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Waver no more — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
It seemed as if it had been months that she was traveling. That was all she ever did, since she was forced to part ways with her beloved mentor. Oh how she missed him. His strong yet gentle voice, the soft gleam in his brown eyes, and his earthy scent, which never failed to inspire reassurance within her. Jynx squeezed her bright eyes shut in a single moment of painful acknowledgement and acceptance. He was gone...and there was no turning back. As difficult as it was, she knew this is what he would've wanted. This phase in her life...it's what he taught her for. Defiantly, she raised her head again, giving a single slash of her tail behind her. Taking her sweet time, the tawny youth drank in her surroundings. "Now think, damn it. Keep calm and stay focused." She thought to herself sternly. She couldn't be stuck in no mans land forever, right?

At least, from what she had seen since she arrived in the region, looked promising. Far less desolate and uninviting than many of the other lands she had set foot on. Despite the welcoming atmosphere, there was still a problem. The blasted summer heat. It was right in the middle of August, and while fall wasn't that far off, for now, the heat remained. The air was saturated with moisture, while a gray blanket of storm clouds settled in the sky above. A front was coming through, and once it passed, maybe things would cool back down a bit. Grumbling softly, Jynx padded forwards, her fur snagging along some stray thorns. She was hardly concerned about her appearance right now. Finding somewhere to cool off was more important.

Some distance ahead, the rushing sound of water greeted her ears, which swiveled attentively. Letting the gentle rumble guide her, she soon traversed over a rocky ledge looking over the falls. Nearby, were a series of nooks and crannies carved into the stone, ideal for a temporary shelter. Careful not to slip over the slick surface, thanks to the rising mist from the falls, she crept forward to inspect a particularly deep recess in the rock. Yet she was cautious, sniffing around the border carefully. The last thing she wanted was to startle an angry mother fox. The scoundrels seemed quite abundant here.
Ophelia-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

He had been very careful about where to put his paws recently. By recently he meant that past three months all together. It was quite unfortunate but he had enemies lurking around every corner and it was that reason alone that he was always so cautious. Some said he worried too much but he thought that he didn't worry enough because the threats were out there any they weren't running to tuck their tails in front of some yearling with a scar across his eye. The emotional pain that was tied to that specific scar, the only scar upon his body, was what had made it sting long after it was already healed up and fine despite the rough appearance it had seemed to give him.

He personally liked the scar, a reminder of what he could do to himself and others, but a few wolves he had met felt opposite. He felt like other wolves, wolves he was just meeting, felt uncomfortable like he was about to attack because of it.

He had been pushing towards the falls all day and the heat had caused him to become desperate almost to reach the cool oasis he knew to be nearby. He remembered the last time he was there he had run into Nova and they had a chat about Aponi and Nova had gone as far as to openly despise her it would seem which had made Karp smile... to know he wasn't alone when it came to his views on the princess of the Keep who was no longer residing within the Keep. As he made his way to the water he could have sworn he had seen fur and a body attached to it. "Hello?" He called out in a soft yet curious voice.

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
So far so good. The little alcove in the rocks seemed to be abandoned. Well aware of the fact that the heavens could open up at any moment, Jynx wanted to avoid getting caught in a downpour. First she had been hot and panting, now her russet fur was lightly misted by the cool water from the falls. On her way passing through the Lore, she had come across many different scents of various wolves. Some belonging to a pack, others carrying nothing but their own lonely scent like herself. It would be nice to settle down somewhere here, she thought, but with her recent loss, she wasn't so sure if she was ready to take that step yet.

Jynx had been far too busy in her investigation to notice anyone who might approach. That, plus the added rumble of the falls drowned out the sound of footsteps drawing near. She had turned then, facing the open expanse before her, where the ledge plummeted sharply towards the waters below. The view was stunning to look at, but a fall from here would send any wolf to their death. A soft voice pierced through the commotion, just barely registering in her ears, which gave a tiny flick. Slightly surprised, she glanced to her left, sunny eyes quickly picking out the dark figure of another wolf.

"Oh hello. Sorry, I wasn't expecting to run into anyone today." Not with this miserable weather, but if there was any place be out and about, it was here, where the abundance of water would penetrate the thick fur of a wolf, cooling their skin. She took a moment to study him, but didn't let her eyes linger too long. He was young...just like herself. Darkly colored and in fine condition...a bit better than her. The scar over his left eye was obvious, but she did notice, she wasn't making it obvious. Besides, it was rude to stare. "Quite the view from here, don't you think? I wonder...if it is passable down to the bottom..." She pondered aloud thoughtfully. Jynx was still a little edgy, so she kept her distance, but made an attempt at some friendly small talk.
Ophelia-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

She had called out to him, making it possible for him to locate her to find her within the pool of water to cool off it would seem. Karpos would offer a small smile as she did not stare at the scar upon his left eye and for that he was grateful. Most were not so kind with such things. Was it too hopeful to think that she hadn't even noticed it? Jynx was edgy and uncomfortable which made him frown. She must have seen the scar to be acting such way. "Nor was I." He would respond to her first comment about not expecting to see another wolf about that day before he looked out at the view with her from the ground. It was a beautiful site now wasn't it.

It was a decent drop and not one he would dare to risk. She asked if it might be passable down to the bottom and he spoke the honest truth to her. "I wouldn't risk it. I don't know if it would be safe." He commented as he looked at her. She was in a bit of a rough shape but that was just the loner life taking it's effect on her. "I'm Karpos Slayer of Cut Rock River. Who might you be miss?" He asked as he dared to wade into the cool water. His chocolate brown eyes stared out at the view as he sat down in the pool. It felt nice against his skin and his fur both. Suddenly, he was glad to have trudged out into the heat.

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Jynx remained stationary, ankle deep in the shallow pool of water which was fed by the falls. So far, she couldn't really get a vibe on this black stranger, but he didn't seem at all hostile. She did in fact, not mind the imperfection on his face. If anything, it added character and an air of mystery about him as to how he got it. In her eyes, scars could be symbols of many hard won victories, provided the individual was of a strong character. She offered a light smile to him following his words, although a glimmer of shyness shone behind her yellow eyes.

"Well, that settles that then. I had no intention of climbing down...I'll save the exploring for a more comfortable day..." She replied, referring to the miserable weather. Even a curious young female like herself knew it was best to conserve her energy and wait for a cooler day to be more active. With a subtle twitch, her dark nose confirmed that this wolf, was indeed, a member of the pack. The scent of many other wolves was slightly suppressed due to all the moisture in the air, but it was there. With a gentle stretch, the russet she wolf eased into a sitting position, letting her eyes flutter half closed while enjoying the cool water penetrating her coat down to the skin. If Karpos was sharp, he would read her subtle body language and see the message, that he was free to come closer. With a blink, she turned her head to the side as he spoke up again. "Who, me? No one special...just a newcomer trying to find their way around. But I go by Jynx Dirol." Came her reply, her voice rather humble. Her lips curved up slightly, her tail beginning to wag. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Karpos."
Ophelia-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

It was funny how relaxed this female made him feel. She was a complete stranger and yet here he was talking to her like nothing was wrong in his messed-up life. He was relieved when she noted that she was not going to try and climb down, a relaxed smile sliding onto his muzzle as she said the words. She began to pass herself off as nothing special and gave him a name… Jynx. He would offer her an unconvinced look in return as he spoke his own wisdom that he had come by out of a year of experience. “In my entire year walking this earth, I have never met wolf, not a single wolf, which was not significant or important. Every wolf has a role to play; some just take longer than others to find what it is.” His words would come flowing up with a slight insecurity behind him. He believed the philosophy to an extent. He did not believe himself to be important.

He supposed it was the perfect irony to not believe in that himself when he had said it to her to reassure her that every wolf was important. What big role did he have to play yet? Were his dreams just wild fantasies that could spill trouble if not tamed? He had so many questions about life and the way he was living it that he did not know what to believe anymore. Was he sane? Was he a monster? Perhaps he should talk to his mentor, his uncle and almost, dare he say it, father figure. Perhaps he would have to bring the subject to Lachesis when he returned home. “The pleasure is mine Jynx. It’s a beautiful name you have.” He would offer as he dared to move closer towards her, looking out at the view the falls provided.

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
What luck she was having. Her very first encounter with one of the local resident wolves was going surprisingly well. Karpos seemed nothing but friendly and genuine, qualities which she appreciated, as they helped ease her apprehension. Her dark lips pulled up in a slight smile, shaking her head gently. So he believed that every wolf was special in some way or another, did he? "I may eventually find my true calling, but so far, I have none. Throughout my short life, I've had no pack to be responsible for, no expectations to live up to. Only my survival, mattered most." She stated the facts for him, reflecting her own view of her life thus far. But she purposefully left of that she had been born to two lone wolves, and did not mention her adoptive father. Jynx was by no means trying to argue with Karpos, for she indeed, did believe she would find her calling.

"Thank you. I didn't like my name at first, but it has grown on me." Once again, she would keep private the reasons why she had been dubbed with such a name. It meant bad luck...which was fitting, considering the tough lives her parents had led. Shifting comfortably from one side to the other, she faced the dark male fully. She was in no hurry to go anywhere, not while engaged in such a laid back, friendly conversation. "You said you were from Cut Rock River?" The name was foreign on her tongue as she said it for the first time. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you enlighten me about this pack, and any others you know of?" She liked it here in the Lore thus far, so it was time to set down some roots and end her nomadic lifestyle. With the seasons changing, she hoped luck would be on her side and she'd find herself a home sometime soon.
Ophelia-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

Karpos gave her a smile as she asked him about packs after telling him that she had yet to find her true calling. "You'll find it eventually. I've met plenty of wolves who had mindsets like yours. One of them was my father... As for packs, I know of quite a few. There is Whisper Caverns near here. The leader there is like an aunt to me but she doesn't like the pack I'm in very much and one of my other aunts is there... she gave me the scar. Then there is Cut Rock River where we value honesty and loyalty. If you can be productive, then you'd be fine. I've no doubts you'd do well there... I have. Then there is Hollowheart Keep north of here. They are really mean. I used to be there too before they kicked me out because their princess ran away and blamed me. I know there is a pack east of the mountains, at least one that is, called Magnolia Glen and my uncle Ace lives there." He let out a scpeal about the packs that he knew of... or most of them? He was pretty sure he had them all.

"Then north of here is Secret Woodlands but I don't know much about them. There is Willow Ridge... the leader there killed my father so I don't like them too much. Errmm... then there used to be my father's pack to the south east on the edge of the Lore called Pitch Pine Trail." He stated, thinking and hoping that he had finished his rather long synopsis of the packs. Perhaps it was short? He had no idea if it was long or short. He shot her a kind smile. "I'd really recommend Cut Rock River though. I could put in a real good word for you with my alphas Maksim and Kisla."

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Shifting on her belly slightly, in an attempt to get comfortable on the rocky ground, she focused on him with pricked ears. She dipped her chin in a subtle nod, absorbing the information he gave her. He mentioned another pack, which was close by. There were wolves he knew there, one of which had given him that scar over his eye. Jynx made a mental note to try and steer clear of this pack, but should she come across any of it's wolves, she would make her own judgments. As he went into details about Cut Rock River, she checked off a few things. Honesty, loyalty and productivity. She did like keeping busy, and she was never one to lie. Her loyalty would be solid, regardless of which pack she joined. It had to be, as she had never been apart of a pack before.

Her ears flicked back as he mentioned another pack...Hollowheart Keep. Apparently the wolves there weren't very friendly, according to him. "I'll do my best to avoid those wolves then. They don't sound like the type I'd want to associate with at all." Then over the mountain was yet another pack, where his Uncle resided. She nodded, glancing once in the direction of the mountain, as if wondering what it was like over there. Not that she had any plans on making such a tiresome journey anytime soon. Lastly, was another pack in the north and one more. Willow Ridge. She set her jaw at what he said. Their leader had killed his father...? A gentle gleam of sorrow came to her yellow eyes. She had been about to say something, when he mentioned his father had also lead a pack called Pitch Pine Trail. After he was all done, she shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. "Well...that certainly is an awful lot to take in. You...sure seem to know a good handful of wolves." She grinned slightly. "Looks like I know just who I can come to, if I ever need any information again." Indeed, Jynx seemed to think that Karpos was quite the informative individual. With his substantial knowledge and many acquaintances throughout the Lore, he seemed helpful.

She could understand why he, an already existing member of Cut Rock River, would recommend it. Perhaps if she joined, she would find herself in his place one day, trying to recruit new members. "Oh, you don't need to do that. But if you think it would help, then by all means go ahead. In the meantime, I'll certainly consider Cut Rock River as an option. Besides, it would be nice knowing at least one face, if I do join." For now though, she was undecided. She had more exploring to do, more wolves to meet. With each new experience, good or bad, she'd formulate her own opinion. And when the timing was right, she'd make her move. As for Karpos, he had given her a great start in her search. And for that, she was grateful.
Ophelia-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

He very much liked this Jynx character that was talking to him and gathering intelligence on the packs in the region to make an informed decision. He nodded in understanding as she informed him she would be steering away from the evil wolves of Hollowheart Keep. It was the right thing to do, truly it was. Aponi had probably caught the news of his banishment and returned to rule over the pack that was not hers with her little egotistic nature. Now that Karpos thought about it, Aponi was just a bitch and one day he was going to put her 6 feet under. Until that day, he would be brooding about it in his private moments. Stop it, you’re talking to Jynx. Don’t let Aponi ruin your life anymore. He scolded himself mentally as a small smile graced his muzzle.

Yes, she would be a terrific fit to the River wolves and Maksim admitted that they needed more recruits so what could the harm be? That reminded Karpos that he still needed to discuss sensitive matters involving Karpos’ own future with the King when he returned to the lands. “I know you’d make a great fit in the River and I can put a good word for you. Although, if you are interested, I’ve been looking to leave come spring and raise my own pack and right now it is a pack of one. I need more people to stand beside me and perhaps you would? I’ve got a few territories in mind and I can spew information at you if you want.” His offer was one out of what he saw in her. She was intelligent, strategic, and calm. He remembered talking to Ace’s relative and he trusted that perhaps he could rely on her to be another member. He had time. He had time to set everything out provided Maksim didn’t kick him out once he got wind of the plans.

The King of the River was not cruel like that so surely he would understand.