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My Hiding Place — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
@Miccah <3
RE: There is a heavy snowstorm on its way - Late morning, Cloudy — 1° F/-17° C

Snow, snow, snow. It's inconvenience was beginning to outweigh its beauty! Today it had at least stopped falling, but a thick sheet still remained, covering everything in frosty crystals. The young wolfess had awakened to a cold wind, seeping through the entrance of the communal den, making her ears creep back in displeasure. Unable to fall asleep again, she had finally rolled over with a grunt, opening her copper eyes to gaze out at the world. She had first been pleased to find that the snowfall had stopped, only to frown in dismay as she heard the wind howling and saw the little clouds of snow being blown about. It might not be actually snowing anymore, but this storm would more than make up for that.

Still, she couldn't spend all day huddled up in here, and taking a quick look around, she noted that several of her pack mates were already out and about; though it couldn't be that late. So she shook out her fur and pushed too her feet, giving only the slightest grumble of annoyance as she stepped put into the gale. Turning her back to the strong wind, she began taking her regular morning route, checking on the herb stores before heading to the borders. Even with the storm at her back, she had to keep her eyes half closed to avoid the swirling flakes flying into them; And I was hoping for a mild winter this year... But it looked like nature would award them no mercy as a compensation for last year's harsh cold season; Oh well, no such luck! She sighed lightly to herself, but then struck up a little smile; it wasn't like she wasn't used to snow and ice after all.

Her mood didn't last long though. She was only at the second stop on her check when she was met by a disheartening sight. The little hollow that had been dug out beneath a larger tree, to serve as storage for some of the pack's medicinal herbs, had been piling up with snow over the past few days, and now she was getting her penalty for not clearing it yesterday; over night, it had finally caved in under the weight. "Oh damn this wretched snow!" She growled, digging furiously at the pile; If those herbs are ruined, I don't know what I'm gonna do!

Word count: 395

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Sorry I took ages!


The man would not make the same mistake again. Last winter, in the midst of a harsh snowstorm, two members had gotten lost - Hollow and Ashton, and on his watch. This time, he would make sure everyone was accounted for before the true fury of the snowstorm hit the thickets.

Miccah had woken up that morning to the sight of the beginnings of a snowstorm. He had left the communal den and the rest of his slumbering pack mates to head to the borders. Miccah did various daily patrols, making new routes every so often so the scent of him on the borders would remain as strong as ever. Loners would know that a pack resided here, and he prided himself in that fact. Though low in numbers now, they were still strong.

Moving his massive build with ease, his ebony figure trudged easily through the snow as he fought the wind to continue his patrol. He would stay on the borders as long as he could, making sure to scent everyone in the pack on them before heading to find cover and wait out the storm. He was a determined vigilant, but he was no idiot. He couldn't protect the pack if he got himself stranded, or worse, killed. His muzzle caught the very fresh scent of the healer of the pack, Aideen. She was sleeping in the communal den now, which made him happy that he didnt have to drag her out of the now too large den she had shared with her ex mate. Thinking of Coal leaving the pack and Aideen only served to piss him off, so he pushed the man who he had considered a friend out of his mind. Instead, he went and followed the scent of the woman who had become his friend. Probably his only close companion in the pack. Miccah knew he could take a quick detour and chat with his friend for a bit before heading back to the borders. The sight that awaited him made a chuckle rumble deep in his chest. His usual, emotionless gaze wasn't there as he stared at the petite woman mumbling angrily to herself. In fact, they were alight with amusement. Miccah moved to her side, using his massive build take most of the brunt of the harsh wind, blocking her tiny figure from its ferocity. He opened his maw and rumbled, "What troubles you, my dear friend?," a grin tugging at his muzzle. Even though he found her state amusing, Miccah wished to help her if she so needed it.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
No problem at all <3

With the wind howling in her ears, and all her concentration centered on the task at hand, the fiery wolfess didn't notice his approach. Her copper eyes were half closed against the swirling snow, paws growing senseless from the cold, she dug wildly at the snow, determined to free her medical supplies before the frost ruined them. So when a sudden, deep titter sounded nearby, she jumped slightly, head whipping up to face the man as he appeared out of the woods. Even before her gaze fell on him, she knew who it was, recognizing the soft, deep voice. For a moment, her irritation was forgotten, a bright smile lighting up her face as she looked upon him. "Miccah!" She grinned, feeling a strange warmth flush over her body as she met his striking, dark eyes.

As he walked up to her, she instinctively lowered her posture, though he was no longer her official leader, she still saw him as an authority; and one she had no problem submitting too. He came to stand by her, so close that she could feel the heat from his body radiating against her flank. It made her tinkle all over, though that was mostly because his frame was blocking off the wind that had been blowing against her for so long; Probably... The slight girl looked up at him, so high above her, smiling widely, and she felt a little tickle in her stomach, seeing him smiling back.

For a moment everything seemed still. Then his voice sounded again, his question making the young healer remember her predicament. She frowned. Her head tilted down, copper gaze drifting from Miccah's to instead glare at the pile of snow before her; in which she'd only made a small indent. "Snow!" She growled in answer to his question, facial features tightening into a cross grimace. With a small grunt, she resumed her digging, eyes staying on her work while she explained: "One of my herb stores is under here, a big one. And this snow is gonna ruin the plants if I don't get them out soon!" Her eyes were once more narrowed to slits, focused on her plowing paws; but she sneaked a few glances at the ebony man, in between strokes.

Word count: 377

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

At his question, her smile turned into a frown. It was something so rarely seen on her face, it made him realize something. It made him uncomfortable and frustrated because he didn't like seeing her frustrated. She was glaring down at the snow, like it was her worst enemy. It made him become slightly amused, for the look wasn't suited for her kind features. Miccah watched as she plowed through the snow. Though her paws moved quickly, he couldn't see much progress being done. It was cold, so her paws were probably freezing. "Be calm," he suggested, his voice a rumbling baritone. She was getting frantic, and she needed to calm down in order to think clearly and not just plow through the snow. She could accidentally harm her coveted plants, and he knew she would blame herself for that. Finally, he got annoyed with her rushed pace and spoke strongly in his soft baritone.

"Stop," he spoke briefly once again. He wasn't a man of many words most of the time. Though his voice was strong, his touch was gentle as he raised a paw and used it to move her small dainty ones. Her herbs were very important to her and the pack. He could only hope that her herb stock could still be saved. Miccah moved closer to dig where she had been previously. He dug deep, using his large paws as an advantage. He dug reasonably fast, being careful to keep on eye for any sight of the herbs. His face was determined and his body was taught as he dug, braving the cold and wind with a clench of his jaw and no more.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Dec 24, 2014, 03:44 PM by Miccah.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Managed to get one in for you <3 - Hope it helps the muse ^.^

His rumbling voice resonated deeply in her narrow chest, the feeling sending a light shiver over her, unrelated to the cold winds. She cared little for the words however, not even really hearing them as she focused on her task, digging with growing fury as her claws seemed to make no progress in the frozen cover. Only when he raised his voice did she stop, lifting her head to look at him with an affronted look in her wide, copper eyes. His gaze was not on her however, but on the collapsed store, a strong, dark paw moving to push aside her own.

The touch was impossibly gentle, ever so lightly nudging her frozen feet away so that his could take their place; strange, warm tremors racing up her legs at the brush. Her indignation was forgotten, warmth spreading over her cheeks as she stepped back a little to give him space to work. Looking down at his digging paws, she saw immediately what her error had been, and more blood rushed to her face; where her irate scratching had done little, his long, powerful strokes broke easily through the snow, moving it like water. He had known they would, of course, which was why he had stopped her; Stupid me! While he worked, she continued to sneak glances at him, the muscles bulging underneath his handsome, ebony fleece with each push.

She had to force herself to look down at the work before them, and a good thing she did too, as a flash of green showed through the white at the next scrape. "Careful!" She squeaked, excitement gripping her. Now it was her turn to push at him, a lot more forcefully than he had earlier - though that was not because of agitation, but simply the difference in size between them making it much harder for her to move him than the other way around - as she stepped in to do the more delicate work. With some of the feeling left in her paws after her break from the digging, the petite healer scraped carefully at the snow, brushing it away from the treasure hidden underneath. Some of them will be ruined, she told herself somberly, trying to lower her expectations as she uncovered the stored herbs. Most of them were dried, and sure enough, some had been crushed under the weight of the cave in; And possibly my thoughtless 'digging'... But most were still intact, as well as the seed shells and part of roots and mushrooms. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she narrowed her eyes, casting a quick glance over the plants and the snow and dirt around them. Her grey-tipped brows wrinkled in thought; The ground is too frozen to dig significantly into... "Well have to move these..." She mumbled, eyes still on the herbs as she took tally of the loses and counted up what could be saved; mind again fixated on her duty and the job before her.

Word count: 499

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
I was thinking sort of like a larger storage den? Lol, sorry if this post is confusing xD


As he dug, the cold seemed to seep through his paws but he paid the discomfort no mind. There were more important things at hand than his paws feeling a little cold. Miccah saw the flash of green almost at the same time Aideen did, and he chuckled as she attempted to push away his large, muscular form with her tiny, lithe one. She barely nudged him, but he stepped away so she could have the room she so needed and desired. He watched her as she carefully manuevered through the snow, not wanting to hurt her plants and the rest of her stock. he hoped they were all in good condition, and winced slightly as he saw that some of them were crushed. His deep blue gaze flicked to the sensitive healer's face, but her countenance was not one of sorrow but of hard determination. He felt a strange warmth within him, watching her look so dedicated to save her hard work. Mentally shaking away the strange feeling, the wheels in his mind turned as an idea came to him and he thought if it could work. He had a mini den that he had made for himself, when he needed a time of to be alone and away from the pack. Maybe it could work for Aideen to store her herbs. It would be no trouble to him, he could just find another one if he needed it.

The burly man opened his maw and spoke in his gravel laced timbre. "I know of a place." He bent his head, opening his maw and gently picking up a handful of herbs mixed with roots and mushrooms. She would be able to take the little that was left. He turned, flicking his black tail signaling for her to follow. Not straying much from her form, for he didn't want her to lose his protection against the now harsher winds, he led the way to his den that was far enough away from the communal den but still close if there was danger. Maybe it could work as infirmary of sorts. He didn't know, Aideen was the healer and would say if this was suitable. If it wasn't, they could stake out something that was made to the healer's desires. At a later time, for the snow was swirling all around them showing no mercy. It was getting colder by the second. He entered the den, needing to duck his head, and laid the herbs at his paws. "What do you think?," he questioned as he connected his blue gaze with her fiery one. Would this be suitable?

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
It's good :) <3

The sound of his rugged voice made the rust pelted lass' ear twitch, her head turning to look up at him. As per his usual manner, the dark guardian took action quickly without unnecessary clarifications, picking up the plants and turning. Aideen was quick to follow, gently gathering the remaining medicines and trotting after the man; instantly trusting his judgment.

They walked close together, her protected from the growing winds on the lee side of his large body. It made her feel a little bad, that he was fighting the storm while she could move quite effortlessly; only troubled by the sastruga that where beginning to form in the high snows. But he was tough, and if they switched positions they'd both be battling the wind; Better one than both of us... She moved in close, her russet side brushing his black hairs, and once again she felt that light prickling all over - like when you get up after sitting on your leg for a while, and it's all numb - but she tried to ignore it, instead focusing on the path ahead. Miccah led her through the territory, almost in the same direction as the den in the center of the Woodlands, but he branched off, instead taking her to a smaller burrow in a secluded part of the thicket.

The burly guardian entered the den, crouching down to fit through the opening, and Aideen followed his warmth into the shelter. She looked around curiously, studying the small space. A sudden chill felt her stomach; it was just like the cave she had shared with Coal, which now lay cold and abandoned not far from here, if a little bigger. Miccah spoke, and her head swiveled, eyes wide, for a second she had forgotten he was there, lost in her own thoughts. Now his bright cerulean eyes met her coppers, and she felt the ice in her stomach slowly melt away, her painful memories drifting away. A light smile curved her dark lips, and she waved her tail appreciatively.

After a few extra moments, she pulled her gaze away from his, turning to put down her precious plants at the back of the den. With her mouth now free, she turned her head, smiling warmly at him; "This is lovely," Her eyes drifted along the walls and roof before resting on him again, tail waving once more; "It's much more solid than my caches, I could use something like this, especially for the winter, when it's hard to get to the stored plants." She turned around again, to face him fully, sitting down on the stamped dirt; Well used... She mused. Tilting her head slightly, she looked around again, curiosity alight in her eyes. "Do you sleep here?" She asked, breathing deeply to fill her nose with the scent that was prominent in the small space; His scent..! Like herself, Miccah was often up early and late to go to rest, taking his duty as guardian very seriously. And he seemed to enjoy solitude, even if he appeared social enough when interacting with his pack mates; It's not so strange that he might prefer a quiet place for himself... The russet healer met her companions eyes again, smiling fondly; Even if it feels lonely in the communal den without him.

Word count: 552

Thoughts ”Speech”  
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Hope this is okay. Tell me if it isnt!


Her words of pleasure that this den would suit her made a brief, rare smile appear on his usually stoic face. He nodded, warmth in his eyes. "Good," he rumbled in his deep timbre. He watched as she took another look around, and sat on the smooth ground beneath their paws. Aideen questioned him about the den and the burly gaurdian nodded again. "Some nights," he replied. He enjoyed the solitude more than the crowded mass that was the communal den. Though once he had slept here most nights, he found himself sleeping in the communal den more often now. As a matter of fact, since Aideen had come back to sleep in the pack den...

His brows furrowed lightly, and to distract himself from the lady in front of him and his internal thoughts, the dark man watched the outside. He walked back to the entrance, and he immediately felt the temperature difference. It had gotten colder in the few minutes that they had been in the newly converted storage den. The wind was now blowing harder and Miccah knew in a few moments it would be a full on blizzard. His jaws clenched as he realized he would not be able to go back to do one final patrol as he had so previously wished. The thought disturbed him. What if one of their pack mates was out there? Alone, lost..

Miccah couldn't stomach the thought of another failure like last winter. He couldn't afford to lose any of his family. He turned back to Aideen, towards her familiar copper gaze. For not the first time, he cursed Coal. How could the man have abandoned the beautiful healer. "We must wait out the storm. Rest here." So why wasn't he moving? Miccah swallowed lightly, his body now tense. His facial features were as stoic as ever, and his blue orbs showed nothing of his inner turmoil. The only woman he had ever loved had ripped his heart out more times than he could count. Finally succeeding in ripping his gaze away from the small woman, the burly man lowered himself onto the floor into a comfortable resting position. His mind was choas though. He was trapped for who knew how long with the woman who he may have started thinking along the lines of as more than a friend. Miccah knew he would only get his heart shredded once again if he let these budding feelings grow. There was no way Aideen felt the same way.

Already, the cold of the blizzard was seeping into the den. Miccah shivered. He knew Aideen must be cold as well. So he looked at her, letting warmth seep back into his gaze as he nodded to his side, silently inviting her to him.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
It's perfect <3 - And I might have gotten a bit carried away with this ^^;

He smiled, and the petite woman felt her breath catch, copper eyes fixed in his deep, cerulean blues. It was so scarce, that a smile crossed his lips, but when it did, his whole face lit up, and Aideen felt blissfully happy, just to see it. It was a short honor, the usual, neutral expression soon returning to Miccah's dark facade, but his eyes remained warm, ands she bathed herself in their glow, feeling her own smile growing ever brighter under his gaze. When he turned away, she felt a short pain in her chest, like he'd taken the air with him as he went to the den entrance. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to fill her acing lungs with fresh oxygen, suddenly finding herself counting up herbs in her mind, like she did when she needed to calm herself before treating a patient; Arnica, White fir and Solomon's Seal helps heal cuts and sores; Skunkbush berries and Goldenrod for toothaches...

Only when Miccah spoke, his low voice resonating in her bones, did the healer's mind return to the present, eyes blinking and focusing on his figure near the outside. His head had turned to look at her, and as their eyes met once more, Aideen felt a shiver run over her body. It took a little while for her to register his words, but when she did, her brows furrowed; outside, she could hear the blizzard howling, and the memory of the wind pushing against her lithe frame stood so clear in her mind that she could feel it against her flank. Wait, yes... There was no way anyone was going back out into that mayhem, no matter how many important things they had to do. She sighed lightly, returning her attention to Miccah, who suddenly seemed transfixed on her, his bright blue eyes inscrutable. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks, feeling suddenly, uncharacteristically, self-conscious. She wanted to turn her eyes down, but couldn't, caught in the grip of his azure gaze; What's he thinking? Why's he looking at me like that?! She stared back, unsure whether to be angry or flattered, but never the less feeling strangely grateful to be the target of his attention.

An eternity could have passed, or maybe just a second when his eyes finally released her, turning to the ground as he made himself comfortable. Aideen's own, cobber eyes slid away, embarrassment flooding her. She chose to focus on her herbs, bowing to carefully lift up the galenicals and moving them to the side of the space, spreading them out on a small outcrop a few inches above the ground. When she finished, she felt a little calmer, and once again turned to face her companion. Her heart was raising in her chest; for some reason, being around him made her feel all tingly and lightheaded. The healer in her was listing possible, medical reasons for her giddiness, but meanwhile, her sensory memory already knew the answer, remembering when she'd last felt like this.

Yet another shiver ran through the slender lass, a big one this time, and she looked to Miccah, on the ground near the entrance - his already dark form a shadowy silhouette against the whirling white of the outside - and she realized that he'd taken most of the warmth with him when he moved away, leaving her with paws and a snout that were already starting to grow numb from the cold. She looked at his large, thick-furred figure, longing to press up close against him and share the warmth; that pesky bodily memory of hers again reminding her of how it had felt to once before snuggle up close to another, similar body. She shook her head slightly, expelling those, painful memories and finally sought to meet Miccah's eyes again, a small, shy smile finding its way onto her lips. Just as she looked, the man gestured to the floor next to him, that electrifying heat back in his gaze, and Aideen's smile widened, her tail swaying lightly as she rose and walked over to him on light paws.

With smooth movements, she circled once before laying down next to him. For a moment, she left a small strip of space between them, paws tucked neatly under her folded tail, lining up with his side. Then she swallowed  and stretched out her neck, laying her head on the ground next to his, one eye looking over to meet his. A sudden confidence gripped her, and she smiled at him and rolled onto her stomach, pressing her flank lightly against his, a sigh leaving her lips as she felt his warmth starting to seep into her body. She kept her eye on him, waiting to see how he would react.

Meanwhile, in her head, the image brought forth by her memories changed, the sandy fur replaced by ebony hairs, and the warmth that was slowly loosening her cold muscles found its way to her heart, thawing something at its core that she'd thought would stay frozen forever.

Word count: 847

Thoughts ”Speech”  
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de