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World on fire — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
@Vera @Anouke

Florence had an ardor for Vera, enough of it to lumber after her when she yipped happily at him about the red hill to the north of their home, her tail whipping behind her excitedly about possibly seeing a new unknown place. Florence had been reluctant at first, upon seeing the hills in the distance for the first time as the sun above them and highlighted the right red colouring of the landscape. Really, he had only given in because of the thoughts of the possible herbs that grew there. It seemed like a place for Ergot, something they could always have a use for, amongst other herbs, perhaps even wormwood? They could never be sure either way.

Feeling the brush of Vera’s tail against his side, he smiled down at her and returned the favour, just barely before she bounced off excitedly. Florence chuckled. Vera always liked to find new things and explore new places, generally dragging Florence with her because...well, she didn’t really drag him along, he would eventually agree with her and tag along purely because he didn’t want her to go alone if she needn't go by herself. If it was a scout mission, he understood and make sure she got a proper farewell before she left. As a healer, he tended to stay close to home unless he was in need of herbs. Vera often teased him about being too easy to please, the large male happy to stay in one place if it hadn’t meant leaving Vera to herself.

But there was a feeling of something bad hanging in the air as they headed towards the hills, Florence’s chest tightening at the feeling that something was going to happen and he wasn’t going to like it.
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus
Note to self: Florence, Vera, Neo then Nuke

Once again, the diminutive ivory she-wolf had persuaded her larger companion to accompany her on an exploration through the lands surrounding their new home; she just couldn’t not discover the new places. It was as if something within her urged her on, and no matter how hard she tried to not listen to it, she eventually gave in. Not that she didn’t want to, no, she loved the time spent investigating new lands and putting it all to memory. The large red hills they were currently among would definitely be remembered for future trips.

Lightly brushing her tail against his side, Vera bounced off excitedly, head moving in almost three hundred and sixty degrees to see everything, and tail held up high, like a banner in the wind, eager to explore the large red hills. Though she was eager to explore the new place, she was always careful to keep in sight of Florence, as she knew he worried that she would get herself hurt. She felt great ardor for him, and knew he felt the same towards her, so she took great caution for him not to worry. But even that couldn’t curb her excitement at discovering a new place to traverse.

“C’mon Florence!” She called over her shoulder, hoping to get him to speed up his pace. She wanted to run ahead and explore every inch of the large red hills, but something didn’t seem right. There was something wrong with the air around them. It was like there was something – or someone - nearby that was radiating anger and danger, all the while waiting to pounce on its victims. That set her on edge, but she was still excited with her new surroundings. Pausing on a slight ridge, she turned around and waited, bouncing on her paws, for Florence to catch up to her.

307 Words

Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint

The dark she-wolf had been feeling restless in the territory and decided to investigate the east of the land she called home, calling @Anouke to come with her so she wouldn’t be alone. Not that she minded but if anyone asked, it was her simply showing him a place that most wouldn’t go near and to simply warn him of its dangerous nature. It was a smooth lie, Neoma having glimpsed the red hills before and noting the strange glow they seemed to obtain in the morning sun.

Anouke had soon joined her and as they glided across the slopes that headed towards the hills higher ground, her yellow eyes landed on two wolves heading towards the same red hills she and Anouke were heading to as well. The small white one, a female by the voice floating on the wind, seemed quite excited about something. She couldn’t quite tell. But it wasn’t her the dark woman was interested in. It was her larger friend, the male towering over his much smaller companion, that caught her attention.

He was strong and something to be wary of, that much she could tell of him just for his size. He must have been the biggest wolf she ever laid eyes on, before her brother. He was handsome, in a way yet he moved with a slow pace, obviously so his shorter legged friend could keep up with his long strides. A good wolf to try and recruit, and as she glanced back at Anouke, she hoped he spotted the same things she did.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

The moment he had heard the dark she-wolf’s call he had immediately risen from his sphinxlike position near the creek running through Magnolia Glen’s territory and padded with a ground-eating stride to the source of it. He could hear the restlessness in her song, and briefly wondered if something had been bothering her, though he would never directly ask her. In fact, there were many things he wouldn’t ask her, as they were things that would set her on edge and had a good chance of provoking her wrath, which would then be directed straight at him. All of it.

The Dark Hellion soon joined her further along the creek, and with a small bow – the slight bending of his forelegs and the dipping of his devilishly handsome face – they glided across the slopes of their territory, heading towards the large red hills southeast of their current position. He was curious as to why she called him to her for the journey to the high grounds, but did not question it. It was not as if he had to know exactly why, and he didn’t care if she didn’t bother to mention it to him, but he was still interested.

Upon arriving at the large red hills, Anouke spotted two wolves nearby; one that was extremely tiny with ivory fur, and another that was just as large as he, whom sported a black, dark and light brown coat. The smaller of the two rushed ahead, a female, by the excited, feminine voice floating on the wind and stopped as she stood on a ridge, turning to the larger of the two. He looked strong, and that was a very good reason for him to be recruited. Not to mention the ivory female could be used to relay messages to and fro – she looked agile and fast.

“What do you think?” he said, turning his dark head to look at the dark she-wolf, knowing that she knew what he was talking about. It was always a case of ‘are they good enough?’ when they met new wolves, as what was the use in communicating with a wolf that was clearly not of value to them? “The larger one looks strong, he can be of great value,” he stated, turning to look back at the two wolves, both on the opposite ends on the spectrum in both colouring and size. “The smaller one however, though she is tiny, she can be used to convey messages to others.” It was her decision that decided if they were worthy, and he kept silent, waiting for her verdict.

433 Words
Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
The feeling did not go away as they lept travelling, the feeling that they were being watched intensifying with every step taken. It set his nerves on fire at the possibility that someone was watching them, for whatever reason. Or was there anyone and he was simply being paranoid? Yet he’d rather not take that chance, if it were true.

”Perhaps we should turn back Vera, I have a bad feeling about these hills.” or rather, what possibly awaits us in them. he kept those words to himself, not wanting to frighten the other as he glanced around the area once he was caught up to the smaller wolf. Longer legs he might have but Vera was much quicker with her lighter frame. ”It feels as if we are being watched. What if we are venturing too close to another pack’s borders? I know there is one nearby, and I fear we might incur their wrath, especially if there are pups within.”

His instincts were proven true however, when his amber eyes landed on two darkly coloured wolves further down the slope and in an instant, his fur was on edge. One was as large as he was, the other medium sized yet didn’t stop him from thinking she was the one in charge when her yellow eyes settled on him. Something told him to not trust her, at any rate. ”Who are you?” He asked in a steady voice, meeting the she-wolf’s eyes. The scent of something sweet blew on the wind from them, telling him they were of a pack but not of Oak Tree Bend. ”We mean no harm and only hope to explore the hills. Perhaps you wish to join us?” Be nice and be patient. That’s what his mother always taught him.
(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2014, 12:27 PM by Florence.)
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus

Vera pouted slightly at her larger companion’s words, though inside she was silently agreeing. There did seem to be something… wrong with the red hills they were in, but as for what, she couldn’t put her paw on it. She stopped pouting when Florence stopped by her side. “We aren’t that close Fero,” she said softly, gently nudging his leg with her shoulder. “But I do not deny the feeling of being watched,” she added. Maybe they should go back home?

However, before she could voice her opinion, the diminutive ivory she-wolf felt Florence stiffen and looked up to follow his gaze. Her caramel brown eyes landed on two dark wolves: one as huge as Florence, and the other slightly smaller, but still larger than herself, as most wolves were. She had quickly gotten used to that; it no longer bothered her. Unless of course if they voiced openly about her tiny size, then she would react quite viciously.

Pressing herself close to Florence, practically gluing her body to his legs, Vera stayed silent as he asked the two dark coloured wolves who they were, before explaining why they were in the red hills in the first place. She could smell the sweet scent of flowers on the wind along with the thick and heavy pack scent of another pack. The two dark coloured wolves were definitely not a part of Oak Tree Bend.

As for why her larger companion would invite the two wolves to join them on their exploration of the new terrain she did not know, and showed her opinion of his decision with the slight flattening of her ears against her skull and a sliver of a growl that escaped from her closed jaws. She didn’t like the two dark coloured wolves – then again, when did she ever like other wolves? – and would rather be as far away from them as possible, even if it meant they had to return home without exploring something new.

329 Words

(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2014, 01:27 PM by Vera.)
[Image: ftmaHnn.png?1]
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Listening to Anouke, Neoma nodded. ”Both could be...” She was cut off when a strong voice carried over to them, asking who they were and if they wished to join them in exploring.

”We are simply exploring, just like you.” Neoma replied smoothly, staring down at the smaller wolf as she pressed closer to the larger male, making it clear the two of them would more than likely come as a pair rather than just one on their own. But what Anouke had spoken about previously was true. The small white she-wolf would come in handy as a messenger or scout, if they could be recruited. Yet it was clear that neither of them trusted the two dark wolves, judging by their posture. She would have sneered, had she not wanted to keep calm and at least attempt to be civil. ”We wish no harm either. We simply wanted to get away from pack life, for a few moments.” That part wasn’t a lie, at least for her. She had wanted to get away and by bringing Anouke along, it gave her the perfect alibi, for the two would lie for each other if needed.

”it is strange, to see such a companionship between one so large and one who is... rather small.” Neoma commented neutrally, still staring at Vera with faked curiosity. Not that they would know, they would think it genuine. ”in fact, I do not think I have seen a wolf so small before. It is an interesting sight to behold. A great scout you surely are, I would think?” Neoma had no idea how much trouble she had just gotten into.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

A simple twitch of an ear was his only response to the dark she-wolf’s affirmation of his observations of the two unknown wolves. She was cut off however, as the large dark male called out to them, questioning of they were and if the two dark coloured wolves wished to accompany them with their explorations. The Dark Hellion silently answered no to both the others’ questions. No he would not reveal his name, and no he did not wish to join them. But on the outside he remained indifferent; silent, letting the dark she-wolf speak for them. He did not bother with speaking, as she said all that needed to be spoken, so what was the use?

What did interest him was the tiny ivory female curling herself around the larger males’ legs, pressing herself against him so that she almost became one with his fur. She didn’t speak a word, just like him, but he could also see her ears flattening against her skull, almost in fear. Well, he could see why: two imposing wolves that radiated power and importance, seeming to be both uninterested yet curious by the tiny white wolf and the large black wolf before them. It was a sight to behold, and he could understand her fear at them. If he wasn’t the wolf he was, he would most likely have done the same while near a wolf such as that.

Anouke held back a chuckle at the dark she-wolf’s words which were not exactly the truth, but they weren’t a white lie either; a mix of both, one could say. His ears perked up at the mention of the tiny white female’s stature against the large black male’s own gigantic size. It was uncommon for wolves of such differences to be so close, but it wasn’t unheard of. Though her curiosity was faked, the Dark Hellion’s own was not, and he waited for the answer from the unknown wolves to her query with an interested manner.

332 Words
Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
Something was setting off all his alarms bells with these two. Something was not right with them, there was something...off between the two darkly colored wolves from another pack. Yet he couldn’t simply dismiss them either way. If they were as they say they were, then they had nothing to really worry about and yet if he was to follow his instincts and somehow insult or infuriate the pair...

Well, that was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. “My friend certainly makes a wonderful scout.” He replied to the female in a terse tone. Vera was a good scout, small and fast and able to go long distances. At least, more so than him. Not to mention she was quite pulchritudinous, as Florence often tried to convince her, not that she always believed him. She’d shoot back it was him who was the handsome one, giggling as she bounced between his legs.

Which reminded him the smaller wolf was pressed to his legs and glancing down, he noted her down turned ears and heard the soft growl. He knew she’d hate his idea for inviting them but what else could he do? For the time, the other two were just other explorers and it would have been proven rude if he told them to just leave them alone for no reason.

“And why we are friends is none of your concern. We get along and that’s enough for us,” The sound of his tone told them not to press further, if they knew what was good for them. It would sound odd, coming from him for those who knew the large gentle male but for those who didn’t, they would see nothing wrong or take offense. Hopefully.

“Might I ask your names?” He prompted, thinking if they accepted his invite, he would like to know their names.
(This post was last modified: Aug 27, 2014, 07:26 AM by Florence.)