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The Forbidden Fruit — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

Beren was quick to return with the Black Hawthorn for the medics. He was fairly confident he had grabbed the right thing. Giving it to the male, Lugh, Beren nodded. "Here you go." When he gave it to the male he backed up again allowing all the room needed to be given to the healers, Tokio, and anyone else who may be playing a role in helping.

Sitting down mainly away from the rest of the group Minka was to show not to long after. It was obvious Minka was sending his talents else where. "Beren, go to the children, try and keep them occupied and away from the infirmary until I come for them." Rising to his feet he nodded respectfully at Minka ready to follow through with her orders. "Of course miss Minka." Looking around one last time before getting ready to leave he made a mental note to not under any circumstances let the children come this way. Unless he was ordered to bring them here under Minka's law.

Turning himself around he headed to the den where he knew the children would be playing, napping, or exploring. Making sure his pace was quick enough to reach the children before they heard and were interested in the commotion coming from this area was important. Soon enough his little jog turned into a well paced run. Beren could only hope the children, @Kova and @Noble, would like him and tolerate his doings with them. Maybe they would even put in a good word to Minka for him.

Beren's Exit

(This post was last modified: Jul 18, 2014, 11:04 PM by Beren.)

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

He lay quietly trying to stay still and let Lugh do his job. The gray male's gaze turning to each wolf as they worriedly watched or did whatever was asked of them by the healer. Then the drama started.

Inali came out of the bushes barking expletives at the older wolf as he lay on the ground. Shaking his head and giving off a deep chuckle from his silver chest. The Lagina wolf readied a retort to spout back at the enraged scout but was intercepted by Beren as he spoke up about Inali's harsh words. Tokino snorted at the boy who was talking up at his superior. Then he let a snarl appear on his muzzle despite the down to earth position he was settled in. Do not talk back to your second in command yearling... He let the rumbling growl settle between his jaws as its tone vibrated his hurt leg. Then the gray wolf watched as Beren obediently went to get some herb or tree plant thing form wherever it was he was getting it. Kino didn't care much for plants or the healing arts so he didn't really know where the healers got the herbs from.

Turning his head to Ryka, whom Tokino had missed the chance to greet as he growled at Beren, the older wolf flicked his ears in a quick hello. Then he looked to Inali and chuckled once more. I love you too Inali. he uttered the half comment-half greeting to his favorite subordinate and friend.

Then Minka showed up shoving her way through and pushing her muzzle into the scruff of his neck. Tokino twisted his neck and head a bit to greet her by thrusting his nose into her chest in a somewhat awkward loving embrace. Then he licked whatever he could reach before Minka backed away. I'm still alive aren't I? He smiled evilly before glancing at the herbs Lugh asked him to chew on. Slowly he bent his neck down and nibbled on the end of the herb before juggling into his mouth. Then he chewed obediently while watching the others work around him and ignoring the pain coursing through the lower half of his body.

I jased..da..ber...hold up.. Tokino juggled the chewed herb around his mouth to better speak to his mate. I chased the bear all the way to the edge of the thickets west of here before he got me good. Still I don't think we'll be seeing it anytime soon. He answered her question then began chewing on the herb once more.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

She didn't bother to aknowledge Lugh and Ryka at the moment, her current concern for her elderly best friend overwhelming all other feelings. A yearling spoke up, Beren, and she turned his way. An unusual snarl formed on her features and she felt the unnatural urge to push her rank on him. Before she could make a fool of herself, Tokino thankfully saved her by berating the wolf before he went off to go do something or the other. Inali didn't really care. Turning her full attention back on Tokino, all of her anger seemed to be swiped away by his words. The woman was practically beaming. Before she could respond likewise, her best friend and leader appeared, obviously wanting to see her mate. At Minka's gentle press, Inali quickly moved and let them have their little reunion.

Beren came back, carrying some herb that Ryka had requested. She watched as the healer and herbalist set to work, and Minka expressed her concerns to Tokino if he had seen where the bear had gone. As he mentioned the Thickets, the small fae stiffened. "The Woodland wolves..," she murmered in a worried tone. The scout felt the urge to immediately inform her friend of the dangers possibly lurking around her borders. But then she remembered they weren't friends. They were enemies. A flash of pain crossed through her icy blue orbs, before she connected her gaze to Minka, and then finally to the rest of them. "We should..try and move him..," she suggested uncertainly to Ryka and Lugh. They were the experts here. She didn't want to cause him any more pain than he was in now, but she also wanted him safe within pack territory.

Played by Trix who has 25 posts.
Inactive III. Healer
Ryka Tiaroth
(Sorry for holding this up!)

Just as she had requested, the dark youth had ran off to fetch the Black Hawthorne she had requested. With an appreciative look in her eyes, she watched as he vanished. At least Tokino's condition was stable, but even that, could change without warning. Shifting her eyes to Lugh, her partner, a thought occurred to her. How to secure the makeshift splint to Kino's leg. Shaking her head as if to try and clear her thoughts, she frowned at her own lack of quick thinking. Shortly after Lugh and Beren had returned with the items she requested, she shot them each a glance. "Just a moment. I have an idea how to hold that splint in place."

Leaving the others to attend to Tokino, while Minka instructed Beren to return to the den, Ryka dashed off into the undergrowth nearby. Using her sensitive nose and eyes, she tracked down what she was looking for. There, in a carved out hollow at the base of a tree, was a dense patchwork of cobwebs. They were sticky, also known for their integrity in holding together. Carefully, she pawed at them until they came loose, moving them over onto a fallen leaf. Gently grasping the leaf between her jaws, she returned to the group with the cobwebs. What both Lugh and Inali had said about suggesting to move him, had not fallen on deaf ears. Setting the leaf down, she nodded. "Agreed. But I want to at least stabilize his leg first so it doesn't aggravate the injury. Then we can stop by the creek on the way to the medicinal den." This she felt, was a fair compromise. She looked at each individual face, lingering a second longer on Minka's, for her approval.

Now, down to business. Into her own little world she slipped, with the others nothing but distant silhouettes and voices. Tokino, and the task at hand, was her only concern. As she slipped close to the elder male's side, she gave him an even look, but avoided eye contact. "Now, I will need you to try and stay perfectly still for this, okay? There may be some discomfort, since I'll have to maneuver the splint into place." She explained patiently, while letting him digest all of the information. Hopefully her Lead male was a cooperative patient. Grasping the stick between her jaws, she flipped it so the smoother end was facing up. With a nudge of her nose to his leg, she encouraged Tokino to shift it slightly. Gently, inch by inch, she slid it beneath his mangled limb, until it was perfectly aligned with the bone. Stepping back to examine her work with a critical eye, she finally was satisfied. Next, she pulled at the cobwebs from the green leaf, slowly winding them over the branch laying beneath his leg. She applied them generously, all over, and patted them down with a few gentle swipes of her paws. "It may not be the neatest job I've done, but it'll hold the splint in place. Thank you for being so patient, Tokino." She uttered softly, gratitude in her voice.
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Sorry guys! I didn't realize that it was my turn -.-

Minka couldn't help the slight relief she felt in her stomach at Tokino's teasing and his grin, he couldn't be that badly hurt. Half grinning back she leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Lucky for you or I would have done the job myself." Then pulling away she caught his eye and winked. The worry was instantly back when he mentioned the thicket and like Inali's her mind went to the Woodland wolves. Tilting her head slightly to the right she fought herself in a mental battle, for a few moments blocking out everything that was happening at the scene ahead of her. On one paw she was wary of the pack, they weren't her enemies but they were allies with the Caverns. Then again, wariness didn't qualify for cruelty and Nina probably had pups in the territory. With the image of her own pups cornered by an angry bear she shook her head slightly to clear her mind then turned to her second. "Go, warn the Woodland wolves and come immediately home, report to me the second you return." It was a tone she hardly ever used with her friend, one of authority that clearly stated do as I say and ask no questions.

The golden eyes looked away from the petite woman then and back to her mate, who the healer and herbalist flit around like butterflies doing this and that. When Ryka turned to her with was seemed to be a request for approval the leader felt her cranium nod, whatever she wanted was best. It was strange, how time seemed to be going so slow and yet so quickly all at the same time, it seemed an instant and an eternity before Ryka got the splint in place. Hesitantly the alpha moved closer, looking over the branch attached to her mate's leg, a question leaving her maw before she could stop it, "How do we move him without hurting his leg?" After there was only Lugh, Ryka and herself now, wouldn't the jostling make the injury worse?

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Tokino's clear blue gaze looked towards Inali as a frown tugged on her lips. She mentioned the woodland wolves which brought a frown to his own face. He hadn't thought about them while chasing the bear towards their territory. All the king had worried about was keeping the large brown creature away from the borders and his pack. The blackberries were theirs within the marked borders his pack checked daily.

He wasn't dumb though, even if the one woodland wolf Kino met had been very rude, the pack needed an ally badly. Especially since they had an enemy already thanks to the ridiculous notions of the cavern wolves.

Bringing his attention back to Ryka as she worked, Tokino did as he was told and then kept still. Dull pain stroked his medicated leg as she put a splint on it. Every inch where the splint was moved ached causing the older wolf to grit his teeth as flashes of pain darted across his leg, hip, and back. His icy eyes looked to the healers jaws and paws as she now worked cobwebs around the splint. Once she was finished he released a long breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Then the Lagina male nodded to Ryka as he panted in pain. His ears twisted to hear Minka's worried tone while she looked towards the two healers. He was also worried about how they were going to move him. If just putting a splint thing on this thing hurt that much, moving is going to hurt a lot more... He thought while concern furrowed those dark gray brows.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
(This post was last modified: Aug 30, 2014, 08:11 PM by Tokino.)
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Sorry for the late reply! <3


She watched as Ryka set to work, painstakingly setting the splint on Tokino's injured leg. The woman couldnt help but wince as she imagined what pain her friend and alpha was going through. Sge wushed she could do something to help, but even if they carried him, she couldnt be much help because of her small stature. Of course, anything was better than idly sitting there watching Tokino in pain. She didnt think her murmered worry for the Woodland wolves had been heard so Minka's order had first caught her by surprise. Not to mention that ger friend had never used that tone on her. Nonetheless the woman nodded firmly, for she knew the difference between Minka treating her like a friend and a subordinate with a duty to do. Giving herself the luxury to give Tokino one last worried look, the scout turned and forced her long legs to move away from the task at hand. There were other important matters on her plate.

Her seasoned body, used to the force the scout put it through, easily ran across the territory until she was away from the saftey of her borders and heading into unfamiliar territory. Not unfamiliar because she didnt know it, for she did, but unfamiliar because Inali had no idea how the Woodland wolves would recieve her presence on their lands. With worry but hope for the best in her heart, Inali continued on her journey. Moving faster, her only thoughts were to explain the situation to the Woodland wolves and head home as soon as she could to report back to Minka and get details on Tokino's condition.

{Inali exit}

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Kydnt who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Herbalist
Lugh Whelan

As Lugh stood back and watched Ryka with intent curiosity to see what she would do, he was thoroughly surprised when Ryka returned from the underbrush with a wad of cobwebs. It wasn't a material he had ever used before, though he made sure to make a mental note of it should he ever have a use for them in the future. Treading carefully around Tokino, he gave Ryka enough room while still peering closely as she worked to watch her technique in setting the splint and wrapping it. "Great work!" He complimented Ryka once the splint had been completed, very impressed with what she had done with little preparation.

At Minka's question, he looked to the leading lady. "We could really do with a big ol' guardian to carry him 'bout now," He said with a crooked smile, "But, with what we 'ave, I s'pose we can prop him upright and brace at least one of us on each side of 'im. As long as he keeps offa that leg it should be do-able. Not that it'll be fun by any stretch o' the 'magination." He glanced down at Toniko, knowing this wouldn't be pleasant at all for him. "Th' hawthorne should be kickin' in soon, but you should keep chomping on 'em." He said with a wince.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Alrighty lets wrap this up <3 I give you permission to pp Minka leaving with everyone @Tokino @Lugh

Minka winced as she saw the pain and grimaces flash across Tokino's face as Ryka made the adjustments to her leg. Allowing herself a moment of broken composure a long whine slid from her throat in sympathy and distress. Moving forward back to her mate's front she licked the top of his muzzle in an attempt to be comforting. She wasn't used to feeling so useless, especially since finding the confidence within her to lead. Usually in stressful situations she felt a sense of calm, of composure and was able to call the shots of what needed to be done with ease. When it came to medical emergencies however; it was way over her head. She had no idea how to act or how to be helpful, it was times like these she was so happy that they had not one but two wolves specialized in healing within their ranks.

Attempting to smile at Lugh's joke it came out more like a grimace, and at his next words her golden eyes flashed with fear. Trying to keep Tokino as calm as possible she stifled the emotion and instead just nodded, fighting to keep her maw expressionless. Looking between the three able members left at the meeting she looked back to the male and finally felt the calm she was used to seeping through her. This she could do, this she could handle. Meeting Lugh's eyes she moved to Tokino's uninjured side, trusting the healer more than herself with the injured one. Nodding she finally spoke, "Lugh you and I are closest in size so it makes the most sense for us to carry him. I'm ready whenever you are." Then she waited, it was all she could do.

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
-leaves the hard part of ending this thread to @Lugh- I give you permission to PP Tokino for whatever you have to do with him.

Tokino nods to Lugh as he reaches for the plant. His ears lay to the side of Tokino's crown as he picks up the rest of the hawthorn and finishes off the bit he was supposed to chew on. The Lagina males jaw muscles ached as he let his sharp canines split the wood into smaller bits. His sharp teeth were rather ineffective when it came to chewing at the wood, though once smaller bits did eventually come off the molars in the far back of the kings mouth worked well enough. He certainly didn't like the taste though. Tokino made plenty of disgusted faces as he took his medicine; in fact, the male was so busy noticing the tart taste that he didn't notice the pain in his injury fading.

Making yet another ugly face, Kino listened as Lugh and Minka planned how he would be moved form this place and brought to a better area for treatment. Now that he was home Tokino was not worried that he wouldn't get better. With Lugh, Ryka, and Minka there he was positive that he would come out of this fine. Even if the injuries did look pretty messy. I couldn't be in better paws. He closes his eyes to hum softly in the presence of his most trusted subordinates. No, his most trusted friends and family.

(exit Tokino)

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you