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house of gold — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
open to any WR members or lone wolves. WHOEVER COME MEET GREER
While the slender prince preferred to lurk around the willows with the darkness of night on his side, he was also fond of the glow of the morning sun. The air was damp and cold, a drastic change from the warmth that the summer months had brought. He wasn’t sure if he liked what was happening to the weather – it was dreary and cold, awfully cold, and it made night exploring brief and uncomfortable. His parents talked frequently about the upcoming winter (whatever that was) and Greer wasn’t so sure he was going to like it.

His long-legged body moved effortlessly through the trees, weaving around their trunks with an eerie grace as the morning sun filtered in. The warmth was a welcome relief, causing his toes to curl into the cool earth as his pace slowed. He wasn’t really sure where he was going – he was just going. Greer liked being in constant motion. As he grew his body became more defined, his legs lengthening and his body leaning out. He was becoming more equipped for speed as the days passed, and was already able to outrun both his littermates.

A frown creased his maw at the thought of his brothers. He had not seen much of them recently, as he had been busying himself with his nightly adventures and napping during the day. Had they forgotten about him? No – that was ridiculous. They were blood. As much as he disappeared to be on his own they would always be blood; nothing would change that.

As the sun crawled toward its peak the shadow prince flopped against a boulder in the middle of a clearing – his clearing. His silver eyes quickly surveyed the area to ensure that he was alone before he settled down onto the grass. This was his favourite spot to visit. Around this time, each day, the sun would crawl between the branches of the willow trees and illuminate the boulder, offering a little bit of remaining summer warmth. This clearing, along with the boulder, had heard his voice more than anyone in his family – and was the home of his solitary training. But, for now, Greer was content with curling up in the grass.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Hope ya don't mind I throw her in here!

The morning sun had begun its daily ascent into the sky splashing the patches of clouds with shades of pink and orange, a soft glow illuminating the trunks of weeping willow trees that made up the forest and gave name to the pack that called it home. A dark silhouette weaved her way through the mass of glowing trunks intent on finding something small to hunt and serve as her morning breakfast to avoid depleting the ridge's caches that needed to remain as full as possible for the up coming winter months. Besides with the chill that accompanied the morning air a little hunting would do some good in getting her body warmed up for the day.

Head lowered to the ground and nose twitching over every scent trail that filled her nostrils, Enoki continued to weave between the willows until a delicate, but prosperous scent tickled her senses. Rabbit. Hunting mode activated now her slender frame shifted towards the north west in order to follow the rabbit's scent trail, paws picking up her once leisurely pace to a more determined one while her nose sifted through fallen foliage and twigs. Following the light musky smell it didn't take long for the she-wolf to come upon a burrow reeking in the fresh scent of rabbit. Luck must have been on her side that morning and happened to catch the trail only minutes after the rodent had passed by the specific tree in which she caught first whiff of it. Tongue breaking through her lips she gave a quick lick to her chops at the possibility of having a nice plump rabbit to fill her stomach that morning.

Now came the hard part of the task, catching the furry thing. Sticking the tip of her muzzle into the small entrance she gave a deep inhale and almost sighed contently as her senses were greeted by the strong, fresh smell of rabbit. Whoever made this burrow was home and now had an unexpected visitor at the front door. Removing her maw from the hole Enoki soon replaced them with her paws as they began to dig rapidly to expand the hole, dirt and fallen leaves flinging beneath her belly to land in a heap behind her rump. Slowly but surely the hole was beginning to grow wider and wider to a more suitable size that would allow the she-wolf to dive head first into the hole and snatch the meal on legs. Once the renovated burrow pleased the skunk colored woman her paws quit their furious work and moved aside to allow her head to plunge in, a squeal of torture resonating on the quiet morning air as moments later she pulled her head out with a limp rabbit clamped between mighty jaws. Breakfast was served.

If she didn't know better Enoki would have settled right there to enjoy her light breakfast, but sticking around a kill sight whether it was large or small was never a smart idea. The scent of fresh blood would without a doubt draw in other predators to the scent and Enoki was not about to give up her meal to a bear or lynx so with prize in mouth she trotted off in search of a pleasant place to dine that chilly morning. Once more weaving through the thick trunks of the willows the woman came to a stop as a new yet familiar scent crossed her path. Tilting her head skyward slightly to better detect the scent her brows furrowed slightly in curiosity. The mix of earthy soil and piquant of the willows could only belong to a member of the ridge, but the scent was also foreign to Enoki. Perhaps she had stumbled upon one of the many members she was yet to meet since joining their ranks. There was only one way to find out and her previous task of indulging on rabbit was pushed aside in order to focus on discovering who this mystery pack member was, maybe even share her food with whoever it was she came upon.

Using her excellent tracking skills Enoki followed the aroma deeper into the willow forest until they began to thin, revealing a small clearing where the scent grew strongest. Amber eyes glanced around the clearing and settled on the small form of a swarthy pup nestled in the grass that grew around a large boulder, his pelt cloaked by the warming rays of the morning sun. The little prince didn't seem to be sleeping(yet) as she slowly approached his resting spot, pausing only momentarily to deposit her rabbit on the ground in order to send a woof in his direction alerting him of her presence. She wondered who this prince could be and why he was alone this far from the pack.

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
thanks for joining! :) @Enoki

Everything was moving so quickly. The weather had grown to be incredibly unpredictable, though usually alarmingly cold, and there was constantly new things happening within the pack. Greer couldn’t deny that he often felt out of the loop. He frequently left the pack dens to be on his own, exploring the ridge and the surrounding forest without the company of his family or packmates. He was a lone wolf living among others, and he hoped his family did not resent him for it. His mother was understanding – she would dote on her children regardless of what they preferred to do. His brothers, however… Greer wasn’t sure how they felt. They were always so rambunctious, the polar opposite of willowy prince.

As the warmth traveled over his pack he realized the morning was slowly beginning to pass. While he had not fallen asleep by the boulder, he had not moved from his position. Birds chirped around him, soothing the boy’s always racing mind as he buried his muzzle between his paws. Even if he wanted to be, Greer did not know how to be social. He was so persistent on being on his own that he did not quite understand how to interact with others. Most of the time, he didn’t want to – but he knew he would have to eventually. The thought made his stomach tense and caused a frown to crease his dark lips.

The scent of another, mingled with fresh skill, wafted into the clearing unexpectedly. The frown cut deeper against his dark maw, though barely visible against his dark pelt as his ears swivelled to the direction of the stranger. He did not want to be bothered, but the smell of the freshly killed rabbit was overpowering. He had not realized how hungry he was until his stomach started churning at the thought of a meal. As the female approached he did not rouse from his position; he remained curled up in the dew-soaked grass as he raised his head after she gave a soft ‘woof’ to announce her arrival. His silver orbs narrowed as they studied her, his licorice lips pursed as words refused to fall from his tongue. Greer didn’t like introductions – he wasn’t very good at them and never started them. Instead of verbally greeting the female he shot her a ‘what are you doing here?’ expression as his gaze finally fell onto her dark face.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Welcome :)

At first it appeared that her announcement had gone unheard or ignored by the swarthy pup as he did not make any distinguishable gesture to prove other wise other than a small swivel of his hears, that too almost unseen by the blackness of his pelt. Pausing a yard or two from the pup that didn't seem eager at all to interact with her, she gently deposited the dead rabbit on the dew-coated blades of grass that brushed against her paws before lifting her head to study the young prince. Unlike his siblings that she had encountered there was no secondary color blemishing his coat and instead he held a pelt as black as the night its self with a pair of ghostly silver orbs to match that studied her with a look of scrutiny for disturbing his peaceful alone time.

He did not speak upon her arrival, but the look that settled upon his countenance was wordy enough to portray what his tongue did not speak, what was she doing here. Briefly meeting his phantasmal gaze with her bright amber one her haunches rolled back into a sitting position against the frigorific grass while a single paw lifted to softly nudge her kill to the side a bit. Her attention was more interested in the lone pup than the small breakfast she acquired. "The name is Enoki Ashrelle, little prince." She introduced herself first before continuing onward to answer his silent question. "I was out catching my morning breakfast when I caught scent of you and was curious to know why you were this far from the pack den. I wanted to make sure you weren't in danger." Truth filled her words as they fell from the ebony lining of her lips, amber orbs scanning over his onyx fur to insure that there was nothing the matter with him. He checked out with the Ashrelle woman, but his physical fitness didn't ease the light worry she held inside. The other Ridge princes had been eager to find their litter mates, but this one seemed to be the exact opposite. He came off as a loner among his own kin. This was an interesting thing to the woman.

"May I have your name, or is little prince fine with you?" Enoki inquired, head tilting to the side a fraction of an inch out of curiosity. Little prince was the nickname she had given all the pups until they offered their true names, but the other siblings had enjoyed the regal nickname she adorned them with. Would he reciprocate the same way or be offended by the nickname? The thought disappeared as soon as it arose when her stomach gave a soft gurgle, demanding it be fed something to sooth its hunger. Stealing a glance at the rabbit carcass that remained untouched she pondered if the dark hued prince wanted a bite to eat. She did not ask and as she awaited some form of an answer as to what his name was her head lowered to the motionless rodent, sinking canines into tender flesh to tear open the belly. Fluffs of fur stuck to her mouth as she did so and once the stomach was opened Enoki tore off a good portion of meat and liver for the pup, tossing it at his feet with a flick of her head. Perhaps a little food would encourage the little guy to open up a bit to her. Maybe not open up a lot, but getting a name at least was a good start here. Now that his portion was handed to him she rose her ebony crown, refusing to take a bite of the rabbit that remained out of respect. It may not have been a pack feast, but even she knew how disrespectful it was for one to eat before a pup of the pack or to eat the best parts for themselves and that was why she waited. She would not eat until he did.