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Whoa, what is that? — Hush Meadow 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
RE: There is a meteor shower tonight
Date:Jul 01, 2014
All welcome, though preferably a packmate she has had little interaction with or a complete stranger.

Danica slipped through the darkness of the night, her steps quite and ears alert. It was late, and she was not out here for a nightime boarder patrol. The pale she wolf had left her den restless. Stirred by another nightmare where she disobeyed her Uncle. This one was slightly different though. Titan had interfered, saving her. However, she awoke before being able to see if he was alright. To hopefully calm her mind she set out on a stroll.

An owl hooted, causing her to look up his way. That's when she saw something soar across the sky. At first she thought it was a shooting star, but then a pair tailed by another passed above. Concerned she abandoned her walk and crossed out of her pack's territory.

Danica ran to the middle of the meadow at top speed. As she looked up, meteors fell from the sky everywhere. Frightened by the new and terrifying scene she froze. Her hackles straight up, tail tucked, and a scared exspresson on her maw. The girl staid like that for only so long till she began pacing. What should she do? Howl for the pack? Alert them? Was this event even dangerous? Would she be a hero or a fool? She had no clue.

She glanced back to the sky, mid stride, and took in the beauty above her. Dani was momentarily awestrucked...but then the feeling was lost. She needed to know how to react to this event accordingly.

(I have yet to see a meteor shower, so my discriptions in this thread may be off. If so, feel free to correct me.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Could not resist, hello daughter!

His strides were strong, movements fluid as he moved from the cover of Secret Woodland following a path toward the southern eden, a place of familiarity and nostalgia from years ago. He missed Willow Ridge, the pack had been his home and refuge and since his residence in Secret Woods he had abandoned those of his past to partake in the pack of his present; prominent members of the Ridge remained a vivid memory to him. He missed Elettra, she had been his partner in leadership and been a pivotal friend to him during his membership there and wondered how the woman was fairing since their last meeting--was the pack still fairing well, how was here newest brood?

Night time cloaked him as he walked, concealing his pale coat beneath the shadows as he traveled through the tightly knit trees and when a day or two had passed he was near the southern region, with night time once more cloaking him, fatigue prominent on his features. Though he was tired he continued to move, a brightness in the sky illuminated his path and he glanced sleepily toward it, focusing on the small flames with wary interest--had he seen these before? It was as the balls fell that he realized his mistake, he was far from Willow Ridge, a few miles more and he was not aware of whether he had the energy to venture back to where he'd come and he stalled in his steps, catching his breath. As he waited, tongue lolling from his mouth his eyes fell on the feminine figure close to him who was worked out about the blazing fireballs from the sky, did she think the heavens were falling? "Are you okay miss?" he asked, cantering toward her, concern on his features. He hardly remembered his daughter, having thought her dead from her disappearance during the winter, but her fur resembled his' and her eyes...no this could not be her, Danica would not have ventured this far from the Woodlands, would she?
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Had to rewrite my original reply...grumble. Lol)

"Are you ok Miss?"

The words brought her back from her sudden trance. Danica's head jerked to look at the male, and instantly she wished she hadn't. A feeling of home sickness gripped her gut as she watched the 'stranger'. He looked surprisingly like her father, but he didn't smell like him. The days travel to Whisper Caverens had done away with that.

She glanced back towards her new home, longingly. She didn't trust this male and wished to return to her den. However, in her opinion, he was too close. She couldn't just leave him here to draw closer and closer till he touched their boarders. Could she? No! That was totally unacceptable!

Dani locked eyes with the male, her ears slipping back. Her head rose as she straightened up. Flagging her tail she 'spiked' her hackles. Yet, no other sign of aggression came to him. "Hello, um, sir...um, may I ask why you're here...near our boarders? The pack of Whisper Caverns." Her confidence fled as she spoke. A nervous expression consumed her face as her shy voice filled the air. She had wanted to sound powerful, but instead she didn't. Disappointment filled her Emerald green eyes, which held the reflection of meotors. The strange light even made her fur seem to glow...infact, him too. Silently she took note of this. Then a breeze rustled through her creamy pelt.

The resemblance was bugging her to a point she decided to give her name. This time she spoke proudly, and puffed her chest, "I am Danica Reinier," She almost gave her rank...but was it anything to marvel at? Gulping she said quiter, "Third in the ranks." Hopefully this guy would think she was big and bad. So that maybe he would get a move on. Or maybe he was her...dad? Subconsciously she desired him to be @Koda.
(This post was last modified: Jul 21, 2014, 02:44 AM by Danica.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Danica I've been waiting for an updated thread, this is great!
He watched Danica morph into a more defensive stance, her hackles rose to give her a larger appearance and her tail rose like a banner over her back as they locked eyes--Koda did not back down and mimicked her stance. Though he was not aggressive by nature to females, he would stand his ground if the situation required him to and put the yearling in her place, he only hoped that it would not escalate to that level. A throat gutted growl flowed from his jaws as his own ears slipped to his skull only to rise with peaked interest when she spoke. He was near Whisper Caverns and this young woman would be the only thing dividing him, good thing he was not the aggressor otherwise he would have cackled at his daughter's attempt to seem tough.

When she spoke next his face changed dramatically from that of defensive to shocked and hurt all in one motion. He had considered his only daughter dead but she stood as living flesh with a coat fairly similar to his own staring him straight in the eyes. She was beautiful, his remaining child, and she had filled out nicely considering their last winter but he could not understand why she was so far away from the Woodlands, and did anyone else know of her well being? "Danica...I cannot believe it, my eyes must be deceiving me it can't be you!" his tail wagged slow behind him, a ragged breath passed his jaws as he tuned out the sound of his beating heart and continued on, "It's me, dad."
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yeah, I'm enjoying it myself. Daddy n daughter time...even if she is a bit...well, Danica. Lol.

An uncomfortable sensation of heat ran down her spine as Koda reacted. Inwardly she panicked looking for a way out, but she fought this weakness. Her mother was a leader. She was an ex heir. Therefore Danica could hold her own, for she wanted to be powerful and bold. One day she might even lead a pack...and their alpha turning tail wouldn't be impressive. So, she stood there.

Cream ears swivled forward at the growl. *How disrespectful!* She screamed within her head. A menacing snarl revealed itself as it took over her soft features. She took a step forward barley keeping her voice low,"You dare to disrespect me and my family?! Who do you think you are, walking around like that? Your nothing but an old man who should back the moose away from our home and leave!" She flat out told her father in a blunt manner. She held such passion in her words and put emphasis on family and our. The only other time she had felt so upset was when this very male had come back. *@Titan, I wish you were here right now.* She thought longingly. She wanted some back up...this fellow looked stronger then herself. Perhaps she had let her temper get the best of her?

As the wolf's whole demeanor changed her facial expression went from mad to puzzled. "Danica...I cannot believe it, my eyes must be deceiving me it can't be you!" His words brought shame to her. She didn't even need for him to say who he was. She flattened her fur and moved her ears to the side. Humiliated that she had not only spoke so harshly to an elder, but her own flesh and blood. She looked away from him with a soft whine. "I'm sorry...I didn't realize, honest, I was just....offended." Danica whispered out her sincerest apology.

She truly had allowed her temper to get the best of her, and worse of all, control her. This had to be a terrible impression on her father; to see her yearling self like this. Slowly out of the little respect she held for him she bowed down. Her front legs tucked beneath her as she pushed her head into the dirt. That was all he would get from her though. For Nina, she would of bared her belly without hesitation. She loved her mum.

*What would @Ash do if he had seen all of this?* She wasn't quite sure.

"She speaks"*She thinks*

(Lol, "back the moose away". Danica's swear words are cute. Also, I'm trying to work on her personality...mind taking a look and offering up ideas? Pwease? *puppy Dani face*)
(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2014, 03:56 PM by Danica.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Danica; I like her personality. She seems pretty naive, sweet, innocent and eager to learn new things! What way did you want her to be? More aggressive and intimidating? Sorry this is short!
He regretted the growl but it could not be returned, and he hoped that she understood the circumstances of the meeting; the warning had not been personal, in fact he was only mimicking what she'd done. Feeling his ears press hard on his skull, the sensation of his tail thumping lightly on the ground echoed in the air as he stared at his prodigy, a sudden realization of what she'd said dawned on his consciousness--she'd called Whisper Cavern's her home...her family. That hurt.
After swallowing fast and hard he closed his eyes, as though the action would wake him up from this dream but it was real, and his daughter now called another place her family, it was as if he and her mother did not exist. As if losing Nina weren't enough, now he'd lost the love and trust of his children--the shattered pieces of his life continued to break and bend until he felt he no longer had a will. "So this is where you've been all this time, in the Caverns?" he paused, still shocked by the realization of this encounter, "are they treating you well? You're mother, does she know you're here?" he had so many questions but he would not bombard her today, perhaps the next time they'd meet he'd go deeper into understanding why she left the comfort of home.
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Thanks, and no, I was just trying to update it accurately.)

Danica rose back up, and took a seat infront of her father. Since he hadn't seemed to care, she figured the submission was unimportant. Her tail flopped in response to his and didn't stop till he spoke. She smiled softly with a nod. How long had she been here with Titan and Whisper Caverns? She wasn't quite sure. It didn't matter though. She was finally seeing some one from Secret Woodlands. Her heart ached and longed for the place, but at the same time was disgusted. So much pain in such a short time.

"Of course! I love it here, I even have a best friend. His name is Titan Thorben. He's really nice and a great guy. He has dark blue eyes with black fur and touches of silver. He's really tall too. He also...lost a sibling." At first her voice was ecstatic, but fadded to a sad whisper at the end. "We're pretty close." She added this quietly and sighed.

"I believe so, Uncle Ash said she would be notified. I wonder if he remembered. That was a long time ago, it seems, back when I was joining." Danica spoke casually, but she missed her mother. At the mention of Nina she had almost cried. Worry crossed over her face as she asked, "H-how...how is she?" Her tone was nervous. Was Hallow being good to her? Was the pack safe and sound? Was everything ok? She swallowed hard. Would if her mother was....hurt? Badly, too? Surely Ash would be informed...maybe Koda was even severing as a scout! Coming to tell dreadful news. "Why are you here, are you...delivering a...message?" Concern heavily laced her words."speech"

(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2014, 12:04 AM by Danica.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Excitement and pleasure was evident on his narrow maw as he stared at his daughter, pride shining through the green flecks of his eyes. He was happy that despite her departure from Secret Woods she was safe and apparently happy, it was all he wanted for his children regardless of whether their relationship with him was strained. He still loved them and would protect them by any means, no matter how many miles apart they were; he hoped their love for him ran just as thick.

When she mentioned a dark wolf with blue eyes named Titan he bit his black lined lips and felt a pang of displeasure bubble in his stomach at the mention of her newest companion being a male. Despite Danica's age she would always be his little girl, he could remember the moment she'd mewed for him just weeks after her birth and now her decisions were her own. She had left everything behind and replaced it instead with a new pack and another male counterpart that would be her confident and protector, "I'm glad you found someone to keep you company Danica. You know if you ever need me, I'll be here in the blink of an eye" he replied, knowing the with age and dating brought a certain degree of heartache that his daughter had never experienced before. When she mentioned him losing a sibling he felt his mouth grow dry, he had lost both sons within the span of a year, and though he could never get Tacoma back he hoped that the fates would bring Ashton back home safely.

He felt his lips turn into a frown when his daughter asked whether he were delivering a message and he shook his head to signify a "no" before speaking, "You're mother is fine, she's leading the Woods alongside a new male though, I'm not sure if you remember Miccah..." he paused, knowing that while she had been in the puppy ranks Miccah was the second tier male, he had not been popular since ascending into the leadership position, he could only imagine how his daughter would take the news, "when are you going to come visit? I'm sure you're mother would love to see you in the flesh than hear from me that you're fine." and a smile graced his maw as he stared into the eyes of his female twin.
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica didn't notice the way Koda bit his lip, she was too focused on the conversation itself. "Yeah, how are you and mom? Like...are you friends? I hope I can introduce you to Titan someday." She spoke quickly then added, "Alright, I will keep that in mind." As she rambled on her mind wondered off to Ashton. "How is my brother?" Her tone was suddenly serious and she seemed to hold her breath. Everything about the yearling was on edge as she waited. Had a similar fate to Tacoma met her remaining brother? Worry consumed her dark green irises.

Danica relaxed a little when he shook his head, her shoulders loosing their uptight appearance. It all returned however, "I remember Miccah, but what about Hollow? Is he....dead?" She whispered back to him. Her heart started aching knowing that he was possibly hurt or something. She stared at Koda with wide eyes eagerly awaiting his answer.

"I bet she would," Dani mubmled with a small smile, "I'm not sure. I do miss you all greatly, especially Mother, Iopah, Frost, and Hollow." She tried to reassure her father in a calm tone. "I hope before the harsh winter settles in and the snow falls. I would like to be able to get there without a single problem." She winked and smiled at him playfully. "I mean, I wouldn't want to slide across ice like this!" The pale lady shouted while running towards her father. Gently she tried to bump into the older wolf and maybe knock him down. With a giggle she retreated backwards and struck a play pose.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Danica! Oooh, a fun thread, wasn't expecting this! :D

He was proud, as proud as any father could be finally seeing their child and knowing that time had been kind to them, but he was also sad and he was sure that it shown through his vibrant gaze. He wanted to be able to protect Danica from all the ills of the land, from the heartbreak he was sure that she would encounter from experiencing love, and from the confusion he was sure she felt from leaving behind her family back at the Woods. Though both he and Nina were fairing well, it was never fun knowing that the child that you watched from birth resented the thought of having you close and this made his head spin with confusion, he wanted to see her happy and was sure that remaining at Whisper Caverns to find her self was probably the best way. Eventually, when the time was right, she would realize that the Woods was where the truly belonged.

When she mentioned Ashton he felt his throat grow tight, his son had been absent as of late and he was not sure if the ashen male would remain on the land, he had always had the wanderlust trait of Koda within him and eventually time would take him away from them again. He could only hope that like his daughter, time would quell his curiosity. "Ashton is well, he's finally returned back to the Wood but I am not sure for how long. He does not seem happy there, but I do not completely blame him, so much has changed since the death of your brother Tacoma." admitting that his son was gone was the hardest part of having abandoned his pups those many moons ago but it was apart of his past that he had begun to accept. He was not perfect and had never claimed to be, "as far as Hollow, I am not sure what happened to him. He just disappeared, your mother was a mess afterward, as he and her have a litter back at the Woods that are now without a father." it was a repeated process and Koda was not happy to admit this, but at least he had returned and been given the opportunity to right what he wronged, "The others are well, I do not know what happened of Frost but she also has disappeared, but Iopah remains, she has been a loyal member from the beginning and I admire that about her." he smiled, a single ear flicked backward.

While in thought he did not catch his daughter's movements and found out much too late that she had intentions of playing, within a few moments he felt the weight of nearly 100 lbs glide toward him and felt his legs give way beneath him. Caught off guard he was weaker, but the male had given her his full attention now and stared at her with a renewed sense of playfulness in his gaze, he had missed being carefree and able to dismiss the problems of pack for a moment of play therefore he accepted his daughters invitation without a moment of hesitation. Though he was not foolish enough to put all weight into her, he wanted to return her attack and barreled toward her with a soft growl at the base of his throat, he would show her that dad had never truly lost the spark he held those many moons ago.