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mad sounds — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
for anyone! :) possibly someone looking for a pack?

Winter was coming.

The air was growing colder; crisper. Frost clung to the grass in the morning, and his breath came out in clouds as he left the warmth of his den. The arrival of winter brought back painful memories, ones that the healer tried compulsively to supress. It had almost been a year since Anastasia’s disappearance, and it seemed as though the wound would never close. There was not a day that went by that the long-legged leader did not miss his blue-eyed china doll. He refused to believe that something… undesirable had happened to her. As far as he was concerned, she had managed to find her way off the mountain and was living with some pack outside of Relic Lore. That was the only answer he would accept.

He had left the comfort of his den (and Bastet) in the early hours of the morning, well before the sun rose past the horizon. The cool air clung to his fur, chilling him down to the bone as he maneuvered through the territory. Lachesis had left initially to do a quick sweep of the border, but had decided to travel a little further to a former haunt; one that he and Anastasia had made home for several weeks. His ghostly figure moved effortlessly through the trees; he did not want to be gone for too long. Collect a few herbs, sniff around for some loners, and then return back to the river. Although his inventory was well-stocked, perhaps even overstocked, he wanted to be prepared for the winter. Some of his supplies had dwindled after taking care of Maksim, so XIX knew he needed to replenish what was missing.

The familiar territory brought back even more supressed memories, but these weren’t ones he wanted to avoid. They were ones that he embraced. Memories of his first few months within Relic Lore, where Anastasia was teaching him what skills he would need after being accepted into a pack. She had taught him how to be properly submissive, and how to not be so afraid of others. It was where they had discussed their plans for joining a pack, and where to explore next in the Lore. A smile fell onto his dark lips as he thought about the conversations shared between the two… would there ever be any more?

Ice flanked the edge of the creek, crunching beneath his toes as he walked parallel to it. The sun had begun to creep between the tree branches, breaking through in streaks as it illuminated the frost-covered ground. As miserable as winter was, XIX could not deny that the ice and snow carried some beauty to it. Born an Arctic wolf the cold came second nature to it; his pelt had already begun to thicken considerably as the winter months drew closer. Of course the healer preferred the warmth of the summer sun, but he was built for the snow.

His movements were erratic as he paced the edge of the creek, his nose hovering inches above the ground as he searched for any herbs to bring back to his den. XIX planned to return to the river just after the sun reached its peak – he wanted to be back before night fell onto the lands once more. Bastet had still been asleep when he had slunk out of the den; the last thing he wanted was to worry the raven-coloured female.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
I am going to have a thread with Jynx about trying to get Jester to join CRR but thought this would be a good chance for these two to meet.

When Jester had woken up that morning he had decided that instead of going to the forest like he had originally planned he would explore. After he had gone to Ghastly Woods and having the creepy forest around him he was rather enjoying a break from all the fog and mist in the area deciding to form where ever he was. Today he mused was rather nice the clouds shifted in the sky sometimes blocking the weak sunlight.

With a large yawn the dark wolf stretched out his legs. It was a little late to be getting up for him but the snow that had fallen the night before had covered him like a blanket and had added extra protection and warmth. Shaking himself of the pale stuff he padded towards were he knew a creek was. Maybe he would find a rabbit for breakfast. The thought made his ears prick forward with interest. Then he let out a small laugh at himself. What rabbit would go to a creek when it could eat the snow if it was thirsty?

His legs paused at the thought as he looked down at the cold wet stuff between his feet. Why didn't he do the same thing? Because he thought with a sigh. If he had licked up some snow and ice together it could cut his tongue.

Continuing to move forward a scent on air had his nose twitching. A wolf had come this way not to long ago. Jester had not seen anyone else in a couple of days and though he was a little tired of being his only company he did feel the urge to seek this one out. If they crossed paths okay. If not he at least knew that someone was in the area at least for the time being.

Nearing the creek Jester eyes caught movement. His head turned accordingly as he watched a pale wolf pace his thirst forgotten. Back and forth he went as if searching for something. Jester watched for a moment before going towards the stranger. He deliberately shuffled his paws against the ground making some noise as he approached. Didn't want to startle the guy now did he?

Once he was closer to the smaller wolf he called out Hello? Are you looking for something? He had his head raised with interest and his tail swung loosely behind him as he waited for the other to respond.

(This post was last modified: Nov 18, 2014, 05:19 AM by Jester.)
-With eyes as orange as pumpkin on halloween night-
-I bring to you laughter and light-
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
thanks for joining! :) @Jester

XIX continued his search along the water’s edge, his nostrils flaring as he sought the familiar scents of the herbs he was looking for. Soon the ground would be covered in a thick blanket of snow and it would become near impossible to find soil-grown herbs. Due to previous depression and reluctance to be around others, his inventory was overflowing. There had been minor incidents within the pack that required his skills, aside from the birth and Maksim’s recent health scare. The lack of injuries and illness in the pack was a good sign – it meant they were healthy and strong. However, XIX always wanted to be prepared, especially with the arrival of winter.

Just as he had grabbed the stalk of a horsetail plant an unfamiliar scent distracted him, causing him to drop the plant. A loner. Perhaps this wolf had not yet been exposed to the many packs of Relic Lore; his interest peeked immediately. However, there was the possibility that this wolf was not the right fit for Cut Rock – the River wolves could no longer afford flakey and disloyal members. Too many wolves had come and go, and they needed to flourish.

He pulled at another horsetail to distract himself as the stranger approached, the frost-covered ground crunching beneath their paws as they drew closer. Adding the plant to his small pile the long-legged leader turned his attention to the raven-coloured stranger as he spoke, his posture immediately adopting a dominant stance. This whole leader-thing had begun to come naturally to the former awkward, skittish male. He knew, however, that he still had much to learn about leading a pack – skills he could learn from Maksim once his health returned.

“Horsetail,” he responded in a light tone as he motioned to the pile at his feet. “Used for healing wounds,” he added as an explanation, his shoulders rolling after his words. “Are you looking for something?” A pack perhaps? The stranger’s appearance reminded him of Bastet: his coat was just as dark, almost completely void of blemishes, and he had the same fiery orange eyes that one of Bastet’s possessed. He remained silent as he waited for the dark loner to respond. Lachesis would always be wary of strangers, but he was getting better – as a leader meeting strangers was something that he needed to get accustom to, or else the pack would never have new members.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
You're welcome ^^

The stranger immediately adopted a dominant stance as he focus turned towards the dark wolf. Jester lowered his head and body slightly submissively. Though his body was lowered his focus on the other did not waver. He had no need for a fight over dominance especially when the chill of winter was around them. Yet, if the other pushed the issue he would defend himself even if he didn't have much experience. Which if he ever found someone willing to teach him he would apply himself readily. At the moment though Jester hoped that the other would accept that the dark wolf didn't want to cause an issue.

Jester looked to the pile of plants at the pale wolf's feet as the other mentioned them. His orange gaze looked back up. "Are you a healer then?" He asked curiously. His mother had been one and he hadn't seen another since his dismissal from the pack. A healer was a great asset to any pack or friend and curious he drew in a deep lungful of air. The pale wolf before him had a hint of others to it. Jester hesitated as he considered to himself if he should ask about the others pack but decided not to. He would be going south to the forest that he had first found himself in and if the one that stood in front of him was from a pack in this forest he didn't want to approach about possibly joining.

Jester smiled as he shook his head. "At the moment I am exploring the areas around here. But I will be going southeast when I am done." Voice light he tipped his head in the direction.

Suddenly a grin spread across his face ivory teeth stark against his black fur. "Almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jester." He dipped his head low as he said his name before bringing it back up again. He did the move with a dropping of eyes but once it was done he continued to watch the pale male before him a small smile on his face. He didn't ask for the other's name but was curious despite himself.

(This post was last modified: Nov 18, 2014, 05:18 AM by Jester.)
-With eyes as orange as pumpkin on halloween night-
-I bring to you laughter and light-
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
I am so sorry for the wait! :( @Jester

Lachesis observed the dark stranger as he adjusted his position accordingly; the healer wasn’t one to fight, especially over dominance, but he would if the situation called for it. With the arrival of winter it seemed lone wolves were growing more humble and submissive – they didn’t want to anger pack wolves as they knew it could result in them not finding a pack for winter.

He nodded at the loner’s question, offering a lop-sided grin before responding: “Yes, I’m the healer of Cut Rock River, a pack just south of here.” He left out his rank, as for now Lachesis did not think it was necessary to share that information. As much as the acting leader of Cut Rock wanted to recruit members to the pack, he did not want to throw out his current rank as he worried it would cause loners to grow anxious. If the loner was interested, Lachesis would elaborate further on the pack; he did not want to push Cut Rock on the raven-coloured male. Depending how new he was to the Lore, he might already have a particular pack in mind.

However, he interest peeked as the fiery-eyed male announced he would soon be heading south. Perhaps there would be another new member in Cut Rock’s future. “I’m Lachesis, or Nineteen,” he introduced with a lop-sided grin and a shrug. He was no longer particular about which name he was called by – he would introduce himself as both, and would answer to both. “Have you been in the Lore long?”

(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2014, 10:12 PM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
OOC: It's alright @Lachesis

So the wolf before him was a healer then and from a pack south of this area. The dark male had a certain amount of respect for them seeing as he couldn't keep the attributes of all the plants straight. Plus his mother had been one so he had to respect them even more or she would explain to him why healers were important and that many would have died without them. He had usually zoned out halfway through her lecture, but its overall meaning had made itself clear. Healers were to be treated with respect.

The other then proceeded to introduce himself with two names. Jester's interest was peeked instantly and it was quite obvious though he tried to hide it. He felt like an eager puppy asking so many questions that he talked the other wolf's ears off. A large grin spread on his face in response to Lachesis's and to his inner thoughts. He would just need to learn to restrain his curiosity then wolves needed their ears after all. The pale male then asked him a question and Jester focused on answering it.

I have been around for about a month. He said tipping his head as he tried to count back the days since he had entered this new land. Well he figured that he his guess was about accurate and he decided that it wouldn't need to be added to. Did you come to this area as well or were you born here? Jester asked maybe this one was a traveler to though if he was in a pack he wasn't one now.

(This post was last modified: Dec 09, 2014, 05:31 AM by Jester.)
-With eyes as orange as pumpkin on halloween night-
-I bring to you laughter and light-
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He could practically feel the darker male’s mind filling with questions after Lachesis introduced himself. It was not unusual for most wolves to have nicknames, or a second name close to the original, but both of his names were completely different from each other. While ‘Nineteen’ identified him as a number, the alabaster male still considered it a part of his identity. When he had first arrived in Relic Lore he had only introduced himself as Nineteen, as he felt as though the name given to him by his mother should be shared. It had taken the healer many moons to be able to give out his second name; now, both names were given without consideration. He had no preference to which he liked being called by – he would always answer to both, as they were both a part of who he was.

“I came here from a place far north of here,” he said in response to Jester’s question, his pear-coloured eyes focused on the loner’s dark frame. “I have been in Relic Lore for over a year now. Cut Rock has been my home since the pack formed last winter.” He hoped that the fiery-eyed loner would be interested in joining the River wolves – they needed to increase their numbers as winter approached. There were few founding members left within the pack, and XIX often worried that their dwindling numbers meant Cut Rock would soon fall apart. He could not let that happen. The pack was his home; his safe haven. Maksim had done so much for him in the past year, and had helped him overcome the loss of Anastasia.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
Jester listened curiously. If this stranger was in a pack that had formed in winter then they must have some strong bonds in order to have come together and stay together until now. The fact that Lachesis had been here for over a year made the shadowed male wonder what he knew of the packs in the area. There had to be more than the one. Right? Unless the wolves here just passed through here like the geese did on their yearly flights.

That is an interesting pack name. If I may ask why that name? He had heard of other names such as Flightless Falcons and Cher Lune in the other lands that he had passed through. Most of the time they usually had some sort of reason for picking that name whether it was landmarks or the wolves beliefs. Some of the others he had met had come from small traveling bands like the one that he had come from with names that changed with the different leaders.

Sitting on his haunches he relaxed. He didn't know how long this meeting would be and standing there doing nothing was making his legs cold. Curling his tail so that it rested on his paws he tried to keep them warm. He was interested in learning about the areas and if Lachesis had been here as long as he said he had he must have traveled some and learned about the land around them. That information was knowledge and knowledge could keep you alive.