fate no one, or almost no one, desired.

His pace was slowing down. Beren most certainly wasn't built for running so this was no easy task. He knew better than to stop though because (hopefully) this would all be over soon. Really all that was left was for Kodokuna to make a move. Or so he thought. Who knew what could happen. The deer cold escape or put up a tough fight.

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You