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all my heroes are ghosts — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Ghost who has 44 posts.
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Silentium Hervok
RE: Silentium - Lucky you! You’ve found a half eaten elk.

@Kova @Noble

silence is golden
silentium hervok
silentium est aureum

This was the farthest Silentium had ever wandered from the borders, truthfully the first time he had ever crossed them. While his brothers had often made use of their time by exploring and pushing the boundaries of the rules mum has set for them the blonde pup was much more timid. Today was a huge step for him, one he didn't even realize that he was making. Nose to the ground he followed the scent, stopping only briefly when he reached the border before he crossed it.

It was the smell of food that had brought him so far, not only food but fresh food, not the find you could find in the caches. Old enough to recognize the smell of prey he had instantly sought it out, intent on catching whatever it was and bringing it back to his mum. Si wasn't experienced enough to know the difference between a hare and a elk, let alone be able to recognize the difference in their scents. So when he set out he had been confident in his ability to bring the meal home to @Nina, after all he had seen @Koda hunt rabbits before and he thought he knew what he was doing. Bringing home a fresh kill was something that neither @Unitas or @Pacem had done before and the silent brother was determined to be the first.

There was a jealousy deep in his heart of his two siblings, they both seemed to master skills so easily and quickly that he was always left behind. It was partially this jealousy and partially just the ability difference that had caused the boys to spend little time together, a silent rift growing between the three. The jealousy wasn't always bad, it had sparked a burning determination in the emerald eyed pup and once he set his stubborn mind on something he wouldn't rest until it was accomplished. This was how he had gotten here, not too far, just a five minute walk outside the borders, but outside of the borders all the same.

Ducking beneath some dense foliage Silentium grunted as his fur was caught for a moment before he could pull through. The Hervok was built like a log, lacking the usual lean physique of the wolf his body was boxy with muscle even at his young age of five months. Glancing around the clearing he had answered the boy barked in surprise, he had found what he had been looking for! Even better though it was already upon the ground without any effort from him, but....it as huge. How was he supposed to carry this home to mum?

[Image: Silentium-greysig01.png]
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
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Kova Lagina

He was sooo lost now. Kova's paws ached as he wandered around the trees totally confused about where he was. He had been interested in going back to the woods to see the amazing plants called trees. However he had forgotten the way back home and now was trying to find his way back. Peering around the unfamiliar landscape, Kova's brows furrow with slight worry. When he had first seen the forest up close Kova had felt numb awe creep through his heart and soul. The trees had immediately grabbed his attention with their long limbs and wide trunks. He was fascinated by the way they moved and groaned when the wind buffeted them. He still couldn't believe that these things were just like the bushes of his home. Both kinds of living plants, despite their huge differences. Even though he should be more concerned about being lost, Kova couldn't help but feel immensely comfortable under the thick canopy of the mixed forest.

As Kova wandered through the forest, the young Lagina began to scent a carcass. He still didn't particularly like the smell of any kind of deer carcass, and he didn't like the taste too much either. However when the boy was hungry he would certainly gobble whatever food was set in front of him right down. His stomach gurgled as the smell hit Kova full in the face. Veering towards the smell of the carcass, the gray boys lazy pace betrayed how much more interest he had in the trees than the smell of food. Slowly he made his way towards the site of the kill. His blue orbs intent on darting around and taking in all the sights during this exciting journey.

Soon he approached the carcass. The gray boy could scent that another wolf had claimed the prize before he had, and although that annoyed Kova a bit; he couldn't feel too mad about the situation since he was already having quite a bit of fun in the first place. Instead he decided to greet the other wolf since they smelled about the same age as him.

"Hello! Can I join you?"

He asked innocently not knowing that the other pup had been trying to take all the food to his pack instead of eating from it.
(This post was last modified: Oct 20, 2014, 03:02 PM by Kova.)

Played by Emma who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Noble Lagina

She was following him. A black shadow just barely far enough away to stay out of clear sight, but close enough to hear his noisy steps and watch the end of his gray tail. From time to time she would slow to look up at the intimidating height of the trees, then hurry silently after her brother. When Noble had first noticed her brother amble beyond the border she'd instantly made the decision to trail after him. He wasn't going to have another adventure without her. A sly smile curved her lips at the idea as she carefully placed her large feet in the crinkly leaves, focusing all of her attention on remaining silent.

For a five month-old pup she showed a lot of focus, unfortunately it was single-minded focus. She was doing an excellent job of tracking her brother, but she was just as lost as Kova. Worse yet, being so caught up in her task she wasn't even aware of it yet. When Kova gazed around in awe, Noble paused in her hiding place and gazed out with darkening yellow eyes. Noble could see nothing, a quick glanced confirmed it. Was he trying to hunt? Her body wriggled excitedly at the prospect. She was still upset about missing the moose hunt completely. It was good that she'd followed him. With her here the two siblings would have no trouble. She grinned again, maybe he smelled another moose.

When she went to look for Kova he was gone. Alarmed, she stretched a bit taller to search for him. There he was, slowly walking again. Her eyes rolled, why was he moving so slow? Exasperated Noble pushed forward after her brother.

Noble is only a couple minutes behind Kova!
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-btd.png]
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
OOC: Glad to have someone between my Kova and Unitas posts XD -has no table-

Unitas steps shadowed the scent trail of his brother Silentium. For once he was actually seeking out company instead of heading off someplace on his own like usual. A small smile fell upon the black pups lips as he spotted a mouse jump over then through his path. The little creature was likely running for its den seeking security in the presence of Unitas. He didn't even bother going after it though. Mice tasted good but they were far too small to do anything about his constant hunger. So instead he continued along his brothers trail. He wondered what Silentium was doing. Tas was rather bored at the moment and had nothing better to do.

Eventually his teal orbs spied the shape of a rusted figure ahead of him. The figure was crouched over something and tugging at it. Tas padded forward allowing his tail to curl as the scent of elk washed over his senses. Hunger gnawed at his belly which was quite normal for pups his age.

Then a voice spoke out, a distinct voice that was not familiar to the black wolf. Pushing forward to approach his brother, Tas slid beside Silentium then smiled to his brother flicking his ears in a warm greeting. Then his aqua orbs turned to look at the silver pup as he approached from the opposite direction. Tas glanced to his brother wondering what he was going to do. Silentium had found the elk first, and in Tas's eyes that meant that he had control over it. Although that didn't stop the black wolf from stopping down to sniff at the elk hungrily. If his brother didn't want to share then he would certainly back him and chase off the intruder, but afterwards he would still try taking some for himself. Even if Silentium that meant tricking his brother somehow. Just the thought of playing a joke on him gave Unitas a wicked grin which he immediately tried to hide while looking up at Kova.
Played by Ghost who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silentium Hervok

silence is golden
silentium hervok
silentium est aureum

Silentium had been so focused on the elk that he had not heard the approach of not one but two other pups. When the voice of the stranger reached him the boy startled slightly, before wincing at his mistake. How many times did he have to tell himself to always stay alert? Frowning slightly he stared at the platinum coated male, he certainly wasn't his brothers and he smelled....strange, it made him want to crinkle his nose. The word to describe it if the boy had known would have been sour but he had never heard it before and before now had had no use for it in his vocabulary. Still, another set of paws could help him move this thing and after since it wasn't his brothers he could tell Mum he had done it on his own. After all, recruiting this silver boy would have been something her had done without help, so it still counted.

Opening his mouth ready now with a response he was interrupted by the arrival of his darker brother which instantly dampened his mood. Closing his mouth abruptly he stared as the other Hervok came forward to sniff at the carcass and suddenly his blood boiled. This was his for once in his life something was just his and not Tas was going to ruin everything! Staring dead in the other boys face he growled, "No Tas! No yours! It's ours!" Gesturing with his tail he made it clear that by ours he meant his and the silver stranger. It was sure to come as a shock to his brother, Silentium barely spoke at all and when he did it was never with this tone. His jealousy had finally reached a breaking point and was rearing its ugly head. Perhaps if it had been Pacem he would be shared and let him help, but it wasn't and he had not time for Unitas' tricks today.

Played by Emma who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Noble Lagina

From somewhere up ahead, she could hear Kova's familiar voice. What? Noble stopped and tilted her head in puzzlement, certainly Kova wasn't talking to himself, was he? A deep, thick voice answered and the dark girl gasped. She flew forward, heart slamming in her chest. She wasn't sure if it was excitement that urged her own or fear. It could be a fabulous game waiting for her or a dangerous stranger. But this was her brother, and even if it was something terrifying she had to help her brother. He was her brother, her only sibling, she would always be trying to protect him.

There was something in the clearing that would have captivated her attention any other time. The three pups were dwarfed by the dead elk. She didn't even look to it, her eyes skimmed around it, looking for familiar gray fur. There he was! The two other boys had outnumbered, and without thinking it through, she hurried to even the odds.

She trotted over, legs sweeping over the ground easily. Already her limbs were lengthening and they gave her a graceful appearance. As she passed by them on her way to Kova she looked over to give them a fearless glance. Nervous energy strummed in her veins, but she kept cool. She had to appear to be in control, even if she wanted to drag her brother away by his ears. "Hey!" The blunt, unladylike greeting didn't seem to phase her. With the same calm and collected manner she plopped down beside Kova. "What's going on?"

[Image: ROWtwloha2015-btd.png]
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Is my turn
A wide smile parted the silver boys jaws as he looked over the golden ginger male who still looked friendly. At least he hadn't turned Kova away or started growling. Leaning forward intently to listen as Silentium opened his maw to speak, their meeting was interrupted as a darker form swept over the leaves and stood near the ginger pup. Kova eyed the new male defiantly as the new Hervok pup stared at him. Then he glanced to the ginger pup in surprise as he snapped at the black wolf.

They obviously know each other, and they smell very closely. The same family then? Kova thinks quietly as he watches silently from across the elk. Feeling another presence behind him Kova's fur bristles along his spine. He turns around just in time to spot the familiar pelt of his regal sister placing itself beside him. Pressing his ear to his head to block out a little of Noble's greeting, Kova then looked back to the two brothers as they stared at each other. Which one of them was the more dominant in their litter Kova wondered? He moved to answer his sister for the nice ginger pelted boy since he seemed busy with the black pup.

"They're brothers I think, by their smells. I got here and found the red one with the.. deer? Now I think the darker brother wants some."

He whispered to her ear while watching the two boys closely and curiously.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Emma who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Noble Lagina
awkward, short post to get back into the original posting order (Unitas->@Silentium->Kova->Noble->Unitas),

On the outside her charade of composure was continuing. On the inside she was writhing. Her gaze flicked sharply to Kova when he started talking and she distantly heard the words. If her brother could be so calm and collected then she was determined to force herself to appear the same. He was still watching them and Noble looked back quickly to the pair. She straightened her legs, hoping it made her seem proud, and felt a flutter of courage as she found herself standing that much taller. Her gaze was a little wider than usual as she watched them, but there was nothing she could do for that.

She felt uncomfortable just standing there, like she should be doing something. In an effort to seem in control, she shimmied closer to the deer and gave it an experimental sniff. It was kind of impressive, even in her nervousness she could at least admit that. There was a curious glance to them that she quickly abandoned in embarrassment. She pulled back and approached Kova to join his side once more. "Did he kill it?" she whispered softly back to Kova, not brave enough to speak directly to either Woodland prince.

(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2015, 01:01 AM by Noble.)
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-btd.png]
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
Yeah I'm a little confused about order now XD

Unitas held his brothers gaze for a moment before his maw twitched into a smile. Well aren't you being a little uppity? he thinks silently still aware of their audience watching silently from the eves. Then he averts his gaze and acts as the subservient brother. Tas didn't care much for the dance that wolves often practiced in his pack. He said what he wanted, submitted when needed, then got back at you when you weren't looking. That was exactly what he was planning on doing now.

"Aww come on Tee, just a little bit?"

He licked his brothers chin as if he were an adult bringing food to the pups. The nickname was derived from when they were just tiny pups and Unitas had had trouble saying his brothers name. Tee was short for Tium, which again was short for Silentium. It had been one of the first things he had called his red hued sibling. If this didn't work he had other idea's shoved up his furry little sleeves to try out.

His ears twitch as the wolves watching them shift themselves to more comfortable positions. He spots the dark girl and gives her a wide grin and a happy wave of his tail in greeting. Then his teal eyes switch to the silver boy. Neither of the other pups seemed to be causing any trouble, and despite his lack of trust in both of them; Unitas finally blinked in greeting to the gray male.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Ghost who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silentium Hervok
so sorry guys!


What had the boy gotten himself into? Suddenly he was surrounded by not only his brother and one stranger, but two. As the newest stranger, a girl blurted out her piece Silentium felt his previous confidence shrivel. While he was okay with attempting to boss his brother around and maybe join forces with the silver stranger he wasn't sure how to handle being so outnumbered. The girl stepped forward and instinctively the blonde pup stepped backwards his tail ducking down between his legs. He was probably stronger than she was but her pure confidence easily outweighed his pale attempt at it.

His emotions quickly turned when his brother's tone reached his good ear. Oh how he hated that childish nickname and he had never made that fact a secret, Unitas surely knew how it bothered him. The golden fur along his spine bristled and instantly Silentium was barring his teeth, a growl ready in his throat should he need it. While Unitas could probably try to trick him and was slick with his words the silent boy was larger and stronger and if it came to a physical fight he felt confident he would win.

The silver stranger's words were lost to Silentium, he had been so focused on his brother and the sounds were uttered so quietly. In fact Si was so lost in the moment that he forgot all about his slight loss in confidence. Tail now flung over his back the boy drew himself to his full height, "No." It was just one word, and a short one at that but it was said with venom and the emerald eyes warned that should Unitas try something he wouldn't hesitate to throw the first blow.

[Image: Silentium-greysig01.png]