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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Discovery for Silent Moon Plateau. Private for @Titan
Quote:Nestled close just above the foothills of Mount Dire, Silent Moon Plateau is a vast expanse of flat greenery. Shadowed by a more ominous slope of the mountain, the plateau is accessible only on three sides. Surrounded in a thick forest of evergreen pines, firs and the rare hardwood tree, a winding creek cuts through the more flat expanse, seemingly flowing from a miniscule waterfall just outside the terrain. Lower elevations keep the seasons ever changing here, and if one looks over a steep overdrop to stare at the moon that enlightens the entirety of the eastern side of Relic Lore, one could easily agree with its namesake.

He had kissed his children goodbye – the last kiss delivered upon Hypatia’s brows as he stared at his eldest daughter with a stern love. She was the one he trusted the most with the three, and while Deneb had proven his worth as well as Aponi and Ace.. she was their blood. They would feel safest with her. He reminded her he would return in a few days if everything went well, and so the ivory male struck out, his large frame swiftly moving past the borders and to the place he no longer desired to call home.

His first desire had been to seek out Red Fern Forest – it was enchanting in its own way, but even still, it was not far enough for the regal. Not from Oak Tree Bend or the shadowed presence of Magnolia Glen. So, he moved westward, toward the mountain, his heart aching to once more cross in to the western regions of Mount Dire and claim a slice of heaven upon the only side of the mountain that had treated him well.

By the time he reached the foothills of the mountain, the sun had begun to lower across the sky, indicating the later afternoon hours. His fiery eyes glinted as they cast upward, and had it been any other day upon his travels, he might not have bothered to look so closely. The jutting rock lured him further than his straight point, and as he meandered further form what he considered his route, it was a stolen moment of peace that fell upon him once his eyes settled upon it.

Vast greenery spread out before him, it seemed, and as his eyes trailed up to the sharp jutting rocks at the edge, he realized he had come upon a plateau much closer to the foothills than he had imagined. His tantalizing thoughts of exploring eastward faded swiftly as he stood there, his shadow dancing upon what appeared to be a rather lush forest of conifers and pines. His eyes fell upon the hint of red and orange – hardwood trees intermixed, and for the very moment, he remained still for this silent descent of reasoning and peace. Was this land sustainable? Could he raise his family here?

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Having familiarized himself with Willow Ridge territory Titan now had the chance to get down to work. He wasn't in the pack simply to slack off while he learned valuable medical skills from Elettra or gods forbid, the ass named Xetor. The dark Thorben knew that he would have to work to pay for the food he ate and the time he took from his mentors while they taught him. There were a few ways he could do this. One, hunt or scavenge meals for himself and the packs caches. Titan was an okay hunter but he ate so much that there usually wasn't much left to bring to the caches. Then number two, he could gather herbs in between his tutoring lessons which could also doubled as practice while giving him the chance to explore. The third thing he could do to pay his rent was to babysit, and Titan had no clue how to take care of pups. He had a hard time talking to Gus and trying to figure out how to act around the boy. Taking care of the willow pups had been quite a learning curb; perhaps due to the fact that his mother had not brought pups into the world this past spring. So that was out of the question.

Instead Titan opted for the second job. Find herbs that seemed low in the den and bring them back to store them for the winter season. The youth was going after scrub pine today, and after noticing the tall spindly trees growing in sparse groups on the mountain Titan had decided to investigate. The mountains had been somewhat noticeable in hush meadow, but upon investigating the far border of Willow Ridge the Thorben had discovered just how large the big slabs of rock were. They intimidated him, but not so much so that he didn't want to one day try and climb them. After seeing the dotted mute green colors against the gray drab of the mountains Titan knew that there were trees and plants up there. Since the dark wolf had not seen any pine trees in the other places where he had visited; he figured that if they didn't grow down by him, that they might be the very trees growing up on the mountains beside his new home.

So today the tall boy found himself heaving his large body over boulder and flat slabs of cold stone to investigate the area looking for his medicinal tree.

At first it took Titan hours of climbing to get past the first small row of stone and hill. He could see a ridge above him that was cloaked in green trees sitting just past the sharply pointed crest of stones and boulders. Shouldering his way up the rocks, Titan used his great strength to power forward despite the heaviness of his breath. Upon reaching the sharp edges of the plateau, the dark lad gazed out into a green void of space where mountain should be. Instead a lush heavy conifer forest spread across his view on the surprisingly flat stony landscape. At closer inspection Titan could spot pine trees mixed within the spruce and hemlock. This place had a much different feel to it than the willow woods or cedar forest that Titan was used to. Instead it seemed darker, but not in a scary way. Instead he felt calm and protected as the wolf began winding his way through the trees towards the other end (where Phin is at) of the plateau. He wanted to see where the mountain began again, although Titan continually kept himself concentrating on identifying medicinal plants living in this lush place along the way."Speech here."

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

His eyes swept over the landscape, taking it in not for its beauty, but for the rising potential he was taking in at that very moment. He was quick to begin moving then as the sun continued to set, his eyes sweeping over the vast forests that seemingly surrounded an open hilly terrain. He could see a creek that trickled through the area – not as strong as Cold Water Creek, but one that looked promising enough to hold its depth as a resource. Where it came from, he was uncertain – but he certainly intended to find out.

Moving forward, his eyes fell upon a shadowed form – a large male, though maturity had not yet reached the yearling just yet. His own ears pricked forward as he halted, his nose quivering as he tested the air – there were no strong scents of pack or wolf here.. he had not trespassed, and so, ushering a bark to gain the attention of the other, he began to trail after him, curious if the other knew anything about this area.

As he came closer, he gave a light dip of his muzzle, his eyes gleaming as they glanced over the youth. He seemed distinctly familiar – though Phineas knew they had never met. He didn’t get to travel much. “’Lo,” he greeted casually, slowing his pace to leave a respectful distance between the two. “You come here much?” There was no point in idle chit chat – at least not to the alabaster regal. He was far too eager to potentially this place out further and have his family move forward from the past year they had endured.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
He was so preoccupied with the sounds and sights of the deep forest that Titan didn't notice the scent of another wolf waft over him. He slow walk came to an abrupt pause as a voice reached out from just behind him. Titan's blue orbs turned onto the shaded white form of a large male wolf. His rigid stance immediately relaxed as the stranger approached, but stopped a nice distance away from him. The man's casual greeting brought forth a small dip in greeting of Titan's own silver tipped ebony crown as he glanced over the man.

"Hello there." Titan replied while allowing himself to stand in a comfortable but neutral position. He hadn't scented pack near here so the young male was pretty sure he wouldn't get snarled at by some unknown pack wolf. Plus the man before him also seemed to keep a polite demeanor. His next question made Titan's left ear flick while his head shook in a clear "no". "No, this is my first time trying to get up these mountains. I was just looking for some scrub pine to add to Will-e-my pack's medical den." Titan spoke quickly trying to distract the man from his slip. He didn't want to give anything away about his pack, but at the same time he wanted to answer truthfully. Damn my head for not thinking before I speak! Titan growled silently within his mind berating himself for the mistake. He scuffled at the dirt before speaking to the white wolf.

"What about you?" He asked wondering slightly if the male was a resident of some other pack down the mountain. Or maybe he was a pack wolf who lived high up on the mountain top! Titan could only imagine how cold winters must get while living so high up. It was already pretty chilly right now.

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

The slip up of words hadn't been missed, and the alabaster regal allowed a small smirk to press to his lips, though dipped his muzzle slightly so it could not be mistaken for arrogance. "Willow Ridge, then?" He mused the words quietly, his mind drifting to Elettra momentarily. Her life had turned out far more decent than his -- had he been more bitter to the beauty, he would have cursed her for besting him. Her mate was tied to her, his was long gone. "Elettra must still be quite knowledgeable in herbs and medicine," he offered in way of explanation to how he knew of the pack's existence.

But he did not want to dwell on the regal queen of the Willows -- the thought was far too depressing, and instead he wanted to focus on the place he (and this other fellow) had just come across. "What do you think of it here," he queried lightly, his muzzle giving an inclination to the vast lands before them -- he hadn't checked closely yet, but thus far, the forest that seemed to filter throughout gave promising resources of prey, while the winding creek offered water.

Was it sustainable? Was it as large as he required? his pack numbers had dwindled greatly, and he did not need too great a landscape. He simply needed to escape Magnolia Glen and the memories that clung heavily upon the sickly scent of the flowers each year they bloomed. "No," he finally answered, pulling himself from his reverie. "But I'm looking to relocate my pack."

(This post was last modified: Oct 07, 2014, 09:08 PM by Phineas.)

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Damn. He had caught it. Titan kept a straight face while cursing himself. Well at least he already seems to know of the pack. I shouldn't get into trouble for that, right? His thoughts swirled about while nodding to the white male's comment about Elettra. He wondered quietly how this guy knew the willow regal but didn't think to ask. He simply assumed that the male had met the woman and his pack while out on some journey of sorts. Instead he cocked his head to the side while the white wolf asked him about his review of the area.

"I think it's kind of homey here. Nice thick woods to hide in and feel comfortable under. Probably elk or deer around here though I haven't caught the scent of any yet. Though I haven't seen anywhere to drink spare for puddles." Titan answered with a friendly shrug. He hadn't headed any farther out and located the stream that Phineas had already found/heard nearby. "As for medical supplies, I have only been able to spot muscaria mushrooms and some really tall scrub pines around here. Though I'm sure there are more medicinal plants that I do not know of hiding within these trees." Titan finished before a tiny space of silence flew between the two males.

Quickly Phineas answered his own query. The comment made Titan's brows rise up in surprise. He grinned at the male while turning his head away to show that the smile wasn't meant to offend in any way. Then his black banner began to wag. "Well this seems like a great place to settle! So long as you can find some water around here and a nice place to dig a den. I certainly am digging the dark enclosing trees. Feels like I'm back home in the caverns again." Titan was happy for the guy despite the realization that if he visited this place again he might be stepping over pack borders. "Titan Thorben by the way. What's your name sir?" the introduction was quickly followed by his own question, though Titan made sure to make the question sound polite in case this stranger was the leader of the other pack.

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

He listened to the youth's words, offering a subtle hmm and giving a nod. "There's a creek in that direction," he nodded to the area he had entered, still unsure of what the source f the water was, but noting to investigate it later. The boy mentioned herbal remedies at that point, catching the ivory regal's attention and his eyes drifted over the boy once more. Did he dare try to coax one of Elettra's own in to his pack instead? A healer would have been nice -- and he seemed of the same age as Hypatia.. Perhaps it would keep her from that Oak Tree Bend boy..

But he had seen the wrath of Elettra, and decidedly, he did not want to test those waters, even with the distance between them.

He clucked his tongue once, a slow smile revealing its way to his lips. "Phineas Argyris." There was a small pause as he gave a nod to the heart of the terrain, and with a silent invitation, he began to maneuver his way there, his eyes drifting from his companion to study the lands before him. He was, after all, shopping for some real estate. "Your name sounds familiar.. Thorben. Were you born in Willow Ridge?" He couldn't quite place it -- somehow he knew the answer that the boy indeed wasn't.. Elettra did not strike him as the type to take in a pregnant she-wolf during the season which could hinder her own litter. But there was still something that tugged at him. Something he was missing..

Coming to the edges of one of the cliffs at the plateau, his eyes drifted across the Eastern side of the Lore, taking note of the landscape below. It did not offer the views that higher upon the mountain would have.. but the terrain before him was certainly vast. It was then that the sun began to nestle in to the horizon, and with it.. the moon made its ascent silently. "Silent Moon Plateau," he rumbled quietly, testing the name on his tongue.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I actually had a full 700 word post for this yesterday, but it got deleted by the schools computer. So I lost my muse and waited till now to post. I'm hoping to spree with this thread this weekend if you have the time :)

Titan tilted his head to the left peering around Phineas as he commented about a creek being in the other direction. He was still curious about the rest of the territory, but for now the dark Thorben was kept in place by the friendly conversation that the white wolf presented to him. Even if his legs itched to get moving again the young lad pushed those feelings away reminding himself to behave well and look interested in what the other wolf was talking about. Sometimes his attention span was rather small if a conversation wasn't particularly interesting, and right now it was beginning to dull a bit.

At least until the white wolf finally gave his name. Phineas Argyris... Titan's thoughts echoed as his ears perked in interest. He had heard that name before, though he couldn't place right that moment. The shadowy wolf's brows furrowed as he tried to remember where he had heard this man's name. It had been with his mother he was sure...

The man's invitation to follow was only barely noticed by Titan as he found himself deep in thought. However he nodded curtly and began following shortly behind the Argyris male, his thoughts caught up on recent memories of storms and his pack.

"Ah, no actually." Titan's attention snapped back to the male as he asked Titan about his family name. "I was born in Whisper Caverns pack by Narime Lagina. My father is Sloane Thorben." Titan responded quickly trying not to look like an idiot as he narrowly misses a boulder at knee height sticking up out of the earth in his path. He was concentrating too much on other things rather than watching where he was going.

As they stopped Titan raised his head to look around the landscape. The colors of the sky captivated him for a moment before he spotted the moon sneaking its way higher into the sky. It was an extremely beautiful place.

The coming darkness of night jogged Titan's memory as he recalled where and when his mother had told him about this male. It had been in the darkness of the cave during a thunderstorm. She had been telling him about his relatives to take his mind off the thunder and lightning above them. Closing his eyes lightly, Titan brought up the memory and its contents. He remembered his mother telling him about his great grandmother named Aella Argyris, and of her brother Barak Argyris. Though he couldn't remember if his mother had told him how Phineas was related to those wolves.

"Are you by chance related to an Aella or Barak Argyris?" Titan asked shortly after Phin's comment about the moon being silent.

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

If he had known he was losing the interest of his companion, it was likely he would have allowed the boy on his way – afterall, his time frame was strict, and as the wind drifted past his pelt and brushed his fur up, he felt the passionate need to move his family as soon as possible – winter is coming, and thus far, this was the fresh start they needed.

But he refused to place his kids in a land barely explored, and as the voice of the youth caught his attention with his voice, one ear gave a flicker of recognition that he was indeed listening – until Narime’s name was mentioned and his focus quickly snapped back to the ebony male. Given his age, this would have been the boy she had left the Ridge to begin her life anew – and, his father had vanished. It appeared he and Narime had more in common than ever – except Borlla had walked out on her second litter, rather than her first.

Before he could comment, the swarthy youth questioned him regarding the Argyris name, and blinking with mild surprise, the ivory male rolled his shoulders back, considering the question. Where had this knowledge come about? He had never talked about his family to anyone.. not even Borlla. Had he run in to Aeolus or Thanos, then?

“Distant family of mine,” he clarified, offering a small nod. His father had once told him of his heritage and family tree – the Argyris was supposed to be a proud name to carry.. and yet, despite his age, the regal felt he had accomplished little in his life. Perhaps his legacy would be better continued through his children.. though Takis was the only one who would truly carry on the name, it would seem. “Your mother is a good friend of mine, though,” he offered, his eyes drifting back once more to the rising moon.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
When Phineas answered Titan the dark lad sighed. This man was a mysterious one that was sure. Though he did offer a bit of information about his relation to Titan's mother Narime. The blackish Thorben had known about that connection as well, probably because his mother had such a big mouth. She kept secrets, but only when they were horribly serious. Things like this Nari could tell anyone about. At least that was the way Titan pictured her.

"Yeah, she's told me a little bit about you. That you were both friends from Willow Ridge pack back in the day." Titan tilted his head a bit looking back to the moon which seemed to cast a magical glow upon the landscape below the male wolves. Titan then let his eyes graze across the land below trying to pick out identifiable territories.

"But mom also said something about you being related to us through those other wolves I mentioned. My great grandma is a wolf named Aella Argyris, and her brother was Barak. I don't know if that means anything to you though." Titan shrugged before allowing himself to sit comfortably in the presence of the white wolf who's coat was beginning to glow in the moonlight. "It's kinda cool I guess.. To finally meet you. Mom spoke warmly of you back home." the dark wolf figured that the other man didn't want to particularly speak about this as the conversation had become a bit one sided. So he began to try and think of other things to talk about. Titan even considered asking Phineas to show him around the territory he had come from, since the dark wolf had not wandered through that area as of yet.