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raze the forest — Cut Rock River 
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

That particular day his mind had been distracted. He was hanging out near the river, gazing into the water to stare at his reflection. He was slowly becoming proud of the mark that gleamed in the water to show it across his left eye. It was proof that he'd always defend his name and his father's name. So why would he be ashamed of it? Just because he happened to get the scar from a woman he once considered his aunt? If she dared to even try and talk to him again, he'd only accept an apology. He'd forgive but never forget, that much he had learned before his father. It was better that way, but Karpos couldn't help but feel guilty abut it so he glanced away from the river.

Was he turning into a monster? It felt like it. He rarely ever felt bad anymore, but had been consumed by anger when he was not in a good mood. Always anger, never sadness or pity. Happiness did show most of the time but that was always when he thought or talked about his future. His future was so bright he'd have to wear shades. He walked away from the water with his eyes trained on the ground as he plopped onto his stomach and thought as he looked up at the moon. The night had approached rather fast and there was a giant full moon in the sky. He couldn't help but grin. Part of him thought about going to see his uncle @Lachesis but he didn't want to disturb the man if he was asleep.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
totally thought i replied to this already.

Sleep had continued to evade him as Capella’s absence increased. While he was still hopeful that she would return, he couldn’t help but worry. Most of his days were spent patrolling the Cut Rock borders, scouting for plants, and searching for any traces of the sunflower-eyed girl. When she returned XIX didn’t want her to think that he didn’t try looking for her.

However, Lachesis could not deny that he was also angry that she had suddenly vanished, without a word. Had he done something to upset her? Had she changed her mind about the way she felt about him? She had promised she wouldn’t leave him again without saying something, and she had broken that promise. Could he forgive her? Would he? These, among other questions, circulated his mind every time he tried to fall asleep, making it near impossible for the medic to get any rest.

This night was no different – rather than being curled up in his den Lachesis was stalking the River territory. At least his insomnia meant he could put in some extra patrols and ensure the pack (especially the new puppies) were safe. As he was cruising through the trees a familiar scent caught his attention, causing him to redirect his route so he could cross paths with the younger male. His pace quickened, and it didn’t take long for XIX to cut Karpos off. A wide, lop-sided grin fell across his maw as he studied the dark yearling and his new scar as his tail wagged softly behind him. “Hey, shithead. What’re you doin’ up?”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
@Lachesis - But hopefully with a happier ending <33333 YES THEY ARE
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

It was ironic how he thought about going to see his beloved uncle only to hear him calling out behind where the chocolate boy was laying. He turned to see his uncle Lachesis, who had just called him a shithead, standing there expecting an answer as to why he was still up. "I can't sleep. I haven't been able to sleep well for a while truthfully." He confided in the man whom he loved like family. He looked at him with a small sadness in his eyes. He shifted uncomfortably before putting his paws out in front of him and pushing himself up into a sitting position. "Uncle... I fear I'm turning into a monster." He started to confess his fears as he gazed into the river as it rushed by them.

He still did not offer an explanation as to why he had a scar across his eye and he didn't plan to either. He was still quite uncomfortable talking about it but if his uncle pried enough into why he was a monster, then he might just find out. Karpos had a cold and emotionless expression to him as he gazed into the rapid moving water, unable to see his black fur reflection within it. He glanced up to the moon and the stars. Father, I am so sorry I have failed. He apologized to his beloved father now past before turning to the phantom of an uncle. He gulped and decided that perhaps he should tell his uncle about it if he asked. Karpos knew there was no hope of it healing without marks now because he had not gone to see his uncle when it had happened.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
LOVELOVE LOVE. Karpos and Lachesis are forever my OTP. <3

As the younger wolf responded Nineteen’s sly grin begun to falter; what was causing his nephew so much turmoil that sleep was also evading his young mind? Silently, the long-legged medic mirrored Karpos’ actions and lowered his hindquarters as his pear gaze focused on the smaller wolf’s figure. Although they were not connected by blood, Lachesis cared for him as if he were family. Karpos would always have a place in his heart and life, and nothing could ever change that – even what he had just confessed to the medic. Perplexed, the young male studied the former prince of Pitch Pine. He did not look like a monster, nor did he look like he was turning into one. What had caused Karp to think this way?

While he was still curious as to what – or who – had given his nephew the marking across his eye, Lachesis was far more curious as to Karpos’ reasoning behind his confession. There was a chance that he would not share why, and that he had merely said it to get it off his chest, but XIX hoped that the younger wolf would confide in him. Wasn’t that what family was supposed to do? Helping his nephew also offered as a distraction from Capella’s disappearance – something that XIX desperately needed.

“Do you feel like a monster?” He asked in a soft tone, his pear gaze never once leaving his dark-hued nephew. There must be something he had done, something he had said, that had caused the troubled teenager to believe that he was turning into something undesirable. It worried the medic. He would love Karpos regardless of what he had done, or what he planned to do, and would always defend him even if he knew he was wrong. As far as Lachesis was concerned, he was blood; blood was forever.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

There was an empty feeling in his chest as he turned to face his uncle, his eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past. There was a breathe held for a matter of seconds before he dared attempt to answer his uncle's question. It took some thought in order to bring the right words out into the light and he would stutter with the matter. His jet black fur flattened against his body as he tensed up slightly. "I don't and that is what makes me think that I am." He explained with random breaks as he continued to find the words. He would stare at his paws for a few seconds as he thought about how to explain it further so his uncle would know about what he did.

"I... I attacked her. She sided with Elettra. She said my father deserved to die and I snapped. I can't control my anger and that makes me a monster... right?" He was desperate for the advice of his one constant family member. He couldn't remember a time where Lachesis had abandoned him. It was just Adsila, Lachesis and him. They were a family after all. The loving uncle with the fiery niece and the monster nephew. "I gave her scars across her muzzle and now she hates me. Silver hates me." Despite his fear of losing a family member, he refused to call her aunt. While he was pitted with regret and guilt, she had betrayed him and his emotions by playing, as he saw it, with his life and manipulating it.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
He knew that Anastasia would be better at handling this situation than him. She always knew what to say, and how to say it; how to react accordingly. There was still so much he could have learned from her, so much they could have experienced together…

Dismissing his thoughts, Lachesis returned his focus to his raven-coloured nephew. His words were broken, stumbling off his tongue as he filled the silence between them. The long-legged healer listened patiently, a concerned expression perched neatly across his face as he observed Karpos. His limbs tensed, along with his jaw, at the mention of Silver. Since he had left Pitch Pine with his china doll XIX could not deny that he had thought little of the other members. It seemed that the majority of Shade’s followers had found their way to Cut Rock, including Naia who held the rank of Second alongside Lachesis. There had been a few, however, who he had not crossed paths with yet. Silver, the shady female who XIX had never gotten properly acquainted with, was one of them. She seemed… odd, and he had never been particularly keen on conversing her, so he had avoided her as much as possible. Lachesis could understand why his nephew had decided to attack her; as far as the healer was concerned, she deserved it.

“That does not make you a monster,” he snapped sharply in response, his tongue clucking against the roof of his mouth. “You were defending your father, Karpos – your family. She’s lucky I wasn’t there, or she might not of made it back to Elettra,” he added, the Ridge leader’s name spitting off his tongue as he wrinkled his maw. “You have endured some things that most don’t experience for years. You are strong for your age, both physically and mentally – and you are allowed to get angry. You just need help controlling that anger.” Lachesis could not deny that he was worried for his nephew, but his anger was expected. He had lost his mother, his father, his birth pack… life had been cruel to the Slayer child, and it wasn’t fair. Karpos deserved so much more.

“Let her hate you – you did nothing wrong.”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
@Lachesis Here comes the feelz Cannon

His uncle tried his best to soothe his worries but they were not helping much. What if he had, instead, started a war between his Aunt Nari's pack and Cut Rock River? While Karpos had been exploring near there earlier that week, he had caught Silver's scent lining the borders. Did his Aunt Narime approve of his actions like his own uncle seemed to? With sorrow cloaking his ebony fur and chocolate brown eyes, he looked up at Lachesis and spoke what was truly worrying him. It had made him a coward for almost a year now. "I miss him uncle. I miss my father so much that I can't even think straight. I keep trying to live up to his name but it's so difficult when everyone puts his name down like some kind of devil." He tried his best to explain his feelings while trying to also interpret his thoughts.

He then asked a question he had never asked anyone before. "Uncle, do you think that my dad is proud of me? Even with all the mistakes I've made?" He had to admit that his uncle was more like his father now because his father had been gone for so long and Lachesis had always been there for him even when they had no idea where the both of them had ended up. He wondered if his uncle was just trying to be nice. He wondered if his uncle was lying to him and actually thought him the worst monster of them all. "Come one years time, I might leave Cut Rock River. I might try and claim a land to call my home that has my rules but I won't do so without being on good terms with the River. I feel like it is something I have to do." He decided to finally admit his plans to his uncle about some territories he had in mind.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Karpos SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT, ugh <3 and i love the feels. :)

There was so much the slender healer wanted to say to his nephew to comfort him, but the words caught in his throat. Anastasia would have known what to say… she always knew how to calm every situation she was dealt with. She had been his voice so many times when he was incapable of stringing his thoughts together, or when his words would catch on the tip of his tongue.

XIX also missed the former leader of Pitch Pine Trail. It had taken the dynamic duo weeks to find the perfect pack to join, and after his meeting with Capella he knew that Shade’s pack would be ideal for the two of them. And it was. They had thrived within the pack – Lachesis especially. He had slowly grown to discover himself and discover what he was actually good at, and what value he could bring to the pack. However, that had all changed when Shade had stumbled across Elettra… the pack had slowly begun to fall apart after their leader’s passing. Nothing was the same. Ana and XIX no longer felt as though they belonged within the pack… there was too much pain; too many soiled memories that haunted the land.

“I miss him too,” he admitted in a soft voice, his pear-coloured eyes focused on the Slayer child. While Lachesis would always remain loyal to the leader of Cut Rock he would always miss Shade. He had developed a strong bond with the former Pitch Pine leader, and would always cherish what the espresso-coloured wolf had taught him. “Your father was the strongest, most loyal wolf I have ever met. He would be so proud of who you have become, Karpos. Do not ever doubt that. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s part of life. It’s how you overcome those mistakes and keep pushing forward that will make you a better wolf.”

While what Karpos said left a sour taste in his mouth, it did not surprise him. XIX always knew that the raven-coloured prince was destined for bigger things; he reminded the healer so much of Shade. “You will be a great leader someday, just like your father. I will support your decision no matter what you choose. I will always support you, Karpos.” While Lachesis did not know if he would follow the Slayer child when he left, he would support him regardless. As far as he was concerned they were blood, and he would encourage his nephew to do as he pleased.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you