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giving you a night call, — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite moved through the territory, a bit better at navigating now than she had been days ago. As time passed she was improving at weaving in and out of the trees. Kite still did not think she looked as swift as Mirren, but her lean physique aided her in becoming this. She felt like water, bending to the will of the world that shaped her. And in this Woodland, she flowed. Kite also discovered.

She knew, for the moment, her life path.

Apart from being with Mirren, Kite wanted to exercise her ability as a scout. Even in the Plains she had been trained for the possibility of becoming that. Her mother had suggested it due to her uncanny ability to weasel things out of others with her genuine curiosity and hunger for information and how very quickly she could move.

Recently, she had come across a tidbit of information she felt prudent to tell either Nina or Miccah... whoever she came across first, really. But as it turned out, she was right on the doorstep of the packs matriarch... and she lurked near the entrance for a moment, nowhere near too close. Kite understood the protectiveness a mother held, and she sucked in a breath.

Miss Nina? Are you... busy? May I have a word...? She had not spoken too much to the woman since her acceptance, but had as best as possible kept her involved in her pursuit of knowledge. And now, Kite would give her the total update.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Nina had been tending to her three sons quite tediously, never allowing them to leave her or anyone else's watch. The memory of her dearest Tacoma's death constantly plagued her mind and she knew that she did not want another repeat of what had happened the year former. She had not had many visits from others, and truly, she found that she didn't mind. It gave her what time she needed to think and be alone to watch over her children. Now that all three of her former litter were already gone, Nina sometimes felt a certain loneliness, but she was happy she had children now, even if they were a constant reminder of Hollow and what they had shared. Either way, she loved her children and they would have many great figures to look up to within her pack. Koda had even tried to take charge to become what he had hoped to be in the past, and though it scared Nina half to death, she was pleased that he was putting forth the effort. Mirren had also been a great help to her. He, too, was like a son to her, as she had helped raised him since he was born and had attended to his health far before that. She knew that he was going to do his best to take care of her, she just hoped that he didn't spoil his own happiness in the process.

She was jarred out of her thoughts by a familiar voice calling for her. A happy light sparkled in her single eye when she recognized the voice and put it to a face. It was definitely her Tainn's friend, the one that he had brought to her. Mirren didn't bring just anyone to her, a wolf brought to her by Mirren was someone special, and Nina was sure that Kite was indeed, extremely special. And so, she was indeed, happy for him. ”Yes, Miss L'Crowe? Please, come in and meet the children....and, of course, tell me what is on your mind.” She moved her body into a sitting position and put her boys into a line from oldest to youngest and waited for her subordinate to enter.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite was swift to respond when summoned, her tail waving left and right slowly and her heart hammering nervously against her chest. It occurred to her then that Nina had cubs with her, and she was anxious to meet them; what if she stomped on them accidentally because of her lack of coordination/grace? Don't think that way, she told herself, you won't stomp on them...

And so without further adieu, she slowly crawled into the den, her head low and a quiet whine oozing from her lips as she averted her eyes. Her tail could not help but wave madly in the presence of the family, and she wriggled in place as she marveled at the small boys, forgetting for the minute why exactly she had come. They're perfect, she whispers, fearing disturbing them even though their eyes might not be receptive to hearing then. Kite's ears flatten submissively atop her head, and she looks the line up and down over and over again. Little puppy blobs. A startling thought popped into her head, but one she truly did not pay much mind to: I want some.

The epiphany was hardly a groundbreaking one, given she did not put much thought into the true meaning of it. Kite had not been personally interested in cubs before; she had never been old enough and always feared she would roll on top of them in her sleep. Kite never volunteered to puppysit for that reason alone... nevermind the fact that she would sleep on the job in her youth. It hardly was a desirable trait in any babysitter. Kite better served as a messenger, and a scout, and anything that did not involve jeopardizing the future of the pack. That had changed, of course, as her priorities did.

Kite remembers being summoned, and her eyes nervously fall onto Nina's paws. She did not yet correct the leader in her identity; she felt that Mirren would likely want to tell Nina himself, or even with her. So she waits, not mentioning this at all, and forgetting her initial purpose for the instant.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

A pleasant smile made its way onto the mother's face when she saw Kite enter the den. Her act of submission did not go unnoticed from Nina, and she nodded in another greeting to the girl. Golden ears twitched towards the other woman as she mentioned her children, a pleasant flush spreading across her features but being hidden beneath her coat. Opening her jaws to speak, words fell from them effortlessly, ”Thank you, dear. This is Unitas, Silentium, and Pacem.” She pointed to each one of her boys in turn, her love for them shining brightly in her single eye. Raising her head to look back towards her subordinate, she waited for her to say anything else, but something seemed to shift in the other woman, for she was looking down nervously at her paws. Concern swept through Nina and she was soon to address the girl.

So with parted lips, she spoke, ”What seems to be the problem? What is it that you came to speak to me of?” She hoped nothing dire had happened while she had been stuck in the birth den with her sons. Surely someone would have told her quickly if something had happened, or if someone was injured. Nina couldn't remember the last time she had given a lesson to one of the healers in training within the pack. Keeping her children close to provide them warmth from her body, she patiently awaited the other woman's response. Surely it was nothing big of importance if she wasn't jumping right to the point. Perhaps it was just something person that the girl had to get off of her chest. Nina could definitely deal with that.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
As the mother introduces them, Kite stores each name to memory so that she would never forget. The names were regal and powerful in their own right, elegant and fitting for sons of Nina. Kite was distracted by them, and only Nina's words pulled her from her reverie. Her eyes lifted to the womans forehead, not even thinking to disrespect the other by looking her in the eye. Remembering why she had come, the Tainn begins.

Ms. Nina, ah, I would like to be more of an asset to the pack and take on a role if that is okay with you. Specifically, a scout. I've been tracking prey and even the locations of medicinal herbs that I know of. I've a good memory so I can deliver any messages you might have to any leaders... Kite pauses, knowing she had something of particular importance to bring up. I met a wolf named Lugh, recently. He informed me of a new pack led by Minka and Tokino taking up residence in Blackberry Field. They call themselves Black Thorn Downs... Kite was quiet and waited for a response from Nina, wondering how she would take that news. The Field was very close to the Thicket and their home, which had made Kite herself uncomfortable. But if Nina was alright by this, she supposed she ought to be as well. Her own mother was less forgiving about wolves setting up camp so very close to her own lands... and even Kite understood the error in others doing that. Resources could be difficult to come by, and when it came to the season of winter, that was exceptionally true.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

A breath of relief escaped Nina with Kite's words. There was no reason for her to fear of anything happening to a pack mate. Too much had already happened and they had lost too many in the past year. It couldn't happen again and a meeting was going to be in order to make the rules clear to the newcomers. Hopefully, no harm would befall her children this year, and she had a few members who she could thank for that. Luckily, Kite was here to inform her of the pack role she wished to pursue and the mother had no problem granting the girl what she hoped to have. So with a complying not, Nina listened as her subordinate pressed on, a frown on her face at the news. Minka and Tokino were the ones that had betrayed Narimé and taken Inali with them. This fact worried Nina, for if what Kite said was true, which Nina was sure correct, then it would mean they were in between Whisper Caverns and Secret Woodlands, making the traveling distance between the packs slightly longer.

Clearing her throat, he voice was much more serious now, hoping that Kite would understand this matter. Parting her jaws, she spoke quickly, ”My dear, now that you a definitely a Scout I need you to send a message to a dear friend of mine. You will address her as Lady Thorben, she resides in Whisper Caverns, which is in Hush Meadows, south of our dear thickets. I need you to tell her exactly what you just told me and avoid the pack that you just mentioned to the best of your abilities. They are not to be trusted and certainly not our friends, do you understand? Whisper Caverns is allied to the Woodlands pack and it is imperative that this message gets to the Lady very quickly. As soon as you return, we will have a pack meeting and I will go into more detail of what is going on.” She remained silent then, allowing her subordinate to remain where she was and ask any questions, should she have any.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
The other—her leader—addressed her then as a scout, and Kite's heart skipped a beat. A large smile came to her features then, but her lips shifted into a straight line as soon as Nina continued. Lady Thorben. Whisper Caverns. Avoid the pack in the fields, and tell Lady Thorben everything. Kite nods, taking this all in, and preparing for her journey. I understand, she responds, nodding. And she did. Loud and clear. Is this only for the ears of Lady Thorben? Does she lead with anyone else? If the woman Nina spoke of could not make it to the borders, Kite wanted to be sure that the leader of the pack they were allied with got the news. It sounded like it was imperative to do so, and Kite did not want to fail her leader.

She paused, giving Nina room to respond, before asking, Is there anything else you'd like to be relayed to them? If there was, Kite could get it all out to Lady Thorben. She did not mind taking multiple trips, but if Nina needed anything else told immediately Kite was prepared to do so. The scout waited, prepared to go if that would be all. She would not fail her leader. Kite had learned today, and intended to learn more. But the immediacy of the situation caused Kite to decide that she would wait to ask her anything else until the next time they were in one anothers presence, which Kite was sure would not be too long. The Tainn was swift, and would do her duty.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Nina watched, pleased as Kite soaked in all the information given to her and the mother was glad that she had someone within the pack who could relay information so quickly now. It would surely be much more convenient for her and the pack as a whole. When her own questions were asked she gave a slight smile. At first she hadn't wanted to reveal her brother to Kite, but then realized it would come up later in the meeting, and Kite wouldn't have time to dwell in the lands and tell anyone of his brother's leadership. So she spoke clearly, ”Yes, Sir Hervok, my brother leads by her side. You may also inform him of the news...and please tell him that now that he has this information I said he couldn't make any rash moves.” She remained silent then, her ears pricking when Kite spoke again. The alpha had to mull over these words for quite awhile, not thinking of anything else that could have been of important news.

She shook her head at Kite, ”No, not that I can think of. Just that our alliance remains with them and Willow Ridge and if they need anything to let us know.” She paused then, considering what she said, and just before she allowed Kite to leave, she stopped her, ”Actually...I need you to tell them who the male lead is...and that there is going to be a shift in leadership soon. And...my dear, I would appreciate if you would continue to keep that information to yourself...and please, also tell my friends that as well.” And with those final words she bid Kite off, hoping that the information would travel fast.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
EDIT; One more post from u and I'll archive dis xoxoox

Kite listened to her leader, intent on getting all of the words and hearing them right. The newly married woman was surprised to hear of a brother in the area, and that led as well. She supposed leadership and the traits of a leader could be genetic... and the thought made her think, momentarily, of her own potential. But she swept away the thought. So long as Nina led, Kite would not oust the woman from her place unless she was truly too weak to lead. Nina, even with one eye, Kite could tell was formidable. The advantage was likely hardly an advantage at all, as Nina had probably lived so long with it. Nina had taken her in. Kite had some sort of moral compass, it would seem... though sometimes it did waver when her ambitions seemed to get the better of her.

Kite continued to listen to Nina, who had more to say. Although she had listened well to everything she had said, Kite's ears leaned forward at the words change in leadership. The Tainn licked her chops, wondering what exactly Nina meant. Miccah, no longer leading... But then if not him, who. Still, Nina did not continue, and the tawny female presumed that was for a reason. Will do, She says with a nod. I'll come back right after. Nodding, Kite looked to the boys once more before slipping backward, moving to inform Mirren she would be leaving to deliver Nina's message. Kite would not go one place without his knowing, goodness forbid anything were to happen... but also, because he was now her other half.
(This post was last modified: Aug 16, 2014, 02:10 AM by Kite.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health