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In the pale moonlight — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


As a younger wolf Naia could see no drawbacks to scouting. She could roam far and wide and still have the comfort, protection, and nourishment of a pack to return to, and she could earn her position and prestige through deeds instead of violence. Now an older and more seasoned wolf, she was beginning to see herself pulled in several directions. Her recent mission had been successful, though it had been gruelingly long and at some points, quite lonely. Her heart longed to be home and surrounded by family, and her body ached to be entwined in the embrace of her lover. If only those two things—her family and her lover—were in one place, it might be easier to bear.. to run a mission and then return home to bask in everything her heart and spirit required. However, that was not so for Naia and Inali. Had there ever been a love as strange as theirs? Both were wholly devoted to their own separate leaders and separate packs, but also fervid to be in the company of one another. They could never hope to parent together and start a family, as most wolves in love would, so what else could they do but go on living as they were?

Naia had not yet reached the cherry tree orchard, their agreed-upon meeting place, but she felt she could contain herself no more. She lifted her howl to the starry sky, a weary traveler kept too long from her lover. It was not a summons to @Inali so much as a tribute to her; a song heavy with passion, longing, and hunger. Her family would likely hear her too, but that was not important to Naia—they had all certainly smelled the Black Thorn Downs scout’s intoxicating scent thick on her pelt. Though no one had yet commented on Naia’s private life—at least not in her hearing-- they must know, they must… and even if they remained stubbornly ignorant Naia was no longer interested in hiding. Black Thorn Downs was their sister pack, and so long as her evening rendezvous didn’t interfere with her work, what reason was there to behave as if her actions were illicit? Naia finished her song and dropped her maw to lap up some of the creek’s sweet water. The disturbance on the water’s glassy surface caused the moon’s reflection to waver, almost as if it were dancing to the tune of Naia’s echoing song.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Too many nights had passed since she had laid eyes or paw on her beloved. Inali of course didn't let her anxiety in any way diminish her ability in work, but there was no doubt that the pack scout had been worried about something for a long time. Or rather, some one. Some nights it got so bad that she found herself leaving the pack den once everyone had bedded for the night and head to the cherry orchards for rest. It was the only place where she truly felt at peace, since that was where she spent most of her time with her female lover. When the time came of Naia's call, Inali felt such relief and joy that she could've bounced out of her skin! Naia was okay. Her song made her fur prickle in pleasure and delight, her heart echoing her beloved's emotions.

She lifted herself to all fours, careful to avoid disturbing her sleeping pack mates, eager to reach her honey eyed lover. For so long, Inali had ran from her pack lands and into the arms of her lover, almost like Naia was her naughty little secret. And that wasn't right. Inali, in the beginning, had struggled with the fact that she had fallen in love again, and with another woman. Was there something wrong with her? As the time of their relationship lengthened and their love deepend, Inali had come to.realize something. There was nothing wrong with her at all. So what if she was in love with a woman? So what if others thought of it as strange? All that really mattered was that the pair knew their love for each other was the real thing, and nothing could taint what they felt for eachother. So Inali had made up her mind. No longer would she act like Naia was her dirty little secret. It wasn't like anyone couldn't detect it from the thick scent in her fur anyway that most definitely wasn't of a male. So far, she hadn't noticed any strange looks and that gave her hope. That no ine would treat her differently because of who she had as a lover.

All through this thought process, the scout had been running to where Heartleaf Creek was located. She was in an all out sprint, twisting and turning through the obstacles of the night, not letting anything deter her from her goal. As she reached the running waters, she slowed her pace until it was a slow jog. Her breath caught and her heart stuttered, as she saw Naia's familiar form bathed in moonlight. Beautiful, she thought, almost in reverent awe. Slowly she made her way to her beloved, her muzzle barely pressing against the small of her back. The petite woman trailed her muzzle across Naia's slender form, over her neck, down her maw, and finally she rested her muzzle at the tip of Naia's own. A low whine escaped her, telling Naia what she couldn't say. I missed you so much.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Even before the two had met, their spirits had connected somehow, delivering to both of them the same strange, hazy dream that neither could fully recall. Naia had never lost that connection with her love, and as her howl fell silent she sensed an urgency ignite between the pair. Naia knew that there would be no answer to her call; in her frenzy to close their distance Inali would hardly pause long enough to breath let alone return Naia’s song. Time stood still for the agouti lady. She had waited so long to lay her eyes on the Downs beauty that these last remaining minutes evaporated like her breath in the chilly night air. It felt like she only had to wait a heartbeat before she heard Inali’s rapid pawsteps approaching, and finally her gasp as she came into eyesight. Inali also seemed to savor these final moments of delicious ache for her lover, closing the remaining distance at a maddeningly slow pace. Naia shivered as Inali’s muzzle grazed her pelt, no doubt drinking in a scent she had missed dearly this last half-moon. The Downs woman pulled away from her embrace and stood nose-to-nose with Naia, bathing the agouti in her piercing azure gaze.

Her lover whined, and it was too much for Naia. She yipped joyfully and launched herself forward, wanting nothing more than to jump inside of Inali’s skin. Her right foreleg wrapped around Inali’s shoulder blades for an instant, pressing their chests so tightly together that each could feel the pounding of the others’ heart. It was a precariously balanced position though, and in an instant Naia’s leg had slipped off of its perch and splashed down into the shallows of the creek beside the pair, dousing both of them in icy water. The splash cooled her passion for the moment, and the River scout barked her laughter at her own clumsiness. It reminded her of the day they met at the waterfall, when Naia had dropped like a graceless stone off of a ledge and into a cave below the falls.

Her laughter subsiding, she fixed her partner with a warm smile. ”I feel whole again,” she breathed, nudging her head to rest beneath Inali’s chin. Now that they were together, Naia refused to spend any time not touching some part of Inali’s breathtaking body. ”It’s getting worse.” Naia knew that Inali would understand what she meant: it was getting harder and harder to be apart. Though they had never spoken of it aloud, Naia knew that Inali must have considered—as she had—how their relationship would progress from this point. Wolves were not made to live apart from their loved ones, and Inali too must be feeling the strain of it on her heart. Naia would never ask Inali to abandon her loyalty to Minka and the Downs though, just as she knew Inali would never expect her to leave Maksim and her home in Cut Rock River. It wasn’t an easy path the two of them had chosen, and it would only get more difficult.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Her unspoken statement seemed to be the final straw for her love. Naia yipped and launched towards her. Inali laughed, basking in both of their exuberance at being together once again. Their chests were pressed as close they could. So close that under her own breast, she felt the fluttering of Naia's heartbeat. Even still, all Inali wanted to do was get closer. Inali leaned in closer, as if in a daze, but before she could go through with what she was planning, Baia's paw slipped and splashed into the cold water. The water temporarily cooled the fire within, but not for long. Whenever they were together, all Inali wanted to do was feel. Feel Naia's every breath and fiery touch. Nevertheless, Inali joined her beloved in laughter. What more could she ask for than her lover's happiness? Naia nudged her head under her chin, and the blue eyed fae once again marveled at how they fit so perfectly like two puzzle pieces. At Naia's murmured words, a shadow came over her joy. Yes, it was getting worse.

When Naia had left on her scouting trip, Inali had felt a pang to her heart like never before. So much had she wanted to go with her love, but she couldn't. Here they were, so loyal to their respective packs, but still yet so in love and devoted to each other. Inali sighed, her chest deflating. Yet, so many obstacles...

Licking the crown of Naia's head in an affectionate manner, she murmured the following words. "And it will continue to get worse. Nevertheless, I want you with me. No matter how far apart we are driven." She bent her head, lifting Naia's own so she could nuzzle the side of her face and breathe in her scent. "I can only thank the fates our packs are allies, not enemies," she spoke softly.

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Naia nodded as her lover spoke, her resolve hardening to match the passion in Inali’s tone. When they were apart sometime the ache felt too much to bear, but hearing Inali’s reassurance reminded her that her lover was suffering just as badly, and if Inali could bear it so could Naia. ”Then that makes it worth it,” she murmured, lifting her maw to delight in Inali’s warm breath on her face. She felt Inali nudge under her chin and turned her face into her lover’s, rubbing her cheek against Inali’s. She scooched her body in closer, giving a slight shiver that was one part chill and one part delight. She opened her eyes as Inali spoke again, voicing the same thought that Naia had thought hundreds of time herself. Long distance relationships were agonizing, but it could very well have been so much worse. Had Inali been from say, Hollowheart Keep, Naia really would have a reason to hide this love affair.

”Yes, thank the fates,” Naia echoed, burying her face into the crook behind Inali’s foreleg so suddenly that it was like to surprise the other woman. ”Thank the fates I can do this, she said, her shoulder following her face as Naia rubbed herself down the length of Inali’s body, ”..and not have to worry what I will smell like coming home.” Her tone had turned playful—it was impossible to ruminate on such serious topics when her heart felt so joyful. As her face reached Inali’s flank she gave her the tiniest of nips and immediately bounced just out of reach with a coy expression. Her tone might have been offhand, but her words carried weight—she meant to communicate to Inali that she was no longer hiding their relationship from her packmates, for better or for worse.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

She jolted slightly as Naia suddenly moved, burying her face in the crook of her foreleg. The woman shivered in delight, enjoying their game in more ways than one. As Naia continued to be a tease, it took a bit for the words to penetrate. She blinked in surprise, then she smiled as her blue orbs turned liquid. Rolling her eyes playfully at Naia's coy smile, Inali darted for her lovers side, casting the smallest of bites and ducking away before barking out a laugh. "Mm, yes darling, thank the fates indeed. For if it wasn't for them," she trailed off as she moved quickly, taking a jump off of light feet to pounce on her beloved, sending them both to the ground in a tangle of limbs abd frantic heartbeats. ..we wouldn't be able to play like this. And I quite like our play," she continued as she nipped and left 'kisses' all over her lover's maw.

"Thanks to them, my love, I no longer worry who meets me at the borders and can smell you on me," she finished in a whisper. Inali had recieved Naia's message loud and clear. It was good to know that they were in this together. If they judged, they judged. And if they didn't, they didn't. Wolves judgements of their relationship wouldn't affect her, because at the end of the day, she had Naia's love and she knew it was the real deal. Right now though, she didn't want to think of the outside world. Here, in this little clearing with the creek beside them and the pale moonlight over them, it was just Inali and Naia. And no one else existed.

"I love you," she spoke. The words had never been spoken aloud, but the feelings had been shown. Still, the dark brown woman felt like she needed to say them. She wanted to say them.

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


The emotion behind Inali’s azure eyes as Naia’s words sank in all but turned the little scout’s legs to jelly. She was helpless as Inali returned her love-nip, raising a paw to bat her away much too late. Then she pounced, and the pair rolled to the ground in a heap of limbs and giggles. Naia puppy-mouthed at her lover in feigned protest as she attacked her muzzle with kisses, falling still only when the Downs woman finished her sentence with a whisper. Naia met her gaze for a long moment, her playful antics momentarily paused by the gravity of Inali’s statement. It was mutually agreed; no more hiding, no more slipping away under the cover of night.. perhaps they would even meet each other’s families. The thought of introducing her female lover to a surprised and flustered Maksim was enough to bring a crooked smile to the scout’s face.

”I love you,” Inali told her, and the words spoken aloud struck an unfamiliar tone. Had the couple really never said I love you to one another out loud like this? Naia could think of a thousand times when she had spoken those words to Inali in her mind. ”Inali..” she breathed, savoring the emotion passing between them like an electric current. ”I love you too.” Her forelegs closed around Inali’s shoulder blades, drawing the woman in to nuzzle her. The fates had brought them together, and so the fates would continue to aid them. It was easy to believe that with Inali here, in her embrace, her scent drowning every other thought and sense and worry in Naia’s mind. Feeling suddenly dizzy, Naia used the crook of her foreleg to push herself to an upright position. She gazed down at Inali affectionately. ”Tell me what has passed for you this summer. I want to know everything.” They hadn’t had much time to catch up last time they spoke, with Naia’s mission looming overhead and other wolves in the mix. Naia gave Inali’s nose a small lick of encouragement.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Time seemed to stop as they just stared at each other, trapped in a bubble of their own making with no desire to escape. Inali closed her eyes as Naia spoke, reciprocating with words what they both felt. She let herself get lost in the emotion, breathing in Naia's scent of cedar and just plain Naia. It was a scent that could never be forgotten, for it was burned into her memory and into her heart for years to come. The honey eyed fae drew her in, nuzzling her and Inali didn't waste any time reciprocating the touch. So much that they felt for each other, in what seemed such little time. It was like a blur, all their meetings like a continuing memory in her brain. The woman let out an affectionate whine, nipping softly at what she could reach. If only all their time could be spent like this, just holding each other and basking in their passionate emotions.

Naia pulled away slightly, but only to lift herself up and Inali stared up into her honey orbs alight with a warmth that probably shined in her own. Her lover asked her a question, and a small smile spread across her muzzle as Naia showed her affection. The woman leaned into the touch, and opened her maw to speak. "There really isn't much to tell," she spoke with a light chuckle. I haven't gone out of the territory as much as I wished to. @Kova, Minka's son, he's a good boy. Spent a little time with him, though not much as I would've liked to. I've seen him around @Firefly quite a bit now, a new yearling. I like her, she is very eager to prove herself to the pack. Noble is a quiet one, I don't see her around much. @Bane, he's a yearling as well. He is quiet as well, not much of a talker. He's shaping up to be a good man one day. I care for him much." A proud gleam seemed to shine in her blue orbs. She hadn't had anything to do with his upbringing, but she was still proud of the growth she saw in him, of the man who he was becoming. I wish you had the chance to meet them all," she finished almost wistfully. Naia was a friendly creature, much like Inali, and the petite woman didnt think it would take long at all for her beloved to make friends with her family. After all, it didn't take long at all for Naia to capture her heart. How is everyone in Cut Rock?," she questioned. "How is Karpos?," she continued, remembering the dark lad at their borders.

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


”There really isn’t much to tell,” Inali replied with a chuckle. She was so beautiful when she laughed. Naia nudged her lover’s muzzle in wordless encouragement for her to continue, and Inali told her of what had passed in the Downs over the course of the summer. The River scout did her best to remember the names, but wolves she had never met were difficult for her to keep straight in her mind, especially when she had such an enchanting distraction laid out before her. Naia had no doubt that she would meet them all eventually anyway. Not only were the Downs wolves Inali’s family, they were the River’s allies… and Naia expected the packs would converge sooner than she liked in order to tackle the looming problem that was Whisper Caverns.

”Careful what you wish for, love.” A worried look passed across her features. Perhaps others who smelled Inali’s scent on her would wonder if her personal life was affecting her work, but in truth it was more often the other way around. Now that they didn’t need to work about Hollowheart Keep, Naia’s focus had turned swiftly to Whisper Caverns. As much as Naia would love to meet those that Inali held dear, she would prefer that it was not during war.

”I miss them,”she sighed in reply. Her mission had kept her too far from home, too long. “New recruits have come and gone, but the core remains the same. Maksim and Kisla have their paws full with the children. Karpos is well—he is quite attached to our healer, Lachesis, who is a good influence on him thank the gods. All three of us lived in Pitch Pine Trail this time last year. “ Had she told Inali of her previous pack? Naia couldn’t remember if it had ever come up. While her depart from Pitch Pine Trail hadn’t been a dramatic showdown like Inali’s flight from the Caverns, she still had significant pain attached to the event. A pack is a family, after all. She was lucky to reconnect with so many other Trail refugees in Cut Rock River.
